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Bases Loaded (Mustangs Baseball)

Page 18

by Roz Lee

  “We need to speed this along,” he said, uncovering her. “Time for this to come out. I’ve got the dildo warming in the bathroom sink. I’ll give it a few minutes to warm up then I’ll make sure it fills you properly. It will take some getting used to.”

  Her head spun. He parted her cheeks. There was pressure against her anus then the large plug popped free, and she sighed with relief.

  “Jesus, look at your ass.” Something else enter her. “I can get three fingers in there without any resistance.”

  He played for a little while until he forced a groan from her. He withdrew, draped the warmed washcloth between her cheeks, and held them closed with one hand.

  “You remember your word, right?”

  “Miners,” she said.

  “Yeah, I hate that team, but I’d hate to hurt you even worse, so don’t be afraid to use it if you need to.”

  “I’m fine. Really. I got weak-kneed in the kitchen thinking about what you said, about putting all my trust in you.” She rose to her elbows and looked over her shoulder at him. “Get the thing…the dildo, please. I want to feel you inside me.”

  “It’s different, you know? I’m not sure how to explain it, having not been on the receiving end, but I know it’s different. I want to do it to you, but you have to understand, the trust goes both ways. I trust you’ll tell me if you hurt or if there’s anything else going on I need to know. It’s emotional. That’s all I’m sayin’. And you have to tell me if it’s too much for you.”

  He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, his knuckle trailing along her jaw, over her shoulder and arm then to her nipple, puckered and hard, begging in the shadows for attention. She let him play, the distraction just what they both needed at that moment.

  His furrowed brow eased as her body responded to his touch, and she was glad she could alleviate his concerns.

  “I promise to tell you if I feel…anything. Please, Antonio. I’m aching.”

  He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, held it prisoner while he spoke. “You’re sure? I was going to give you more time, an hour or two, at least.”

  “Can you last an hour? I know I can’t. I’ll probably come as soon as you get inside me.”

  He tugged on her nipple. A ripple of pain/pleasure shot straight to her pussy. “I want it to be good for you. I want that more than anything.”

  “With you, it’s always good.”

  His smile was tender. He palmed her breast and leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead. “Rest. I’ll get everything we need and be right back.”

  Clare dropped down on the mattress. He checked to make sure the cloth was still in place then pulled the comforter over her again. She closed her eyes, idly wondering if he took this much care with the other women he’d been with.

  She woke to his hands on her, stroking her ass and thighs beneath the comforter. His weight was a solid presence along one side of her body.

  “Wake up, sleepy head.”

  “Mmm…that feels good.”

  “Spread your legs for me, babe.”

  Still on her stomach, she did as she was told. One large hand cupped her, his fingers probing her sex. “Did I sleep?”

  “A couple of hours.” His hand roamed upward, gently explored her nether hole. “Any soreness?”

  “No. That feels good.”

  “I need to see you to get the dildo in properly. I’m going to uncover you now.”

  “’kay.” She opened one eyelid enough to see the room was dark except for a few candles flickering around the room.

  “I’m going to lift you. A pillow under your stomach will make this easier for both of us.”

  She didn’t have a cooperating muscle in her body, but he had enough for both of them. He lifted her hips easily and slid a pillow underneath, tilting her ass up and open. She couldn’t even find the control to fist her hands as he patiently explained his every move.

  Lube. All over. Her pussy, her ass, her thighs. She would need a bath after this.

  “This dildo has a cup on it.” He brought it to her face so she could see it. “This part fits over your mound. Holds it in place.”

  She nodded at the enormous rubber toy. “’kay.” Whatever you want. Fill me. Fuck me.

  Between her legs again, he inserted the head, inquired about her comfort then, assured she was handling it, eased it fully inside her. The front piece applied pressure in just the right spot and the length and girth of the phallus stretched her fully. He had her attention.

  “Relax, babe.” He massaged her thighs, her hips. “Use your word if you need to.”

  “It feels…good. Big, but good.”

  “If you can do this, you can take everyone I know.”

  “It’s big.”

  “Yeah, it is. But no sense using anything smaller. You have to know what the real thing will feel like. That’s why so many women don’t complete the game. They aren’t prepared for the reality.”

  “It’s better now. Will they take it slow like this?”

  “If you ask they will, otherwise, no. I told you, this isn’t easy. It can be a brutal game if you aren’t up to it.”

  “I need…more.”

  He chuckled and kissed each ass cheek. “And you’re going to get more. Ready?”

  “Yes, please, Antonio. Fuck me.”

  “Legs together,” he said, urging her to close over the dildo, increasing the perceived size.

  He straddled her thighs, spread her cheeks with both hands, and seated the head of his cock at her entrance. “I put a condom on while you were still asleep. Can you tell?”


  “Good. It’s a thin one, so it shouldn’t interfere with your pleasure or mine.” He rocked his hips, nudging at her anus. “You’re still open a little from that last plug. I’m going to take it slow. Real slow.”

  She closed her eyes and, as she’d learned to do with the plugs, relaxed her body. He entered her. Stopped, allowing her time to adjust. “Tell me what you feel.”

  “It feels good. Kind of scary, you’re big all at once, not tapered like the plug.”

  “Yeah, I know. I thought about using a dildo on you, but didn’t want to ruin the experience for you.”

  “I like this.”

  She took another inch then he rose up over her, keeping his weight off her by bracing his hands on either side of her head. His thighs bracketed her hips, and she could feel heat radiating off his body. And suddenly, understood what he had been trying to tell her.

  This was different.

  “Here we go, babe. I’m counting on you telling me how you’re doing.”

  His hips flexed, and he slid inside her, lowering his chest to her back. His hands found hers, pinning her to the mattress from head to toe.




  Her brain scrambled to keep up with the sensory overload. For a split-second, her body kicked in to fight mode.

  “Shh, sweetheart. It’s me. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”

  His words got through to her, and she relaxed.


  He filled her, body, soul, and heart. Her body was no longer hers, but his, and her faith, her trust in him, was not misplaced. Warmth flooded her, tears pooled behind her eyelids, and liquid desire gushed between her legs.

  “God, you’re magnificent. Clare. My Clare. Mine.”

  “Antonio,” she breathed.

  “I’m here, love.” He wove his fingers with hers, curled her fists into his.

  “Love me. Please.”

  He withdrew almost all the way and filled her again. “I love you, Clare. I love you so much.”

  She absorbed his words, certain the emotion behind them was equal to what she felt for him. She gave herself to him, fully. With every motion, he claimed another bit of her heart. Pleasure spiked each time he drove into her, pressing her clit against the cup covering her mound. Tiny rubber fingers inside stroked her sensitive nub, making her cr
azy, driving her up and up.

  His body, flush against hers, demanded her total submission. She gave it, unable in this position to do anything but submit. If she said her word he would stop, would let her up, but she wouldn’t, couldn’t. He’d tried to tell her, but no way could he completely comprehend what a mind-fuck this was for her. He owned her. By refusing to say her safe word, she gave everything to him. God help her if he broke her trust because she’d have nothing left.

  Tension coiled in her center, and the last puzzle piece fell into place. He wanted one final piece of her, her orgasm. Once he claimed that, he would have it all. Again, her body contemplated fighting, but as if he sensed her reserve, he demanded her complete surrender.

  “Give it to me, Clare.”

  And she gave it to him. She gave him every last gut-wrenching spike of pleasure. She screamed his name and silently begged him to give her something of himself in return.

  “Holy, Mother….” He slammed into her in short, hard thrusts. He rocked against her, giving her a piece of himself with every spasm.

  He relaxed his arms, and his full weight came down on her, pressing her into the mattress. Impaled, she was helpless beneath him. Weak with surrender, her heart soared with an empowering realization. He’d given her all of himself—his body, his soul, his love, his protection. Buried deep inside her, his heart beating a rapid rhythm against her back. He was as much hers as she was his.

  “I wish we didn’t ever have to move,” she said.

  “Me, too, sweetheart.” He kissed the crown of her head. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. You?”

  “I’m in Heaven. Did you go there with me?”

  “I did. I didn’t know….”

  “What didn’t you know?”

  “That it would be like this. You said it would be emotional. It is…and more.”

  “Am I crushing you?” He started to move, and she squeezed his fingers entwined with hers to stop him.

  “No. Don’t move. I want to remember the way I feel right now.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Cherished. Loved. Safe.”

  “I’ll always cherish you. Love you. Keep you safe.”

  “I know.”

  He hated to, but he needed to move off her, take care of her. Easing from her, he rolled to her side and pulled her back to his front, so he could hold her a little longer. He never wanted to let her go. No woman had ever claimed so much of him.

  No woman had ever trusted him the way Clare had.

  She snuggled her ass against his groin, and he gently nudged her upper leg forward. “Time for this to go.” He removed the dildo as gently as he could and tossed it on the bed behind him, returning his hand to cup her. “Sore?”

  “Tender, but not sore. I could use a long soak.”

  “I’ll fix a bath for you in a few minutes. While you’re soaking, I’ll see if I can salvage those steaks.”

  She lay in his arms for long, silent minutes.

  “The others. Will it feel that way with them?”

  She didn’t have to elaborate. He knew she referred to the other team members. “I don’t think so. I don’t know what the women feel. Mostly, I think it’s just sex for them. They don’t have an emotional attachment to any of the players. For the guys, at least for me, it’s always been about the pleasure. A woman’s ass has a different feel than her vagina. Same as her mouth feels different. We’re all about the pleasure.”

  “So, I won’t feel this…attached to the others?”

  “You feel attached to me?”

  “I feel like I belong to you. When you pinned me to the bed and filled me…it was scary at first, then you told me I was safe, and that’s when it changed for me. It was like I gave you everything. My body, my soul, my heart.”

  “It’s all safe with me, sweetheart.” He kissed her shoulder, humbled she was so open with him. Open with her body, her soul, and her heart. He’d do anything to deserve it.

  “Then, when I thought I’d given you everything, you asked for more.”

  “I did?”

  “You demanded my orgasm.” She sighed, and he felt like crowing, and laughing, and doing it all naked on the rooftop for everyone to see.

  “You gave me that, too.”

  “I did. You own me, Antonio.”

  “And you own me. Forever.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “He’s on his way.” Antonio dropped his cell phone on the coffee table. “You can still call this off. Anytime, babe.”

  Clare curled her feet under her on the sofa and wrapped her arms around a throw pillow as if it could save her from drowning in her own thoughts. Her toes peeked out from under the blue robe Antonio had wrapped her in following their leisurely bath.

  Everything in the room, from the blazing fire to the furnishings, looked normal. On the outside, she did, too. She knew this thanks to an extended session of look and touch this morning with Antonio in front of the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. But she was different on the inside. She’d given everything she was to him, and in return, he’d filled her heart, mind, and body with a new reality.

  “Keith will understand if you want to call it off.”

  “You said it would be different…with him.” Giving herself to Antonio had changed her in a fundamental way, and it was hard to imagine the experience being different with someone else.

  “It will be. I promise. I’ll be making love to you. Keith will be having sex with you. That’s all it is for him, and I’m sure that’s all it will be for you. Your heart and mind won’t be engaged, just your body. Casual sex.”

  That’s something she hadn’t had much of, and she wasn’t at all sure she knew what it was. She hadn’t been with many men before Antonio, but she’d had at least a small emotional investment in each of them. Keith was a virtual stranger. She’d only met him once, and conversation had been non-existent.

  “You want him to…?”

  “To fuck you? Yes, I’d like to see that. I want to see your eyes when we both fill you. But I understand if you’ve changed your mind. I can live with either decision.”

  “Why do you want this?”

  He shrugged. “I told you before, I’ve fought with myself over this ever since I met you. I want you all to myself, but I’ve seen how much enjoyment women can get from dual penetration, and I want you to experience that level of pleasure. I have all kinds of ideas about ways to make your magnificent body sing, and anal play is one of them. Since you asked to run the bases, I thought perhaps you might be one of the fortunate women who play the game and enjoy it. A trial run with Keith will answer that question.”

  Clare stared into the flames behind the wrought-iron fire screen. This shouldn’t be a difficult decision. She had been ready to jump into the game without any preparation at all, and he was offering her the perfect opportunity to try it on for size—so to speak. The thought brought a smile to her face.

  “What are you so happy about?” Antonio asked. Leaning back against the opposite arm of the sofa, he’d brought his sock-clad feet up, too. He nudged the sole of her foot with his toes.

  I’m crazy. Certifiable. “I want to try it. I think.”

  At the muffled sound of a car door shutting, she stilled.

  Antonio stood and reached a hand out to help her up. “He’s here.”

  She took the offered hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She nodded though her stomach fluttered with nerves. “Yes. I trust you.”

  He tugged her around the sofa to a place facing the door. “No matter what happens, all you have to do is say the word, and we’ll stop. You understand that, don’t you?”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. You’re mine, and I’m in charge as long as Keith is here. He’ll only touch you if I give him permission to. Do not argue with my decisions. I won’t let him hurt you. He’s here to give you pleasure. If you do as I say, you won’t regret

  The doorbell rang, and he moved to stand behind her, his hands firm on her shoulders. “Will you allow me to bring you pleasure through Keith?”

  “Yes.” Her whole body trembled, and her stomach felt like it was twisted in knots.

  “The only way we stop is if you say the word. Otherwise, you follow my orders.”

  “Yes,” she nodded weakly. “I’ll do anything you want me to do.”

  He placed a kiss on her neck, below her ear. “You won’t regret it, love.”

  His fingers dug into the shoulders of her robe and tugged. He walked around to examine his creation. The blue fabric framed her breasts, held her arms tight to her sides, her shoulders bare. He lifted her breasts, so they rested on the bunched fabric at her ribcage.

  Away from the fire, the room was cold. Her nipples tightened to hard nubs. He licked each one, returning to suckle gently. She loved the contrast of his dark hair and skin against her fair complexion. He took her in his mouth, and she shuddered with arousal. When he was finished, her nipples were red and glistened.

  “Watch his eyes, sweetheart. I want you to see how desirable you are to him.”

  She braced herself. Antonio was confident Keith would look on her with lust. She wasn’t as sure, but he’d asked for her trust, and she had given it. He opened the door. A blast of cold air felt like ice on her damp nipples tightening them painfully. She bit her bottom lip to hold in a groan.

  Antonio closed the door behind his friend who took two steps inside and stopped.

  “Holy Mother of God,” he exclaimed, looking straight at her.

  “Give me your coat,” Antonio said, “then you can touch her tits.”

  She thought she might faint. Her vision clouded, and then she remembered to breathe. She sucked in a breath, which thrust her breasts straight at Keith who had shrugged his coat off and crossed the room to her. She forced herself to look at his eyes.

  Heat. Desire. Lust. It was all there, barely banked. He raised a hand to her right breast. His finger was ice cold as it traced a line around her areola. She shivered at his touch but quelled the urge to jerk away.


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