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Blood Doesn't Decide (Coalition Training Academy Book 2)

Page 4

by Stephani Hecht

  “So, I heard you guys finally got to meet Chase,” Kira said.

  “Yeah, he was really nice. I was a little shocked, though. I didn’t know there were Ravens in the Coalition,” Jax admitted.

  “Not many, but we do admit a few,” Brad confirmed. “Actually, I think it’s smart of Mitchell. What better way to figure out how the enemy thinks?”

  “I feel bad for Chase and Dulla,” Kira said. “It must be so hard to have to deal with all the haters.”

  “Well, it’s going to happen. They are Ravens, after all,” Willow added, with a shrug.

  “It shouldn’t. Chase fights to protect us. We should be grateful,” Jax snapped.

  “You don’t have to convince me of that,” Willow replied. “I happen to admire Dulla. She has overcome so much and is now such a badass. I want to be like her someday. Well, not the Raven part, but you know what I mean.”

  Jax nodded. “Yeah, I get where you’re coming from. I haven’t met her yet. I would like to someday, though.”

  Jax wondered what his mother would say if she knew he was getting friendly with Ravens. Knowing her, she would wring her hands then go into some horror stories about past atrocities committed by the bird shifters. She’d survived the Great Raven attack and she hated them with a passion. Jax often wondered if it was because of that incident she was such a nervous wreck all the time. It would make sense. She’d even lost a baby brother due to it. She kept his picture by her bedside, or at least she used to. Jax didn’t have a clue as to what she might be doing since she’s run away with his father.

  “Are you ready for this weekend? It’s Friday,” Kira sang, giving a little dance.

  Jax smiled, but inside he felt a pang of sadness. Alvus would be leaving. He and Philip always went home. In fact, Jax was the only one in his class who didn’t have a place to go to, so the dorm would be empty. No more cuddling for Jax, at least for the next couple of days.

  Then again, there probably wouldn’t be any more snuggling period. Alvus hadn’t said he’d be coming back to the bed, so Jax knew he shouldn’t get his hopes up. Even if he wanted it to happen so badly he nearly ached.

  “Hello? Earth to Jax.” Willow waved her hand in front of his face. “I’m asking you a question.”

  A heat came over Jax’s face. “Sorry, didn’t mean to space out on you. What did you want to know?”

  “I was wondering if you would be up for a little field trip? We were thinking of asking Mitchell for permission to go to the movies,” she said.

  “Will he do that?” Jax asked. “I didn’t think we could go off the grounds unless we had an instructor with us.”

  “My brother is a soldier and he said he’d take us,” Kira said. “So, maybe Mitchell will allow it. I was going to ask him today. Do you want me to include you?”

  Jax nodded, suddenly eager over the possibility. He hadn’t left the place in forever, not since he’d joined up. It would be nice to get some fresh air. Then a wave of disappointment hit him as something occurred to him.

  “There’s no way Mitchell is going to go for it, at least not for me. I still have that stupid hit out on me. There is no way he’s going to allow me to go into public,” Jax said, with a heavy sigh.

  “You let me worry about that,” Kira said. “I don’t care if we have to drag my brother and every single one of his soldier friends with us for added protection. I’ll get you to that movie on Saturday. You won’t feel like yourself until you’re allowed to be like any other teenager. You need to get out and have some fun, too.”

  She sounded so confident Jax began to believe she might be able to pull it off. He sure hoped so. He didn’t need yet another reminder of how he was different than everybody else. He was sick of being the oddball who was being hunted all the time.

  Never before had Jax resented his father more. A hatred burned through him making him ball his hands into fists. He hoped his father was miserable and that wherever he was hiding out in was a shithole. It would serve the asshole right for making Jax suffer so much.

  At that moment, Jax could almost understand why Shane had lashed out at his master. It sucked to be held prisoner by somebody. Sure, Jax may not have chains on him, but it felt as if he did. His father had effectively stalled Jax’s life, made him afraid and paranoid, all because his dad couldn’t deal with his own issues.

  Jax vowed to himself that someday, when all this was over, he would finally tell his father how he truly felt. Only then would Jax feel truly free.

  Chapter Five

  At the end of the day, everybody went back to the dorm. Jax only went to collect some books, while the rest of the class was packing to leave. Jax tried not to resent them. It wasn’t their fault they had good families. He was the one who had more drama than a reality show, so it wouldn’t do him any good to hate the others for it.

  Then he noticed Alvus was just standing around and not getting ready to go. Instead, he just talked to his twin as Philip stuffed his duffle bag full. Jax frowned.

  “You better get going or your parents are going to be mad at you for being late,” Jax said.

  Alvus shook his head. “I decided to stay here this weekend.”

  A spike of happiness shot through Jax as he smiled. “Why?”

  “I thought I would get caught up on some class work instead.”

  “Won’t your parents be upset?”

  “Nah, I already talked to them. They just want me to get good grades. That’s more important to them.”

  “Cool,” Jax said, resisting the urge to bounce on his feet. “I can help you if you want.”

  Alvus smiled. “That would be great.”

  Once again, Jax reminded himself they were just friends. He shouldn’t read anything into Alvus staying behind. He wasn’t doing it because he had feelings for Jax. It was just school work and nothing more.

  “You can hang out with me and my friends. I mean, when you’re not studying,” Jax offered. “You really haven’t had a chance to meet them yet. You’ll like them a lot.”

  Alvus frowned. “I already know Erin. Our families are friends.”

  “What kind of name if Erin anyways?” Philip cut in. “He spells it with an E, just like girls do.”

  “It’s a family name, just like yours,” Jax pointed out, a little miffed on Erin’s behalf. “He can’t help it, either. I would have thought you would already know that since your parents are such buddies.”

  “They may talk all the time, but we hardly socialize with Erin. He’s a bit brooding, in case you haven’t noticed,” Philip said.

  “Of course I have,” Jax admitted. “That doesn’t mean he’s a jerk or anything. He’s just quiet.”

  “If you say so,” Philip huffed.

  Jax wondered what was up with the twins. They were usually so nice, but when it came to Erin, they acted like jerks. Then Jax remembered the last time he’d had an argument over Erin. It had been with Alvus, and that had happened right before the attack. Since Jax didn’t want to rip open old wounds, he decided to let it be, even if he did feel offended on Erin’s behalf.

  “Walk me to the door,” Philip said to Alvus.

  “I’ll be right back,” Alvus promised Jax before leaving.

  “That’s interesting,” Ava said.

  Jax jumped in surprise. He hadn’t been aware she’d been listening. Then he realized he should have known better. Nothing got by Ava. She’d been raised to always be aware of her surroundings.

  “What? That they don’t like Erin? I thought it was kind of surprising, too,” Jax replied.

  She rolled her eyes. “No, that Alvus is staying with you this weekend.”

  Jax looked down at his hands, not wanting Ava to read anything in his expression. He knew better than to try to fake it. She would see right through him.

  “He’s not staying with me. You heard him. He has homework to do,” Jax said.

  “Do you honestly believe that?”

  Jax finally dared to glance up. “Of course I do. Why woul
d he lie about something like that?”

  “Maybe because he is staying for you?” She gave him a duh look.

  Jax shook his head. “We’re just friends. There’s nothing more to it.”

  “Do you really believe that?” Ava asked, her voice dripping with shock.

  “Of course I do. I know you want to make something more of it, but there’s nothing there.”

  “You can really be dense sometimes. In fact, you’re the dumbest smart person I know.”

  Jax gaped at her. “That’s not nice.”

  “It’s the truth, though. Alvus has it bad for you, and you’re too busy thinking you’re not good enough to notice it.”

  Jax shook his head, but at the same time he couldn’t help but wonder if there could be some truth behind her words. Alvus had been paying a lot of attention to Jax lately. Plus, he couldn’t deny the way Alvus had stroked his back the previous night. It had been so tender one could call it loving.

  “You’ll see. There’s nothing between us,” Jax argued, although there wasn’t any heat behind his words.

  She put her bag on her shoulder then turned back to him. “It’s okay if you like him back. I don’t think he’s going to hurt you.”

  “I’m not afraid of that happening,” Jax lied.

  Her knowing look screamed that she didn’t believe him. “Not everybody is like your parents, Jax. It’s time to open yourself up to new possibilities.”

  “You’re wrong. Why would he like me? I’m the tiny dork in the class.”

  “Stop being so hard on yourself,” she snapped. “You may not realize it, but you’re pretty damn hot. Alvus isn’t the only one who’s noticed that, either.”

  Jax grew confused. He hadn’t noticed anybody checking him out. “Are you crazy?”

  “Yes, I am, but that’s beside the point. I’m telling you there is more than one guy who is into you.”

  “Who?” Jax asked, looking around the room, as if his unknown admirers were all of the sudden going to raise their hands.

  “I’m not going to name every one of them. Just know that Alvus has some competition.”

  She reached out then pulled him into her arms. As always, she squeezed him so tight it was hard to breathe. Jax wasn’t complaining, though. He loved her hugs.

  “Make sure you don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone,” she ordered.

  “What could I possible do? Mitchell has his eye on me all the time. I don’t think I can take a piss without one of the security cameras being on me,” he grumbled.

  “There’s lots of trouble to be found right here on the Academy grounds” she replied. “I just wish I could protect you from yourself.”

  He pulled back then gave her a playful shove. “Stop being so deep and get going. Your dads are going to be waiting for you.”

  “You know you’re welcome to come home with me at any time,” she said. “Mitchell would be okay with it since my dads could protect you. No Assassin would dare come for you at my place.”

  “I know, but we have plans. They’re going to introduce me to American Horror Story.”

  He didn’t add the part about them going to movies, since he didn’t know if Kira had gotten the okay or not. If they did go, he’d just tell her about it on Monday. Besides, she’d just worry even more about him.

  “Sounds innocent enough, I guess,” Ava said. “Remember, if you need anything, I’m just one call away.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Jax replied.

  After she left, Jax started to organize his books. He’d already finished all his homework, but he still wanted to get some reading done. He didn’t want to waste the entire time by vegging in front of the television. Sure, it was fun, but he still wanted to do something productive.

  “Hey, you ready to go to the lounge?” Alvus asked as he came back over.

  “Sure, I just wanted to take my history book with me,” Jax replied.

  Alvus gave a small laugh. “Come on, you can relax a bit. You have the rest of the weekend to bury your nose in some book. Just have some fun tonight.”

  Jax hesitated. “Okay, I guess you have a point.”

  Alvus took the book from Jax’s hand then put it in his foot locker. “There’s no guessing about it. Now, let’s get going.”

  Jax followed Alvus to the lounge. The others were already there. When Kira saw Jax wasn’t alone she lifted a brow in a surprised manner. Jax shot her a warning look, even though he knew she’d ignore it.

  “I didn’t know there would be two of you this weekend,” she commented.

  “Yeah, Alvus has some homework to get done, so he decided to stick around,” Jax explained.

  “Well, I have some great news,” she announced. “I talked to Mitchell today and he okayed the movie trip. We have to take four soldiers with us, and we’re going to have to wear street clothes, but it’s a small price to pay.”

  “Why street clothes?” Brad asked.

  “Because he wants us to blend in,” Kira replied.

  It made sense to Jax. If a bunch of uniformed kids were to go marching around, they may as well be carrying a neon sign that announced who they really were. It would be much safer for them to look like the rest of the movie crowd.

  “We already ordered pizza,” Willow said. “I hope you don’t mind meat lovers.”

  “It sounds great,” Jax replied. “Do you all know Alvus, or do I need to introduce anybody?”

  “Nah, we know him. I just didn’t know what twin he was at first,” Willow replied.

  “That’s easy, I’m better looking and smarter,” Alvus quipped.

  Willow laughed. “Well, smarty pants, why don’t you take a seat? We have the first episode all ready to go.”

  Jax and Alvus sat down on one of the couches. Since they were the only ones in the lounge there was plenty of room, but Alvus still sat close to Jax, not that Jax was complaining. He got into a comfortable position then got lost in the show. He had to admit that it was good. It was scary and twisted, just the thing he needed to get his mind off things.

  They didn’t go back to the dorm until very late. Jax showered then got into bed. He couldn’t resist glancing over at Alvus’ bed. Even though Jax wanted to snuggle again that night, be couldn’t bring himself to ask for it. He didn’t want to come off as needy or weak, yet his bed felt so empty without Alvus being there.

  Alvus was still in the shower. Jax pulled the covers up to his chest. He hadn’t noticed before how cold the dorm was. The previous night he’d been so warm. No doubt, it was because Alvus had all but lain on top of him. Still, it had been so nice.

  Alvus finally left the bathroom. He walked over to his bed then hesitated before turning to Jax. For the longest moment they just stared at each other. Jax forgot how to breathe as he found himself lost in Alvus’ blue-eyed gaze.

  “Do you mind if I sleep with you again?” Alvus asked. “It was nice being able to actually get some shut eye.”

  “Sure, I would like that a lot,” Jax replied, pulling back the covers.

  Alvus climbed in. This time it was a lot less awkward. Alvus just wrapped his arms around Jax then pulled him close. Jax rested his cheek against Alvus chest and let out a small sigh.

  If they were to get caught they would be in so much trouble, yet it felt so right to be in Alvus’ embrace. For Jax it was worth the risk. Besides, the instructors never entered the dorms on the weekend, so there was no way they could get caught. Jax decided not to worry about it and to just allow himself to enjoy the moment.

  “Are you using a new shampoo?” Alvus asked.

  Jax blinked a few times. “No. Why?”

  “You just smell different. That’s all.”

  “It’s not bad is it?” Jax asked, slightly horrified at the thought of stinking.

  “No, it’s actually kind of nice.”

  A little bubble of happiness floated through Jax’s chest. It wasn’t really much of a compliment, but coming from Alvus it meant so much. Then Jax thought back to what Ava had sai
d. It made Jax wonder if maybe she did have a point about Alvus being attracted to him.

  For the first time ever, Jax allowed himself to feel a glimmer of hope, not that he was going to dive head-first into the situation. He still didn’t want to end up getting hurt, but he had to admit that Alvus was sending out some serious signals.

  “You don’t have to ask for my permission,” Jax blurted.

  “Permission for what?”

  Jax swallowed hard. “To…you know, sleep with me. I understand you need some comfort. I do, too. It was a pretty scary situation we went through. I know we’re both going to Dr. North, but it’s still going to take a while for us to get over it.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Since we’re in the corner, the only ones who can see us during the night are Ava and Philip. How long do you think it will be before they figure it out?” Jax asked.

  “A couple nights at most. I don’t care, though. It’s not like they’ll tell on us. Besides, it’s really none of their business what we do.”

  Jax was pretty certain Ava and Philip would disagree with that, but he didn’t say anything. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. It felt as if he and Alvus were the only ones in the world. There was no bounty, no judgement, no worries. It was just them.

  “I’m glad you stayed this weekend,” Jax whispered.

  “So am I.” Alvus began to stroke Jax’s spine.

  It took all of Jax’s self-restraint not to arch back into the touch. It felt so good. His muscles instantly relaxed as a warm sensation went through his body. He brought his hand up next to his cheek, so it rested on Alvus’ chest.

  Jax hesitated a moment, trying to work up his nerve. Then he decided to throw caution to the wind. He began to slowly trace a circle against Alvus’ shirt. Alvus sucked in a breath, but didn’t demand Jax stop, so Jax decided to call that a win.

  He let out a yawn. He really was tired, but he didn’t want to go to sleep right away. He was enjoying himself too much.

  “How are you feeling? Are you sore at all?” Alvus asked.

  “No, I told you that I’m all healed.”

  “I didn’t mean from that. You just hit the mat a lot during training. I wanted to make sure you didn’t have any bruises.”


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