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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 26

by Emily Bex

  He kissed away her blood tears. “My darling, I had no idea this would mean so much to you. Plan something impressive for us. You’ll be on the front page of the society section of every newspaper in the U.S., so find that perfect dress.”

  “Alec! I won’t let you down. This is for us... both of us. It’ll be perfect, and this country and the world will know I’m yours.”

  Kissing him, she suddenly felt so alive, as though he truly had understood she needed him in so many different ways and she would never let him down. No Rissa, don’t think about him! Don’t! Then Max's words rang in her ears. Her mind was torn. This should be the happiest day in her life, and yet, she had doubts.

  “I didn’t mean to get so emotional, I’m sorry, but I had no idea this was going to happen, and I’m overwhelmed.”

  “Don't apologize, my darling. It pleases me to see you happy. And, of course, spare no expense. Make this the most extravagant and yet elegant event you have ever planned. It will be good for your business as well. Everyone will know Larissa Benneteau Canton before we’re done. And you’ll be America's Lady Di, and ready to become First Lady.”

  Smiling, she threw back her head and laughed, breaking the hell she felt inside and the mixed emotions that needed to be released. “Larissa Benneteau Canton, oh, I like the sound of that.”

  She wanted so much to reach out and dance with him, kiss him, but he would never respond to that type of affectionate display, and her heart fell at the thought.

  “Do you wish to have your press agent handle this? We’ll need a photo to be circulated with the announcement, one that we choose. You know how the Press is. They will publish a file photo.”

  Alec chuckled. “Planning already are we, Miss Benneteau? I’ll leave all those details to you, my darling. Whatever you want will be fine.”

  She looked at him and saw the look on his face, and it had softened, his laugh told her he was happy. She kissed him on the lips and slid her hand along his clean-shaven face, so different from the last face she touched with such passion. She shook the image from her head before she whispered in his ear, “Whatever I want?”

  He knew that look. She was up to something already. “Whatever you want, my darling.”

  “You know, sometimes you totally catch me off guard, and I would have thought by now, I could no longer be surprised by you. I think I rather like it.”

  She let her breath slide along his neck and her hand trailed down his collarbone and along his arm before she pulled back and turned to leave the room. “I think I need a hot bath, and some candlelight and music, but,” turning, she held out her left hand and admired the rock on her finger, “I would be missing one vital thing.”

  Alec smiled his crooked smile, as if he didn’t know where this was headed. “And what would that be, my darling?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, my fiancé, perhaps? The choice is yours. I know you have much to do.” She headed from the family room, strolled upstairs and hoped he followed.

  Taking the hint, he caught up with her on the stairs. “You know, I'm not much for baths, but if you're willing to compromise on a shower, I will join you.”

  “I’ll make all the compromises you like, no candles, no music, no bath. Just my fiancé, under the steamy water, and whatever else might happen.”

  Giggling, she took off running up the stairs, stripping as she went, running shoes and sports clothes dropping to the floor behind her. He kicked off his dress shoes and socks as he followed her into the bathroom, laughing at her trail of discarded clothes.

  As he reached the bathroom, she was already naked and had lit the room in red candles. Walking to the large semi-circular shower stall, she turned on the water and stood just outside, letting her hair down and shaking it out. Reaching out to him, she took his hand and pulled him to her. Sliding her hands up his starched dress shirt, she pulled against the fabric and watched the buttons pop and fall to the floor. She pushed the shirt off his broad shoulders and let her hands glide along his arms, removing the shirt as she went, letting it drop to the floor. She slipped her hands inside his dress slacks and unbuckled his belt and lowered the zipper. Pulling his slacks down, she knelt in front of him. He stepped out of the slacks, as she helped him, and he kicked them to the side. She ran her hand over the fabric of his briefs, outlining the shape of his hardened cock, before she stripped them down, and licked the throbbing head of his erection. “I love you, Alec.”

  She stood and took his hand, leading him into the shower where the water fell over both of them. She gently pushed him to sit down on the bench, as she knelt between his legs. Without using her hands, she slid her tongue over the head of his hardened cock and moaned from the sweet bead of semen that lay there. Swirling her tongue over the head, she sucked him slowly into her throat. Rolling her eyes up to his, she saw his beast on the edge, but still held at bay, and she knew this was a rare opportunity, where she led, and Alec followed, but it wouldn’t last long.

  Alec laid his head back against the shower wall and concentrated on the feel of her hot, wet mouth as he felt her tongue teasing the head of his hardened member. He reached down and slid his hands under her arms and lifted her upright in the shower, walking her backward until she was pressed against the wall. He slid his hands down her wet body, past her hips until he was cupping her ass, when he lifted her enough for his cock to penetrate her. He felt her slide her legs around his hips, as he pushed into her, pressing her hard against the wall, thrusting his penis into the depths of her. He watched her face contort in pleasure and listened to her moans as she gripped his back. ”Vanilla sex, my darling. Not really my thing.”

  He slid his hands around her ass, supporting her weight with one hand while the other started to explore. The water cascaded over them, as he slid his hand between the crack in her ass and probed at that puckered opening, sliding his finger inside of her, followed by two, then three. He matched the thrusting of his fingers to the thrusts of his cock.

  Her nails clawed at his back, and her fangs elongated. One hand gripped his wet hair, as she swirled her tongue over his fangs. She felt his roar vibrate through her.

  He was lost in the pleasure her body brought, thrusting hard into her and pressed his lips to hers, their tongues probing and pushing at each other. He slammed her hard against the shower wall. He removed his fingers from her ass, so he could grip her harder, pushing his dick deep into her, filling her with his cum as the sound of his growl filled the house.

  She felt him cum inside her, filling her and her body responded as she came in spasms around him, over and over, as she screamed his name. Tossing her head to the side, exposing her neck to him, she slid her hand down the back of his head and pulled him to her. “Take me, Alec.”

  It was an act he would normally punish her for, taking the lead, asking him to feed from her, but he would give her what she wanted this night. He sank his fangs deep into the soft skin of her neck and felt the rush of sexual power that came with her blood, causing his cock to continue to throb and release inside her, another wave of orgasm washing over him, as he slammed her against the wall.

  Following the spasms of his orgasm, he stood still, catching his breath, as he leaned his body against her in the shower. He felt her legs relax and released her to the floor, as she held onto his shoulders. “Rissa.” He picked her up in his arms and carried her to their bed, both of them wet and dripping. He laid her across their bed, crawling across the bed beside her, pulling her across him so she lay on his chest. “Feed, my darling.”

  She covered his neck in little feather light kisses until she sank her fangs into his flesh, drawing deep and moaning. His blood was heavy with power. Her hand slid up to his neck and to his strong jaw, laying there softly as she fed. Feeling full, his blood singing in her veins, she unlatched her fangs. Laying her head on his shoulder, she kissed him softly on the neck, licking at the wound. “You spoil me, Alec.”

  He pulled the blankets around them, wrapping them up from both sides in a cocoon,
letting the blankets absorb the moisture from their skin. He wrapped his arms around her and felt her head on his shoulder. “Sleep now, baby girl. Daddy's got you.”


  Kate felt Shade wake shortly before sunset. He had so little time with her now. He was at the Dead House every night and returned home for his death slumber. She wished she could share with him what she was learning from Luca, but she knew he wanted to teach her those things himself, so she remained quiet about it. They shared a few minutes of cuddle time before he dressed and left to meet with his warriors. As soon as he was gone, she dressed to meet Luca.

  Her body felt strong, and she found her mind didn’t immediately wander to thoughts of their lost baby every time she had a quiet moment. She had wanted to train as an outlet for all these emotions, but clearly, Luca had another agenda. She never expected to be challenged with as much as he had thrown at her. Still, she had enjoyed it, and shed surprised herself with what she’d been able to accomplish.

  She tapped on Luca's door and he responded right away, ready to go. They warmed up and began their run. She was thinking about the upcoming double date with Luca and Shannon, and how Shannon would react when she learned he was a vamp. Kate was so intrigued with Shade by the time she discovered the truth of what he was that it didn't matter to her. Rissa was the only other mortal girl she knew who fell in love with a vamp, but she’d never discussed how Rissa met Alec. Kate had no idea how Shannon would respond. “Luca, can I ask a personal question? Don't answer if you don't feel comfortable.”

  Luca wondered what was in her head already today. “Sure, ask whatever you want.”

  “So... you’ve said you go to a feeder, right?”

  Wow, she is really stuck on this whole thing with the feeders. “Yes, I use the feeders.”

  “So, if this thing with Shannon goes well, if the two of you hit it off, would you feed from her instead?”

  Luca was taken aback. “Wow.”

  She shook her head. “You don't have to answer that... I shouldn't have asked.”

  “No, I'll answer. I think the question is just premature. I mean, we haven't even gone out yet, so I don't know where this relationship will go with us, or even if she'll stick around once she discovers what I am. But to answer your question, if she doesn't run in the other direction when she discovers what I am, and if we find we have a connection and it feels like it might last a while, and if she’s agreeable to me feeding from her, then yes. I mean, I’ve never been with a mortal girl, Kate. I’ve only been with feeders. They know what I'm there for, you know? So, in the beginning, I would still need the feeders. That bothers you, doesn't it?”

  “Yeah, it does. I'm sorry, I'm not judging, really, I'm not. I mean, I understand the need. And I think if the feeding didn't have such sexual overtones, I might feel differently... maybe... not sure, because even without the sex, the feeding itself feels very intimate. I know I'm looking at the situation through the eyes of a mortal and I keep placing some kind of moral judgment on it, and I shouldn't. But I can't separate them in my head... the feeding and the sex. It feels like betrayal to me, to have the person you love go to a feeder. I mean, I know Shade came to you, that was different, and I’m grateful. It’s just confusing to me.”

  Luca understood her confusion, even though it was accepted tradition in their world. “Have you thought about how Shannon will respond? When she finds out?”

  “Yes, I've thought about it. But I can't predict it. I mean, I think she’ll go for it, but... wow. It's really complicated, isn't it? That's what made me start thinking of the feeders again. I mean, when I was first seeing Shade, I didn't know anything about feeders. I think it would have really freaked me out to know that.”

  “So, let me ask you a personal question.”

  “Okay... that's fair.”

  “How long were you seeing Shade before he fed from you?”

  “Oh... well, there was a block of time between when I first met him and when I actually started seeing him. I mean, I kept running into him, we had a few brief encounters, and he would approach me, and I would get flustered. So, it took a while before we were… uh… together. But once we were, I would say maybe two weeks? It wasn't long.”

  “And you discussed it first? That he would start feeding from you?”

  Kate laughed at the early memory of them together. “He explained the feeding in advance. But when he did feed, I don't think there was any discussion. I think it just happened.”

  Luca continued to inquire, “So, he fed exclusively from you after that?”

  “We talked about that. I asked that he not feed from another. He did talk about how long he was able to go between feedings. And he did explain if a vampire was injured, bleeding severely and not able to get to their mate, they might feed from another to save their life. He didn't bring up the pregnancy thing. That was a shock.”

  Luca slowed his run and looked at her. “Knowing what you know now... if you had it to do over again…”

  Kate interrupted him. “You don't even need to finish the sentence. The answer is yes. Absolutely yes. I can't imagine my life without him. All couples have crap to get through. This just happens to be our crap. But it’s worth it, Luca, so worth it. And Shannon will be worth it... you'll see. It will all work out.”

  He raised his eyebrows in question. “I hope so.”

  Kate asked, “Would you turn her?”

  “Again... you're moving way too fast here. Would she want that? And if she did, that’s another decision I think I would need to make with Shade. Do you think about being turned?”

  “Not really. I mean, will it make much difference? I already feed from him.”

  He had to laugh. “Oh, it will make a difference, in everything. You feed from him, but you don't rely on him for food. You still consume human food. Your thirst for his blood will intensify. All your senses are intensified, your sight, your hearing, your sense of smell. Your strength is amplified. And you will have your own beast to tame.”

  “Oh my god... I never think about that! Shade's hot temper and mine?”

  Luca laughed. “Oh, I think about it! Every time his beast emerges, I think about it.”

  “Do you have a beast?”

  “Of course, every vampire has an inner beast. My temper doesn’t flair like Shade's, so I usually only deal with the beast when I’m in a battle, and then I want him to emerge.”

  “Gi has a beast? And Theresa? Gentle Theresa?”

  “All vampires have a beast. And the beast varies with each vampire, based on their own personalities. But if Gi or Theresa were threatened, you would see their beast. They are not warriors, their beast would not be as strong or as violent, but you would see their beast emerge.”

  “I wonder what my beast will be like.”

  He threw his head back laughing. “Oh, I have a very good idea of what your beast will be like. And let's just say, master will have his hands full.”

  She punched him in the arm as they completed the loop and returned back to the house. He set up the weight bench and let her complete her exercises while he went inside and got the weapon ready for tonight. He knew she didn’t want to learn to shoot a gun, because she feared guns. So, for that reason, he would make her learn to shoot, if for no other reason than to get over her fear. He was setting up the targets as she finished up. “Ready?”

  She wiped the sweat from her brow. “Yes, the bow?”

  “No bow tonight.” He handed her the rifle, and she took a step back.

  “I… I don't like guns.”

  “I know, that's why you're going to learn to shoot one.”

  She hesitated another minute before taking the rifle from his hand. She held her arm stiff, holding the weapon away from her body. Having alerted the warriors ahead of time that he would be target practicing tonight, so the sounds of the gunshots would not draw their attention, he stepped behind her and placed the butt of the rifle against her shoulder, showing her proper hand placement, how to use the scope,
how to release the safety.

  “Everything you learned about the bow still applies. Sight in on your target, hold your breath, and when you are ready to shoot, gently squeeze the trigger.”

  He stood behind her as she fired several rounds, helping her absorb the recoil. Her aim was good. But she flinched every time she fired the gun. “Relax, Kate.”

  He made her fire numerous rounds, standing behind her, making suggestions and corrections. She jumped every time she heard the blast and didn’t like the feel of the recoil against her shoulder. Finally, he took the rifle from her hands. “Good job. You shredded those targets.”

  Her face looked cross. “I don't like it.”

  “I know you don't. But you may not always be in a situation where you can choose the weapon. You may have to use what’s available. So, you need to, at least, be comfortable with guns.”

  “Okay, well, I'm comfortable enough. I don't want to do anymore.”

  He bit his lip so as not to smile, as he watched her hand over the rifle and turn to walk back inside the house. And she wonders what her beast will be like. He shook his head... her beast and Shade's... immovable object, meet unstoppable force.


  That beautiful face, Kate never tired of looking at his handsome face while he slept. She brushed a lock of hair from his eyes and ran the tips of her fingers down the stubble on his cheek and watched as he slowly opened his eyes, those piercing blue eyes. He locked her in his gaze and she watched the smile spread across his lips. An eternity of days and she would never tire of looking at that face. She leaned over him and kissed him lightly. She felt his hands in her hair, and then he chuckled.

  "Mi amore, your hair is a tangled mess this morning."

  She gave him a look. "Oh really? And I wonder whose fault that is?"

  He chuckled again. "Are you complaining, bel rosso?"

  She kissed his lips again. "Never, I love that you love my hair."


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