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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 9

by Emily Bex

  She looked down at her feet, “Warrior? I am hardly a warrior.”

  “Excuse me? Were you not the one telling me warriors are born not trained? That a warrior is one who chooses to stand between his enemy and all that he loves and holds sacred? Trust me, little one, you are a warrior.”

  He dismissed her for the night, and she headed back to her bedroom to shower. She ran her hands over the empty bed, and took her shower alone. She put on fresh clothes. The sun was starting to rise, and the electronic blinds started their soft whir, as they closed over all the windows, blocking out the light of day. Normally, she would be sliding into bed with Shade now, but the bed looked cold and uninviting and only reminded her of his absence. How would she get through these next few days? She walked through the house, but there was nothing that needed to be done. The staff took care of everything.

  She plopped down on the sofa in the living room, grabbed the remote and opened all the electronic blinds, watching how the natural light warmed all the colors in the room. She missed the beauty of the sun. She pulled her cell phone out of her jeans pocket and started scrolling through her contacts. As she looked at the names of friends and family members, it hit her how much she had cut herself off from everyone she knew in the mortal world. She would give them up all over again to be with Shade... but she did miss her girlfriends. When was the last time she just sat and talked with the girls? The only female vamp she knew was Rissa, and she worked during the day and spent her nights with Alec.

  As she scrolled, she saw her name... Shannon, her bestie. They had spoken a few times on the phone since she moved in with Shade, but like everyone else in her life, Kate felt she had to keep Shannon in the dark, for Shade’s protection. Besides, how do you tell someone you're engaged to a vampire? On a whim, she hit dial.


  Kate held her breath as she listened to her phone ring. A part of her was even hoping it rolled to voicemail. She had no idea how to approach Shannon after all this time, to invite her here to Bel Rosso, to explain where she had really been for the last six months, and then she heard Shannon’s voice.

  "Well, hello, stranger.”

  “Shannon! Oh my god, it’s so good to hear your voice. I have so much to tell you... and so much to apologize for.”

  As she rambled on, Kate realized she didn’t just want to talk to her, she wanted to see her. She knew she could arrange to meet her somewhere, and Luca would follow, remaining in the background. But, on impulse, she decided to ask if she’d come for a visit. Kate could always tell Shannon it was Shade’s house, and she was just here in the States for a few days, or maybe she would come clean, at least as much as she was able to share.

  “Shannon, you remember Shade? I told you he had a place in Virginia, and he said I could stay here whenever I came to the States. Well, I’m here, and I was wondering if you’d like to drive down for a visit? I have a free day.”

  "Of course," she answered. "I would love to! Give me a couple of hours and I'll be there."

  Kate gave her directions, ended the call and started pacing. Cripes! She had never invited mortals to the house. But this was different, this was Shannon. Kate had always told her everything, well, except for this. She headed to the kitchen to let Reynaldo know they would have a guest for lunch, and maybe dinner. He seemed delighted and was immediately in a flurry of preparation. Kate let Gi and Theresa know to expect a guest. She was giddy with the anticipation of seeing her old friend again.

  She ran upstairs to change clothes and put on some make-up. Shannon always looked gorgeous, even on her worst days, and Kate had adopted a daily costume of jeans and a sweater. She found something a little more feminine to wear. It was still a little cool outside, but she pulled a spring dress from her closet and a light shrug in a pale coral that accented her coloring. She brushed out her hair and spritzed on her rose fragrance. She heard the doorbell, and before she could get downstairs, Gi was at the door, welcoming her. Yikes! Well, now I’ll have to explain house staff. Wow! Right out of the gate.

  As Kate entered the foyer, she saw Shannon at the door and ran to her. They both grabbed each other in a hug and start giggling like school girls. Kate watched the expression of amusement on Gi's face as he carried her coat away.

  Shannon stepped back, looking at her, “A butler? Shade has a butler? Oh, you have so much explaining to do!”

  Kate laughed and shook her head, “Shannon, you have no idea. Do you want to see the house first?”

  “Absolutely! The grounds are beautiful. At least what I could see coming up that long drive, and this house is a delight.”

  Kate gave her a quick tour of the first floor, introducing her to Reynaldo where Shannon gave her a sideways glance and mouthed the words ‘a chef’ as they left the kitchen. They headed up the stairs and ran into Theresa, who was coming down, and Kate introduced the two of them. Kate showed her the many bedrooms, walking quickly past the empty nursery, ending up in the master bedroom.

  Shannon stood in the bedroom, taking it all in, this house, the staff, and she looked at Kate’s face. She was glowing, and Shannon knew she was in love. She was happy for her, but she had known Kate long enough to know she wasn’t getting the whole story, and she decided she wouldn’t be leaving here today until she knew everything.

  Shannon noticed the two separate his and hers walk-in closets, both filled with clothes. Kate was here for longer than a few days.

  “So, this house…” She paced around the room, taking in the details, noticing the oil painting of Kate on the wall. “You’re telling me Shade lives in Florence and only travels here on occasion, and you just pop in when you’re in the States, but there just happens to be a butler, a chef, and a housekeeper who keep things running on the off chance someone pops in?”

  Kate wrestled with how much to share. She was never good at lies, and this one was too convoluted to carry on for long. “Shannon, the truth is, I never went to London. I moved here, with him.”

  Shannon seemed surprised. “But why would you hide that? I knew you were seeing him. Why did you feel like you had to make up this big story about a job in London?”

  Kate flopped down on the bed. “Because it happened so fast. Because he asked me to quit my job and sell my condo, and it sounded insane even to me. I had just broken it off with Ethan, and then I met Shade. I mean, my head was telling me it was a crazy thing to do, but my heart… I just wanted him. I was afraid of your judgment.”

  Shannon joined her on the bed. “Girl, we have both made stupid choices when it comes to men. I wouldn’t have judged you, but you’re right, I probably would have tried to talk you out of it. I mean, you took a big risk, quitting your job and selling your place. What if… you know?”

  “Yeah, I do know. I thought of that. And he knew I’d think of that, which is why he signed the deed over to me.”

  Shannon sat upright on the bed. “He did what? You own this?”

  “Well, technically, yes. But really, I don’t think of it as mine, it’s ours, our home. I know he did it, so I’d have no excuse.”

  Shannon shook her head. “And where is the man of the house, Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous? I want to officially meet the man who has kept you so busy for the last six months that you haven't had time for your best friend.”

  Kate took both of Shannon’s hands in hers. It felt so good to have her here, and to tell her the truth, well, almost the truth. “He’s in Italy right now... on business. You know he owns several vineyards, in the United States, Italy and France.”

  As Kate shared this with her, she knew she wanted Shannon to meet him. She must still be guarded with what she shared, but of everyone she knew, Shannon would be the most likely to understand.

  “When he gets home, and things settle down a bit, I’ll have you come again to meet him. I know you saw him that one evening at the restaurant, but I want you to get to know him.”

  “Kate, I can tell you love him. You light up when you even speak of him. I’m so happy for you, really
, I am. And you look so happy. I forgive you for ignoring me for the last six months. Now tell me everything!”

  Kate took her hand and led her from their bedroom and back down the stairs. She shared what information she could about Shade, and she was wondering if she wanted to tell Shannon about the baby. Did she even want to open up that box of pain? As they hit the bottom of the stairs, Luca emerged from his suite into the corridor.

  Luca looked at Kate and then shifted his eyes to Shannon, and Kate watched the expression on his face, as he seemed mesmerized by her. Kate turned to Shannon and noticed she had seen him as well. They were both just staring at each other.

  “Oh... uh, Luca, this is my best friend, Shannon. Shannon, this is Luca my pro... my, uh, trainer. My personal trainer.”

  Shannon couldn’t take her eyes off this man, “Your trainer? Your trainer lives here?”

  Kate’s mind was running a mile a minute. Fuck! I almost called him my protector. But trainer is not a good option, either. Now she wants to know why he lives here.

  Kate was trying to come up with an explanation, as she watched Luca walk slowly across the corridor, never taking his eyes off Shannon. He extended his hand, not for a handshake but palm up. Shannon laid her hand in his palm as Luca slowly lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the back of her hand, and saying, “It is my pleasure to meet you, Shannon," in that glorious Italian accent, never letting his eyes leave hers.

  Kate looked at Shannon. Shannon had her eyes locked to his, her mouth slightly open. Well, well, well... what have we here? She smiled to herself, as she witnessed the little love connection. And then it hit her, Fuck! She is mortal... and he... Fuck! Oh Shannon, I really hope you have an open mind, sister.

  Shannon practically purred her response, “The pleasure is all mine, I assure you, Luca.”

  Luca was still holding her hand, and they were both just standing, eyes locked on each other. Kate cleared her throat. “Uh... Shannon... lunch is probably ready, would you like to follow me?”

  Shannon stood with her hand still in Luca’s. “And will Luca be joining us for lunch?”

  Luca responded, “Sadly no, mia bellezza, I have much to do for the master of the house.” He let go of her hand with reluctance. A mortal! He had never felt such an attraction for a mortal before, and she took his breath away. But she was a distraction, and he had much to do before master returned. He turned to go to the bunker when he heard her call after him.

  “I hope I’ll see you again, Luca.” She watched him as he walked away, the loosely tossed hair, his broad shoulders and narrow hips, his stride, and she was spellbound.

  Luca looked over his shoulder at her and replied, "I will make a point of it, mia bellezza," as he disappeared behind the door.

  Shannon turned to Kate. “What does ‘mia bellezza’ mean?”

  Kate shrugged, “Beats the hell out of me. Shade speaks to me in Italian all the time. I have to look it up on Google.”

  Shannon pulled her cell phone from her purse and googled the phrase. “My beauty. He called me his beauty! His beauty. Oh my god!”

  Watching her brought back a rush of memories for Kate, of when she first met Shade and hearing him call her ‘mi amore’, and ‘bel rosso’. How she loved the sound of those words on his lips and feeling how special they were. He only spoke those names to her. She knew a lightning strike when she saw one. Oh, brother... I didn't see this one coming.

  Kate dragged Shannon away from Luca and they headed to the dining room where lunch had been laid out for them. They sat down to eat and talk. Kate was trying to fill her in, telling her what she could about Shade buying this house for the vineyards, bringing his staff over from Italy, the California house in Napa Valley, the Medici Vineyards there, as well as his home and vineyards in Florence. She decided to leave out the part about it being a freakin’ castle. She told her she had been working on renovations here at Bel Rosso, as well as decorating the California house, giving her as much detail about the events of the last six months as she felt safe sharing. As she was talking, Shannon grabbed her hand, noticing the ring, like she could miss it, and nodded at it.

  With a mouth full of fettuccini, Shannon almost choked. “So you're engaged then. You're going to marry this man? Can I assume I’ll be your Maid of Honor?”

  Kate was momentarily stumped. Wow. Every conversation was a minefield. She was already mated to Shade, and there would be some kind of ceremony among the vampires that would take place in Florence when she was turned, but she really didn’t understand the details.

  She stammered her reply, “Well… uh… of course!” Now she would have to figure out another lie when the time came.

  Shannon pushed the subject. “And have you set a date?”

  “No, not yet. Shade has been very busy. We haven't actually talked about a date. But I have to tell you, I feel married to him already. I don't know what else I could possibly ask for in a man.”

  “You look really happy, Kate, and I can't wait to get to know him. And by the way, it didn’t slip my attention that you didn't answer the question about why your personal trainer lives here.”

  Kate smiled to herself that Shannon had found a way to work Luca back into the conversation. “He also works for Shade, as a personal assistant and bodyguard, so he has his own private suite here at the house.”

  “Wow, a bodyguard. How hot is that? And he lives here. Does that mean he's single?”

  Kate laughed at her inquiry, “Yes, he’s single.”

  “Seriously? You're telling me that guy doesn’t have a girlfriend? How is that possible, unless he’s a complete asshole?”

  Kate shook her head. “He has just moved here from Florence, he hasn't been in the States for very long. He works hard, and no, he’s not an asshole. He is probably the kindest person you will ever meet. Do you want to know what he does in his free time?”

  “Of course!”

  “He paints. That portrait of me, the one that hangs in our bedroom that you made comments on? Luca painted that. How poetic is that?”

  Shannon pushed her plate away, “Okay, seriously? Can I go out with this guy?”

  Kate twisted the pasta around her fork, avoiding Shannon’s eyes. Do I tell her? Rissa had told her Shade was a vamp before she invited him home with her after that party, but she didn't believe her. Besides, Kate didn’t even know if Luca would go out with her. She thought it best to keep that vamp information to herself for now.

  “Shannon, that’s a decision for Luca, don't you think? I mean, he stays really busy. But yes, I saw the sparks fly. If you're asking me if I mind, the answer is no. But I think the ball’s in his court, so to speak.”

  Shannon leaned across the table, “But if he asks about me, you would tell me, right?”

  Kate laughed out loud. “Oh girl, you got it bad. But yes, if he asks about you, I’ll let you know.”

  They spent the rest of the afternoon chatting away about people they both worked with, trading stories, sharing memories, and laughing till they cried. It felt so good to be with her, and the time for her to leave came too quickly. But Kate needed to catch a few hours of sleep before nightfall and she and Luca started training again. Shannon had the drive back to D.C., so they both got up from the table and walked to the door. Kate called to Gi to bring Shannon’s coat, but it was Luca who appeared. Kate watched as Shannon's face lit up.

  Luca stood behind this mortal girl, and the scent of her perfume assailed his senses. Vampire women did not usually wear perfume. He helped her with her coat, as he slid it up over her shoulders. He wanted to bury his hands in her dark brown locks.

  He stood so close to her she could feel the heat from him, feel his breath on the side of her face as he spoke, and felt his hands as they brushed against her hair.

  He pulled the coat more tightly around her, as he stood close to her back and spoke softly into her ear, "I told you we would meet again, mia belleza, and a gentleman always keeps his word."

  “I... it... uh... it was s
o good to meet you, Luca.” She turned to him as she spoke, and almost wished she hadn't. She was at a loss for words. She was stammering, and she felt her face turning red. “Will I see you again?”

  “Is that your wish, mia bellezza?”

  Luca was captivated by her eyes. She was not as small as Kate, she was taller, maybe five-foot-seven, but slender, delicate looking. Her eyes were a brilliant blue and looked huge in her face, and he couldn’t turn away from her.

  “It is my wish, Luca.”

  He responded to her with a smile and a nod, and she turned back to give Kate a hug, and whispered to her, “Be sure you give him my number,” before breaking the hug and saying her final goodbyes.

  As Shannon walked back to her car, she kept repeating in her head, Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god!

  Kate stood with Luca as they watched her car drive away, and then he turned to her. “Does she know what I am?”

  “No, of course not.” As she spoke the words, she watched him drop his head. “Luca, don't assume what her response will be."

  Luca looked away. “In Italy, we never saw unions between mortals and vampires, we kept to our own. When we heard master was with a mortal, we didn’t believe it until he brought you back with him to Castello. Until then, I had never seen a vampire with a mortal... except to feed, that is. But to take a mortal as a mate? It was unheard of. Master says things are different here in the States, and I have seen that for myself, to some degree. But I’m not so naive to think that all mortal women will accept a vampire.”

  “But Luca... if you give her time to know you... really get to know you, then the vampire thing, it doesn't matter. At least it didn't matter to me. I was so in love with Shade, there was nothing he could have said that would have changed my mind... then, or now.”

  He nodded his head. “It is a risk.”

  “Love is always a risk, Luca... mortal or immortal. Trust me, I've been in love with both. But when you find the right person, it’s all worth it.” Kate watched as he stood still, staring at the floor.


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