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Sarah Curtis - Pursuing (Alluring Book 3)

Page 12

by Unknown

  She moved to sit up, but he squeezed her tighter. "I need a tissue. My nose is running."

  "I'll get you a tissue." He kissed the top of her head as she scooted off his lap. He went to one of the downstairs bathrooms and came back with a wad of toilet paper.

  She took it with a watery smile and a thank you before blowing her nose. "Well, that's gross," she said, balling up the used toilet paper tight in her fist. "I think you've been introduced to just about all of my body fluids," she said, jokingly, in a sad attempt to lighten the mood.

  He gave her a small smile but didn't laugh, still too concerned with what had upset her. "You wanna tell me what that was all about?"

  "No." She shook her head. "Not really." She started picking at some unused toilet paper she still held in her hand.

  Mase snatched all the paper from her, tossing it on the coffee table. "Hey, that's gross. Don't touch that."

  Mase pushed at her shoulders until her back was flat against the couch, his upper body hovering over her. "A little snot, just like a little drool, is not going to kill me. Now, I'm not fooling around. Tell me why the hell you were crying."

  She sighed deeply and dramatically, acting sorely put out. That made him chuckle. He lowered his head, placing their foreheads together before rocking his head back and forth. "Why, why, why, are you such a pain in my ass?" She replied with a snort. He waited another thirty seconds for her to speak and when she remained silent, he said, "Talk, Jo, I won't ask again, and you won't like how I'll extract the information if you don't."

  "Fine. Can we sit up?"

  "No. Now tell why the comic books made you cry. Hell, comic books are supposed to be funny. It's even in their name."

  "The comic books didn't make me cry. You did."

  "What?" He reared back straightening his arms, supporting himself on his hands. He watched several emotions cross her face until fear finally won out.

  "What you did was so damn sweet." She grabbed his biceps and gave them a squeeze. "I don't know what to do with that."

  "Me being sweet made you cry?" At her nod, he asked in confusion, "Is this some kind of female logic I'll never understand?"

  She gave him a dirty look. "No, it's not female logic, it's anyone's logic."

  He furrowed his brow deeper. "Pretty sure I've never cried from someone being too sweet to me. I don't see how that's logical."

  Jo rolled her eyes before muttering. "You are such a guy. Did your mom and sister teach you nothing?"

  He was glad to see the sadness and the fear gone from her features, now she just looked a little pissy. He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. She was adorable, even pissy. "Please explain to this guy how being nice would make you upset."

  She sighed as if in defeat. "I don't want to like you."

  "What?" Again, he felt at sea. She wasn't making any sense.

  She gave his chest another push. "Can you please get up."

  Mase reasoned if he wanted any kind of explanation from her, he would need to give her some space. He sat up and immediately, she did, too. She stood from the couch and started pacing. She seemed to do that a lot when she was thinking or had something important to say. "Do you need me to turn around again?"

  She gave him a dirty look, but all she said was a clipped, "No." The words had just slipped out. He knew he would have to work on that. Unfortunately, being a smart-ass tended to be second nature for him. Sometimes it was funny, but sometimes, like now, it wasn't. Even he knew that bordered on the line of more ass than smart-ass. He held up a hand. "Sorry."

  She gave a slight nod and paced a bit more before finally coming to a stop, facing him. "You know I'm an honest person. I told you this when we met. I speak my mind, I tell the truth, and I avoid games at all costs. I was on the receiving end of all that once. I didn't like it, and I won't do that to someone else." At his nod, she continued.

  "When we first met, I admit I found you very attractive but it was more than that. I found you attractive as a person, too. That night you took me to dinner, it was the little things you did that made me like you. When you asked for this favor, helping you watch Kyle, I knew I should say no, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just wanted to be near you for a little while longer, but that was a mistake. You're like an addiction, like a drug I need one more taste of, until I'm so addicted, I won't be able to let you go. And like any junkie with their drug of choice, I'm worried you're going to ruin my life. I'll spiral down a path my heart will never recover from.

  "I try to tell myself this is just sex, I'll get my fill and then we can move on. But then you go and do things like that," she waved her arm in the direction of the front door, and he knew she was talking about the comic books, "something so sweet. That you paid attention, knew how much I would love that, and bought them for me," she lowered her head, bringing her hands up to spike her fingers through her hair, pulling it away from her face. She raised her head still clutching her hair, to stare up at the ceiling. "What am I supposed to do with that? How can I not like you, when everything you do is so likable?" She removed her hands from her hair and looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't want to like you, Mase, but I'm afraid I already do, and that scares the crap out of me."

  He stood and went to her, cupping her face and tipping her head so he could look deep into her eyes. "Tell me why that scares you so badly."

  "You know why," she said, softly.

  "Because you think I'll cheat on you?"

  She gave him a slight nod. He brushed his thumbs across her cheeks, caressing the soft skin. "I'm not that guy, Jo. I would never cheat on you."

  She closed her eyes and spoke, so low that if he weren't so close, he wouldn't have heard her. "Don't you see, I would have to trust you to believe that."

  "I don't lie either, Jo."

  She opened her eyes and looked at him. Her gaze penetrating. "Catch-22"


  "I would have to trust you to believe what you say is true." She shrugged. "And I don't know if I can trust you. So it's a catch-22."

  He stared into her beautiful, big, brown eyes and made a decision. The only way he stood even a slim chance of her trusting him is if he rocked her world. Throwing caution aside, he gave her... him. "Something happened to me the first time I saw you. At the time, I didn't realize what I was feeling, but I soon discovered what it was. Love. I love you, Jo."

  Her eyes got huge, and she tried to pull her head from his grasp, but he just held on tighter not letting go. "I know you think it's crazy. It's too soon. Too fast. And you're right, it sounds fucking wacked, but it's the truth. I fell in love with a brown-eyed angel in the middle of a football field, and I hadn't even talked to her yet. All it took was her laugh."

  He scraped his fingers through her hair, fisting it in his hands. "Now, I'm telling you this, not to scare you, but so you understand the extent of my feelings for you. I did not lie when I said you were mine, you are, and I intend to keep you. That also means I would never do anything to fuck this up. So when I tell you, I will not cheat on you, you can damn well believe I would not. Now, tell me you believe me."


  Jo stood before Mase utterly speechless, trying to wrap her brain around every crazy word he'd just said, and it was crazy, right? Love at first sight. That can't really happen. But what if... She grasped his wrists, digging her fingers in deep. What if the pull she felt toward him, the need to be near him, what if that was love? She looked into his eyes. He watched her, staying silent, waiting for her to speak. She was sure he could see her panic. She felt panicked. This whole thing was utterly, totally crazy. So crazy that maybe, just maybe, it might be real.

  She knew she had to speak. His grip in her hair tightened, and she could see the impatience and worry forming in his eyes, but under that, she saw his sincerity. He truly believed everything he'd just said. She took a deep breath and let it out very slowly, deciding she would do something crazy-stupid. She would take one last chance. Before her brain could catch up with her hea
rt, she said one little word, "Okay."

  "Okay, as in, okay you believe me?"

  "Yes, but–" Before she could finish her sentence, his lips crashed down on hers. His fingers, already entangled in her hair, pulled, tilting her head back farther. His tongue demanded entrance which she freely allowed. Mase knew how to kiss. She'd discovered this on several occasions, but this kiss was unlike any of the others. This kiss was forceful, demanding, branding. This kiss made a statement, and that statement was mine. He gentled the kiss, sucking in her bottom lip, nipping it with his teeth before soothing it with his tongue.

  He spoke against her lips. "You've just made me a very happy man."

  She placed her hands on his face and moved his head back far enough for her to read his features clearly. "Mase." She waited a beat to make sure she had his full attention. "The way I feel about you..." She paused, not quite ready to say the L-word back yet. "Please don't hurt me."

  "The last thing in the world I want to do is hurt you. I just want to spend the rest of my life loving you."

  He meant that. God, he actually meant that. She closed her eyes and felt a tear trail down her cheek as she let his words wash through her, soothing away past hurts.

  She felt his lips brush her cheek before they found her ear. "Angel, please, I can't stand the sight of your tears."

  She pulled him in close, burying her face in his neck as she tried to stem the flow. She wanted to savor this moment and remember it always.

  "Are you sniffing me again?"

  Jo giggled. "I can't help it. You smell so good," she mumbled into his neck.

  His arms about her grew tighter. "I like that."

  She squeezed him back even tighter. "Yeah, I like that, too."

  Chapter Fourteen

  The room was dark and quiet. The only thing Jo could hear was the steady beat of Mase's heart under her ear as she lay draped across his chest and the even sound of his breathing.

  After they had put Kyle to bed, Mase insisted on giving her another swimming lesson. And tonight she'd done the unthinkable. She'd held her breath and submerged her head into a large body of water. Mase had held on to her the whole time, never letting go, and she was starting to believe, as he'd said, that he never would.

  She snuggled closer, her fear a tangible entity in the room. She knew it would take time for her to trust Mase. She couldn't switch off her doubts, trust would take a little time, but for Mase, for the first time in a very long time, she was willing to try. Willing to put her heart on the line. Willing to take the chance at heartbreak. Willing to love a man for the first time with her whole heart. Because Mason Connor was worth it. He was worth everything.

  She felt his arm squeeze against her back. "I can hear you thinking, Angel."

  "I thought you were asleep."

  "Hard to sleep with all that racket you're putting out."

  She chuckled into his chest.

  "What's on your mind?"

  God, he was wonderful. Truly great inside and out. And that made her even more nervous. How can someone be that fucking fantastic? There had to be a catch. She snuggled even closer.

  She heard Mase lightly chuckle. "You trying to crawl under my skin, sweetheart?" When she didn't speak, he gave her a nudge with his arm. "Talk to me. You'll feel better if you do."

  "How many times can we kick a dead horse?"


  She got up on an elbow and looked at him. The room was dark, the drapes closed, and all she could see was a slight shadow outline of his face. "I am so scared of this, of you. So scared this isn't real and that I'm going to fall so damn in love with you because you're everything I've ever wanted, then come crashing down to break into a million pieces when you're gone. But what petrifies me the most is that I'm going to ruin this before we even get started because I'm so scared. I'm scared of the fall. So damn scared of falling in love."

  He captured her under the arms, bringing her flush atop his chest. He wrapped his arms and legs around her, enfolding her in a tight embrace. Her head fell onto his shoulder, secure in the crook of his neck. "Do you feel that? Feel me wrapped around you, holding you tight?" He didn't wait for her answer before he continued. "That's me, holding on, not letting you go. And I'm going to keep holding on, so when you do fall, I'll be there to cushion the blow, and I promise you, Angel, you won't even feel the landing."

  She dreamed of Mase that night, and her dreams were sweet.

  The neighborhood was bad, the apartment even worse. Trash laid scattered, filth clung to every surface, and the place reeked to high heaven. Jo scanned the room and spotted the female police officer sitting in a metal folding chair at a rickety card table laden with used dishes, obviously used as the dining-room table. A boy sat in a chair next to her, their heads bent together, talking.

  The call had come to Jo's desk about a half hour ago. The police had arrested the mother, who'd been high on her own product, for possession and sales of narcotics and Child Protective Services were needed.

  She was still riding her high from yesterday and waking two mornings in a row in Mase's arms. Funny, but she actually missed him, not seeing him all day. There was no camp Mondays or Fridays and when he'd called earlier to see if he could take her to lunch, she had to decline because of her busy schedule. Hell, she barely had time to inhale an energy bar while driving here.

  As she stepped fully into the room, the officer's head popped up, spearing Jo with sharp eyes. "You CPS?" She started to stand, but Jo waved her down.

  She went to the table and held out her hand. "Yeah, Joanna Welch." She looked at the cop's name tag before adding, "Nice to meet you, Officer Drake." Jo turned her attention to the boy and smiled. He looked about ten, but Jo knew he was twelve. He was small for his age and too thin with a mop of shaggy, brown hair that fell into his eyes. His clothes were dirty and just on the wrong side of too small, but his face and hands were clean, and she had a feeling that had a lot to do with Officer Drake.

  There were no more folding chairs visible, so Jo squatted beside the boy, wanting to be at his level. "Hi, I'm Jo. What's your name?" She asked, keeping her voice even and calm.

  "Will." Jo strained to hear his lightly spoken reply.

  "It's nice to meet you, Will." Jo held out her hand, and he took it tentatively.

  Jo stood. "I need to talk to Officer Drake for a minute. We won't leave your sight, but I need you to wait right here. Okay?"

  Will nodded, and Jo stepped away from the table far enough so they couldn't be overheard. "What's the story? Do we have any relatives close by?" Jo asked, once Drake reached her side.

  "The mother was never married and no father is listed on the birth certificate. There's a grandparent in Phoenix, Arizona and an aunt in Reno. I'll have a report typed up for you by the end of the day," she pulled out a pad and started writing, "but in the meantime, here are their names." She ripped out a page in her book and handed it to Jo.

  "Okay, I'll get him squared away in one of my foster houses, then start making phone calls."

  Jo parked at the curb in front of a large two-story, dark-tan house. She supervised four group homes all within a ten-mile radius of each other in the eastern section of Las Vegas. The neighborhood itself was old and a little dingy. Most of the residents were lower income and either didn't have the money or in the case of the elderly residents, the inclination to keep it kept up. Back in the day, when state funding had purchased the house, she was sure the area had been nicer, but over time had slowly declined. Each generation, bringing in seedier elements, the latest being the local gangs.

  Although Jo was in charge of the four homes collectively, individually, each house was run by three people, alternating days and times as they saw fit. Jo didn't really care who was there and when so long as someone was always there. From an earlier phone call, Jo knew Pam was at the house that day. Jo liked Pam and knew she would take good care of making Will feel at home.

  They got out of the car and Jo grabbed Will's bag from the trunk be
fore they headed up the walk to the front door. She stopped and squatted next to Will before ringing the bell. He'd been quiet on the drive over, and she knew he must be scared. "I think you're going to like it here, Will. There are several kids about your age and Pam, one of the ladies that runs the house, makes the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet."

  Will scoffed at her slight exaggeration (and it was only a slight one, Pam's cookies were that good), and took that as a good sign. "Do you like chocolate chip cookies?" Jo asked a direct question, hoping to get him to talk.

  All he did was shrug. Not one to give up easily, she asked, "Well, what kind are your favorite, then?"

  She waited patiently for him to answer and after a long few seconds, he said, "Chocolate chip, I guess."

  Jo smiled and said in a cheery voice, "That's perfect," before standing back up and ringing the bell.

  Loud footsteps and shouts of, "I'll get it," could be heard through the door before it was pulled open. "Adam, did you look through the peephole to see who it was before you answered the door?" Jo asked, though she knew he hadn't. He was too short to reach it. "Because I know I didn't see you look out the side window." Jo indicated the curtained window with a head nod. Adam gave her a wide-eyed, guilty look. "You know better than to answer the door without knowing who's on the other side."

  It wasn't a question, but Adam answered her with a sheepish smile. "Yeah, Jo, sorry. It won't happen again."

  Pam came into view, drying her hands on a dish towel. She smiled down at Will when she reached the door. "Well, who do we have here?"

  "This is Will. He'll be staying with you guys for a while, and I have it on the best authority that chocolate chip cookies are his favorite."


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