The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 2

by Emily Bex

  Shade sat quietly by the grave marker, his tears streamed down his face. As he looked at the marker, he knew this place was where he needed to leave his pain, and here it would stay. He looked up at the house that held the love he would have for the rest of his life. He couldn’t wallow in the past for it would hamper the future he craved with his bel rosso. Wiping away the tears, he realized he looked as though he had been through a war. With Gi's words still ringing in his head, it was time to put away the pain and the guilt and give her all he had. Standing, he walked back to the house, entered, and saw Gi nod to him as he took the stairs three at a time.

  Walking past the nursery, he stopped dead in his tracks. The room was completely bare. He stepped inside and stood in the stark emptiness. It no longer felt hollow to him, but simply still and quiet. It was again an empty canvas ready to be painted with their story... his bel rosso and her savage lover.

  Kate heard him bounding up the stairs. Her heart skipped a beat knowing he was home. She waited expectantly for him to enter their bedroom, but he didn’t appear. It was quiet. She no longer heard him. It took her a minute to realize he had probably seen the nursery. She went to him. He was standing in the middle of the empty room. “Lover, please don't be angry, but I couldn’t bear to look at his things, to walk past his room every day. I should have asked you first, but the pain it brought... it kept pulling me away from you.”

  With his back to her, he listened to her words, feeling her pain was less now. This was her final step. He turned to her. He couldn’t hold his own guilt and agony in any longer. In painful humility he pled, “Mi amore, I am so sorry for all of this, I am torn in half by it. Please forgive me, just say the words.” He looked at her and held out one of his blood encrusted hands. “Please...”

  She stared at him, covered in blood and knew this was how he came home every morning. This was what he washed away before coming to her, what he tried to shield her from. Did he think she didn’t know? Did he still not understand she loved everything about him? That she was drawn to the beast in him? That she made no distinction, as he did, between Shade and the beast. To her, they were one and the same. She walked to him and stroked his blood-stained face.

  “Shade, I am a warrior too. We fight different battles. You fight with weapons to protect us. I fight for you... only you.”

  He looked at her, this small woman who stole all of him. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her with so much love and let go of his pain. He brought forth music from thin air as Lifehouse sang You and Me, and they swayed to the rhythm in this empty room where they would now begin again.

  She couldn’t remember when they last listened to music in this house. She felt the darkness lift from him, felt him let go of the pain, and knew they would heal together, they had found their way back to each other. “Come, lover, you need a shower... we need a shower.”

  Smiling at her, he hugged her close to his chest and held her there. After the song ended, he threw her over his shoulder, smacked her ass lightly and chuckled. “I think there might be enough soap and water for two warriors in that waterfall.”

  She giggled as she kicked her feet and wiggled. He knew he had his bel back, and she had her savage lover.


  Taking a last look in the mirror, Rissa made sure everything was perfect with her gown. The Fashion Fights Poverty Gala was one of the biggest events of the year. Her heart was saddened Alec was not attending with her tonight, but he seemed to be in his own hell with the rival coven. This gala was one of the few times she got him out. He was very different in public than behind closed doors. Taking a deep breath, she pushed away the thought of the note she found in her car and walked out to find Alec. She wanted his opinion of her dress and to see if he wished for her to do anything for him tonight while at the gala.

  Alec heard the soft swish of her gown as she entered the room and picked up the scent of her exotic perfume. He looked up to see her in a floor-length blue gown that accentuated her eyes. He gave her a smile of appreciation as he looked at her from head to toe. “My darling, you look good enough to eat.” He smiled wickedly. “I do regret I will not be able to join you, but I know you understand.”

  Her smile was genuine, she had his approval, and she lived and breathed for a compliment from him. “Of course, I understand. And I’ll make your excuses. Everyone will be disappointed, and I’ll miss being on your arm. This rival coven, is there any news? I’m not worried for myself, I can take care of myself and besides, the gala will be teeming with people.”

  Alec frowned, “Plenty of news about the rogues, my darling, and none of it good. But Shade is on top of things... thanks to you.” he gave her a wink. “And I don’t worry about you. I worry about anyone with the misfortune to cross your path.” He smiled at her.

  She laughed out loud. “No one would attack me. Who has that kind of balls? They know they would have to face your wrath. I must get on my way. I don’t want to be late.” She grabbed her invite from the table, turned and smiled at him. “I’ll miss you.”

  “I hope the gala is successful, Rissa. Have a wonderful evening, and I’ll miss you as well. I expect to be busy, but call if you need me.”

  She gathered her clutch and pulled on her gloves, “I should think I would not have to call you, but I promise to be alert and on guard for anything unusual.”

  Picking up the edges of her gown, she tucked her evening clutch under her arm and made her way to the door. Turning, she looked at him and they locked eyes, his stare so blue and wicked it made her shiver with want of him. “Please Alec, try to relax some. I know it is useless to tell you, but I do worry about you, I am not totally heartless.” Blowing him a kiss, she was on her way.

  Walking into the event, Rissa found her table, but it took her a long time to work her way through the throngs of people milling about as she smiled and waved, kissing cheeks and issuing the required hugs. She put on her best Larissa face and made the most of it. As she made it to her table and sat down, she began to chat with several of those around her, mostly Alec’s contacts. She and Alec had been a staple at this annual fundraiser and were major contributors. This was the first year he had not been able to attend with her, and she felt a bit lost without him. Alec was usually the one who entertained the crowd with conversation and she politely smiled her way through it.

  As the entertainment and awards began, she tried to pay attention, but her mind was on Max. She rolled it over and over in her head, and wondered how he found her and why, and it both excited and scared her at the same time. Alec literally stole her right from under Max's nose, and she never once looked back.

  Finally, the meal was finished, and people began to walk around and mingle. Several of her top clients stopped by the table and sat opposite her. Rissa took in all the gossip, it was so vital for her job and occasionally, she even picked up a tidbit that was helpful to Alec. She had to be his eyes and ears tonight. The juice always flowed at these events, which was why it was rare for him to miss it.

  As the evening progressed, her feet were hurting in her designer heels and she wished she could leave, but knew she had to put in a strong appearance. It would be rude to leave so soon. An orchestra began to play, and she watched as some of the couples started to dance. She sat quietly at the table, observing the crowd as they drank, danced, and chatted about Washington politics, who’s doing who and making those all-important contacts. She kept her ears open but heard nothing she didn’t already know. When Alec took this town, they would see a rush of power like never before, and she intended to be by his side.

  Max watched her from the edge of the crowd. He had been a fool to ever let her go. He had refused to turn her. Turning a mortal was a huge responsibility, and he had not been ready to take that on at the time. And now look at her, she was vampire, and with one of the most powerful vampires in the States, holding her own among these mortals who didn’t have a clue. Alec was his arch-rival, and he had no idea it was Max’s Aries coven that wreaked havoc on his t
own and kept him too busy to look after his mate.

  Max and Alec had maintained a civil relationship over the years. They understood a war between them would ultimately benefit neither of them, and they had always negotiated a peaceful settlement around their issues. Then Rissa left him for Alec. Max thought he could get over her, had tried to get over her. He was a master and a warrior with lots of options when it came to females. Rissa was the first mortal he ever fell in love with. Mortal-immortal relationships were still looked upon with skepticism in their world. She wished to be turned, he refused, and it cost him. He would not make her his mate, and it was a decision he came to regret. Even after all this time, he wanted her back. He decided he would do whatever it took.

  He steered clear of her all evening, watching her. He knew her, she was bored, putting up a front. As the evening wore on, she was seated at the table as couples took to the dance floor. He approached her from behind. Her gold locks were swept up on top of her head, and her neck was bare and tempting. He ran his finger down the curve of her neck and onto her bare back. "Have you missed me, my angel?"

  She felt the light touch of his finger glide across her skin, her body shivered from the contact, and his voice thrilled her, bringing with it a flood of memories. Max. She should be frightened, but she wasn’t the Rissie he once knew. He would soon find that out. Without looking at him, she responded. “You should watch your tongue. Someone may cut it out for you.”

  Max slid into the empty chair beside her, keeping his arm across the back of her chair. His body turned to face her.

  “Watch my tongue? What an interesting choice of words, my angel. I would love for you to watch my tongue, as it slides across your plump white breasts and those rosy pink nipples, across that tight belly and into that sweet nectar." He leaned in close to her ear, so she could feel his breath as he spoke, “Don't tell me you don't remember. I remember… I remember how you moved beneath me when I bathed you with my tongue, my sweet angel.”

  She felt his arm as it rested on the back of the chair and she shivered again, as he leaned so close his breath felt hot against her skin. The images rolled through her mind of how his arms held her all night long, his body so attuned to hers. It was always her needs before his, and she had forgotten how incredible that once felt. Rissa, snap out of this!

  When he called her ‘angel’, his voice changed, like it always did, such a soft and loving tone. Why now? Why the hell didn’t you fight for me when he took me? She turned her head to glare at him but looking into his eyes brought other emotions instead. He was here beside her, close enough to touch, and it slammed her hard to look into his eyes. His eyes stunned her. He was dressed in a tux that made him look both elegant and rugged. His dark brown hair was still long, but neatly tied back, and her hands itched to run them through his hair. She remembered Maximus far too well. She fought for control of her voice as she responded to him. “I need to remind you I belong to Alec now. You cannot touch me. Nor do I wish you to. If you will excuse me, I’m leaving for the evening.”

  Standing, she wanted to run, she couldn’t stay here one moment longer.

  Max grabbed her wrist hard and pulled her back to her seat.

  “Not this time, Rissie, and I suggest you not struggle, wouldn't want to draw the attention of the mortals, now would we? I let you go once. I didn't want to turn you, but I see my old friend Alec had no problem with that. I should never have let you walk out. And unlike Alec, who doesn't like to get his hands dirty, I am both master and warrior, and I’ll fight for what I want. And what I want, my angel, is you. I know you. And I know Alec. He can't possibly give you what I can. He can't love you the way I loved you, still love you. Do you want me to fight for you? Is that what you need to see? Because if that is what you need, I will gladly provide it.”

  His words shocked her to the core. She wanted to scream for Alec, make him come and show Max he loved her, and he would fight for her. But he spoke of love and that simple word turned her upside down. His grip on her hand was hard and forceful, and somehow, it reached straight into her heart. She fought through it, and yet, there was a part of her that didn’t want to.

  “Lower your voice, please. You know nothing about Alec or me! Fight for me? Love me? Where was that Maximus when I wanted and needed him? You didn’t have the balls then and I don’t believe you have them now. Alec will eat you alive. He owns me, and you couldn’t out fuck him if you tried. You are wasting your time.”

  Rissa felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped. “Miss Benneteau, is there a problem? You seem upset. May I be of assistance?”

  As Rissa turned her head, she saw Senator Winston, a junior Senator and she smiled at him. “Oh, Senator Winston, it’s wonderful to see you here tonight. I’m quite fine, thank you, just in a political disagreement with one of Alec’s old friends. Nothing to be alarmed about, but I do thank you.”

  She sat with her nerves jangled, not having any clue how Max would respond to this. He could make a huge scene.

  Max locked eyes with her and smiled wickedly and waited for the mortal to walk away. “Owns you, does he? Oh, I have no doubt about that, my angel. I know Alec well. What kind of warrior would I be if I didn’t know my rival? Let me see if I've got this right. My friend Alec is all about control, he controls you, yes? He makes you wait for his affection. He makes you beg for his affection. And as I recall, he was very much into the delivery of pain. He has turned your heart, so it is cold and hard. Is that how you wish to be loved? Or is that what you are willing to settle for? A woman like you should never have to beg for love. And I have the balls, my angel. If you need me to take him down and clear the path for us, consider it done.”

  Her breathing became ragged, strangled. Every word he spoke hurt her, made her see Alec in a different light. She felt as though her whole world was crashing around her, and she could feel the tears as she fought hard to hold them back, her voice a whisper. “Stop, please.”

  He saw her emotions rise to the surface, so he softened his voice as he ran the back of his hand across her cheek. “Rissie, I did not come here to hurt you. Don't cry, my angel, shh. I want you back, and I am willing to do whatever it takes. I made a mistake letting you go. I have to own that. I hurt you, and for that, I apologize. My actions probably drove you right into his arms, so I feel responsible. But I'm back now, for good. I know this is a lot to lie at your feet. I don't expect an answer tonight. I know you need time, but we are vampire, we have all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere. You can expect to see me regularly. I won’t come around when he’s with you. I’ll not put you in jeopardy. But I’ll be close and waiting.”

  She could feel her chest heaving for breath. She wanted to lean into him, but she couldn’t. She felt like she was losing her mind. Oh, Max, why do you put me in this place? A choice, no, no, no! His voice was gentle, loving, and she closed her eyes and fought the impulse to give in to him so hard her body ached. She needed to get to Alec. “I’m not your angel. Don’t follow me. Please Maximus, stop this.”

  Standing, she rushed headlong for the doors, she didn’t care who she bumped into. She just needed to be away from him, away from the temptation, and back home to her Alec.

  Max watched her flee, and felt her turmoil. Run home, my angel. I have all the time in the world.


  Alec had been on the phone with Shade on and off most of the night. There had been random attacks on mortals all over the outskirts of the city, but every night, the attacks moved closer to Georgetown. Shade said the coven was much larger than they originally expected. Alec was in between calls when he tuned into Rissa. She was flustered, excited and sexually aroused. Alec could feel her body respond to whoever it was and his beast roared. Whoever she felt drawn to, she did not leave with him, but she was leaving in a hurry. This will not do! He checked the time. She would be home shortly, and he would be waiting. He slid on a pair of black leather gloves.

  On the drive home, it took all she had to calm herself, relax
and walk inside that door. She just wanted to be with Alec. Opening the door, she felt his anger hit her like a ton of bricks and she stopped in her tracks, her hand still on the doorknob. She had forgotten to block her emotions when she saw Max. She locked eyes with him. He could kill her where she stood.

  “Meet someone interesting, baby girl? Did you think I wouldn't notice? Get over here. Now!”

  His voice was so cold her heart damn near stopped from fright, and she immediately blocked all thoughts from her head and concentrated only on his words. She walked to him, her eyes still locked with his. “Yes, daddy.”

  He gripped her throat with his gloved hand as he stepped up to her, their bodies touching, and he put his lips to her ear as he spoke in a whisper of barely controlled rage, “You have two options. Either you remove the dress quickly, or I will do it for you.”

  As he went for her throat, Rissa knew this was no game. He had felt her with Max and his beast had surfaced. She must move carefully. Alec could easily kill her. She quickly reached around her back but struggled with the zipper, as he had such a hold around her neck. She saw his rage flare up when she didn’t move fast enough to please him and before she could blink, he ripped the gown to shreds.

  She stood before him in her bra and panties, garter belt and stockings. He could see the fear in her eyes and it fed his beast. His fangs were bared as he spoke through clenched teeth. “Get. Upstairs. Now. Face down on the bed.”

  She ran fast, and she didn’t know if it was from fear or excitement of him, but she needed him to take her hard. She lay across the bed face down and her body shivered, waiting, never knowing what the beast would lavish on her.

  Alec followed her up the steps. She was already on the bed when he roughly grabbed each ankle and tied them to the bedpost.

  “Would you like to tell me who sparked your interest tonight, baby girl?”


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