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Broken (Alpha Billionaire Romance Erotica) (The Dark Billionaire #2)

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by L. N. Pearl

  Bruce opened the fridge and microwaved a set of broccolis and chicken breasts.

  “Sorry nothing fancy tonight. You’ll have to share my new low carb diet.”

  “That’s fine. It won’t hurt me I guess.”

  “Be careful it’s hot. Yeah, so I was saying Kenichi is in New York with his brother and sister. As soon as they arrived, guess what they asked me?”

  “Hum I don’t know… Sushi?”

  Bruce laughed. “No, his brother and sister wanted to gamble. Kenichi told me they’re completely addicted. I sent them to Atlantic City by private jet right away, crazy gamblers. I guess they have lots of money to waste! Jen, are you listening to me?”

  Jennifer was looking at her dish. She slowly put her fork down and cleaned her mouth with her napkin, a sinking feeling in her stomach. So it wasn’t Mr. Sakamura’s sister today in Bruce’s car.

  “You mean… Mr. Sakamura’s sister was out of New York today? They didn’t take lunch here?”

  “No chance. By 11:00 AM they were already losing a few thousand dollars playing Blackjack. As soon as they landed in New York, they wanted to leave Kenichi with me and go have fun. Why?”

  An inner battle was going on inside Jennifer. Part of her wanted to enjoy the moment with Bruce without creating any conflicts. Another part wanted to release the weight and the pressure she felt on her heart.

  After a few seconds of hesitation, Jennifer couldn’t hold it anymore. “It seems like you found high rollers like you. And Kenichi, what’s his thing if it’s not gambling? Women?” she said with a sarcastic tone.

  Bruce squinted at her. “Jen what kind of question is that?”

  “You can’t answer? Or you don’t want to?”

  “Well, I’d probably say yes then. I mean why not, he’s single. Why, what’s the problem?”

  “Bruce, we need to talk.”

  Bruce frowned and joined his fists under his chin. “I guess so. What’s the matter?”

  “I saw a woman getting out of your Rolls today. Asian, tall, slim and incredibly beautiful.” Jennifer looked Bruce straight in the eyes. “She was very sexy as well. Any idea what she was doing in your car? Is it Kenichi’s way to thank you for your business?”

  Bruce rolled his eyes and threw his hands in the air. “Come on, Jen! This is so disrespectful and no, he didn’t send anyone to thank me for my business. He’s my guest and I’m the one who’s supposed to thank him actually.”

  Jennifer felt a little relieved. She concluded the woman she saw had been there to please Mr. Sakamura and not Bruce.

  Bruce continued. “I don’t know if it’s your imagination or your low self-esteem but I…”

  “My low self-esteem? Are you kidding me? Listen, I’m not freaking out for nothing, okay? I saw that woman getting out of your car right after hearing people saying that you did it again. Everybody knows you’re dating me!”

  “What? How is it possible? What did you say?”

  “Okay, I mean they don’t know it’s me, but they know you’re having an affair with someone in the building and if I believe all the rumors, they say it’s not the first time that you’re involved with your secretary or something. Am I right?”

  Bruce exhaled loudly and closed his eyes. “Shit!”

  Jennifer crossed her arms. “So this is true… Fucking unbelievable! Bruce, I want to understand how it works. Is it one of your… I don’t know how you guys call it… routines? Pickup techniques or whatever? You like to sleep with your assistants once in a while to kill time? I don’t understand why everybody has to know that.”

  Bruce crossed his arms as well and leaned back. “No I don’t just sleep with my staff once in a while just for fun, okay? And I don’t know why everybody knows, but I don’t care what people think or say about me.”

  He paused, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Yes I used to have a relationship with one of my former secretaries, but it happened naturally. It was serious, I mean I was committed and everything.”

  “People at the office said it was ugly. What does it mean?”

  Bruce stood up and came closer to Jennifer. He sat on the edge of the table and grabbed her hands. He closed his eyes and lowered his face. “Jen, this is something I wanted to tell you before, but I never found the right moment to do so.”

  Jennifer started to breathe more rapidly, anticipating something serious to be revealed.

  “I used to be married to my assistant when she was working at my previous company.”

  Jennifer felt like she had been hammered in the face. She was literally in shock. She looked at Bruce in disbelief. “You were married before?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. It’s more complicated than that. Actually I…”

  Bruce was interrupted by a loud ringtone. It was his cellphone ringing. He looked at it and sighed. “Oh no. Jen, I’m sorry, but it’s very important. I really have to go.”

  “What? It’s midnight, where are you going?”

  “It’s really serious, I can’t explain right now. Don’t worry, just finish eating, take whatever you want and go to my bedroom. Jack will drop you at the office tomorrow morning.”

  Jennifer crossed her arms. “Sure, great idea. Let’s show the world I’m your new girl…”

  “Okay, well I don’t know. He can drop you home first then?”

  “I don’t think I’m going to stay here tonight. I really feel like a fool…”

  “Look Jen, don’t do this to me right now. I really got to go.”

  Jennifer grabbed Bruce’s arm. “Where are you going that late? Listen, I really don’t feel comfortable with what I just learned and maybe I need you to reassure me!”

  “Okay it’s Mr. Schneider, my lawyer and it’s an emergency.”

  Jennifer wasn’t completely convinced, but pretended to be fine with that answer. “Alright. I want to go home.”

  Bruce called Jack who arrived in 3 minutes. “Jack, prepare the Bentley right now. I’ll be there in five minutes. Then take Jennifer back home.”

  Bruce ran to his room to get dressed and disappeared in his Bentley. Jennifer went back to his bedroom to get her bags and on her way out of the mansion, she met Maria.

  “Hey, Maria. Did you know Bruce was married before?”

  Maria nodded silently.

  “And what happened? He probably dumped her, right?”

  Maria shook her head. “Not at all, my dear. She completely broke his heart…”

  “Really? Was it that bad? Why so many people seem to know about it? Bruce is a tough guy and I can’t believe…”

  Maria put a finger on Jennifer’s lips. She looked around, and lowered her voice. “I don’t know if I should tell you this but... after the divorce, Mr. Wilson actually attempted to kill himself in the middle of a party…”

  Chapter Four

  Bruce was still spending most of his time with Kenichi Sakamura.

  When he was at the office, Jennifer barely saw him and the few words they exchanged were strictly professional. She sent him several text messages, but he ignored most of them, replying and saying it was better to talk face to face to avoid misunderstandings.

  She had been able to talk to him on the phone only once, and his answer had been very straight forward: “Jen, I’m not paying you to call me every two hours. If there’s an emergency, there’s a process to respect. If not, wait until the weekly meeting. I’m not supposed to remind you how this company works, right? Fine, I’ll call you when I’m done.”

  Every time he did call her back, it was to plan yet another meeting or to give her new instructions.

  Jennifer was seriously wondering if having a secret relationship with Bruce while working for him was sustainable. She had office hours while he had no hours. He was often available when she was working and busy when she was free.

  Most of all, she struggled to find the right balance between her work and her private life. Bruce seemed to handle the situation much better than her. He hadn’t changed at all and was still the
demanding and result-oriented man she’d always known.

  She wasn’t sure if she was mad or hurt, or even both, about Bruce’s previous life and marriage. She couldn’t help but feel a little jealous about his ex-wife. After all, Maria talked about a suicide attempt, so he had probably been deeply in love.

  There was nothing she could do about it, but Jennifer felt it wasn’t fair. She had nothing to hide and didn’t have any unpleasant surprises for Bruce.

  Why did she have to suffer from his past and secrets? Was it worth it? She realized that in reality, she never really knew where he was or who he was with. She wanted to trust him, but he made it difficult by holding back and leaving so many grey areas in his life.

  Four very long days passed during which Jennifer literally agonized. Bruce had been very difficult to reach and still wasn’t sure when he would be available to meet her.

  At the end of the week, Jennifer had no idea what Bruce was doing and didn’t dare to call to ask him. I’ve tried to call him so many times, and he’s treated me like a dumb assistant. It’s my turn to play hard to get now…

  When she finally got home, she realized her fridge was empty. Crap… I have to go to the grocery store this week-end. Anyway, it’s Friday night, let’s eat junk. How about a pizza?

  She sat in her sofa, turned on the TV, and ordered a pepperoni cheese pizza. After about twenty minutes, someone knocked at the door. Yes, the pizza is here! I’m starving.

  She jumped out of the sofa and opened the door. Her heart skipped a beat.

  It was Bruce.

  “Bruce! What are you doing here?”

  “Hey… It’s been a while. Can I come in?”

  Jennifer was excited and happy to have Bruce at home, but tried not to show it. “Sure. Come in. I’m waiting for a pizza.”

  Bruce sat down in the sofa and looked around. “Nice place… very clean and tidy, just like you.”

  “Thank you!” Nervous, Jennifer didn’t know what else to say. “So what brings you here?”

  Bruce looked surprised. “Well it’s Friday night, and I was thinking we should hang out. That’s what couples do, right?”

  “Yes, that’s what normal couples do, but I don’t know if we belong in that category…”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Bruce you have been really tough with me this week! I mean, how many times did you yell at me saying you didn’t want to be bothered? Or how many times did you call me to say you miss me, or just hello?”

  “It’s always been like that. During business hours you can’t reach me to chit chat, I’m busy. Now it’s the week-end, that’s fine. That’s common sense…”

  She cleared her voice and continued. “I understand, but it’s pretty hard for me to just switch like that. These are your rules, not mine, and we should at least define the limits together. To be honest, I think you owe me an explanation for what happened last time when you left in the middle of the night. That’s what couples do…”

  Bruce looked at her and sighed.

  “I was twenty five. Very young and very dumb. Back then, my life was completely different. Believe it or not, I was struggling with my first business. I had a partner – Shayne Carter – who was also a friend, but we didn’t work very well together. Same mindset but different styles. And in case you’re wondering: yes, it’s the same business that I sold several years later for millions, before becoming who I am today. But at that time I was far from successful.”

  “I thought you’ve been successful at everything you went into?”

  Bruce chuckled. “That’s bull. That’s the legend, you know, the media. People love to believe that successful men like me have kind of a secret, a Midas touch or incredible intelligence, I don’t know. The truth is I’ve tried and failed at many things but nobody knows about it because people aren’t interested in you when you struggle. People believe in overnight success. Trust me I wasn’t popular back then. Nobody cared about me except for one person: my assistant at that time.”

  Bruce paused and looked at Jennifer, trying to see what she was thinking. “She really took care of me and supported me through all my battles. It was tough for her as well. I can assure you I wasn’t in a good mood every day! But anyway, we became very close, and next thing you know, we were married.”

  “Looks like she was very committed to you. That’s what you were looking for, weren’t you? What happened then?”

  “Maybe it wasn’t what she wanted in the end. My lifestyle was terrible, I’ll admit. We didn’t go out, didn’t really spend time together, I was working all the time and I guess she grew tired of our relationship. After two years, one of my friends caught her cheating with Shayne, my business partner…”

  “Oh my God! That’s tough…”

  “She said it only happened once, and it was because I didn’t give her enough attention. Well, somebody had to do the work while Shayne was busy screwing her! Anyway, I was devastated. Disgusted. Completely ravaged. But that was also a turning point in my career. Somehow I channeled all my anger and my energy into work. I became tougher and more focused. I learned about human psychology and how to read people. It helped me tremendously in business and in life. I also started paying more attention to my health, so I watched my diet and started to workout. I also changed the people around me. I wanted new friends and a better environment. Anyone who didn’t support my ambitions or didn’t respect my visions had to be kept out of my life. I was ruthless, but it worked…”

  Jennifer kept silent for a while, processing everything she’d just heard. She was scared and impressed at the same time by Bruce’s background and transformational story. She realized why he was so exceptional and what made him so unique.

  A lot of people would have been absolutely crushed and given up, but he decided to give his life another direction. What people perceived as arrogance was in fact the deep satisfaction of a man who knew he could overcome anything.

  Jennifer broke the silence. “How about now? Why do you want to get married again after what happened?”

  “When I celebrated my 35 birthday, I realized ten years had passed. I was 25 when I made that mistake, and I’ve changed a lot since then. I decided I had to leave the past behind and simply move on. My reputation as a playboy these last few years was more like a cover.”

  Bruce paused, trying to put his thoughts into words. “I think it was a way of living that helped me not to feel lonely while I couldn’t be hurt either.”

  Jennifer nodded silently, looking at Bruce with a lot of compassion in her eyes.

  Bruce smiled at her and took her hands. “But I’m not getting any younger and I think it’s time for me to face my demons and take a leap of faith.”

  Jennifer opened her mouth to say something, when the doorbell suddenly rang and made her jump.

  “I think it’s the pizza.”

  Jennifer and Bruce spent the next hour eating pizza and laughing while watching TV. The week had been tough and nerve-wracking for both of them. Being able to relax and laugh together felt really good.

  Jennifer was a little nervous. It was the first time Bruce was in her apartment, and he was probably going to spend the night with her.

  “I’m going to take a shower, unless you want to go first?” Jennifer said while giving Bruce the remote control. “And this is the remote for the TV. I don’t have any secret bathrooms here.” She said, winking.

  Bruce chuckled. “I’m fine, thank you. I was at the gym just before coming to see you. I took a shower already.”

  “Alright…” She opened her arms and looked around. “Then, make yourself comfortable in my mansion!”

  Bruce laughed. It was good to hear the sound of his laughter. Jennifer smiled and went to the bathroom. She took a quick shower, then covered herself with a towel and came back to see Bruce.

  As she walked into the living room, she was so surprised that she dropped her towel on the floor, leaving her completely naked. She felt an immediate thrill of excitement and a rush
of burning lust between her legs.

  Bruce was seating on the sofa completely naked, his hands behind his neck. In this position, his torso looked wide and impressive, forming a perfect V shape down to his trim hips. Jennifer’s eyes were locked for a few seconds on his amazing six pack. His chiseled body was irresistible.

  Jennifer raised her hand to her mouth. My God, I think I’m going to pass out!

  His lower abdomen ended in a sexy V shape down to his huge erection. From her angle, Jennifer could see his heavy balls right in front of her, resting at the edge of the sofa. His cock was swelling, hard, ready for war.

  “Jesus, Bruce!” Jennifer was both surprised and pleased. “Wow… you know what they should call you? Superman… you know why?”

  Bruce shook his head, and Jennifer pointed at his package. “Because you’re really THE man of steel!”

  Bruce chuckled and gently stroked his shaft. “Enough talking for tonight… Come here…”

  Jennifer didn’t hesitate for a second and kneeled between Bruce’s strong and muscular thighs. She leaned forward and licked his impressive abs while rubbing her breasts against his hard pole. Bruce grabbed her loose hair in a ponytail, tipped back his head and closed his eyes to enjoy her delicate touch.

  Jennifer started to caress his balls, but Bruce slightly bucked. “Something’s wrong?”

  “Yeah, it’s a bit sensitive.”

  “How about like this?” Jennifer reached for his balls with her mouth and sucked one of them, but Bruce bucked again.

  “Can we avoid the balls tonight?”

  “It hurts? Your balls look a bit swollen. You should see a doctor tomorrow. I’ll make an appointment for you.”

  Jennifer parted her lips and took his swollen head in her watering mouth. She sucked and licked his head tenderly and very slowly, stroking his length with one hand, and caressing his thick chest with another.

  While she was busy sucking him, Bruce leaned forward and grabbed her ass with both his hands. He caressed, massaged and slapped her cheeks playfully before inserting one finger into her dripping pussy.


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