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Murder Mysteries #5

Page 19

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Letting out a deep breath she dialed Connie. It took her a few second to realize in was very early in the morning back east. Regardless Connie would want to know about what happened. "Hello Stacy. I will reluctantly listen to your bad news."

  Stacy gave her an overview and said, "We've a possible clue as to what the assassin was driving. Our witness thinks she saw a dark brown van with a stripe running down the side. I'm putting Emma in charge of overseeing a team of callers canvassing the used car lots from Roseburg south of here to Salem. I feel confident he lives in the Eugene/Springfield area. Other than that, we've nothing to go on Connie. My only thoughts are we begin a correspondence with our killer. The major points are confrontation, sensitive to his issue, professional help and whatever else is suggested. I'm his central adversary. I'm thinking Angie would play a major role is a written dialogue with our killer."

  "I hear what you're saying Stacy. Let me have a team huddle here and I'll get back to you soonest I can. Meanwhile, yes, get Angie involved and another's if need be. Your university might be a place to lend some help to us. Anyway, don't let this drag you down Stacy. We're up against something that is beyond our rational thinking. This will take some time so prepare for the long haul. Take a hot shower and go to bed. Good night."

  Stacy saw them pass by the truck stop just north of Eugene. Her exit was coming up very shortly. For once it would feel good to be home. Mostly she felt good about the Christmas holidays but a dark cloud hung over this joyless season, but, as Dan pulled into her gated town house community, she needed to see what her father and Fran were doing. "See you in the morning at our usual time," said Stacy leaving the vehicle.

  While she took a hot shower, she gave herself a pep talk. Mostly it centered around thinking of good things and not the bad things. Her mother always told her that amongst the bad will be found some good things. It's harder to see and feel the good things, she said. We take for granted the good and focus only on the bad. Stacy dried off with some vigorous strokes. Dressed in sweats she went with a frown to her kitchen looking for something to eat. A bigger frown creased her brow as she gazed into a mostly empty refer. Next was a look into the same fullness as the refer, her cupboards. Two cans of cream of mushroom soup stood side by side just waiting for their turn.

  A smile broke across her face as she remembered a deli nearby. Their magnet with phone number was on the refer door. She used her cell and had an order being prepared in two minutes. Happily she went to the living room to see if any new mail had come in. While she waited for her laptop to boot, she turned on the TV. It was after 9 pm and she could not find any news.

  When she checked her mail, she realized a funny feeling in her stomach thinking the Executioner sent her another mail. Nope, nothing was there from 'Him' as she let out a lung full of air in relief. Ah, but was here was an e-mail from her father. "Dear Daughter, we'll be in Bandon on the night of the 21st. If you've a chance, come for Christmas. Dad"

  A buzz at the door revealed a pimply faced teen with her order. She paid and gave him a nice tip for Christmas. While she opened her order she vowed that if nothing else she'd go home for the holiday coming. There was no need to hang around thinking about how to catch this guy while others were trying to enjoy the holidays. She forked the turkey and chicken cold cuts stacked with chunks of cheese into her watering mouth.

  Afterwards, she refused to watch the news at 10 pm and went to bed. Tomorrow was another day. Her last thought was the Psy professor from the university. He might want to explore the twisted mind of the Executioner.


  The Executioner sat in his lopsided easy chair watching the 10 o'clock news. His wife was in the kitchen baking some Christmas goodies. His two kids were in their bedrooms doing what he had no idea; nor did he care. His eyes were focused on the newscaster who sported a glum face reporting the assassination of Loren Holly. He listened closely: "The death of Mrs. Loren Holley another senseless murder preformed by a psychopathic person. His vendetta against working citizens that have given their lives to certain segments of our democratic society which provide jobs is hard to fathom by ordinary people. We here at this TV station want to say to the Executioner who we believe is watching this very newscast, why don't you take that weapon outside and blow your brains out if you don't like the way this country functions. I want to personally add that you," and the newscaster pointed his finger, are disgusting and not fit to breathe our free air."

  Once again Chris felt pity for the demise of his victim and then a smile broke across his evil face thinking that what he had done was right on schedule. Come the days after Christmas and the New Year, thousands would retire fearing their days were numbered. He clapped his hands and laughed out loud. He glanced up seeing his wife poke her head around the corner looking at him rather strangely.

  Chris leaned back thinking about what his next move should be and where it might take place. He felt rather comfortable at the present time. Maybe he would let some time go by and see what his nemis Marshall Foreham might do via the media. For his part he would remain silent until provoked.


  The next morning, after a vigorous workout, Stacy rode to work with Dan. Stacy noticed Dan was rather silent, but she did not need to pry into his personal life. Stacy said, "How about some breakfast Dan. I missed breakfast."

  "Sounds good Stacy. I too missed breakfast. Emma has morning sickness so bad these days. I feel sorry for her. Let's get her some yogurt and whole wheat bread."

  "What's up for Christmas Dan," asked Stacy.

  "My mother place and then off to Emma's mothers. We're going to have both mother's to our place after Christmas. We found a nice three-bed house and as we speak right now, the movers are taking our stuff to our new place. Both mothers' can have their own room. This new life Stacy is way too busy for me. And now with a kid coming and in the spring we have a wedding, my Lord, grey hair is going to pop out all over my head. Well, here we are at the bakery."

  Afterwards they rode in silence to the office. Both Sharon and Emma had hot water going for tea and coffee. Plates were set out to pile on the fresh made bakery products. Stacy sat and pondered Emma and her condition. She said, "Em how's the baby doing and you too?"

  "Other than throwing up in the mornings, I'm not too bad, but hungry all the time. Also the baby is pushing on my bladder so have to run to the restroom all the time. Now with Christmas just around the corner and having to deal with my mother and Dan's mother it will take a lot of energy to weather the holidays. Now I'll bet you are sorry you asked," said Emma laughing.

  "I remember my mother saying that the holidays are like going to the dentist: painful. I think I can see why she said that now. My father mailed me and if all is well I'll go to Bandon for a few days. Of course I don't know, but I think our killer will take a rest for a while."

  Just then Ben showed up looking his usual dapper self. Stacy thought that the older he got the more handsome he became. "Morning everyone. Any leftovers," he asked.

  "Always something for you Ben," said Emma.

  "Thanks and what's up for a fine overcast day in the Valley of the Kings?

  "Someday I'd like to visit the pyramids," said Stacy. "But for now I have to settle for a few days on the Bandon beach."

  "Sharon what are your plans for the holidays," asked Emma.

  "Well," as she lowered her eyes as if being a bit shy, "a friend and I are going over to Newport to hang out for a few days. They'll be four of us. My parents are separated and neither one are much on holidays. I meant to ask Stacy, how many days can I be away from the office?"

  "At this point Sharon, take at least two days then call me. I'll be back in the office, barring any emergencies, on the 27th. A lot depends on our Executioner and what he does over the holidays. Today I'd like us to get Angie and Professor Ronald Gethall together for a table discussion."

  "Connie told me Angie had gone to Portland to visit a colleague to consult with. She'd be back here around 1 pm," said Sharo

  "Okay sounds good. Ben maybe you could ask Professor Gethall to visit us this afternoon," said Stacy.

  Stacy went to her office with a full mug of green tea. It was time to do two things: one to call Connie and the other to think what could or might be done to find an ending to this nightmare. She had ordered a big screen TV that now was on the wall. She wanted to see what the morning news had to say about the state of the citizens in Oregon. No doubt business would be way down, or much slower than normal because of many older shoppers would be staying home inside their dwellings. She did not blame them one bit.

  Stacy was happy her father had retired after thirty years plus of being with the Bandon Police Department. She turned on the TV and sipped her tea flipping to a Portland TV station.

  The reporter came on just after a lengthy commercial advertising a hand lotion the guaranteed skin whiting if used every day. Stacy rolled her eyes and then heard the reporter say, "This is a follow up on the shopping season with just two days left before Christmas. Retailers are, at least the three major retailers we spoke with, have decided to mark down most all of their products for last minute shoppers. Our reports are to ease the burden of being frightened to venture out of their homes because of the threat the Executioner presents. One major department store has advertised a valet service whereby the shopper can stop at the front door, exit and a security man will park your car. In my opinion this is a win-win opportunity to save a lot of steps in a parking lot. Not to mention safety for workers who are or have many years of service.

  "From another reliable source we've heard that a meeting of law enforcement personnel are getting together to discuss the next steps in ending the terror from the assassin."

  Just as Stacy had reached for her landline to call Connie, it rang as she almost touched it. "Morning Stacy. I wish I could greet you with a warm holiday greeting, but considering the circumstances, I'll silently pass a greeting to you. Anything to report?"

  "Regardless of the present situation Connie, I do wish you and family an enjoyable holiday. IF nothing comes up, I'll go home for a few days as my father and his new lady friend have decided to return to the grey rainy days of Bandon. Meanwhile, I'm having Angie and a local professor of psychology come here for a round table discussion on how we might proceed verbally with our killer. He promised to send his profile in and I think we should push him to present it to the public. This is only my thinking Connie. I'm far from an expert on how to deal with a killer who picks victims randomly. I'm wide open for suggestions."

  "What scares me a little bit Stacy is this? If we include a handful of psychologist together, at a round table discussing the particular mind of a killer, what comes out of the wash will be pure speculation. You know I could catch hell for saying what I just said. The simple fact is if we push a button on this guy, what will be his response is something we have no idea about. I'd say go to it girl and do what you think might be best. I'll never hold it against you and will back you to the hilt."

  "My first thought or impression is if I fall on my face, politically I'm dead meat and looking for a job. I'm not sure I want to go out on a limb Connie. It's so easy for somebody to read, form an opinion after the fact and nail me to the wall if something goes wrong. No, I think I want a consensus of agreement if we attack this assassin verbally through the media."

  "I understand what you are saying Stacy. To reassure you of my good intentions, I'll draft a document reliving you of all responsibility. The responsibility will fall on my desk her in DC. If by chance we have some success, that success will be given to you for the initial idea."

  "I don’t want you hanging out to dry Connie. I'd be happy to share the blame if it comes down to it, but the media can be cruel and fingers can point very well."

  "Let me see if I can find a good open minded psychologist to come visit for a while. Also, even though you haven't said so, I think our killer will sit back and gloat for a while. Take some time off Stacy. Have the phones to a voice mail you can check from Bandon and also have Emma check as well on a daily basis. Me too, I'm off for a few days beginning tomorrow. Take care and I hope Santa is good to you this year."

  Looking at her watch is barely 9 am. She called her father who cheerfully answered the phone. "Hello father and welcome back home."

  "Why it sure is good to be back home Stacy. That Southwest is dry and fires are burning all over down there. Sure it's warm and nice, but boring as all get out. I want my old arthritis to flare up and feel the warm fire of my wood stove in my shop. I'm ready to make some serious sawdust. Can you spring loose up there?"

  "Yes, I'm out of here, if all goes to plan, tomorrow sometime. I'll call before I leave."

  "You've got a real tiger by the tail I read and hear about Stacy. Pardon the phrase but this could be a real ball buster. How a mind gets so twisted is for God to explain. And if my recollection is correct, nobody can remember God explaining anything after Moses. We’re going to open the restaurant for a couple days to feed the poor around town. It would be good for you to be busy doing something besides your everyday sleuthing."

  "Find me an apron or gloves to wash dishes. I can't wait to rid my mind of this case. Give me a handful of suspects in a homicide and I'm your person to sift through the detritus to the end. Okay got to dad. See you tomorrow."

  Stacy stood up feeling much better after taking to both her father and Connie. However, Connie was a pure politician and lowly beings like herself, were there to absorb the fall out; if necessary. Shrugging her shoulders, she went to find Sharon and staff.

  Dan had taken the initiative to order five more phones and lines installed. He asked Sharon to find some temps to start calling all the used car lots in the Willamette Valley. Stacy just smiled and gave him a pat on the back. Meanwhile Emma and Sharon were compiling lists for each caller's area. A map was printed out of the valley from Roseburg to Woodburn. That area was divided up into five parcels. The yellow pages were used for listings of car lots.

  Stacy saw Ben come out of the back conference room smiling. He said, "Professor Ronald Gethall will be here around 1 pm. He sounds excited and happy to help."

  "Great job Ben. How about you and I make a rough draft of notice to the Executioner for publication."

  "Let's go, but don’t know if I'm any good at that sort of thing."

  Two hours later they had a rough draft in hand. Now it was lunchtime. Stacy decided to take all out to lunch for a Christmas treat. As they walked out the door, Angie was coming in. "Just in time Angie. Let's go have something to eat before the afternoon business requires our attention."

  "Thanks Stacy. I’m ready and my stomach has been talking to me all the way down from Portland."

  Dan suggested a buffet that he had heard was better than average. Nobody had an objection so off they went crowding into one SUV. Stacy was rubber necking out the window trying to gauge how many shoppers were out and about. To her it looked like pretty much normal, but later tonight on the news would tell the story.

  At the new restaurant, the place was packed. However, the nice lady said it would only be a five or ten minute wait for a table to accommodate six people. They decided to wait. Meanwhile to kill some time, Stacy gave a copy of the rough draft to Angie to look at. Stacy watched her face for any signs of reaction both good or bad. She saw a frown and two times a small grin. Angie looked up and said, "Good job. We can do something with this for sure."

  "Angie," said Stacy, "we've a professor of psychology coming over after 1 pm for a meeting. I hope you're okay with that idea. He seems fairly young and current in content in his field of study."

  "I've no problem with that at all Stacy. The more information we receive the better our chances of stopping this guy. Oh, here we go and I'm so hungry."

  While eating Stacy thought about Cathy and Marsha. Tonight would be her only chance to get together before leaving for Bandon. A mental note was tucked into her brain. Ben and Dan were taking complete advantage of all you can eat. Dan especial
ly was loaded up on roast beef. Ben liked potato salad and chicken mostly. Anyway, all seemed happy chatting away about the holidays. Stacy was beginning to climb out of the doldrums slowly but surely.

  Back in the office, everyone was gathered around Stacy's office round table. Stacy said, "Let me read this rough draft and then we can make changes where necessary. Professor Gethall should be here shortly. After he comes, let's move to the big conference room, while the phone callers are at lunch. Okay here goes:

  Dear Executioner,

  We are waiting for you to present your profile that you promised in an e-mail. Meanwhile, my colleagues and my superiors would like for you and I to work out what troubles you with the killing of long-term seniority workers. Let us be serious here by stating that millions of workers fit your criteria for dismissal. Even you must see the futility of it all. Okay, you have made your point and I am confident that hundreds if not thousands will retire come the first of the year.

  I am asking you to think about it for a while and then send me an e-mail asking me to meet you in a location that is safe for the both of us. As this letter to you it will be made public spread across the state by written media and broadcast by TV. Remember my word and reputation is at risk if I set a trap for you.

  Mr. X, millions of people need help with counseling to meet the challenges we all face in today's world. You are no different. Let us help in that arena. You are young. We know with some help you can overcome this period in your life. You have a family, a business and a future if you cease this deadly cause you think is necessary.


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