The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 1

by Emily Bex

  The Turning

  Book Two in the Medici Warrior Series

  by Emily Bex

  Foundations Publishing Company

  Brandon, MS 39047

  The Turning

  Book Two in the Medici Warrior Series

  By: Emily Bex

  Cover by Dawne Dominique

  Edited by Laura Ranger

  Copyright 2019© Emily Bex

  Published in the United States of America

  Worldwide Electronic & Digital Rights

  Worldwide English Language Print Rights

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews.


  The Medici Warrior book series is dedicated to all the dreamers, the hopeless romantics, and to my partner in crime, Johanna Morisette.


  This book could not have been written without the help of my collaborator, Johanna Morisette. She dragged me reluctantly into a world of vampires and inspired me to write. She had the initial vision for Shade and was instrumental in the development of his character. Throughout the seven years it took to write this series, she remained my sounding board for the development of the storyline. These characters, and this saga, would not exist if not for her constant support and input which kept me motivated to keep pushing forward.

  Table of Reference

  Italian to English Translations



































































































  Sample of Book Three: The Medici Queen

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  Italian to English Translator for Book Two

  Alzati guerrieri - Stand-up warriors

  Amica - Friend

  Amore - Love

  Bambino(s) - Baby/babies

  Bastardo - Bastard

  Bel - Beautiful

  Beleeza - Beauty

  Bellissimo - Very beautiful

  Bravado - Brave

  Buonasera - Good evening

  Cazzo - Generic curse word typically interpreted as fuck

  Dipendenzo - Addiction

  Dolce - Sweet

  Dormire guerrieri - Sleeping warrior

  Familia - Family

  Figlia/Figlio - Daughter/Son

  Fino ad allora - Until then

  Fratello - Brother

  Grazie - Thanks

  Guerrieri - Warriors

  Impavido - Fearless

  Lei e il mio vero amore - She is my true love

  Madre - Mother

  Recap of Book One: The Blood Covenant

  The Medici Warrior Series is a series meant to be read in sequence. The Turning is book two of the sagas. What follows is a refresher of book one, The Blood Covenant.


  Shade Medici, a vampire warrior king, takes up residence in the United States from his native Florence, Italy, hired by another master vampire, Alec Canton, to provide protection to him and his mate, Larissa (Rissa). Alec and Rissa are day-walkers who live freely among mortals. Alec entered the world of mortal politics and holds a seat in the U.S. Senate. His goal is to eventually seek the Presidency.

  A vampire of impressive power, Shade has made a lucrative career training and supplying warriors to other masters. He also owns a string of vineyards in Italy, France and Greece where he produces fine wines for both the mortal and vampire communities. As payment for overseeing the mercenary warriors Alec hired, Shade is paid with two additional vineyards. One in Central Virginia, and another in Napa Valley. Unbeknownst to Shade or Alec, there is a double agent amongst the mercenaries, who’s agenda has yet to be revealed.

  In the midst of setting up protection for Alec, Shade meets and falls in love with a mortal woman, Kate Reese. As a vamp of royal blood, and the sole surviving member of the Medici dynasty, he is expected to mate and produce an heir to ensure the longevity of the Medici coven. Cross species breeding is strictly forbidden. Mortals are viewed as playthings, never acceptable mates. Driven by his passion for her, Shade shuns the rules and pursues her. For them to stand a chance at all, he feels she needs to fall in love with him before discovering he is a vampire. Gradually, she lets her defenses down, and learns his secret. The two move to his newly acquired estate in Virginia together.

  Despite the depth of their feelings for each other, Kate struggles to adapt to the changes of vampire culture. To protect her from the more violent aspects of his world, Shade tries to keep her secluded at Bel Rosso, his Virginia manor. The passion that sizzles between them is worked into a frenzy when Shade invites Kate to drink from him and seal a blood covenant between them. With this covenant bond, they bind themselves as eternal mates. While Kate remains mortal, she must continue to feed from Shade in preparation of being turned.

  The world they’re building together is shattered with the arrival of Sabine, Shade’s ex-lover. Believing a mortal female is undeserving of a vampire king, Sabine tries to kill Kate. To protect his love, Shade submerges her further into his culture by introducing her to the Medici warriors. From their ranks, a vampire by the name of Luca is chosen as her protector for life.

  It should be a time of great joy when Kate and Shade discover she’s pregnant. Instead, it unleashes a
fresh wave of complications since a half-breed can never inherit the Medici dynasty. Alec and Rissa see the pregnancy as an opportunity to achieve their own twisted goals and devise a scheme that will kill the infant... and possibly Kate along with it. For now, their underhanded deception has yet to be discovered.

  Unfortunately, Kate indeed miscarries. Overcome by grief, sorrow drives a wedge between her and Shade. While he unleashes his sadness in a fury of rage and violence, she retreats within herself. It falls to Luca to try to pull the two back together where they belong. But Shade isn’t the only one plagued by anger from their loss. Kate seeks an outlet to unleash and goes against Shade’s wishes by asking Luca to train her as a warrior. As book one draws to a close, he reluctantly agrees, knowing they will have no choice but to work behind the back of vampire King Shade Medici.

  The Turning


  Larissa, or Rissa as her friends called her, made an appointment to meet with a competitor at noon. They occasionally worked together on large projects, although technically, she was a rival to her business, taking more middle-class clientele than Rissa did. She had called and wanted to speak with Rissa about a specific florist she used on a regular basis. Rissa didn’t normally share information on her business, but she knew this client could not possibly afford her services, so Rissa thought she would throw her competitor a bone. Besides, she was feeling generous. She was still basking in the glow of Alec’s approval of the role she played in Shade and Kate’s loss of that half-breed thing she was carrying around.

  Rissa didn’t deal with middle-class clientele if she could help it. She was above that now. Her business had grown leaps and bounds, and she was determined to keep it there, as the event planner for the elite. One false move in this town could wreak havoc with her reputation, putting her on the blacklist, so every client was screened and chosen to meet her select criteria.

  Driving up to her friend’s business, she felt nervous, the Capital Hill district had some great attractions, like the Eastern Market, but it wasn’t the upscale neighborhood of Georgetown, or G-town as the locals called it.

  As the meeting progressed, her rival was most appreciative, but then everyone was when they need her. All in all, it was entertaining to see how her competition operated and Rissa enjoyed intimidating her as much as she could. Rissa wrapped up the meeting as soon as possible. She had a huge gala for the foundation tonight, and she wanted to get home and relax before the event. She and Alec attended every year, and all the right people would be there.

  Excusing herself to use the restroom before leaving, she freshened her make-up, said her goodbyes and left. Eager to get back on familiar turf, she hurried to her car, threw her designer tote bag on the seat next to her, and noticed a scrolled note lying on the passenger seat. What in the hell is this? Picking up the note, she unrolled it and began to read…


  My angel, I let you go once.

  It is not a mistake I will make twice.


  “Max.” His name was out of her mouth before she could think. Her head was spinning, her heart racing, and her blood began to pound in her head. She threw her head back on the seat and took some deep breaths. If Alec ever knew! She had to control this, Alec would feel her turmoil. What is Max’s purpose? And why now?

  Firing up the engine and putting her foot to the pedal, she sped out as her thoughts churned in her head. The memories she had of them together, how he smelled, how she felt in his arms, his kiss. Stop it, Rissa. Stop it!

  Slamming on the breaks, she ripped the note to shreds and flung it out the window. Max! Why, why, why?

  Taking the longest route home, she stewed about this unexpected intrusion and tried to get him out of her head before returning home to Alec. Alec can never know…


  The sun was not up yet, but it would be soon. Shade teleported onto the patio behind their house, after spending another night on the streets of D.C. He was still reeling from the loss of their child. His bel appeared to be healing, letting go of the pain, but his seemed to be building. He looked down at his blood-stained leathers. Killing rogues helped, but it didn’t provide the release he thought would come, and perhaps, it never would. He would always carry the guilt of changing the pills to save her life and give up the life of their bambino. That decision would haunt him until he died. Kate would never have agreed to stop taking the pills, and she would never forgive him if she knew. Lighting up a smoke, he walked down the path to the grave marker. He wanted to say goodnight to him, sit in the quiet of the garden, and get himself together before entering the house to be with bel. He must be strong for her.

  Walking down the winding garden path, he came to the bench and sat down, staring at the marker. His mind rolled over and over with so many things. His heart bled for the mess he had made of his family, his mate and the loss of something so dear to them both. He wondered if he would ever be able to get their lives back to where they once were. Would they ever be the same? Could they get back what they had? He held her through her tears, remained the strong one. It was his duty, as her mate to take that pain from her, store it inside himself, and keep her from finding out he hurt more than she could ever fathom. He knew he should go back to the house and be with her. She grieved as well, and neither of them could ever go through this again.

  He needed to turn her but wondered when he would find the time. He would have to take her to Florence for the turning, it would take days, and things were getting more out of control in the city. The rogues just kept coming. It took all his warriors to get rid of the bodies every night before the mortals noticed anything. Hunting them seemed endless, and he shook his head to lock it out of his mind. Shut it down, Shade. Shut it the fuck down! You are home.

  He was startled as Gi sat down beside him. He knew it had been too long a night that he didn’t even hear him coming.


  “Gi? What is wrong? Fuck, is it bel?” Shade quickly stood and turned to run to the house.

  “Sit, master, all is fine with my lady. She does well, but I cannot say the same for you.”

  Shade sighed and sat back down beside his faithful manservant. “You know me too well. Does it show that much?” Shade hung his head, propping his elbows on his knees and stared at the cherub marking the grave.

  “Master, you are so much like your padre at times. You remind me of him, in more instances than you can imagine.”

  Grunting, Shade rolled his eyes to him, “I don’t know if that is a compliment or a kick in my ribs. You want to explain before I decide to pop you, old one?”

  Shade felt Gi slap him on the back and chuckle. “Master Shade, it is quite a compliment. I recall a time, before you were born, your padre was young like you. It is a story which you know nothing of. I was told by your padre to never speak of it, but I do believe, if he were here at this moment, he would tell you.”

  Shade slid off the bench and sat on the ground beside the marker, lit up a cigarette and eyed him. “Go on, you have my full attention.”

  “Your madre was a beautiful woman, and her heart was even more beautiful and giving, much like the one who has stolen your heart. She most certainly stole your padre's heart. He was a warrior of great standing, proud and stern. And I know you think you cannot compare, but you have far surpassed what he achieved. He would be so proud of you, your mate as well. He would not like that she is mortal, but I do believe the love your madre would have for her, would have made him think differently over time. He did all for her, lived for her and fought for her. She was his life and in that, you are much like him, for you are the same way. In the early years, before you were even thought of, your madre came with child.”

  Shade’s head snapped up, as he looked at the old one with furrowed brow. “What? Have you gone mad in the head? I never heard of such. I am an only child.”

  Gi nodded, “Of course you never heard, it was a secret we pledged to your padre to take to our graves. Your madre was with child
. It was early in her pregnancy and had not been announced to the coven. One day, her feet tangled in her gown and she fell down the marble stairs. I found her unconscious and bleeding internally. We called for your padre. He came home. We were all afraid of his anger. We thought he might slay us where we stood. He never wanted the coven to know the future King of their coven had not survived, and we were sworn to secrecy.

  “None of the staff was home that night, it was our night of rest and he had left her alone, while he tended to the territories, something he rarely did. I cannot begin to tell you what we went through, but we suffered in our hearts for your madre, we loved her as we do, my lady.

  “Her heart was broken. He took it all for her, he took it and never let her know how much he suffered for not being there for her. She eventually healed, but your padre almost went mad over the loss, never letting her in. He tried to shut her out, so she would not see how much he grieved. But, of course, your madre saw his pain, she took him to her heart and healed him, she led him back to where they both needed to be. Her strength healed him, and she protected her great warrior. Your padre fought this for a long time, pushing her away, but she never gave up, their love so great for each other. If he were here, master, he would tell you to let my lady heal you. Let her take the reins, let her show you nothing can destroy the love you have for one another.

  “She may be a small bit of beauty, but my lady has a strong heart, and she would die for you, as you would for her. Don’t be so stubborn, like your padre. Heal each other, for the sake of what is to come. For they took a long journey of many years before he would once again touch her, give her another child. That child was you, and no other came after. He may have been tough on you. I saw that, but learn from him. Do not make the same mistakes he did, for he would want you to thrive with children around you and honor the love of your eternal mate.”

  As Gi stood, he laid his hand on Shade’s shoulder and turned, walking back into the house.


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