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Infernal God (Claimed By Lucifer Book 3)

Page 7

by Elizabeth Briggs

  As soon as I had that thought, War filled me with fury at the woman for making me feel that way. Now that I'd taken my rightful place as Demon King, I needed nothing and no one but myself. Especially not her.

  Samael appeared in the entrance of the penthouse. “Lucifer.”

  “Your king,” I corrected him. I gave him a hard look, and he inclined his head.

  “My king. A large group of angels is approaching the city."

  "Excellent." I downed the rest of my drink. "Are our soldiers ready?"

  "Yes, but..." He hesitated, and I felt him fight against my control. "Are you sure this is the best course of action?"

  “You dare to question me?" I slammed my empty glass onto the bar, and it shattered in my hand. "The war against the angels never should have ended. I made a mistake when I made peace with them, but the days of peace are over now. We won't stop until they surrender, or we destroy every single one of them."

  Samael gave a quick shake of his head but pressed his lips into a line. "Of course, my king."

  The bastard was stubborn, no doubt about it, and far too calm for my War powers to incite. But I had other tricks as Lucifer. I hadn’t used my persuasive powers on Samael in a very long time, but I couldn't have him questioning me either.

  "You followed me when we first left Heaven and made Hell our home. You will follow me again now." I laced power into my words and gave him a cocky smile. "We can’t let the angels win after all these years, can we?"

  “No, we can't,” he murmured. His strength finally gave out against my own, and he bowed his head. "I will follow you anywhere, my king. Even into this war."

  "There will be no war," the woman's voice said behind me.

  I jerked my head toward the penthouse entrance, where the angel woman known as Hannah stood. Something about her was different, and it took me a moment to realize why—she emanated the power of an Elder God. How the fuck was that possible?

  Three tall, dark-haired men fanned out behind her, and more confusion invaded my mind like there was something I needed to recall. I looked at them closely but they weren’t familiar, even though they tugged at my brain like the woman did.

  "It's already done," I told her. "War is coming to this city, and then to the rest of the world, and then to every other one. There's nothing you can do to stop it."

  "I can stop you." She walked toward me, and as she got closer, that ancient, all-consuming power radiated from her. A power I recognized as being akin to my own.

  “Famine?” I asked. No, that wasn't right. The angel woman wasn’t Famine, yet Famine’s power radiated from her, both calling to and repelling War. They were old enemies, and War wanted me to destroy her. Kill, kill, kill, he told me over and over. But I couldn’t keep my gaze off the angel woman’s lips, or the fullness of her breasts and hips, or the slight swell of her stomach where she carried my child. My daughter. I breathed in without thinking, taking a fresh wave of her scent deep inside me.

  "I released Famine and became her host, just like you did with War," she said. "But then I took control and I defeated her, claiming her power as my own. You can do this too, Lucifer."

  I stared at her, trying to comprehend how this could be possible. I felt the briefest spark of hope, before War trampled it down and raged within me.

  Kill her, he ordered.

  "Get away from me," I managed to say through gritted teeth, as I glared at the woman. On the inside I was being torn in two, divided by my need to both kill and protect her. "Stay...back..."

  "No, I won't do that." She rested a hand on my chest. "War wants to convince you that everything is conflict and anger, but that's not true. Reach deep inside yourself and try to find peace."

  I gripped her hand tightly, but couldn't let it go. "There is no peace inside me."

  "That's War talking. The man I love has fought for peace for years. He ended the war with the angels. He fought by their side when they were threatened from within."

  "I am not this man you speak of."

  "You are. You just don't remember because War took your memories of me, and of our children." She turned back to the three men. "Our sons. Belial. Damien. Kassiel."

  I cast another glance at them, all looking as if they were ready to attack me and defend their mother should I make a move against her. I was suddenly struck by the sense that they were also my blood, and saw some of my features in their faces reflected back at me. There was no denying the child inside her either. The woman spoke the truth.

  "I will kill you all," War forced me to say, as he tried to exert his control again.

  "No, you won't," she said. "You’d never hurt them. You might not remember them, but you know them. After all, you became War to save our oldest son, Belial.”

  I had no memory of what she spoke of, yet somehow I knew it was true. Inside me, War sent rage and hatred through my veins, trying to overwhelm me with bloodlust, but I fought him off. I had to know the truth of what had happened to me. But he was so strong, it seemed impossible to defeat him.

  “Lucifer.” The woman's voice called me back to her, and she reached up to stroke my face. "You know I'm your mate, deep down, even if you can't remember me. Embrace that feeling. You’re not yourself right now. You sacrificed your memories for the good of all of us, but now you need to trust me. Believe in me and in our love. Believe in our family.”

  I started to shake my head, denying her words. She was nothing to me. Nothing. I was Lucifer, and War, and love did not exist in my world. “No!”

  She cupped my cheek and kissed me, her mouth soft and gentle but unrelenting. I gathered her in my arms and returned the pressure, my tongue probing against her mouth. There was something about this woman. I couldn’t get close enough.

  She pulled back and took my face in her hands, staring into my eyes. “Fight War, Lucifer. You can defeat him. Let me help you.”

  "I can't. He's too strong."

  "You are stronger."

  Then she kissed me again, opening her mouth and touching my tongue with hers. Heat sizzled between us and I drew her closer, until we were almost one body. At the same time, I felt some of my anger and rage leeching away from me, along with my life force. Famine's magic stole energy and power, and she took that away from me as her mouth moved across mine.

  My hands moved down to cup her stomach, to feel the life growing inside her that I'd helped create. A small little kick answered me in return, like my daughter was reaching out to me, calling for her dad. She needed me, and it gave me all the strength I needed to keep fighting.

  War raged inside me, but he was growing weaker as Hannah leeched his rageful energy away. I clung to her, but War wouldn't let this battle end so easily. He suddenly unleashed a wave of frenzied anger, and gargoyles and Fallen rushed into the penthouse to attack my sons. They even came for my woman. My daughter.

  "No!" I roared, as I pushed War back down and made the attackers stop. He would not hurt my family. I'd been willing to sacrifice myself, but not them. Never them.

  You need me, War said. I can make you great.

  I'm already great, asshole.

  "Focus on peace and love," Hannah's voice said, coming to me through the swirling rage inside my mind that I desperately tried to fight off. "I know you can do this."

  I pushed my mate away as my knees buckled, and I clutched my head. “I can’t.”

  She reached for me again and took my hands, holding them in hers as she watched me, her gaze gentle. Pale light began to surround her, something I recognized as the light of truth. An Erelim angel trick. “Remember who you are. Yes, you are the Demon King, but you're also my mate. My husband. My destiny. You're the man who searched for me in every lifetime. Who waited patiently for me to be reborn every time. Who broke the curse and sacrificed himself to save the people he loves. Remember me. Remember us."

  Her light surrounded me, and it all came back to me like being struck by a lightning bolt. I remembered it all. Eve and Hannah and every other life. Our sons. Ever

  I'd stopped the war against angels and fought for peace because of Hannah. Because of my family. Remembering them gave me the final push I needed to fight back against War, to ground him into dust.

  He tried to escape my body, probably to find another host, but I latched onto him with my power and kept him inside me. Then I pummeled him with everything I had, until his essence exploded within my body in a flash of angry red hatred.

  And then he was gone.

  War’s voice no longer echoed in my head, and his anger didn’t tense my muscles or drive my thoughts any longer. Yet something from him was still inside me, a permanent part of me now.

  I was Lucifer, but I was War too.

  “Hannah.” I captured my mate against me, as relief and love filled my chest. "I knew you would find a way to save me."

  "I'm sorry it took so long."

  "I'm sorry I tried to kill you."

  She smiled up at me and shrugged. "You didn't put much effort into it."

  "Is it done?" Belial asked, from behind us. "Are you free?"

  I turned toward my sons, my heart swelling at the sight of all three of them together. My family—all here to save me. Including this new gift growing inside Hannah now. "Yes. I'm free."



  I wrapped my arms around Lucifer and pressed my face against his chest, so relieved to have him back I could barely breathe. I no longer sensed War's presence, and instead felt only the man I'd loved for thousands of years.

  He touched my cheek and I looked up at him. Love shone in his eyes, and no trace of War's red, angry glow lingered. Except now he was War, just as I was Famine. We'd been many things during my numerous past lives, but this was most unbelievable.

  Lucifer turned toward our sons again with a smile. "You're all here. It's been so long."

  "I couldn't have saved you without their help," I said, my heart bursting with pride and love. I'd wanted our entire family together again, and now I had my wish. It wasn't going to be the last time it happened either. I'd fought too hard to save Lucifer and bring this family together again, and I was going to keep it intact.

  "Thank you," he told them.

  “Father, it's been too long.” Damien stepped forward and clasped Lucifer’s hand as I drew away to allow them to embrace. I’d reunited with my sons, and now it was Lucifer’s turn. Kassiel also moved to hug his father, and only Belial hung back, uncertainty in his eyes. But when Lucifer turned to our oldest son, it was with a hint of wry amusement playing at his lips and forgiveness in his gaze. Eventually, Belial stepped forward and shook Lucifer's hand. He said something low, something only meant for his father to hear, and Lucifer nodded.

  Then Lucifer turned back to me and pulled me into his arms again. His hand crept lower between us until it rested against my swelling stomach, and his eyes looked at mine with awe. "Another child. I never imagined it might be possible."

  I nodded and placed my hands over his. "A daughter, according to Marcus. She's strong too."

  "I can tell. Strong like her mother." He looked so happy, but then he sighed. "I've missed so much of your pregnancy. I'm sorry."

  "It's not your fault. I only had the first inkling that I might be pregnant when you became War, but I wasn't sure until after we left Heaven and I had Marcus examine me." I hesitated, debating whether to tell him about my sacrifice with War, but perhaps that was better saved for a private moment. Instead, I glanced around the penthouse, noting how it had been torn apart while I'd been gone. "What did you do to this place?"

  He shrugged. "I destroyed it in a fit of rage when I came back and found you gone."

  I sighed. "This poor penthouse. It's been through so much."

  Lucifer nodded, his face thoughtful. "Yes, it has. Perhaps it's time to move on from it."

  "My king," Samael said, behind us. I'd barely even noticed he was there during all of this.

  Lucifer scowled and waved a hand, and Samael's shoulders slumped a little in relief. "There. Now you're no longer under War's—or my—control."

  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Samael said. "The angels are coming to attack the city. They should be here any minute."

  Lucifer swore under his breath. His wings, fully black again with only a slight red aura, unfurled as he turned to me. "It seems I've started a war with the angels, and now I need to put an end to it."

  "Of course you did," I said, with a slight shake of my head. "I'm coming with you."

  Lucifer took my hand and pressed a kiss to it. "I wouldn't expect anything less, my queen." He turned back to Samael. "Please have all the demons stand down, and try to undo anything else I did when I was War. Kassiel, I locked Olivia and her other men up when I was War, and I apologize for that. Perhaps you and your brothers can free them now."

  "We're on it," Kassiel said.

  While the others took care of things back at The Celestial, Lucifer and I flew off the balcony and into the night. My silvery wings also had a barely noticeable green glow radiating from them, the only hint of my new status as an Elder God. Lucifer raised an eyebrow at them and I shrugged, and we held hands as we soared through the crisp night air. Reunited once again, and damn it felt good.

  Just outside the city, we found about a hundred angel warriors flying toward Las Vegas over the desert, led by Gabriel. He wore gleaming silver armor and carried a spear, his expression menacing. Something angry lurked in there, something that would only be satisfied by the spilling of blood. Every single angel prepared to attack the second they saw us, but to my relief they waited for Gabriel's command.

  "Is this your idea of a battle?" Gabriel called out to Lucifer. "Where are your demonic soldiers? Or is your ego really that large?"

  "There will be no battle today," Lucifer said, and then he extended his power outward. "I release you."

  The angry haze lifted from Gabriel's eyes and he blinked at us in confusion. "Lucifer? Hannah?"

  "I'm sorry, my old friend." Lucifer rested his hand on Gabriel's shoulder. "I was not myself. I do not truly wish for a war with your people."

  "Nor do I," Gabriel said, before he turned to face his soldiers. "Stand down! Return to your homes. There will be no fight here today."

  The angel warriors all seemed a bit confused, but sheathed their weapons and began flying away. Some looked relieved that they wouldn't spill demon blood today, while others looked disappointed. Soon, only Gabriel remained, the three of us hovering in the air as we faced each other.

  Lucifer broke the silence. "You offered me a drink before, and I turned it down. Let me offer you one now."

  "I accept," Gabriel said. "I'd love to know how you broke free of War's spell."

  The three of us flew back to the penthouse together, our shoes crunching on broken glass and splintered wood as we set down inside our ruined home.

  "I'm sorry for the mess," I told Gabriel with a sigh. "Lucifer had something of an anger management problem, but we've taken care of it."

  "Where is War now?" Gabriel asked.

  "He's gone," Lucifer said, as he poured two drinks from the one liquor bottle that had somehow survived his wrath, plus a glass of water for me.

  Gabriel drew his brows together. “How can an Elder God be gone?”

  "Famine is gone too," I said. "Although that's not exactly correct."

  Lucifer gestured between us. “You’re looking at what’s left of Famine and War.”

  "How is that possible?"

  I accepted the glass of water from Lucifer. "I released Famine, became her host, and then defeated her."

  Gabriel’s eyes widened. “I had no idea that could be done."

  “Oberon told me it was possible, though he didn't seem to think it would work." I tilted my head as I considered. "I suspect for most people, it wouldn't. I was able to combat Famine because my essence is the opposite of hers. Just like Lucifer's is really the opposite of War's—once he remembered who he truly was." With Famine's added strength and magic, I'd been able
to use my Erelim light of truth, boosting it to unheard-of levels in order to bring back Lucifer's memories. I'd never have been able to do that before becoming an Elder God myself—only Famine could weaken War enough for my other powers to succeed.

  Gabriel took a sip of his drink with a grin. "Lucifer...a man of peace. Who would have guessed it, all those years ago?"

  "Don't spread that rumor around," Lucifer said with a smirk. "I need to keep my villainous image, after all."

  "I don't think that will be a problem." Gabriel finished his drink and set his glass down. "I'll leave you two to catch up, while I make sure there are no angels lingering behind with thoughts of taking out a demon or two." He clasped Lucifer on the shoulder. "It's good to have you back."

  After he flew away, I turned to Lucifer, relieved to finally have him alone at last. We did have a lot of catching up to do—and many things to discuss.



  Lucifer took my hands and drew me toward him. “Not a day passed that I didn't think of you, even when I was War. Your face haunted my every thought, though I didn't understand why.”

  "I thought about you every day also. I felt so guilty for locking you up—"

  He placed a finger over my lips."No. You did the right thing."

  "I know I did, but I still hated it, and things were so hard without you..."

  “Hannah.” My name was a soothing caress, as visceral as any touch. He dropped a kiss to my hair and smoothed runaway strands from my face. "From what I've seen and heard, you did an amazing job while I was gone. You stepped up and became queen to our people, all while pregnant. I'm only sad I missed so much."

  “You didn’t mean to be gone.” I laid my hand on his chest, feeling the reassuring beat of his heart under my palm. “You did what had to be done."

  He rumbled a sound that could have been agreement or frustration, then smoothed his hand over my belly. "I'm here now though, and I'm not going anywhere. I'll be by your side every second of these last few months of your pregnancy, until you're begging me to leave you alone. Foot rubs? I'm your man. Strange cravings? Not a problem. Awkward pregnancy sex? Anytime you want."


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