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Candlelight and Champagne (The Forbidden Series Book 1)

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by Dee Stone

  After leaving The Diner Markus escorted me back to the building, leaving me at the door to continue on our separate ways.


  The day had been exhausting what with my internship at work and my schoolwork. I was ready to pick up fast food, eat a gallon of ice cream and watch TV before falling asleep on the couch. In that order. But first I needed to decide what fast food and what ice cream. Greasy burgers with lots of cheese sounded good.

  As I hit the drive thru my mind wandered to Markus and myself. What was I doing lying to him about my birth date? He would eventually find out, and possibly hate me when he did.

  I lowered my head to hit it against the steering wheel hard…really hard. Though the pain in my forehead didn’t bring any clarity. What a surprise that was. I placed my fingers against my forehead and touched the area, but didn’t discern any damage.

  The loud bang on the window made me whip my head around so fast I hit that side of my head against said window. Ow.

  After gaining my composure, I glanced up to see Markus’ grinning face in the darkness. Rubbing the palm of my hand against my cheek, I narrowed my eyes at him. Bastard.

  Rolling down my window, I asked, “Is my cheek red?” What I really wanted to do was jump out of the car and hit him, though I restrained myself.

  He leaned his body forward and took my chin in his fingertips to turn my face so he could see the side easier. The tips of his fingers lightly caressed the area, and even though I was still mad at him, I closed my eyes at his touch.

  The blaring of a horn startled me, making me jump, as I glanced behind me in irritation. “If you want to talk, get in.” I snarked.

  I clicked the unlock button, and watched his large frame lope to the passenger side, pushing the seat as far back as he could, just as the sound of the blaring horn rang out again. As he strapped himself in, I took my foot off the brake and inched forward to the window to give my order.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked, giving Markus a quick glance out of the corner of my eye. Seeing him nod, he craned his neck to look at the menu.

  I turned back to the girl at the window and gave her my bacon cheeseburger order with large French fries and a large orange soda. If I was going for fast food I was going to go all out. Markus leaned forward and gave his double jalapeno cheeseburger order and the rest was the same as mine.

  Reaching his hand down for his wallet, I waved one hand at him and handed the money over with a slight smile on my face and a polite ‘thank you.’

  Each time she would bring a part of our order forward I could see her eyeing Markus. Lifting part of my upper lip, I gave her a death glare when she peeked an awestruck glance at him. Seeing she had been caught, she quickly looked away.

  I pushed all the bags at him, along with the sodas, and pushed the gearshift into drive. I have to get out of here before I throw something deadly at her––maybe a stiletto. They’re dangerous.

  “I’m stopping at the corner-store to get ice cream, do you want some?” I gritted my teeth, trying to be pleasant and smile, but I think it came out as a grimace.

  Markus gave me a steady look. “Do you want me to come over and have dinner?”

  I had been acting like a jerk, but to be fair, he was making me a bit nervous. Yes, I wanted him to come over.

  “Yes, Markus, I do want you to come over. We can have dinner and dessert together, and if you want, watch TV.” I had a distinct sigh in my voice, but I couldn’t help myself.

  He gave me a once over as we pulled into a parking space in front of the corner grocery, but he didn’t say anything. Must be giving me time to get over it. Ha. That’s what he thinks.

  Inside the tiny store, I went straight to the ice cream section, not slowing down or stopping. I perused each and every flavor, walking up and down the aisle, trying to decide which one was more tempting. It was a big decision. I chewed on a fingernail as I looked at each of the choices.

  There––that one. I could almost taste the sweet, creamy goodness in my mouth.

  Suddenly, I felt Markus’ warmth pressed up against my back as he checked out the different flavors as well. Yeah, I guess he would want some.

  “Do you want some?”

  “I’ve gotten used to gelato over the years. I haven’t had real ice cream in––oh…ten years.” His voice was shocked at the time that had amounted to.

  I needed to hurry this show along because the food was getting cold. And warmed up fries––not so great.

  “So what flavor do you want?” Hurry, hurry, I thought.

  “What are you getting?” Markus craned his head to glance over my shoulder at the box in my hands.

  I held out the container proudly, “Marshmallow chocolate with cashews and graham crackers.”

  I turned my head toward Markus and was shocked to see his mouth twisted in disgust.


  “I’m used to fruit in my sweet treat, not all that junk added to yours.”

  “Try it––you might like it. But just in case, there’s blueberry, strawberry, and it looks like there’s a black cherry over here. Or there’s gelato. But hurry––the food’s getting cold. Micro-ed fries––not so good.” I tapped my foot, a hand on one hip, the ice cream in the other, as I waited. I sighed dramatically.

  After looking for another minute, he blew a breath out and took the pint of black cherry as I carried my half-gallon of my flavor to the front. What? I wasn’t going to eat it all at one time. I was saving some for tomorrow. Seeing the look on Markus’ face, I thought, Well, he could think what he wanted, it was none of his business.

  He insisted upon paying for the ice cream. Once that was done, we walked out into full darkness. Usually this area was well lit, but two of the streetlights were out, making this area full of dangerous shadows. As we walked to my car, I could see Markus eyeing the area further out, as if he could hear something I couldn’t.

  His arm crossed across my chest, holding me back, as he stood in front of me. Out of the shadows that he had been studying, walked two men.

  What was he doing? We should run back into the store.

  I clutched at his sleeve holding me back, and it tore away, leaving a piece behind as he surged forward, exactly at the same moment they did. The two men split up and came at him from two different directions. Shocked, I clutched the torn sleeve in my fist as Markus decided which one to go after first.

  I numbered the blond number one and the redhead number two.

  Number two went to Markus’ right. Markus stood loose, his feet hip width apart as he tracked the attackers’ movements. He waited for the men to attack him, while he stood at the ready. I could see his blue eyes tracking Number Two, obviously thinking he would be the one to strike first. And he was.

  Number Two rushed Markus, his hands up, ready to give him a punch, but it seemed Markus had other ideas. A leg shot out, kicking Number Two in the shin, hard enough to break it. He fell screaming, clutching at the broken knee. Hearing the commotion, people from inside the grocery ran outside to see a hooded man running away, leaving us standing over the screaming man.

  “Call 911.” Markus called out to the customers and employees huddled around, whispering together. Listening to the request, one figure separated from the others and ran back inside.

  A woman, who appeared confident, walked forward. “I’m a nurse.”

  “Oh, thank God,” I cried. “Can you help him?”

  She knelt down beside the attacker, trying to feel his knee, but his hands were in the way as he clutched the knee, pushing her away. She gave Markus a quick glance before looking back down to give Number Two another look. “Can you hold him down, please?” She asked, looking to Markus, to see what he could do. Jerking her head toward the attacker, she said, “I can’t check him out like this.”

  Kneeling, he put one hand on the guys chest and the other on the leg with the broken knee. Seeing that wasn’t going to work, I came over to help.

  I took Markus’ position at the
attackers chest, straddling him, and holding his shoulders down, while Markus held both thighs down.

  The nurse leaned over the man to check the broken knee, but I could tell she needed scissors or a knife to cut his jeans above the injury.

  I peered around me at the people milling about, and happened to see the young man that had run back into the store to call 911.

  “Do you have scissors?”

  His eyes widened in surprise that I had spoken to him, before he pursed his lips in thought and nodded. Running back in the store, he went to retrieve what we needed.

  Lifting my head when I heard the sirens, I glanced to Markus to see how he was handling this. He still leaned on the man’s thighs, conversing quietly with the young nurse. Young and cute––with long, chocolate-brown curls that she tossed about as she flirted. What kind of nurse flirted while she was helping someone in need.

  I narrowed my eyes, feeling a little green around the edges. Nope––I didn’t want Markus at all. That was why I had this sudden urge to slug him across the face. Or his junk. The thought alone made me smile.

  “Miss.” I jerked back in surprise at the voice beside me all of a sudden.

  I turned my head and there were a shiny new pair of sharp scissors. I smiled sweetly at him, causing him to blush bright red and mumble in reply.

  Handing the shears to the nurse, I happened to see Markus’ face in reaction to the young man’s blush, and shockingly, his face had the same green tinge.

  That thought alone made me smile. Making sure to lightly touch the young man on the forearm, I watched as Markus’ face became even redder.

  Suddenly, the sirens screeched around the parking lot, where the paramedics took over for the nurse in her cute ducky scrubs. I was not jealous.

  The police arrived next to interview everyone that stayed, plus the four of us. The young man and the nurse emphatically parroted what Markus and I explained. Huh. I didn’t know Markus knew Tai Kwan Do.

  We saw the attacker handcuffed to the gurney, even as he protested his innocence.

  The nurse tried to get Markus’ phone number, but he gently shrugged her off. With a huff of disappointment, she stalked away mumbling expletives under her breath, while giving Markus a narrow-eyed death glare.

  When we got back in my car, I gave a big sigh of relief. I gave our cold meal a look of regret and considered where our ice cream could be. That was when a shout was heard, and my head turned to find the young man beside the window. I rolled my window down and was handed a paper bag, which I opened to find our ice cream. I gave him a wide, toothy grin and a thank you. He blushed again and I pulled away.

  Chapter Three


  When we got back to my house, we stuck the ice cream in the freezer. “So, what now? Do you want cold burgers and fries?” I asked, my voice laced with sarcasm.

  “Is there a pizza place around here you use? We can do dinner and a movie. Got any good movies to be had?” I saw a wicked smirk hiding about his lips. Funny guy.

  I could feel a responding smirk on my own lips at his silliness. “Pizza?” I said, feigning a shocked tone to my voice. “You’re been in Italy ten years and you come to the States for––pizza?”

  “How bad can it be?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never pizza in Italy. I like Hawaiian, what about you?”

  I heard him choke, with a suppressed laugh, “Ha! Hawaiian?”

  “Uh huh. Pineapple, ham, and cheese––what could be better? What do you want?”

  I turned my head to see a frown on his. “Just cheese.”

  Letting the giggle I had been holding in out, I dialed the number, lifted my phone to my ear and gave the order to the pizza place. One extra large six-cheese pizza.

  After placing our order, I turned to Markus and asked, “So, what kind of movie for you?” I had quite a collection of DVD’s and movie channels on TV. I nudged his chest playfully with my shoulder. I tried for his shoulder, but he was so much taller than me.

  Markus laid his hand on my bicep and slowly spun me to face him. I stared up at him, a smile still on my face that slowly disappeared at the predatory look on his. I shivered as his hand slid down my arm to my hand, entwining our fingers before placing our hands on his chest.

  What was he doing? This was way too soon. Whatever this was.

  “Come on, let’s watch TV until the pizza comes, and then we can watch a movie.”

  I couldn’t deal with this right now. He’s two years younger than my father, suddenly comes back from Italy, and what does he want? What does he want?

  My body suddenly went sideways, and I reached up to grab his strong, square chin between my fingers.

  Markus’ light blue eyes went wide in surprise that I would manhandle him in such a way. If I weren’t so frustrated, I would have laughed.

  “I need to know what’s going on, Markus. What is this?” I asked, motioning with my finger between the two of us.

  He shrugged his shoulders while his eyes settled beyond me. I almost looked, except I knew there was nothing there. This was my home.

  I gave a very unladylike snort of frustration and narrowed my eyes at him, though his gaze remained locked beyond me.

  My hands pushed at him, trying to subtly slide my hands down his chest to his tight abs. I was hoping he wouldn’t notice, but of course––he did. The smirk I got made me grit my teeth in annoyance. Even at forty-five he was built. He must work out every day. I tried to move him, but he was built like a tank.

  Markus moved, and I was suddenly lifted into his arms, and plopped onto the couch, my remote in his hands. Damn that annoying smirk on his handsome face. Is that all he could do was smirk at me? Although, that crooked smile was mighty attractive.

  The TV snapped on and a weekly comedy began playing with a lot of canned laughter. I heard a deep laugh as Markus began watching the comedy, his legs spread apart, with the remote hanging loosely in his hands. He tossed it lightly into the air to catch it again, without even looking, while he watched the show.

  I shook my head at the typically male action, as I settled myself on the couch beside him to watch the show until the pizza arrived.

  Twenty minutes later, I was curled up beside Markus when the doorbell rang. He untangled me from his side and opened the door to take the large square box in exchange for cash.

  Markus had just set the box between us on the coffee table, when the bell rang again. Glancing at him for a moment in surprise, I shrugged my shoulders and went to the door.

  My father stood, framed in the doorway, still in his suit and impeccably tied tie. He glanced down to the cuffs at his wrists and tugged them down.

  “Baby girl, I came to see you before I left early in the morning,” he effused. Sometimes, his affectations drove me crazy. He always had to act the tycoon part. Why couldn’t he be a normal father––take my sister and myself to miniature golf, the movies, slumber parties when we were younger? No, we had to be the princesses.

  “I’ll take you out to dinner. La Majon will stay open for me,” he said, palming his cell, starting to raise it to his ear.

  “Dad, it’s after ten.” I couldn’t believe he would make a restaurant stay open past their closing time. Well, actually I could.

  He looked at me like, ‘so?’

  “Besides, I have company.” I still hadn’t opened the door all the way to let him in. I wasn’t sure how he would react if he saw that Markus was my company.

  “Ah, a boyfriend? Maybe I should meet him and give him the talk,” he said playfully, as he barged his way in, shoving me out of the way.

  Shit. Dad took two steps into my townhouse and saw guess who, sitting on the couch, looking all comfortable.

  I could see the shock making his face slack before his known rage took over. Rage was not a good look on my father. He had a naturally florid complexion. Must be from all the alcohol he drank. Though at this moment, his face was an unattractive purple color.

  Markus stood upon my dad’s
entry and extended his hand to shake, a delighted expression on his face.

  I jumped forward to try and stop the inevitable fight because I knew my father couldn’t win. What drunk could?

  Standing in front of my father, between the two men, my arms outstretched. “We met at the fast food joint on Elm,” I said angrily, facing my father. Not that it was any of his business. Huh. “Not that it’s any of your business, anyway.” As the saying goes, ‘I was so mad I could spit nails.’ “If I want to screw him, I can. If I want to screw anybody, I can. That’s my business.”

  Dad stood, shocked that I would talk to him like that. Actually, no one talked to him like that. I was the good girl. Talia, my younger sister, was the bad one––the one that took all the risks. Not me. Nuh uh.

  “Now, Grace,” he started. “You are my daughter, and you need to listen to me.”

  “Why? I live on my own. I have my own house. I work constantly. I don’t have to listen to you anymore.” I lifted my head to stare him in his shocked brown eyes.

  My father turned his head and looked to Markus with such hostility on his face. “You will stay away from my daughter.”

  “Dad, let me see if I can explain it to you this way.” I was so mad I had to talk down to him. “We met at the drive thru on Elm Street. We figured we might as well have dinner together and I wanted ice cream, of course.” Everybody who knew me knew my perchance for the dairy product. “A couple guys tried to rob us coming out of the grocery store and we decided to come back here and watch a movie. Is that ok with you?”

  As I spoke I became louder, getting more and more pissed. By the end of the sentence I was practically shouting.

  Dad’s head jerked back as if I’d slapped him. I had never talked to him the way I had just now––never stood up for myself in this way. Suddenly his head came forward to glare at Markus with all the hate he could put in his eyes. So much for friendship.


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