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Bull's Eye (Share Me Book 2)

Page 10

by Evelyn Vox

  “Oh, come on,” she huffed.

  That tone. Oh, I knew that tone. And I knew what usually accompanied it.

  “Careful, Alexandra,” I said, my hand twitching. “It sounded a lot like you just rolled your god-damn eyes at me.”

  “Well, you wouldn’t know, would you?” Her voice was downright petulant. “Because you’re not here.”

  What a brat. Fucking hell, I put my twitching hand on my now twitching cock.

  “Alexandra,” I growled, sure to make my voice menacing.

  It wasn’t working.

  “When will I see you?” she asked, impertinent and annoyed.

  Not in the least bit submissive. The beast growled, hungry to put her back in her place. I cursed last night’s storm.

  “Probably not before your birthday.”

  I waited for the huff, the disappointed sigh, or the bratty retort. I was ready to shut it down and remind her of the consequences. But there was nothing. Nothing, but dead silence because…

  She. Fucking. Hung. Up. On. Me.

  My entire body shook as I called her back.

  It went straight to voicemail.

  My cock raged. The beast howled.

  I called again. This time, I left her a voicemail.

  I snarled into the phone.

  “You’re lucky, you little, fucking, Brat, that I won’t be seeing you for weeks. Because when I do, you’re going to wish you’d never hung up on me.”


  There was no tomorrow night with Brian. Or the night after. He had worked late, snuck into bed after I’d fallen asleep, and tonight he’d decided he wanted to go back to the Club. It was fine, I reminded myself. This weekend would come, and the three of us would go to Club Midnight. I shivered. I was really looking forward to it.

  More than that, I needed it.

  Then I got Derek’s phone call. The one where he told me he wouldn’t be visiting until my birthday.

  Which was a month away.

  A month away from him.

  I was so furious I hung up on him, damning myself to a punishment I couldn’t even begin to fathom. I’d fumed on the sofa as I thought about it. I imagined how that month would go. I could lose myself in my school work. The days would bleed together. Wake up, work out, study, wait for Brian to come home. If he came home, at all.

  All of it, while I pined for Derek.

  I’d break the repetition with a few lunches. Go shopping. Spend more of Brian’s precious money. I could handle it, I realized. It wasn’t Derek’s fault. He was just doing his job. My anger at him was stupid and immature.

  But, I’d be damned if I didn’t get to see Derek at least once before it all. I just needed one night, one chance to soak him in and savor him as much as possible, to get though the month ahead. So, I made a decision. A decision I knew I’d pay for, just as I knew I’d pay for hanging up on him.

  I didn’t care.

  I went to bed that night, listening to his voicemail over and over.

  I loved making him so angry. His passion overflowed and his devilishness soared when he was mad.

  I was about to make him even angrier with me.

  I closed my eyes, pussy wet and aching, and slept well. The next morning, I sent Brian a text. He hadn’t come home, so I needed to explain where I was going. I made sure he knew to look after Donnie and Coco.

  Then I threw on a black lace teddy, knee-high stockings, classic fuck-me heels, and my collar. I didn’t bring any other clothes. I put my long coat on, grabbed my purse, gave the dogs a kiss, and left.

  I was on my way to Penn Station. To purchase a ticket on the Long Island Rail Road. Because there was no way in hell I was going to wait until my birthday to see Derek.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Alexandra was doing that thing again that I hated. She was ignoring me. She didn’t my calls or texts. If she didn’t respond to me by tonight, I was going to call Brian and tell him to put her on the line.

  God help her if it came to that.

  I hated how pathetic it made me feel. All damn day, I’d been checking my phone like some lovesick teenager. I had half a mind to drive to her apartment just to spank the living daylights out of her. And then leave her burning with pain and want.

  She drove me fucking crazy.

  My anger was good for my work, though. I was always more productive when I was angry. I thrived on it. I hammered nails, sawed wood, and instructed my crew around with machine-like efficiency. There was no time for bullshit. I wanted this project done as fast as fucking possible.

  The sun was setting when I pulled into my driveway at the end of the day, and I still hadn’t heard a peep from the woman. I was so pissed off I almost didn’t notice that the light in my living room was on. I froze. It definitely hadn’t been on when I left.

  I almost laughed and wondered if some dark demon was listening to my prayers. Whoever the hell thought it was a good idea to rob me today, of all days, was in for a treat. I was going to enjoy beating the crap out of the thief.

  That was if Aries hadn’t ripped his balls off first.

  Though, my dog wasn’t barking, and that wasn’t okay. That made me feel something deeper than the rage that simmered—fear. I pulled a baseball bat out of the back of my truck. The wood sturdy in my hands.

  God help me if the fucker hurt my dog. Because I would kill him if he touched Aries. I’d kill him and go to jail and never get to touch my Venus again. I cut the engine and slammed my car door, wanting to spook whoever the fuck had broken into my house. I tore up to the front door, fully expecting to see the lock kicked in, but when I got there, the door was still locked.

  What the hell?

  Keeping my grip on the bat, I put my key into the knob and turned. The door creaked open. I walked in, bat raised, and Aries barked. Not an angry bark, but the happy one he saved for me when I came home. He bounded down the hallway, wagging tail and all.

  “Hey, boy,” I said, crouching down to rub his ears.

  Had I left the light on? I never left the light on, but I’d been distracted this morning by my bratty Goddess. It was possible. I sighed, rested the bat by the door, and walked into the living room.

  I stopped cold at the sight before me.

  Alexandra was sprawled on the sofa. The black points of her high-heels hung off the arm. She was wearing her long overcoat. A slip of stocking-clad leg peeked out of the bottom. Her arms were stretched above her head and she pursed those big lips in a grin.

  A big, smug, self-satisfied grin.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  That smirk never left her face as she got up and prowled over to me. Her heels clicked along the floor. Her make up was dark and slutty, her lips bright red. My cock lurched, getting harder by the second. She stopped in front of me, less than a foot away. My lip curled back as I smelled her. Vanilla and sex. That’s what she smelled like.

  “I decided,” she said, walking two fingers up my chest, “that I was tired of waiting.”

  She walked her fingers up my neck, then my chin, and stuck them in my mouth. I was too stunned to do anything. I’d never seen her be so bold, so brash. Then I tasted it, the sweet, cloying taste of her arousal all over her fingers.

  She’d been touching herself on my sofa.


  Careful. I had to be careful.

  Alexandra moved her hand from my mouth to rest on my raging cock.

  “I need you, Derek,” she said, her eyes boring into mine. “I can’t wait any longer to have you.”


  Distance. Distance was necessary.

  She stepped back, that sultry gaze never once letting me go. She unwrapped the tight knot holding her coat together.

  “You know,” she purred, “I took the train here. Can you imagine? Me, on the train, wearing nothing but this.”

  Her coat slipped over her shoulders and landed on the floor with a thud. I sucked in a breath.

  It was nothing more tha
n bits of lace, ribbon, and see-through mesh. Her breasts hung full and heavy, practically spilling out of the low-cut V that went down to her waist. Garters held the stockings up and…was she…my eyes widened.

  She smirked and turned, slowly, showing me that the bodysuit did, indeed, end at her hips.

  “Crotchless,” she said, craning her head over her shoulder to look at me. “Me, crotchless, on the train in front of all those strangers.”

  Her red-gold hair moved like silk over her shoulder as she shrugged and made her eyes wide.

  “I couldn’t help but touch myself a little bit, sitting all alone in that train car.”

  The back of the bodysuit had a black ribbon that rested just over the top of her ass, making it look like a perfect little gift. One that I wanted to sink my teeth into. The ‘SLUT’ marks from the paddle were fading.

  We’d have to fix that.

  This bold side of her was sexy. Impertinent. Just asking to be punished. Sinful. I shuddered in a breath, trying to maintain my control. I should tell her to turn that ass around and get back on the train.

  She completed her circle, and put a finger in the D-ring of her collar, tugging herself forward so her tits smushed together. Her nipples were hard. She squeezed them and moaned.



  Oh, fuck me to hell, I didn’t give a shit anymore.

  My mouth was on hers before I knew what I was doing. My fingers found her wet folds.


  “Oh, Princess,” I snarled, grabbing her hair and pulling her face from mine. “I can’t wait to make you scream for this.”

  Her pussy shuddered around my fingers as her entire body throbbed with desire. I held her there, hair wrapped around one hand, while my other swirled around her swollen clit.

  “I’m going to make you come so many times,” I whispered, pinning her with my stare, “that you’ll beg me to stop.”

  Alexandra trembled. Her juices coated my fingers as I began to pump them inside her.

  “And when you do,” I said, going faster, stroking her g-spot.

  Her body tensed, her climax near. I wasn’t going to make it sweet. No. I was going to fucking rip that orgasm right out of her.

  “I won’t stop.”

  Those sea-green eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her body jolted and her walls clamped around my fingers over and over. Her honey coated my hand, her moans were music to my ears.

  “Dungeon,” I growled. “Now.”


  It had been too long since I’d been down here. In Derek’s basement. His dungeon. Excitement bubbled inside me as we descended the stairs. If he was happy that I’d shown up out of the blue, he was doing a good job of hiding it.

  But, I did know that he was more than happy to push me onto the leather-padded platform in the middle of the room.

  “Don’t fucking move,” he hissed.

  I sat straight, obeying, watching as he went to a black lacquered cabinet. The one where he kept all his restraints.

  I’d long since let go of my fear of this room. Of the things Derek did to me down here. This was the one place where he unleashed his darkness in full. Maybe that was why I’d done what I did today. I knew that whatever he did to punish me, I’d want it. No, I wouldn’t just want it.

  I’d love it.

  My trust in him was complete. He took me places and made me feel things I never knew were possible.

  It was no wonder I was hooked on him.

  Still, when he turned around with that contraption in his hands, a flicker of fear licked up my chest. He held a steel bar with cuffs attached at each end. Plus, he had another set of cuffs in his other hand.

  “Hand and knees, Brat.”

  I jumped to obey. His commanding tone seared my clit. He let me watch over my shoulder as he spread my legs wide and strapped the cuffs around my ankle.

  “Leg spreader,” he said, grinning when my mouth dropped open as understanding dawned on me.

  With my ankles in the cuffs, the bar kept me from closing my legs.

  He hooked a short chain link to a ring that sat in the center of the bar. Derek’s hands grabbed one wrist then the other and pulled them between my spread legs. I fell onto my chest, unbalanced. I couldn’t see it when the fur-lined cuffs clasped around my wrists and bound them together. He tugged my cuffed wrists farther between my legs, dragging them until my ass had no where to go but high in the air.

  The click of the cuffs as they were chained to the bar resonated in my ears, barely audible over my thundering heart. I couldn’t move an inch. My arms were bound to the bar, my legs spread wide, and my ass was up and waiting for him.

  “How kind of you to wear crotchless lingerie, Alexandra,” Derek said, circling behind me.

  His hands gripped my bottom and he let out a sigh of appreciation. This position must have given him the perfect view of my ass and my pussy. I was bound tight. Helpless. Nothing, but Derek’s little fuck machine. His mouth was on one of my cheeks, hot and wet. Then pain, sharp and sudden, blossomed.

  Did he just bite me?

  He laughed, sinister and dark in that way that made me shiver from the inside out. His tongue slaked over the hurt, licking down and down, until his lips wrapped around my clit. He sucked it, eliciting a moan from me. That devilish tongue moved. He slipped it inside me, driving me wild with desire. He kept swiping back to my clit, then into my entrance, back and forth and back and forth until my head swam with pleasure.

  I didn’t ask. I knew I didn’t have to. Not tonight. Tonight was all about pleasure to the point of pain.

  So I came.


  All over his face.

  My clit was still throbbing when he pulled away. Derek smacked his lips before he wiped them on the inside of my thigh. The jangling of his belt buckle was the only warning I got before that huge cock rammed inside me.


  He smacked my ass.

  “You don’t get to complain,” he panted between thrusts. “You wanted this, remember, Brat?”

  My head jostled on the leather and my chest began to ache from bearing both my weight and his. My pussy was on fire. I burned as the pleasure consumed every fiber of my being. A cruel slap to my other ass cheek pierced through the pleasurable haze.

  “What do you say?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I managed.

  Derek’s pace went from fast to brutal. He speared me over and over, his girth stretching me, and filling me up in the way I needed. His hands were tight, so tight and uncaring, on my hips. He used them to pull my pussy back, to make his thrusts even harder. My orgasm began to swell. For the first time, I was worried. Worried that he was right. That the pleasure of tonight would be too much for me.

  His hand moved from my hips. He placed his thumb over my other entrance. It was a silent warning— the only one I’d get, to let me know he’d be taking me there tonight.

  If I knew him, Derek would be taking me in every possible way tonight.

  I screamed again, the pleasure making my hips buck as the orgasm broke over me. Derek groaned and his pace slowed to a stop.

  “I could watch your pussy milk my cock for the rest of my life.”

  Both hands back on my hips, he slowly, so slowly, began to move my pussy up and down his length.

  “I could feel you clench down on me for the rest of my life.”

  Back and forth, long and unhurried, he continued to move my hips on him. The contrast to the rough fucking moments earlier was enough to make my mind whirl. My clit tingled and throbbed.

  “I could toy with you forever, Alexandra,” he said. “I can feel how close you are to coming again.”

  I bit my lip and peered over my shoulder at him. At my steely-eyed demon. He’d taken off his shirt and I eyed the defined muscles of his chest, his abs. A line of sweat trailed down his neck, and I longed to lick it off. I wanted to lick all the way down until the thick, red tip of his cock was in my mouth.

bsp; “Careful, Princess,” he breathed, penetrating me with his stare, “if you keep looking at me like that, I might lose control.”

  I just stared at him more. He was still moving so slowly, and I marveled at that very control. His ability to not lose himself inside me.

  “That look makes me want to buy a cage and throw you in it.”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “It makes me want to keep you here. My pet, my little slave, forever.”

  I moaned. My clit thudded. I needed more.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please, Derek. Harder.”

  He laughed. Cruel and mean and sexier than sin.

  “I’d only let you out to service me,” he continued, his pace agonizingly slow. “Would you like that, Alexandra? To be locked away, to come out crawling on your hands and knees, to kneel before me while I fed you my cock?”


  My core surged with heat. Derek continued to spin his fantasy.

  “My little slave. You’d exist for nothing more than my pleasure. You’d see no one. Do nothing else. Except be mine.”

  He leaned down over my back, thrusting deep and long inside me.

  “And if you were mine, Princess,” he whispered, his breath hot against my ear, “I’d lock you up and throw away the key.”

  I unraveled. My walls pulsed around him again. This time he groaned low and rough as he spilled inside me.

  “I could come inside your cunt for the rest of my life.”

  I giggled. For Derek, the words were downright poetry. Filthy. Absolutely filthy, but sweet. As sweet as he could be. His hand wrapped around the back of my neck, teeth gnashing at my ear.

  “What’s so funny, Princess?”

  I had to be crazy. A complete lunatic, because I said, “You’re such a romantic.”

  Only an insane person would taunt the man who had her cuffed to a leg spreader. I expected the hand on my neck to squeeze. Waited for the harsh burn of a slap on my ass. Instead, he turned my face to meet his and kissed me. Deeply.

  And he didn’t stop.

  We made out like teenagers. Lips clashed and tongues danced until his cock began to stir inside me once more. Even when he was fully hard again, he didn’t stop. Just kept still while his mouth ravaged mine. It had been a while since I’d been kissed like this.


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