Piece by Piece: A Modern Retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk

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Piece by Piece: A Modern Retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk Page 8

by Brandy Ayers

  Chapter 9


  The entire drive from the club to Harper’s apartment dragged on for an eternity. Jax couldn’t stop picturing her, eyes alive and locked on him, dancing just for his enjoyment. Then the emptiness that filtered back into those perfect eyes as she realized she would have to go out and dance for the men in the club. He hated every moment of the night after her initial dance. Wanted to rip out his own throat when he’d told her to do what Kandy said. But there was no choice. After she returned to the floor, he’d forced himself to watch as she made her way through the audience. Every moment killed him. But if she was forced to do something she hated so thoroughly, then he would be right there experiencing the pain with her.

  He was too close, not only to the end of the case, but to the moment he would be able to take her away from all of that shit. Any suspicious behavior could ruin everything, and he couldn’t risk her safety, not to mention the safety of over a dozen girls being held captive, even if it meant having to watch men try to paw her while she put on a show for them. But as he followed her home, he swore to himself tonight had been the last time Harper ever took off her clothes for another man.

  This moment had been inevitable from the second he stepped foot inside that club and saw her sinful body twining around the pole. They’d danced around each for two weeks, getting closer, then falling away.

  Tonight, it ended. She’d be his. And he intended to make an impression so deep on her body she’d never stop feeling him there.

  He parked one block down from her apartment, his body vibrating with need as he stepped from his truck. Watched as Harper left her own car, paused for a moment, tilted her head in a barely perceptible acknowledgment of his presence, and unlocked the front door to her building. He reached the door to find she had propped it open with a brick. Kicking it out of the way, he let the door slam shut behind him and followed her up the stairs.

  Just as he rounded the corner from one level to the next, he saw her disappearing around the corner of the wall, heard the click of her lock sliding open. When he reached the landing to her floor, she turned, the door to her place wide open. The bag slung over her shoulder dropped to the ground. She held his gaze as she drew her T-shirt up over her head and dropped it on the floor beside her. Stray strands of her hair escaped the ponytail held at the crown of her head, falling in her face and across her lips.

  Two steps. That was all that separated Jax from the woman he’d agonized over for the past fourteen days. The gravity of the moment kept him frozen in place, staring as she stood in the entrance to her apartment, her chest heaving with deep breaths.

  “Haven’t you had enough of watching me?”

  God, yes he had. Her words spurred him to action. In the next breath he had her in his arms, kicking the door shut behind them. One hand gripped her hair, forcing her head back until she stared up at him. The fire that he’d ignited behind those eyes when they first met flared now, burning with lust matching his own.

  “When we’re done here, nothing will be the same. Nothing. Not you. Not me. Understand?”

  The tension on her hair gripped in his hand increased as she nodded slightly.

  Jax slid his fingers to the tight hair band wrapped around her ponytail and tugged it free. “When you’re riding my cock tonight, I want your hair swinging in my face.”

  A whimper escaped her throat, setting the steel rod in Jax’s pants even more on edge. Unable to bear it any longer, he brought his mouth down to envelop Harper’s, pushing her back against the wall. His hands cupped her round ass, hauling her up his body until her legs wrapped around his back.

  Even with her pressed against him, they were still too far apart. Jax despised the clothes separating their bodies. Wanted them to disintegrate, wanted to require her to never wear a stitch of clothing in his presence again so he could take her at any moment. The lust raging through his body made him want so many illogical, animalistic things. But he no longer tried to rationalize them away. Instead he gave in to them, unleashed the demanding barbaric side of him he’d unknowingly suppressed.

  He ground his painfully hard cock into the space between her thighs, making his presence known, warning her of the coming storm. Harper’s responding moan, though muffled by his devouring mouth, only fed the inferno burning inside him.

  Needing to have them skin-to-skin, Jax pried Harper’s legs from around his body, her protesting whine making a dark chuckle grind out from his throat. “No fear, I’ll give you what you need. But these clothes need to die first.”

  Once Harper’s feet were firmly planted on the floor, Jax quickly rid himself of the uniform Beanstalk T-shirt. Then gripping the clasp of her bra between his fingers, he made quick work of removing it and tossing it behind them. Next he undid the worn jeans that teased him with the rips and tears showing mere glimpses of her creamy skin. He forced them to the ground along with her panties, and knelt before her. One of his hands held her against the wall, while the other lifted her leg and hooked it over his shoulder, giving him access to the sweetest pussy he’d ever seen.

  Slick moisture gleamed on her pink, puffy lower lips, beckoning him to taste her. No longer able to hold himself back from the feast he’d dreamed about for days, Jax gripped her thigh in his fingers, pushing it up even further so he could get the best angle on her pussy.

  With absolutely no delicacy, Jax finally brought his mouth to the junction of her thighs, shoving his tongue straight up into her weeping channel. The sweet and salty explosion on his tongue ripped an unearthly growl from his chest. Only the edges of his mind recognized Harper’s wailing moans as he dove face first into the essence of her womanhood. He would’ve loved to say this was all for her pleasure. But the words would be a lie. He licked and ate at her for his own enjoyment, and hoped like hell it worked for her too. Judging by the nails digging into his scalp, pulling his mouth tighter to her core, and her moans shaking the walls, it did.

  Even with his nose and mouth buried between the folds of her pussy, it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. The only word running through his mind was more more more. Gripping her other leg, he hooked it over his other shoulder so she balanced on his face, then he slowly lowered himself to the ground, taking her with him.

  Harper tensed, clutching at his head and shoulders. “Wh-what are you d-doing?” She panted out between moans.

  Without responding, Jax laid himself flat on the floor, with Harper straddling his face. He wrapped his hands around her legs where they met her hips and pulled her pussy back down onto his face.


  She surrounded him. Her scent, taste, and texture the only things relevant to him at that moment. Her thighs squeezed against his ears as he lapped at her over and over, then sucked her clit into his mouth and flicked his tongue over it again and again. Her fingers found their way back into his hair, gripping and pulling at it frantically as she rode his face. Her sweet cream dripped down her thighs and into his beard, and he had never loved the damn thing so much. He hoped he’d be able to smell her essence there for the rest of his days. God, he never wanted to leave that place. He had no need for oxygen as long as he had Harper’s tangy aroma in his lungs.

  Harper’s body tensed. Jax looked up the peaks and valleys of her figure to find her head thrown back, mouth gaping in a silent scream of ecstasy. She ground down on his face harder, effectively cutting off his ability to breathe, but Jax found it hard to give a shit at that moment. He would die happy if the last thing he saw, felt, and heard was Harper coming all over him.

  In the next instant, Harper collapsed forward, trying to climb off Jax’s face. He groaned, pulling her back to his mouth.

  “Jax, no more. I came three times.” She curled into a ball beside his head, gazing at him through hooded eyes, and laughed a breathless little tinkle of a laugh that caused Jax’s heart to expand painfully in his chest. “Stop pouting like I just took your favorite toy away.”

  “Men don’t pout, they brood.” He reached up,
slapping her ass playfully. “And that little cunt of yours is my favorite toy. And food. And place. Ever.”

  Harper’s wide smile made the tightening of Jax’s chest increase tenfold. What the hell was happening to him? She lay a mere few inches from him and yet he hated any distance between them. “Get back over here, woman.”

  Jax wrapped his arms around Harper’s waist and hauled her back to him, immediately taking her mouth with his again. The kiss was slow and deliberate this time, not as frenzied. Though his dick still stood stiff and ready, his hunger had been momentarily abated.

  “Mmmm, I like the way I taste on your tongue,” Harper mumbled against his lips. “Let’s see how you taste on mine.” Slowly, she slinked her way down Jax’s body, stopping to run her tongue along the ridges of his hard won eight pack, his muscles twitching at the promise of her warm tongue.

  His mind spun in a million directions, wanting more than anything to shove her down faster, fuck her sassy mouth hard. But the more rational part of him spoke up, telling him to lie back and enjoy the ride. To not push so hard that he would scare Harper away for good. Jax ran his fingers through his hair, holding onto it with a death grip to prevent himself from doing all the barbaric things running through his head.

  After what seemed like centuries, Harper finally made it to the button fly of his jeans. She popped each of the buttons in slow motion, all while tonguing the thin happy trail disappearing down his pants. As hurried and starving as Jax had been for Harper, she proceeded equally unrushed and patient. “Damn it woman, are you trying to break me?”

  “Maybe.” Those big green eyes looked up at him from just above the bulge of his pants, a twinkle of mischief and amusement lighting them from within. She released the last button and slid her fingers under the waistband, then dragged them down his legs along with his boxer briefs, scratching him with her nails the whole way.

  But her painstaking torture of him all became worth it the moment her sweet breath bathed his cock. Jax hissed in a breath, unable to drag his eyes from the vision between his tensed thighs.

  With confidence, Harper gripped him at the base of his cock and circled the very tip of his head around her lips, spreading a drop of precum that had leaked out onto them.

  “I swear to God woman, if you don’t put my dick in your mouth right now, I’ll put it there for you.”

  The infuriating woman he’d become so obsessed with simply chuckled, winked at him, then licked his cock from base to tip. The buildup was so intense Jax thought just that simple action might make him blow his load way too early.

  But nothing compared to the moment Harper circled her lips around his head, then dropped down until he met the back of her throat. He bellowed a string of indecipherable obscenities, and before he could stop them, his hands flew down to hold her in place. Pulling in deep breaths, Jax willed himself not to lose it in the first five seconds of what promised to be the best blow job of his life. But the little vixen didn’t let her inability to move deter her. Instead, she swirled her tongue around his straining cock, laving it with sweet moisture.

  “Fuck, Harper, if you don’t stop, this isn’t going to last nearly long enough.” Her responding hum of approval nearly sent him to the edge all over again.

  No longer able to resist, Jax loosened his grip on her hair, using it to guide her up and down his thick shaft while she continued to work her tongue in swirls on the underside. Harper’s hand worked as a counterpoint at the base, stroking up as her mouth plunged down his length, until they met in the middle. The wetness from her mouth slid down to help lubricate things as she jerked him at the base and sucked him at the tip.

  No blow job in the history of sex could ever compare to this. Her hands, mouth and tongue all seemed to work separately, yet synchronized to drive him to the brink of oblivion. Every muscle in Jax’s body tensed, bracing for the rush of release gathering deep in his bones. His balls drew up tight against his body and his cock swelled to the point he truly feared he’d choke Harper.

  Then one glance of her teeth against the vein lining his cock and it all unraveled. His hips pulsed of their own accord, thrusting his dick into her mouth as his cum poured out and down her throat. Peripherally he was aware of the loud moans pouring from his mouth, but the orgasm ripping through his body was so powerful it blocked all his other senses from registering much. The SWAT team could bust down her door at that moment and swarm the place with guns drawn, and Jax would be oblivious to their presence.

  Gradually, his body went slack after the high of his release, and Jax became aware of what he’d just done. Forced Harper down on his cock while he fucked her mouth and made her drink down his cum. “Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry.”

  Sitting back on her heels between his legs, Harper looked at him with a scrunched up brow. “Why are you sorry? That was hot.” She wiped the corners of her mouth, gathering a small amount of his jiz that had escaped her attention, then sucked it off her finger. Her eyelids drifted closed, as though she relished the taste.

  When she opened those beautiful green eyes again they landed right on his still hard cock. One eyebrow cocked up as she shifted her gaze back to his. “So does that mean we’re not done yet?”

  “Done? Not even close.” Jax jumped to his feet in one swift move, then leaned over, bracing his shoulder against Harper’s flat belly and lifted her onto his shoulder caveman style. “Where’s the bedroom? The first time I get inside your pussy isn’t going to be on the floor.”

  Harper squealed in delight as he lifted her, but didn’t answer his question. Spanking her ass once, he repeated the question. “Bedroom, now.”

  “Ummm.” The hesitance in her voice was unmistakable, and he felt her fidget against his shoulder. “This is the bedroom. This is the whole apartment.”

  Glancing around the space for the first time since he had arrived, Jax took in the sparse apartment she called home. Directly in front of them was a small kitchen, if you could call it that. A refrigerator barely bigger than you’d find in a dorm room sat to one side of a short counter top, sink, and rusted old stove. Glancing to the left he saw a futon bed still unfolded from the last time she had slept there. A door to the right must’ve led to the bathroom. Where they had been lying just a moment before, lost in pleasure, was a worn wooden floor only big enough to accommodate their bodies.

  Even as eager as he was to get her beneath him, Jax couldn’t help but hate the run down little place she called home. It reminded him too much of the paltry places he had called home as a child when his mother would move them from apartment to apartment after not being able to pay the rent. This place wasn’t good enough for a woman of Harper’s caliber. Hell, for any woman, but especially not his. He wanted to take her away from this place, from the club. Take her to the house he’d been restoring in Virginia. Take care of her so she never had to worry about anything ever again.

  But she still didn’t know anything about him. Not really. She knew Jax. Not Jackson. Though he started to understand that maybe they were one in the same.

  He pushed those thoughts aside. He couldn’t do anything about them while still working the case. One more day and he’d be able to make his need to protect and care for the woman squirming against his broad shoulder his top priority. But tonight, he could make her come until she forgot everything else in her life. And he planned to do just that.

  Chapter 10


  Every nerve in Harper’s body still vibrated from the pleasure Jax had brought her with his mouth. He’d been like a starving man lost in the desert, and she his own personal spring of water.

  She’d been no less thirsty for him, no matter how slow she had taken him into her mouth. The taste and feel of his throbbing cock against her tongue was something she’d never be able to get enough of. And when he’d gripped her hair, taking control of how she pleased him, god help her, she thought she’d come again just from the raw desire that poured through her.

  After sucking him dry, his dick never
wavered in its demand for her, standing tall and still hard as a rock.

  Looking around her sad apartment, Jax strode over to the futon she tossed and turned on night after night. He gently laid her down with a tenderness shining in his eyes that she never expected from such a rough man. That look made her heart swell and emotions she’d never allowed herself to feel before flood her chest. Harper never went looking for love. The occasional hook-up in college had been enough to keep her satisfied. Then, after Goldie, even that didn’t seem appealing.

  But lying on the bed before this beautiful man, for the first time she understood the desire to have someone belong to her and only her. She just hoped Jax felt the same way.

  He nudged her legs open, making room for him to kneel between her knees, and he rubbed his rough hands over the smooth skin of her thighs.

  “I know it’s only been two weeks, but it feels like I’ve wanted to be buried balls deep inside you for an eternity.” The intensity of his eyes on her made her squirm, and his words made the pressure building in her pussy become unbearable.


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