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Bases Loaded (Mustangs Baseball)

Page 23

by Roz Lee

  She smiled at that. “Let’s do this, then.” Pushing to her elbows, she looked down at Keith. His jaw was clenched tight, and the muscles in his neck looked ready to rupture.

  The ottoman dipped as Conner dropped to his knees at Keith’s shoulder. He held his cock in one hand and reached for her with his other. Cupping the back of her head in his broad palm, he guided his cock to her lips. He was big. They all were, but when she glanced up at Conner and saw the raw lust in his eyes, she opened her mouth and took him in. Placing her weight on one elbow, she wrapped her other hand around the base of his cock and sucked.

  Keith and Mike took that as their cue, and with ease, established a piston stroke rhythm that made it difficult to concentrate on the cock in her mouth. Then Antonio was there, stroking her spine, sweeping her hair off her face, encouraging her with erotic words whispered in her ear and kisses from her nape to her ass. The grunts and groans from the other three confirmed their pleasure. Clare’s psyche soared.

  She was doing it! And, God, it felt good! She’d never felt so empowered in her life. The words of a song popular decades ago but still relevant reverberated through her brain. “I am woman, hear me roar!” She might have even hummed the tune because Conner grabbed a fist-full of her hair and shoved his cock to the back of her throat.

  “Christ almighty. That tongue….” And then he was convulsing, filling the thin condom worn to protect her. Conner’s release triggered a chain reaction of creative curses and uncontrolled thrusts as one by one the others came inside her. She’d almost forgotten all four needed to come until Antonio’s voice issue a hoarse curse.

  Conner pulled free and behind her, Antonio grabbed her hair, yanking her chin to her shoulder. In her peripheral vision, she saw him fisting his cock in short, quick strokes. No condom. Hot cum shot across her cheek, random spurts making it into her open mouth. Her tongue lapped eagerly at the salty cream on her lips. She moaned when Keith and Mike withdrew, but then four sets of hands caressed her, and pride swelled her heart.

  “I did it,” she said in wonder, collapsing onto Keith.

  “You did,” Antonio said, his fingers tripping along her spine, sending shivers through her cooling body.

  “That was fucking perfection,” Mike said, his hands massaging her ass.

  “God, what a mouth,” Conner added. “You should have warned me, Tony.”

  Antonio chuckled.

  “You sure you want Tony?” Keith asked, the words rumbling through his broad chest. “I think I love you, baby.”

  “Get your own damn woman,” Antonio said, his voice carrying enough edge Clare understood he wasn’t entirely kidding. “This one is mine.”

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying,” Keith said.

  “Come on, let’s get her into a hot bath.”

  She let her head fall against Antonio’s shoulder as he carried her to the bathroom. He held her while Mike filled the tub with warm water and fragrant bubbles. Soon, the restoring water worked its magic on her body while from behind, Antonio held her safe in a cradle of arms and legs and chest.

  Conner brought them ice water in crystal glasses, setting them on the wide ledge surrounding the tub. Keith added a plate of cheese, crackers, and grapes.

  “I feel like a queen,” she said, taking sustenance from Antonio’s fingers.

  The others had done their jobs, and left them alone for the moment.

  “You are. And we’re your willing slaves for the night.”

  “Just for tonight?” she teased.

  “The others. Me? You’ve got me forever.”

  She lifted her left hand. Soap bubbles slid down, revealing the ring he’d given her before they’d left Dallas. “I can live with that.”

  “No matter what happens, I love you. You’ve proven you have what it takes to win this game. If you want to stop now, it’s okay. I’m sure the guys will go along with a charade.”

  She dropped her hand to his raised knee above the waterline and let her fingers trail down his thigh. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to finish what we’ve started.” She glanced meaningfully at the counter where three spent condoms lay in an arch, representing first, second, and third base.

  “Babe, you have no idea how hot it makes me seeing you with these guys. If we continue, I get to be inside you for the next three innings.” He flexed his hips, making her aware of his growing erection. “That’s something I’m always up for.”

  As if on cue, the rest of the team returned. She licked her lips at sight of them fully aroused—for her.

  “She’s ready,” Antonio said.

  And like the queen she was for the night, they helped her from the water, dried her, and coated her body in rose-scented lotion before Mike swept her up in his arms and carried her to bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Tony lay awake, watching Clare sleep. The fourth inning hadn’t concluded until nearly dawn, and while he’d seen to her bath, the guys had changed the sheets on his bed. She’d been asleep before he’d pulled the covers over her exhausted body.

  He’d drifted off for a while, but the need to touch her, to make sure she was okay prevented him from resting. The guys had all gone to Keith’s apartment to sleep it off and wouldn’t be back until evening when, if Clare was up to it, they would take her to receive the clit piercing she had earned.

  She looked like an angel, her dark hair rumpled and sexy against the steel gray sheets. Her eyelashes formed crescent-shaped fans on her cheeks. He reached out to touch her still swollen lips and stopped short. He didn’t want to wake her.

  On the pillow beside her face rested her left hand bearing the evidence she was his. He’d staked his claim on this remarkable woman, and still couldn’t believe what a lucky bastard he was. Why he’d fought to keep her to himself, he couldn’t fathom. The night before he’d witnessed her metamorphosis from a beautifully shy rosebud to a flower in full bloom, confident of her place in the world.

  That bitch of a woman back home had better look out! The Clare Kincaid she was used to pushing around was gone, and he, for one, couldn’t wait to see the new, confident Clare in action.

  He was so damned proud of her. Not only because of what she’d accomplished the night before, but because of the way she’d done it. After the first inning, she’d had every one of them eating out of her hands. They’d called the pitches the first time, but after that, it had been all Clare. She’d told them how she liked it, where to touch her, how fast, how slow. And she’d touched them, exploring, giving as much pleasure as she took, and earning the respect and love of every one of them.

  When they put the second phase of his plan into action, there wouldn’t be any acting involved. Every word, every move would be genuine.

  Tony rolled to his back and stared at the ceiling. Many floors below, the city teemed with life and energy, unaware a goddess slept above them.

  “Mine,” he whispered to the universe. With one last look at what was his, he slipped out of bed.

  * * *

  An uneasy feeling woke Clare with a start. She sat up, brushing her hair away from her face and clutching the sheet to her chest. Four gorgeous hunks of manhood stood at the foot of the bed, smiling at her.

  “You’re awake,” Mike said.

  “About time,” Keith added.

  “I’m hungry,” Conner said.

  “There’s plenty of time,” Antonio admonished the team. He walked around and sat on the edge of the mattress beside her. “How are you feeling?”

  She took stock. She was undeniably sore in a few places, but otherwise…. “Not bad,” she said. “I’ll live.”


  “A little.”

  “I’ll get you something for that.” Conner headed for the bathroom.

  “Do you want a bath? Or a shower?” Mike asked.

  “I think I can manage a quick shower to wake me up.”

  Conner returned with a glass of water and two over-the-counter pain relievers. “Here. This should fix you rig
ht up.”

  Antonio looked at Conner as if he was two pitches short of a full count. “You think? Give the woman a break, Ostenhouse.”

  Clare downed the tablets and handed the glass back. “Thanks, Conner.” She put a hand on Antonio’s arm. “I’m fine. Really, I am. If you’ll give me a few minutes, I’ll be ready to go. Do we have time for food first? I could eat a horse.”

  They assured her a meal was next on their agenda then left her alone to get dressed. Naked, she made it to the en-suite bathroom and turned on the shower. She looked around for a towel, found one, and hung it on the peg next to the shower door. She’d been avoiding it, but no longer could. She faced the mirror over the vanity. Lord, she was a sight. Her hair was going to take more than a brushing to wrestle under control. Several spots on her body showed signs of having been up close and personal with a five o’clock shadow—or four. She’d thought hickeys had gone out of fashion but apparently not. Thank goodness none of hers would show wearing normal clothing.

  All in all, she looked pretty damned good considering the night she’d been through. She was about to step into the shower when a thought struck her, and she turned back to the mirror. In all her perusal of her naked, well-loved self, not once had she thought of herself in terms of fat or ugly.

  “My body is beautiful,” she whispered. “I’m beautiful!” She’d said it out loud and then laughed. “I really am.” She turned this way and that, admiring for the first time the womanly curves that had kept four men enthralled for an entire night. And they were back, waiting to mark her as someone special to them.

  Reborn, she stepped into the shower, unconcerned if the men waiting overheard her less than perfect rendition of I Am Woman. She emerged from the bathroom a good bit later, a woman in charge of her own destiny.

  She felt like a queen holding court. Her escorts turned heads, but they only had eyes for her, even though they could have had their pick from the bevy of beautiful women in the trendy restaurant.

  “Really, guys. Don’t you want to try your luck elsewhere? If I see that I-wish-I-was-you, look from one more woman, I think I may just let her take my place.”

  “No you won’t,” Keith said. “Admit it. You aren’t through with us yet.”

  She laughed. “You’re right. I’m not through with you.”

  “Oh, yes you are,” Antonio asserted. “These guys are along because this is a celebration. They can come along next weekend for the big event, but there won’t be any more base running. Not with my woman.”

  Clare melted inside. She reached for Antonio’s hand and laced her fingers with his. “The only bats and balls I want to play with from now on are yours. But I’ll never forget what these three did for me. For us.”

  “You know, you can wear both charms on a necklace. You don’t have to do this,” he said.

  She shook her head. “No. I want to wear your charm there as a reminder of who I belong to. No one else needs to see that one, but the other one…it will be on display for everyone to see. I’m never going to take it off.”

  “We want whatever you want,” Conner said. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and I’ll do anything for you. All you have to do is crook your finger, and I’ll come running.”

  “Same goes for me,” Mike said. “Maybe you’ll name your first kid after me.”

  “Not on your life,” Antonio said, tossing a dinner roll across the table.

  Laughing, Mike caught the flying bread using his napkin as a glove.

  “Clare,” Keith said, placing his hand over his heart. “None of these women hold a candle to you. I’m yours. Always.”

  “They’re harmless,” she said to Antonio. “Just kids coveting the new toy their friend brought to the ballpark. As soon as I’m out of sight, they’ll find women of their own. You mark my words.”

  “Yeah, well.” He tossed his napkin on the table and stood. “Let’s get the piercing over with. I’m not looking forward to the long dry spell after this, so the sooner we get it done, the better.”

  She’d read the doctor’s instructions about keeping the piercing clean for a period of time until it healed fully and understood what Antonio was talking about. Not that she’d be ready for more physical intimacy anytime soon, but the thought of not making love with Antonio for weeks was almost enough to sway her decision the other way.

  The doctor was waiting for them, her practice long-since closed for the day. She greeted the players by name, giving them each a very unprofessional hug before turning her attention to Clare.

  “How do you do,” she said, extending her hand. “I’m Dr. Fiona Goldstein. You must be Clare.”

  She shook the doctor’s hand. “Nice to meet you. You’ve done this before, I understand.”

  “More times than I can count,” she confessed. “But this is the first time I’ve ever had a four player entourage.”

  “They’re my knights in shining armor,” she explained. “They all deserve to be here.”

  “Fine by me.” Dr. Goldstein scanned the group. “So, which one of you gets to hold her?”

  “That would be me,” Antonio said, taking a possessive hold on her hand.

  They followed the doctor down the hall, where she instructed Keith, Mike, and Conner to wait outside until she was ready for them. Once inside the exam room, she pointed to the exam table already prepped with a white sheet draped over the raised back. Antonio climbed on, letting his legs dangle over the sides.

  “The skirt can stay on,” she said. “But if you’re wearing panties, they’ll have to come off.”

  Clare held onto the table with one hand for balance and removed her shoes and her panties.

  “I’ll take those,” Antonio said, holding out his hand for the scrap of lace.

  She handed her panties over and watched them disappear into the pocket of his slacks.

  A few minutes later, the doctor examined Clare and pronounced her fit to receive the piercing. Using a mirror so her patient could see what she was talking about, she explained to her what she was going to do and gave her instructions for keeping the area clean.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  Clare took a deep breath and let it out. “Ready.”

  Her team entered at the doctor’s call, fanning out around the exam table. Antonio’s arms banded around her waist, providing emotional and physical support. Keith held the mirror so she and Antonio could see. In the blink of an eye, the procedure was over, and she was able to admire the tiny gold charm hanging from a barbell piercing the hood of her clit.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, tears of joy blurring her vision.

  “First is a sapphire. Third is a ruby. Second and home are diamonds,” Antonio said. “Mustangs colors.”

  “I can’t believe it’s mine. That I’m yours,” she said.

  “Forever.” Antonio, placed a kiss on her neck sending shivers through her body.

  “None of that. At least not for a while,” Keith said. “Now that that’s done, we have one more gift for you.” He held his hand out, and Mike placed a small box on his palm. “You’re the first to earn this one, so wear it with pride because we couldn’t be more proud of you.”

  She accepted the box and, with shaking hands, opened it. On a background of midnight blue velvet lay an exquisite gold chain, and on the chain, a pendant the same shape but a little larger than the charm she’d just received. All four bases winked in the bright overhead exam lights.

  “All diamonds,” Keith said. “For a Grand Slam.”

  “Thank you.” She fingered the magnificent piece.

  “That’s a work of art,” Dr. Goldstein said. “Wow! Color me jealous!”

  “You should be,” Mike said. “No one else has ever come close to earning one of those.”

  Clare looked over her shoulder. “Put it on for me,” she said to Antonio, handing him the boxed jewelry.

  He secured the chain at her nape, and Keith handed her the mirror again.

  Her eyes filled with t
ears at the sight of the pendant against her skin. “It’s the most beautiful necklace I’ve ever seen.”

  “But not as beautiful as the woman wearing it,” Antonio said.

  Then her knights in shining armor admired the queen’s new jewels, above and below, and after each placed a kiss on her lips, they filed out. She took the aftercare packet the doctor offered, and a few minutes later, she and Antonio were in their modern-day fairy tale coach, headed uptown to his apartment.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Clare looked in the full-length mirror and swished her hips just to see the diamonds on her dress sparkle and flash one more time. Antonio came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, his chin against her temple.

  “You’ll outshine everyone there.”

  “I can’t even imagine what you paid for this,” she said, meeting his gaze in the mirror.

  He shrugged his shoulders, encased in burgundy velvet to match the cape she would wear over her snow-white, diamond-encrusted ball gown. “It’s for a good cause.”

  The Costume Ball was held every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas to benefit the local food bank. Besides the price of admission, the costumes would be put up for auction after the event to raise more funds.

  “I’ve never worn anything like it, and I suspect I never will again.”

  “You’re the Queen of Diamonds,” he said. “You can’t show up wearing just any old thing.”

  She smiled at the picture they made together. Him—tall, dark, and handsome as sin in rich burgundy velvet, and her—not so tall, but regal in white threaded with gold and embellished with real diamonds. The strapless gown showed off her shoulders, and the sweetheart neckline drew attention to the pendant she hadn’t taken off since her knights had presented it to her.

  “You know what tonight is,” he said, dipping his head to place a line of kisses from the tip of her collarbone to that soft spot behind her ear.

  “Yes.” She’d been counting the days, the hours, the minutes.


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