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Ghost Handled (Valley Ghosts Series Book 3)

Page 8

by BL Maxwell

  Dean connected the two lines and as soon as the last bit of salt fell, he and Wade moved away from the wall and over to us.

  “Wade, light the sage and start cleansing the room.” I turned my attention on the mass. “You’re not welcome here anymore. We gave you every opportunity to communicate with us and you chose to attack us instead. I’m not interested in any excuse you think you have. You need to leave this place now. And never come back. We’re going to seal this place after we cleanse it, and you’ll never be able to return here again. Now go!”

  The mass was in motion as soon as the words left my mouth. It pressed at the invisible barrier made by the salt. Even though we heard no sounds, it was easy to see by its movements it was in a panic. But no matter how hard it fought; it wouldn’t win. It would be removed from this house.

  Suddenly it stopped moving and took shape. A woman with dark hair wearing a long skirt that looked like something from the 1800s appeared. And she was pissed.

  “You see this?” Jimbo asked no one in particular.

  “Fuck!” Wade’s mom said from my right.

  “That’s what I saw in the bathroom, right before she tried to electrocute us,” Wade whispered to my left. I reached out and squeezed his hand. That bitch had nearly killed us, and that was the last chance she’d ever get. I lit another bundle of sage and as it combined with the smoke already swirling in the room, I moved closer to where the ghost was trapped.

  “Cross over, you’re not welcome here anymore.” I was out of patience, and ready to get this over with. “If you won’t leave, we’ll force you.” She stood to the edge of the barrier and put her hands up against it. Slowly she faded away until there was nothing.

  “Wade, is she gone?”

  He closed his eyes for a moment before looking around the area. I could already tell the answer from the way the heaviness in the room had lifted.

  “She’s gone. She didn’t want to leave but she had no choice.”

  Jimbo clapped his hands together. “Good, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  “I’m with you on that,” Deidra chimed in.

  “Do you think there’s any other spirits here?”

  “No, I don’t sense anything else here. The woman ghost was pretending to be other ghosts to hide who she was. I don’t know why she did that. But she was willing to do whatever it took to stay, so I think we got her out of here just in time.”

  “Just to be sure, let’s go ahead and smudge the whole building. I don’t want anyone else having the experience we did.”

  We split up, with Jimbo, Dean, and Deidra smudging the rest of the downstairs while Wade and I took the upstairs. “It feels so much lighter everywhere. I wonder why she was so intent on making everyone miserable?”

  “Who knows. But when I got a look at her by the sink, I knew she wasn’t going to stop. As soon as she had the chance she’d hurt as many people as she could. It was a good call to remove her.”

  It didn’t take us long to finish upstairs, and when we walked into the control room, Dean and Jimbo were at work packing everything up.

  “In a hurry to get out of here?”

  “Fuck you, Jason, I’ve had enough of this shit for a night.”

  Wade walked over and helped his mom with returning the cameras to their case. She hadn’t said much, but I got the feeling she wouldn’t be returning with us on another case for a while.

  “Okay, that’s it. I think we’re ready to go,” Wade said, as Jimbo rushed toward the door, weighed down by twice as much as he normally carried. Wade looked at me with a look on his face that said it all. What the fuck? And we both burst out laughing.

  “Enough of that you two, I’m with James, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Dean huffed out a laugh and picked up the last of the equipment we couldn’t carry.

  “Alright then, one more place cleared.” I was proud of that fact, and how far we’d come as a team. Even though it was scary and we’d both been hurt, it could have been so much worse. We were a force to be reckoned with, and we’d only keep getting stronger as we grew as a team.

  “You did great, I didn’t think of the salt. Good call, baby,” Wade said, as I locked up the door and returned the key to under the mat.

  “We all did it. I’m so damn proud of us all.”

  “Even Jimbo?” Wade said loud enough for Jimbo to hear.

  “Fuck you, Wade,” he snapped before climbing into the car and crossing his arms.

  Dean gave him a fond look before climbing into the driver’s seat. “See you guys tomorrow, text us the time we’re leaving.”

  “Will do, see you tomorrow.”

  As we drove back toward Sacramento Deidra was unusually quiet, but it didn’t last long.

  “You guys, what the fuck was that?”

  “Don’t worry, you get used to it after a while,” Wade said, and reached for my hand.

  God, I loved this man. “So, did you want to go with us tomorrow?”

  “Me? Hell no. I’ll be staying home, thank you very much.”

  “Looks like we’re on our own tomorrow, Wade.” I wanted to laugh so bad, but I didn’t think Deidra’s nerves could take much more tonight.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Wade answered.

  “You two are fucking crazy,” was barely heard from the back seat.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Jason asked, as we got ready for bed. This night had been crazy. I never expected the ghost to attack like that, but next time I’d be more cautious. Since our experience at The Hitching Post we’d had pretty simple hauntings. Nothing like we’d experienced in The Vineyard House. I shivered at the memory.

  “I’m fine, are you?” He pushed my hair back on my forehead and gave me a hard look.

  “Yeah, I was so worried when you didn’t get up. I thought you’d been seriously injured.”

  “It felt more like it knocked the wind out of me. Whose idea was it to slap me anyway?” I rubbed my cheek where it was still tender.

  “That would be your mom. She was freaking out a little bit.”

  “Just a little bit?”

  “Okay, so she was losing her shit. I was just getting up when her and Jimbo came running to see what happened. She didn’t think you were breathing so she slapped you. I’m pretty sure Jimbo enjoyed that bit a little too much, but it did wake you up.”

  “Oh, it woke me up.”

  “So, what was she doing when you saw her?” Jason asked, as we both finally climbed into bed.

  “She looked horrible. How she looked in the end was a big improvement. When I saw her, she had no eyes, only dark holes. Her skin was rotting, and her fingers were all black. I could smell it, the rot coming off her.”

  “I’m sorry you have to see such horrors.”

  “Sometimes it’s easier to see them than hear them. They ask for things—” I didn’t finish that thought. Jason didn’t need to know how horrible the spirits could be. He knew it already.

  “I’m so sorry that you were chosen to have these abilities. At first I was jealous, but after seeing how much they torment you—torment us all—I’m not sure I could handle it as well as you do.”

  “Jason, none of us would know what we’re doing if you weren’t there. I was so focused on the spirit I didn’t stop to think about how to get rid of her. That was all you.” He snuggled in close to me and kissed my neck.

  “I love you. You and me, we’re in this forever.”


  We both drifted off as we held each other close. Thankful for one less ghost that was intent on making a nuisance of itself.

  “Wade . . . Waaadddee. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey.”

  I cracked an eye open and through the blur of sleep I could make out Jason’s face about an inch from mine. “Agh,” I yelped, and pulled away from him.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. It’s nearly one, so I thought it was about time to wake you u
p. And I was hoping bacon would lessen the blow.”

  “Oh my god,” I huffed and pulled the pillow over my head. “My nerves must still be on edge.”

  “Aw, sorry. But if you don’t get your ass out here, I’m not saving you any breakfast.”

  From under the pillow I heard him run out of the room. Traitor. I forced myself to sit up, and when the scent of coffee and bacon hit me, I was in motion.

  “Thanks, baby. I must have been more out of it than I thought.” I kissed him on the cheek as I stole a piece of bacon and tried not to groan too loud at the delectable smoky taste.

  “Have a seat, I’ll bring you a plate.”

  I pulled out a chair at the table and stretched as Jason hurried around the kitchen.

  “Here you go, let me get you some coffee.”

  “Jason, sit down.” I watched as he looked anywhere but directly at me. “What’s going on?”

  He slid into the chair across from me and put his hand over mine. “I think we should cancel tonight. Last night was fucking intense, and I don’t want any of us getting hurt tonight just to prove we can handle it. I just—”

  “Jason, baby, it’s fine. We’ll be careful, and you already said, this place hasn’t had a bunch of activity. We might get there and find nothing.”

  “Wade, last night scared the shit out of me. I went over the video and seeing you get electrocuted was too much. I felt it too, but not nearly the way you did. I promised you after The Hitching Post I wouldn’t put you in danger, and here we are again.”

  “Jason, the more we do this, the more we learn. And I wouldn’t go along with it if I thought either of us would be in danger. I know you can’t control what the spirits do, but I’m in it with you. Together we’re a force to be reckoned with. And I guess Jimbo is included with that.”

  “What the fuck? Wade, stop talking shit about me. Every time I walk in the room, you’re talking shit about me.”

  “Oh, hey, Jimbo, didn’t see you there,” I smirked at him, and took a bite of bacon. He promptly snapped it away from me and ate the rest. “Hey!”

  “Shut it, Wade,” he grumbled.

  “I was just telling Wade I think we should cancel tonight.”

  “And I was telling Jason that I think we’re fine.”

  “So, you can be the deciding vote. What do you think? Do we cancel or go for it?”

  “I say we go for it,” Jimbo said without missing a beat. Jason did a double take before he met my eyes with a shocked look.

  “What have you done with Jimbo?” I asked.

  “Fuck you, let’s get the shit together and get it over with.”

  I looked at Jason sitting there with his head propped on his hand staring at both Jimbo and I in turn. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but okay. Let’s get everything ready.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Where’s Dean? Is he still going?”

  “Yeah, he had to check in at work, but he’ll be here before we leave.”

  “Why don’t we just take the one car. Most of it’s still packed up, and I don’t think we really need to take anything else. What time do you think we should leave?”

  “Afternoon, boys,” Deidra said, as she stole a piece of bacon off Wade’s plate as she walked behind him.

  “Hey, why does everyone think it’s okay to steal my food?”

  “Because you’re just so sweet. I know you don’t really mind.” She patted his cheek and he rolled his eyes. “When are you boys leaving?”

  “I’m going to call and see what time we can get in. I know they said we could go early, so I’m hoping we can get in and set up before dark. So, did you want to tag along again tonight?”

  Her eyes bulged out and she froze with the piece of bacon at her lips. “Fuck no! I’ve had enough of the ghost business to last me a while. I’m more than happy to help you guys from here. By the way, I ordered some more shirts. And I thought we might need some pens with the logo on them.”

  Wade shook his head and went back to eating what was left of his breakfast.

  “Now you know what I’ve been talking about. That shit gets fucking crazy. The spirits have no boundaries at all, they think they can do whatever the fuck they want.” Jimbo shook his head at the horror of it, dramatic as ever.

  “Hello?” Dean called from the front door.

  “Back here,” Jimbo called.

  Dean walked in like he owned the place, which was kinda nice to see him being so comfortable someplace other than work, and promptly took Wade’s last piece of bacon and shoved it in his mouth.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Wade snapped.

  “Don’t worry, I stashed more just for you.” I pulled a tray out of the oven, piled it all on his plate, and laughed when he slapped Jimbo’s hand as he tried to steal one more piece.

  “So, fill us in, what’s going on at this place?” Wade asked as he chewed his bacon and put his arm up as a barrier to everyone else.

  “Well, Molly explained that it’s more an uncomfortable feeling she gets when she’s there alone. They have cameras set up and so far, nothing’s been caught. The Gibson House doesn’t have a bad history, but it has had many generations of the same family who’ve lived there. The first family lived in a one room cabin, during the 1800s, so I’m sure there were things that happened that we have no clue about.”

  “So, you think just a regular investigation?” Wade asked.

  “Yes, I have no reason to think there’s anything malicious. I have to admit though, I’m not looking forward to spending time in that room with the dolls.”

  “What room with the dolls?” Wade asked.

  “I’ll show you the pictures. It must have been a kid’s room, but it has some creepy dolls in it.”

  “Great, just fucking great,” Dean mumbled, and reached for my phone to check it out.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Those fuckers stealing my bacon did not make for a great beginning for my day. I could still feel the effects of getting electrocuted deep in my muscles. But I didn’t mention it because I knew Jason would want to cancel. And I really wanted him to know we could do this, and that the bigger jobs would be manageable too. Eventually we’d investigate Preston Castle and we’d kick ass, but not right now.

  “The manager said we can go any time after three today. They had a small event, but it will be done early. Molly said we’re more than welcome to get set up early and see what happens.”

  “That’s great, it’s so much easier when we can get there and see more detail by the light of day.”

  “Yes, and this place isn’t huge. It’s not as big as the place in Auburn or the Saloon in Marysville, and if we don’t catch any activity we can leave early.”

  After checking that all the batteries were charged, and we’d repacked everything we needed, we were on the road once again.

  “I’m glad tonight’s the last night. This really is more intense going to different places every night. There’s something to be said for being familiar with a building,” Jason said with a squeeze of my hand.

  “Yeah, it’s a lot more work. I know you were worried we couldn’t handle Preston Castle with just the four of us, but I think we could if we break it up into smaller areas. Maybe we could do a section at a time for a couple of nights.”

  “That might work. They do ghost tours and stay the night, but I’m not sure I’m willing to spend the weekend there. That place has a really bad history of hauntings, and I think we might need a break after a few hours spent investigating.”

  “If we stayed the night we could sleep in shifts. Maybe see what they do on the tours, or if they have a designated area,” I said, but I wasn’t sure I really wanted to stay the night there either.

  “Fuck that, I don’t think I could handle sleeping there. I’ve read some of the shit that’s happened in that place, and I’m pretty sure I’ll lose my shit if we stay. Not to mention, when I’m asleep there’s a big chance I could los
e control of my ability. Sounds like there’re enough ghosts there, we don’t need more.” I shuddered at the truth in Jimbo’s words.

  “Oh no, we won’t be opening that door. I’m willing to pay for a hotel, but I won’t be staying there. We’ve all seen what happens when James opens up his beacon. Do we really need more ghosts to deal with?” Dean said from the back seat.

  “Okay, we’ll think about it when we’re actually going but until then we’ll stick to smaller jobs. I like the variety, but maybe not so many in a row,” Jason said. “Do you think Deidra will be interested in going again?”

  “HA! That’s not going to happen again. Not ever! Did you see the look on her face when she saw that ghost? I’m pretty sure she’s seen enough to last her at least fifty more years,” Jimbo said.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. She was so excited, but it’s not very fun when you’re shitting yourself.”

  Jason glanced over at me before busting out laughing. “You know she’d kick your ass if she knew you were talking about her like that,” he said through fits of laughter.

  “We’re never to speak of this again, I can see this being used against me in the future.”

  “Yeah, so can I,” Jimbo mumbled from the back seat.

  “Dean, can you keep a handle on your guy?” I said, while peeking around the seat.

  He held his hands up in defeat. “You know there’s no controlling him. He’s as bad as your mother. And they stick together. He’s probably already sent her a text telling her you’re talking about her.”

  My eyes shot to Jimbo, who tried to give me an innocent look, but it came out more like a pained grimace, as he tried to hide his phone. “Dick.”

  “Fuck off, Wade. You know I can’t keep anything from your mom.”

  Dean shook his head, but smiled and took Jimbo’s hand.


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