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Breathless 2: In Love With An Alpha Billionaire

Page 3

by Shani Greene-Dowdell

  “That’s just it. She was never in the hospital. She was in Atlanta, but someone from that hospital called me with that story.”

  “Son, this is bad…very bad. Is Destiny okay? Is that her name?”

  “Yes, and I don’t know how she’s doing. I don’t like not knowing,” I said.

  “So she is your fiancée?”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “This girl means a lot to you, huh?”

  Of course I knew the answer, but I internalized my father’s question. I spent so much of my time dominating boardrooms that having a true relationship was new grounds for me. Sexual relationships had come a dime a dozen. My relationship with Justine was the closest thing I had to love, before I met Destiny. “She means a lot to me,” I finally answered. “I’m beyond pissed that Justine tried to take her away from me.”

  “Son, I’ve lived sixty-six long years. I’ve seen a lot of joy and experienced a lot of sorrow. I can tell you that this is not the end of the world. Things will get back to normal after a while,” Dad said.

  “She’s in critical condition.”

  “All the more reason you have to use your Turner power of keeping a steady head and exercising restraint. Let the doctors do their jobs and when she’s out of the hospital, and out of the control of her family, what is meant to be will be,” Dad cautioned. “You come from a long line of men who handled their business, and you are no different.”

  “Thanks Dad. That’s why I called you. I felt like doing something that would have ruined everything that we stand for,” I said.

  “Do you have any clue why Justine would come unglued like this?” Dad asked.

  “I haven’t talked to her in months. I don’t know where all this is coming from with her.”

  “For a long time, it was just you and Justine. You’ve always been there to pick up the pieces for her. I guess she felt like she was losing you to this new woman. She lashed out in a very bad way. Oh dear, what are we going to do?” Dad said, obviously thinking about how much Justine had been a part of our family.

  “Either I’m going to strangle her or we’re going to prosecute!” I said with certainty. “There will be no leniency for her. She crossed the line of no return, as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Yes, this is bad and you are right. I can tell you love this new girl.”

  “She’s not a new girl. She’s the girl, Dad.”

  “Well, she is in my prayers and I can’t wait to meet her,” Dad said and I smiled. “I want you to keep me updated with her progress and, if you need me to fly in, I’m on standby.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I paused for a second. “There is one thing you should know.”


  “She’s black.”

  “Oh really?” Dad said feigning shock. “Well, is she human?”

  “Of course,” I said with a laugh.

  “Well that’s good enough for me. I want you to follow your heart and don’t let anything get in the way of you having the love of your life,” he said thoughtfully. “Why do you think diversity is such a big issue at Turner Enterprises?”

  “Because that’s the culture you set for the place.”

  “Exactly. It’s not just a dog and pony show, it’s what I believe in with all my heart.” He paused for a while. Dad had a glint of reflection in his voice when he added, “I believe that people should stop looking on the outside and look into the soul that lives within a person.”

  “You’re right, Dad,” I said, proud to be John Turner’s son. I could always depend on my father to steer me in the right direction. I could hear Mom asking who he was talking to in the background.

  “It’s Jacob,” he said. “Don’t forget I’m on standby if you need me to come to Atlanta.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Here’s your mother. She wants to talk to you,” Dad said, handing the phone off to my mother.

  “Well hello there, Jacob,” Mom said in her firm and dignified tone. I hadn’t seen her in a few months, so the thought of her rose-colored cheeks and beautiful green eyes caused me to smile.

  “Mom, how are you?”

  “Though my only son hasn’t come to see me in over a month, I’m doing fine.”

  “My bad, Mom. I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  “Sure you will. I’ll be sure to have a nice spread for you when you come,” Mom said on a slight cough. “I overheard your father talking about something happening with Justine. Are you going to tell me what’s going on, or do I have to come to Atlanta to find out?”

  “I got engaged last night, and Justine...”

  “Oh, I’m so happy for you! You finally asked Justine to marry you,” Mom exclaimed. “I can’t wait to call Martha and start working on the wedding plans. We have to get the color pattern picked out as soon as possible, and the invitations. When is the wedding? Never mind, I’ll get all of the details from Martha. I’m so excited that Justine is going to be my daughter in law! This is going to be the grandest event ever,” Mom added as she got carried away with her fascinations.

  Martha was Justine’s mother and also my mother’s best friend. “Hold on, Mom. I am not marrying Justine,” I said, putting a halt to her plans for an extravagant wedding for Justine.

  “How in the heavens are you engaged to a woman other than Justine?” she asked as her tone fell flat.

  “I don’t love Justine. After last night, there is no way I would ever look at her the same, much less marry her.”

  “But… I haven’t met anyone else,” Mom said, grasping to make sense of my announcement.

  “We planned to wait a while before introducing each other to our parents, but you will be meeting her very soon, so get ready. Her name is Destiny.”

  “That’s a pretty name. Do I know her family?” Mom asked.

  “I don’t think you do. She lives in Atlanta.”

  “Who could it be, if I don’t know her family?” Mom thought for a while and then added, “You better not have run off and met some low life that you think I’m going to call my daughter-in-law.”

  “Mom, you will treat Destiny right or you will not have to worry about calling her anything!”

  “Why are you so defensive, Jacob? Is there something you feel you have to defend?” Mom asked.

  “I will defend Destiny from this day forward. I will not let anyone else mistreat her. Why don’t you talk to Dad and let him tell you what your sweet Justine did last night?” I asked as Henry pulled into the loop at the W Hotel.

  “I sure will,” Mom said apprehensively. “I always thought you and Justine hit it off so well though. You should give some deep thought about the woman you want to marry. She can’t be a better mate than Justine. I keep telling you that you’re not just some average Joe walking around with a 30k a year job and a pension. You are the heir to a billion-dollar company.”

  “I know who I am, Mother,” I said. “Like I said, talk to Dad and then we’ll talk later!”

  “I just don’t know what to say about you men sometimes,” Mom said as she hung up the phone.

  I hung up as well. I knew my mother wouldn’t like the idea of me marrying anyone other than Justine. She’d paired us together since we were teenagers. For Mom, it wasn’t about whether or not I loved Justine, or even if she loved me. It was about two well-to-do families making the perfect merger; it was a power move.

  My phone chimed alerting me of a text message from Wanda.

  Justine is at Piedmont Hospital. She was shot by the police, the message said. She’d gone and gotten herself shot. I shook my head at how reckless Justine was. I entered the hotel and walked to the check-in counter.

  “Welcome to the W. How may I help you sir?” the desk attendant promptly asked.

  “Yes, please give me your largest suite for a week,” I said throwing my Visa on the counter.

  “Let’s see what we have…” She began tapping on her computer screen. “Sir, that would be our Extreme Wow suite and we do have one available. I just need to s
ee your ID.”

  I handed her my identification and within minutes everything was processed. I walked inside my Extreme Wow suite and looked around. The amenities were pretty good, but they were nothing without Destiny, and it definitely wasn’t home.

  At home, I’d left the scent of our love in the air as I stepped over my scattered clothes about to leave. The chocolate fudge I’d squeezed on Destiny’s body was on my nightstand. Rose petals were sprinkled in my bedroom. I was sure everything was still in place, but her. I sat down on the perfectly made hotel bed and exhaled deeply. I had to find a way to get inside that hospital room to see Destiny.



  Playtime is Over

  Kill the bitch and get your man back. In theory, it was a simple task. Once I saw Destiny open his door as if she owned his domain, something more sinister kicked in. I gave in to the desire to inflict pain and savor every morsel. I had to make Destiny feel how I felt the many nights I laid in bed alone, wishing Jacob would come back to me. The dagger hanging out of my heart all those nights; I wanted her to feel every excruciating moment of it.

  I knew Jacob would turn his jet around once he realized I was at his house with his beloved Destiny. I knew he would cut through hell and high water to get back to her in record time. I couldn’t wait for him to return, so all three of us could unite again. When a set of bright lights shined through the curtain in the living room, I just knew it was him. I anxiously rushed to the window and looked out.

  “It’s the police, damn!” I yelled. I began to panic. “I guess Jacob doesn’t care about you as much as I thought,” I turned and said to Destiny who was balled up in the corner shaking.

  “Who-who is it?” she asked through her quivering voice, just above a whisper. I couldn’t take my own life, but it was pure satisfaction watching her life slowly fade away from her.

  “Well it ain’t Jacob, that’s for sure,” I told Destiny as I yanked her to her feet. She was bleeding pretty badly from the cut on her head. “It’s your worst nightmare, the police. Now get up, or I will end this all right now,” I said. My gun was pressed snug against the side of her head as I struggled to keep her upright.

  Following my demands, Destiny did her best to stand on her own. Her hands were slumped to her side and she looked quite pathetic. I couldn’t believe Jacob left me for this weak whore. She wouldn’t even fight for her own life.

  When there was a knock on the door, I pressed the gun closer to Destiny’s temple. “If you move or do anything other than what I say, it’s game over and you lose.”

  “We’re coming in!” a police officer yelled, before the doorknob turned and two officers entered. The house was completely dark, when two police officers came walking through the front door.

  “Take one more step and she’s dead,” I said. My hand began to shake and my trigger finger was itching. I never thought my life would come to this, but if I had to die, at least I was taking my biggest pain in the ass with me.

  “Ma’am, we are not going to come any further,” the heavier of the two officers said calmly.

  “What’s your name?” the tall officer asked anxiously.

  “I don’t want you talking to me. I just want to see Jacob!” I told them. I could feel my finger gripping tighter around the trigger. “Tell Jacob to get over here now or she dies!”

  “Okay ma’am, in order for us to get to Jacob, I’m going to have to call him on my radio,” the heavier officer said.

  “Go ahead, call him,” I said tapping the gun against Destiny’s head as I spoke.

  The heavy set officer radioed in my request. “The perp is requesting to speak to a Jacob. She’s saying that she will shoot the victim if he doesn’t get here ASAP.”

  I could tell by the tall officer’s expression that he was bothered by the way I was tapping Destiny’s temple with my gun. He didn’t drop his gun to his side like his partner did. “Lower your gun, now!” he demanded as he squinted over the barrel of his gun.

  “No! I want to talk to Jac…” was the last thing I said before I heard the loudest boom. I felt an agonizing pain rip through my chest and shoulder. The impact of the gunshot knocked me to the ground, and the gun went flying out of my hand.

  The tall officer ran over and secured the gun before tossing me onto my stomach and holding me down in cuffs. Within seconds, a swarm of officers were all around me. I was put in an ambulance and carted off, after Destiny had already been taken away. There were so many squad cars parked all over Jacob’s yard and a helicopter was flying above the house. Jacob’s secluded estate was in pandemonium.

  As I lay in that smelly hospital room with a bullet lodged in my arm, I wished I hadn’t waited on Jacob. I should have shot her when I had the chance. If I ever made it out of there, I was not going to play games the second time around.



  Love Kills Too

  “Ms. Clara, this is getting old. Tell them I can visit Destiny!” I demanded. I had come to the hospital for the fifth time in two days and still was given bullshit reasons why I couldn’t see Destiny. Something was about to give.

  “I don’t know, Jacob. She’s up and responding to us, but the doctor says we can’t ask any questions. You’re gonna have to wait until she can answer questions, so I can find out what’s going on. I don’t think it’s best that you see her before that’s determined,” Ms. Clara said ambivalently.

  “Basically, what she’s saying is you will go back to see her when hell freezes over,” Montie said, stepping up to stand beside Ms. Clara. “Stop harassing my mother-in-law, before we get a restraining order against you.”

  “I’m not harassing her. You know better than anyone that Destiny would want me back there,” I said to Montie.

  He put his arm around Ms. Clara and protectively said, “Come on, Mama. You don’t have to deal with this.”

  “I will let you know something as soon as I know,” Ms. Clara said as she walked away with Montie.

  “Look man,” I said to Montie when I caught up with them halfway down the hall. I did my best to play cool. “I didn’t mean to hit you the other day. It’s just that you were being unreasonable. She is my fiancée. At least tell me about her tests and how she’s doing.”

  “First of all, she’s more my wife than she is your fiancée.”

  “Like hell she is. That’s my woman!” I said as I started to walk in the direction of Destiny’s room. Montie put his hand on my arm to stop me. I was about to remind him why touching me wasn’t a good idea, when I saw the horrified look on Ms. Clara’s face. “Keep your damn hands to yourself.”

  Montie threw his hands up in the air and smirked.

  “At least tell me more about how she is doing,” I reasoned with Ms. Clara.

  “She is doing better, Jacob. She opened her eyes this morning and is responding by squeezing hands and blinking. She’s going to be just fine, but the doctors want her to rest,” Ms. Clara said. For the first time, she offered me a warm look. “If you wouldn’t mind giving us time to figure things out, I will call you when, or if, you can come and see her.”

  “You all have to keep the noise down while on ICU, or else I’ll have to ask you to leave,” Destiny’s new ICU doctor walked over and said.

  I nodded. “Thanks Ms. Clara. I know you don’t know me that well, but Destiny means a lot to me. You’ll know how much one day soon.”

  “Jacob, I will call you if anything changes,” Ms. Clara said pulling my business card out of her pocket and holding it up.

  “Ms. Clara?” She turned around and looked me in the eye.


  “I love your daughter,” I said, brooking no room for confusion in my tone.

  “Love can hurt people,” she said, looking towards Destiny’s room and walking away without another word.

  Montie had the look of a winner of a million-dollar bet as he walked past me heading to Destiny’s room. I walked behind them stopping at the window
. I could see her battered face; her eyes were closed. I watched as Montie fixed the pillow behind her head and sat in the chair beside her. Ms. Clara was tidying up the room. Neither noticed that I was stood in the doorway.

  A part of me was tempted to walk in to be at the side of my woman. The logical side knew that it would only cause an unnecessary scene.

  “Sir, the patient already has two family members in. I’m going to have to ask you to go back into the waiting room,” a nurse said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

  “I was just leaving,” I said, as I took one final look at Destiny and walked off the ward.

  I left Grady Memorial headed straight to Piedmont. I felt bile rising into my throat as I walked through the halls of Piedmont Hospital. Wanda had used one of my connections to find out what floor Justine was on. She was in medical detainment, so information about her stay was not accessible to the public.

  “I’m here to see Justine Parker,” I said once I arrived at her nurse’s station. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was taking my chances.

  “Sir, she is in medical detainment, so she can’t have visitors,” the guard who was standing close by answered.

  “How long will she be here?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “She’ll be going to the jail tomorrow, so you can check there for visiting hours,” the guard said.

  “Thanks,” I said to the officer, walking by him as I exited the unit. I looked into the room he was guarding and caught Justine’s stare. I guessed I had to see for myself what kind of monster my best friend had become. I felt the urge to go in that room and squeeze the monster right out of her.

  “Jacob! Jacob come in here! Jacob!” she started hollering once she saw me.

  “You’re going to have to leave now,” the officer said. He walked over to me as the medical team ran into Justine’s room.

  “I’m leaving!” I said shaking my arm free of his hand.


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