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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 6

by Emily Bex

  Alec nodded, “Yes, mean anything?”

  She shook her head. “Never heard of it. And what a ridiculous name for a master.” She flopped back on the bed, responding dismissively, praying he walked out that door before she completely cracked.

  Alec shrugged. “Yeah... has me befuddled too. But it doesn't matter. We'll find him. Shade will track him. It is just a matter of time. In the meantime, heed my warnings... be careful.”

  He left the room and returned to his study. She stared at his back as he left, and her body began to shake from head to toe. How could this be happening? Alec's territory was under attack and now she knew who it was. But it wasn’t Alec they wanted, it was her! Oh Rissa, what have you done, you stupid bitch. You have to fix this immediately, and Alec can never know.

  Pulling herself together, she quickly showered. It was Sunday and she could spend the whole day in the gym, so she could think, and work this out. But she needed to find Max and find him soon. He had a lot to answer for, and Rissa would set his ass straight. He better gather these asshole rogues and get the fuck out of our town! Picking up her gym bag, she headed to the study to let Alec know she was leaving. “Alec, please may I go to the gym?”

  “Yeah sure, just be alert, Rissa. If I start to feel you are at risk, I will have Alto drive you everywhere, so let me know if you have any problems.”

  Rissa fluttered her hand at him. “I’ll be fine, I’ll be more alert now based on what you’ve shared. I won’t be too long, but you know how I am, once I get there, I lose track of time.” Spinning on her heels, she tried not to run out the door. Where the fuck are you, Max?

  Working out seemed to center her, and today, Rissa needed to be centered more than ever. She had felt so confused about Alec, Max and all the chaos of recent events. She had never had anything bother her like this, she was always focused and on her game. But the appearance of Max had definitely taken her off center and she didn’t like it.

  She needed to talk to Max, she needed to know if he was the one behind this rogue coven ravaging the city, and turning her vampire into a maniac with his uncontrolled beast. Her body still ached from the rough sex he bestowed on her, and although she loved every bit of his attention, craved it even, when Alec's beast came out, it was something to be feared.

  The more she was putting the pieces of this puzzle together, the clearer the picture became. Max wanted her back, and she knew he would stop at nothing. Unless she decided to go back to him, Max would try to take Alec down, and rule this territory with her at his side.

  She knew Max might be able to pull this off, but she still had her reservations. Alec held equal power, even if he wasn’t a warrior. Was Max’s desire for her enough to make him push harder in his quest for her? His words from the gala rang in her head and rattled her heart strings. Max still loved her, never stopped loving her, and he wanted her back. He was willing to fight for her, taking Alec down and giving Rissa everything she ever dreamed of. But Max had forgotten one small thing. He had given up his chance once before, refusing to turn her from mortal to immortal when she was with him.

  Alec protected her now. He taught her to be all he ever wanted in a mate, and she willingly gave that to him. No one could love her like Alec, and he knew she loved the unique type of love they shared. She was proud to be his mate. They were far from conventional, and it was best no one knew what Senator Canton did behind closed doors to the Darling of G-town. She knew Alec's goals and knew she was part of them. But Max, what the hell did he have for a goal? Where did he think he was going? That was something she needed to find out, for her own benefit and sanity.

  And this potion? How brilliant and diabolically evil was that? Did Max know the beast could still detect the scent? Rissa was even more curious to figure out how the potion was made, what was in it, and how to get her hands on some. Wouldn’t she love to be the one to hand that to Alec? But she needed a foolproof plan that would not expose her. Getting to Max would be easy, but explaining how she got the potion, that was another story. Those were minor details, and Rissa was sure she would find her way through. Alec would be so overwhelmed and proud of her accomplishment he would probably not be overly concerned for details. Oh yes, Maximus, I will play your little game and lure you in. Hell, you are already on my heels with a fire you can’t put out, and you will give your angel all the tools she needs to take your ass out. Alec has taught me a thing or two, Max. You may think I am cold-hearted, but you have seen nothing yet, for this angel loves her mate and will never betray him. You want war, Max, you will have a war!


  Leaving the house tonight was a bitch, Shade didn’t want to leave Kate, but she seemed anxious, in a strange way, for him to leave. He shook it off. She was probably working on decorating another damn room. He didn’t care, whatever the hell made her happy was fine with him.

  It felt good to come home now, she was back to his normal sweet bel, and peppering him with questions and making him laugh. He no longer felt the need to hide everything from her. He wasn’t to the point where he would tell her the details of what went on in the Dead House, though. She may never understand the brutality of his world and he didn’t want her to. She was his soft bel and he wanted to keep her that way. If she ever turned into a fucking Rissa, he thought he would kill her himself.

  Taking the last puff on his smoke, Shade walked back into the Dead House and wandered through the halls to the makeshift command post. There was nothing fancy here and he liked that, there was a place for comfort and this was not the place. This was where the beast was allowed to rule, and he wanted all the warrior’s beast to come out and play here, uninhibited.

  Walking into the command center, he found Skelk sitting on the metal stairs, crossbow in hand, and Shade shook his head. That was one crazy mother fucking killing machine. Skelk nodded, he wasn’t the talkative type, so just his presence here had Shade on alert. Something was rattling around inside his head, and Shade had a feeling he was about to find out what it was. Sitting down in the chair, Shade propped his feet up on the desk and grabbed the grid map, looking it over.

  “You know, Skelk, that’s an odd weapon of choice, but a damn good one. I know you rarely go street level, you would look like some fucked up coke addict gone mad walking in G-town with that thing.” Chuckling, Shade lowered the grid map and looked at him.

  Skelk answered, his voice low and gruff, “I don’t need no streets under these boots to kill. My aim is good, and these arrows work just fine. I do my share of laying those bastards low. I don’t give a rat’s ass what mortals think, either. Master Alec gives his orders and I just follow them.”

  Tossing the grid map down on the desk, Shade spun in his chair and looked at him, face on. “I have no doubt about your skill, I respect that. And rooftop level is one place I need you. So, what’s going on, brother? Your ass isn’t here to suck up to me, so give it to me straight.”

  Skelk eyed him slowly, he liked this master, he knew warriors, he was warrior, and Skelk knew he could trust him. He had seen Master Alec take his word and extend his trust, and if that powerful bastard trusted him, then Skelk could too.

  “I was here last night. Listened to that rogue tell his tale of potions and bullshit. I ain’t so sure I believe all that, Shade. And it doesn’t matter. I can take care of business, scent or no scent. But I been noticing something, and it ain’t my place to tell Master Alec what the fuck I see and know. So, I’m telling you.”

  Shade furrowed his brow and got a gut-wrenching feeling. He didn’t know where the hell Alec found this piece of work, but basically, it didn’t matter. Skelk was an artist with the crossbow, and he knew how to take down whatever he was told. He followed orders and knew Shade gave them under Alec’s command. Skelk’s presence here tonight told Shade whatever he knew was important. He wasn’t exactly the social butterfly in this league of brothers. Shade lowered his boots to the floor and they hit with a resounding echo across the empty room, his signal to Skelk he had his full attention. />
  “Speak your mind, Skelk, I’m listening. Anything, as far as I am concerned, is vital to this operation. Your eyes and ears are my radar on the streets. Go on.”

  Skelk drew slowly on his cigarette. “I don’t spend my time walking around them rogues. I stay up high, that’s my skill. Other warriors keep telling me they ain’t smelling shit. But I am. I ain’t saying I’m different or better. I got eyes like a fucking hawk. And last two nights, something ain’t fucking right. I smell them. And when I find them, they ain’t rogues, Shade. They are mortals been turned. Not drained but turned. And just let loose to fend for themselves. They ain’t no warriors or coven mongers.”

  Shade’s brain was churning. What the fuck? “So, you’re telling me Aries is turning mortals, not just killing them, and leaving them to fend for themselves? Turning them into killing machines from hunger?” Standing up, he began to pace, running his hands through his hair.

  “That’s what the fuck I just said. They ain’t bearing no tats, they women, men, teenagers. They ain’t fucking picky what they turn. They just go round making newborns now. Just thought you should know. Heading out, I ain’t sitting in this hellhole all fucking night. I ain’t born to do that shit, makes my ass lazy.” He strapped the bow on his back, stood up, waiting for his dismissal. He knew better than to walk out of here like he owned the fucking place.

  Shade was processing the information. This fucking Master of Aries had taken this to another level. This was going to be a son of a bitch to control. Cazzo! Like I need more fucking chaos to deal with. He slammed his fist on the desk and watched the crack spread across the table. “Good job, Skelk. Fucking good eye, brother.” Shade picked up the grid map and pointed out Skelk’s assignment from the previous night, tossing the map across the table to Skelk. “Is this the grid where you saw them last night?”

  Skelk nodded as he looked at the map.

  “Get out there and let me know if you see more, or if they move.”

  Watching as Skelk stalked out, Shade let out a long breath. Another fucking long night trying to figure out what the living hell this bastard Angel was up to.

  Alec was getting home later than usual. He’d be glad when this session of Congress was over, and he could have more time to focus on this mess with the rogues. He walked into the study and poured himself a Midnight, then pulled out his cell phone and hit Shade on speed dial. He needed to see if there was anything new since the Intel they got from the rogue last night.

  Shade was barking out orders and recording locales of sightings and hits when he heard his phone buzz. He didn’t even have to look. Who else would be buzzing his ass at this time of night? “Shade.”

  Alec could hear the rustle of paper on the old table set up in the command center, and had a visual of Shade shuffling through the clutter. “Just checking in, brother. Anything new I need to know about?”

  “Yeah, something you need to know, but you sure as hell won’t like it. Sit the fuck down, brother, don’t bang a fang, but one of your warriors picked up something the last two nights. Where the hell did you find that Skelk character? He is a piece of work!” Shade lit up a cigarette, waiting for Alec’s response.

  Alec laughed under his breath. “Skelk... yes. He was kicked out of another coven. He worked independently for a while until he realized even his bad ass needed some backup. He's not much for rules, but then, neither am I, so I recruited him. He can be a wild card, but he has come in handy more than once. So, I'm sitting. What bomb are you going to drop tonight?”

  Shade shook his head. “He wanders around this damn place like Robin fucking Hood with that crossbow. Tonight, he tells me these rogues are attacking mortals, turning them, and letting them go, unattended. So, now you have rogue warriors from the Aries coven and a bunch of fucking mortals being turned into zombie immortals overnight with no damn place to go, no guidance, no fucking nothing. They are wreaking havoc, uncontrolled bloodlust and the need to feed, and who the hell knows how many there are. This fucking master just upped the game, brother.”

  Alec jumped to his feet, pacing the floor. “Jesus fucking Christ, Shade! How the hell do we keep a lid on this? How many warriors have I lost? Do we need to bring in yours? This is completely out of control. This won't go unnoticed by the mortals for very long. It will be on the front page of the Washington Post. Then every reporter in town will be snooping around.”

  Shade suppressed his laugh, because suddenly, Mr. Fucking Bad Ass Master sat up and paid attention. Well, son of a bitch, took your prissy high and mighty ass long enough! “Casso Alec, I am no untrained master, I got this. I don’t want your beast going ape shit on me. I got enough of them to deal with now. I need to bring in my own. I’m done with this playing. It’s time I showed you what the fuck a real warrior does. I’m tired of this fucking hell hole and being stuck here with no real progress. I’m going to Florence, I need to get my boys in here, get this fucking nightmare on the right course or we are both going to be looking for another place to live. I need to talk to Kate, I need to have a place to house them and they sure as fucking hell can’t shack up in the Dead House.”

  Alec was half listening to him rant on about his warriors and Kate. What the fuck is he talking about? “You lost me, brother. I understand bringing in your warriors, bring in whatever you need. But who is Kate?”

  Shade squeezed the phone in his hand, almost to the point of popping it apart. How fucking dare you not even know my mate, you bastard! He should go over there and rip his fucking head off. His beast rose up and Shade had to tap him down.

  “Damn Alec, sometimes I wonder how the fuck you got where you are. Don’t worry, you don’t fucking need to be concerned about my woman, just like I don’t give a fuck how you deal with yours. I will line this up, leave soon and bring back what I need, be gone two nights, tops. I’ll leave Tomas in charge while I’m gone.”

  Alec felt his anger through the phone. Fuck! That fucking mortal is still causing me problems. What master takes a fucking mortal for a mate, anyway? At least I turned Rissa before making her my mate. Alec’s temper flared at Shade’s tone, but he needed his head in the game right now, so he let his comment about Rissa pass. Alec swallowed down his anger before he answered him. “Oh, Kate! Of course, no, I remember. You confused me with the reference to your warriors. Yes, by all means, do whatever is necessary. If you need to go to Florence, then go. Let me know when you leave. Just get this under control, brother. For both of us.” Alec ended the call, downing the glass of Midnight in one gulp.

  Shade sat there seething. Damn right, I will go. You don’t own my ass, Alec, and you never will. Shouting out a few commands, he headed out. Time to get the hell out of here and go home to some peace and quiet, but he was afraid it wouldn’t be quiet for long. He needed to talk to Kate about Florence.


  Kate got up when Shade woke and waited for him to leave before getting dressed to go downstairs to Luca. She put on jeans, t-shirt, sneakers, and a jacket. The weather was cold, but he worked her so hard, she would be shedding any clothing heavier than this anyway. Luca said they would run seven miles tonight. She stopped off in the kitchen and had Reynaldo fix a big high protein breakfast. He seemed delighted, but if Luca worked her like yesterday, she would burn this off by midnight.

  Kate walked to Luca's suite where the door was closed. The message was clear. While he was still her protector, when they are training, he was in charge, he would call the shots. She knew if she ever skipped a single day, if she didn’t take this seriously, he would end it.

  Luca waited in his suite for her. He would never go looking for her. She would come of her own free will or not at all. She seemed hell bent on issuing him a challenge when she left yesterday, but let's see where she was today after a full day of sore muscles. He was pleased with her performance so far, and a little surprised. She was still soft and had a long way to go, but she never backed down. Still, the swordplay was mock and slowly paced. He would push her further until the swordplay wa
s real. He was beginning to think she had changed her mind when there was a light tap on his door.

  Without speaking, he stepped out and started walking outside, and she followed him. "Warm up, stretch," he barked at her, and she complied.

  Yikes! Where did my gentle Luca go?

  After a few minutes of warm-up, he started to run, and she ran beside him. He reminded her of posture and breathing. He took her on a longer loop, and he had increased the pace. Yesterday, he had let her set the pace. Today, she was forced to keep up with him. Her lungs were burning still, and her muscles ached, but there was something in this physical demand on her body that was cathartic, and it was the release she had been looking for. She let him push her the entire seven miles. As they ended up back at the house, he instructed her, again, to cool down and drink water.

  Luca had purposefully pushed her harder today, forcing her to dig deeper. She kept up with him as he watched her go inside her head, finding the runner's zone that allowed her to block out burning lungs, the pounding heart, and the screaming muscles. That was both good and bad. As they returned to the house and she was cooling down, he asked her, "What did you notice?"

  She paced the yard, letting her breathing return to normal. He asked a question that confused her. "What did I notice?" She stopped and looked at him. “About what?”

  "What did you notice as we ran? Did you hear the owl in the tall pine tree? Did you know there was a coyote in the brush, as we came around the large bend? Did you see the house cat that chased down the mouse in the field?"

  Kate stared at him for a second. Is he kidding me? His eyes told her no. “Uh... you know it's dark out, right? And I'm not sure I would have noticed those things in broad daylight."

  Luca nodded, "And that is exactly what your enemy is counting on, Kate."

  Kate looked up at him, "I have enemies?"


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