The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 28

by Emily Bex

  The next thing on the list was this double-date with Luca and Shannon. He would make his assessment of her, and decide whether he could trust letting her inside their coven. And besides, he’d get to break out the Harley and ride. Just the thought of bel on the back of that bike made his cock lurch. Cazzo! He needed to move that damn task to the top of the list.

  Shade heard the light footfall of boot heels on the floor. He rolled his eyes to the door as Raven walked in, hair flying behind him, dressed in leather pants and a satin shirt with a cape. Why was he not surprised? “What the hell are you doing back here? I cannot wait to hear this explanation.”

  “Well, I could ask the same of you, master! What the fuck are you doing here?” Flinging his hair back, he flopped down on a chair. “Give me a smoke, si? I need a fucking smoke!”

  Watching him, Shade laughed. Pulling out the pack of cigarettes, he flung them across the table and watched Raven’s ringed fingers pull out a lighter and fire one up.

  Shade shook his head. “How in fucking hell do you fight with all that shit on your fingers, brother? You know the rules, not that you ever pay attention to them. If you didn’t have that lightning speed, your ass would not be sitting here right now. So, while you sit here giving me hell, why don’t you explain to me why you and your jewelry box are not out there doing your job.”

  Raven took a few drags before answering and smiled at him. Raven knew he pushed Shade’s buttons, but he also knew Master liked him, and had allowed him to get away with more than most and it amused him.

  “You know that other world crossbow warrior, he’s just some kind of fucked up! He does this challenging thing with Marcello.” Raven threw his hands up in the air, all drama. “He can hit a target, but he smells. And you think I look bad? This is fashion, bro. Camel dung, that’s what Skelk smells like. I had to help Marcello, Skelk broke my sword. So, I had to come back and find another weapon. I can’t be on the streets without a weapon, is this not a rule? One of those things I never pay attention to, you know... rules?”

  Shade sat there watching the performance. The kid always had a fucking answer for everything, the smart ass. Watching him gesture and fling that mop of hair around, Shade began to think the kid picked the wrong damn career and should have been in the movies.

  “So, let me get this clear, you broke your sword defending one of my best from one of our own? And what is that fucking get up you are wearing? Get off your ass warrior, get a new weapon and go back to doing what the fuck I pay you for... killing. You do remember that, do you not? And give me back my fucking smokes. Move!”

  Raven grinned and slipped a fresh cigarette behind his ear before sliding the pack across the table. He grabbed a new sword and headed out.

  Shade just shook his head. One of these days I am going to beat the living shit out of that kid.

  Kate waited until she heard Shade leave. She knew he was torn between his desire to be with her, and his responsibilities to Alec and his warriors. She felt their life would always be this balancing act. When she heard him leave with the warriors, she sought out Luca and they began their nightly routine.

  Luca had them well into their ten-mile loop and she hadn’t peppered him with questions. He finally looked at her and asked, “What's wrong? You’re usually talking my ear off during this run.”

  Kate was pulled from her thoughts. “What? Oh... sorry. I guess my mind is someplace else tonight.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, I'm fine. I just miss him, you know? It's very isolating... this life. I mean, before him, I was at work every day, around a lot of people, people who I’d become friends with.”

  “Like Shannon?”

  “Yes, exactly. And after work, we'd all go hang out somewhere together, have dinner or just go for drinks. People came to my house. On weekends, we'd go to clubs or parties or movies. I gave all that up for him... and he's worth it, he’s totally worth it. But when he’s busy like this, I just see so little of him. You know? I mean, we have maybe an hour or so before his death slumber, unless he gets home a little early, and then maybe a half hour together when he wakes. I sleep in his arms, and it feels like my most precious time, and I'm not even sure he feels me in his death slumber.”

  “Well, I can answer that for you. I promise he feels you during that time.”

  “But I mean really feel me. Does he feel me lying beside him, does he feel ̶ ”

  Luca cut her off mid-sentence, “Kate. He feels everything. He feels your breath on his skin and the beat of your heart. He feels the warmth of your touch. If you hold him, he feels your arms. If you kiss him, he feels your lips. Don't let his lack of response during his death slumber ever lull you into thinking or feeling he’s not aware. A vampire is always aware. If you leave his bed, he is aware.”

  “Really? That’s soothing to know, because I love sleeping beside him, and I know he loves me there with him. I just didn't think he was as aware of me as I was of him.”

  “I think I can safely say he is more aware of you than you are of him.” He watched as a smile spread across her face.

  “Good. Good. I like knowing that.”

  Luca gave her a sideways glance. “You can ask him these things yourself, you know?”

  “Yes, but we never have time. I just want his time and it’s the thing I have the least of. I'm looking forward to this weekend, though. Aren't you?”

  “Uh yes... but I’m also nervous.”

  Kate giggled. “About Shade and the third degree?”

  Luca laughed nervously. “Yeah, that too. But also, Shannon. I've never been on a date. You know? And she's mortal, so I'm not sure how to act.”

  “How to act? Just be yourself. Relax, have fun! Riding the bikes will be fun. I've never ridden with Shade. And we’ll be going into town. Maybe we’ll go out for dinner, so you know, you and Shade will have to do that thing where you look like you're eating. But there are shops, and art galleries, and they'll have a band playing outside. She’ll love it, so just go with the flow. Let it happen naturally, don't force it. Shannon isn’t a shy girl, trust me. Her signals will be loud and clear.”

  “You worry about Shade, I worry about Shannon. What did you call it, 'getting the shit kicked out of you by love'?”

  “Yeah... pretty great, huh?”

  Luca laughed. “I'll let you know.”

  They were wrapping up their run and he had her do her free weights, push-ups, and sit-ups while he set up more targets for her. When she was done, they started practicing with the crossbow. Her aim was improving and she got a few bull's eye shots, but not dead center. Still, better than the previous night. After a few hours practice, he could see the weight of the crossbow was taking its toll, so they ended the practice.

  “Head to the showers, little warrior.”


  Leaving her car for the parking attendant, Rissa grabbed the small file of photographs she had chosen for their engagement announcement. Placing it inside her briefcase, she began the walk to the elite photography studio she used for her client’s weddings and other private events.

  Rissa didn’t mind the walk. Parking was ridiculous in downtown D.C., so it was almost impossible to park anywhere close to your desired destination. Besides, it was beginning to stay lighter longer in the day. This day had been beautiful, and she always preferred to walk if she could, even though Alec had told her it was a dangerous thing to do these days, but she had yet to have a problem with any of these rogues. She would be finished before dark.

  She took the assortment of her favorite photographs of her and Alec together, to her friend to create a collage that could be submitted to the newspapers. Rissa and her photographer friend talked and laughed, going over the photos and choosing the perfect shots, depicting her and Alec as a power couple on the way up. This photo and wedding announcement would be seen all over the country, and she would make sure it hit a few of the international papers as well. Alec's Harvard alumni press agent had agreed to work on writing the announc
ement. With Alec, things had to be perfect to craft his image for his very public persona.

  Rissa’s business would boom after this announcement, and the paparazzi would be on them both 24/7 once it hit the press. She wrapped up her business and began to walk back to the parking garage. The air was warm, and even though the sun had started to set, the light was beautiful in the evening in Washington. She loved this city, the hustle and bustle of it, and it was rare she had time alone, without something or someone needing her attention.

  She passed one of the many coffee shops and the strong aroma of an expensive coffee hit her nostrils. She sighed, remembering what it used to taste like. What she wouldn’t pay to be able to have just one sip. After wrestling with herself, she decided to buy one. Taking a sip or two would not make her sick.

  She walked to the coffee house where many of the outside tables were filled with couples, sharing private time. It made her miss spending time out with Alec, being anonymous and unknown, just the two of them together. Now, when they went out, it was for show, perfectly scripted for the entire world to see. After all, they were the royal couple of Washington. Weaving her way around the tables, she was immediately assaulted by the smell of vampire, and her guard went up. All her senses kicked in and her eyes scanned the many people sitting and milling about.

  She saw him sitting at one of the tables, dressed in a stylish and expensive suit. He seemed rather anxious, as if he was waiting for someone who was late. Perhaps it was a lady, for in his hand, he held a beautiful bouquet of roses. His eyes rose up to lock with Rissa and her heart raced. He smiled and quickly looked down before lifting his head to look around and locked eyes with her, once again. He nodded and smiled at her. At first, Rissa was taken aback. His scent told her he was definitely a vampire. His hair lay in curls to his shoulders, his look rough yet stylish, but his fidgeting told her he was not used to being in a suit. She looked at his hands and found them roughened, knuckles skinned and callouses on his thumbs... he was a warrior. He didn’t make a move toward her, but stood and walked away from her, unfazed.

  She began to understand very clearly, there were eyes on her all the time.

  Grabbing a small elixir of coffee, she walked on toward the parking garage and hastened her pace. It was beginning to get dark and she wanted to be home. She took two small sips of the coffee and sighed. Being vampire, nothing tasted the same as when she was mortal. As the parking attendant brought her car around, she tipped him handsomely and slid into the seat. She took the lid off her coffee and let the aroma fill the car as she drove back to G-town, wondering and waiting for Max to call again. She knew he would call, he would know of the engagement by now. He was always watching her, and he seemed to know everything. She had to get her brain working on a scheme to get that potion without his knowledge, and she’d do it.


  After one long ass night, Shade completed his rounds at Alec's and found nothing... again. He teleported home with the warriors and found bel asleep. He hated not to wake her, but it was close to sunrise and they had a big night tomorrow with the date with Luca and his woman. It may be best if they both got some sleep.

  After a deep slumber, as the sun was setting, he could feel her stir beside him. She was wide awake now and raring to go. He lay there in the last few minutes of his slumber, not wanting to move, enjoying the comfort of their bed with her next to him. He didn’t have to go to the Dead House and tonight would be enjoyable for them both. He pretended to still be locked in his death slumber to see what response he would get from her.

  Kate slid her hands over him but got no response. She knew he was awake, and yet, he played with her, ignoring her hands as they slid over him. Tonight, he was staying with her. She couldn’t wait to get their evening started. She slid her nude body across him, as she climbed over him to get out his side of the bed. She grabbed the sheets and pulled them off behind her, leaving him lying there naked without any covers. She watched as he started to laugh.

  She shouted a dare at him, “If I beat you to the shower, then I drive the bike.”

  He dashed past her so fast and was in the shower ahead of her, hot water streaming over him. She was laughing as she joined him, and they quickly showered, dressed and headed downstairs. Shannon was planning on meeting them here and they were already running late.

  Luca had been dressed and ready for an hour, just waiting for Shade and Kate. He left his suite and went to the living room to wait for them. He was hoping they didn’t get distracted with an early evening lovemaking session, but it was way too quiet up there for that. He paced the floor, watching the time. Shannon should be here any minute. He wiped his sweaty palms over his jeans. What is taking them so long?

  Walking into the living room, holding Kate’s hand, Shade chuckled as he saw Luca fidgeting. “Luca, you need to stop pacing, you’ll wear a hole in my damn floor. Bel will have a say about that! Anything you want to say before she gets here? Any questions you need to ask me?”

  Luca looked up as they entered the room. “Questions? Uh, yes, I was wondering what I should call you. Both of you? I mean, she doesn't know I'm a vamp, or you're a vamp, so if I call you master and my lady... what? Tell me what to do.”

  “Call us Shade and Kate. But I ever hear you calling her Kate when not with Shannon, you will have to answer to me for that.”

  Luca gave him a nervous grin, when Shade heard the doorbell and Gi was already at the door. Shade gave Luca a brotherly hug and whispered in his ear, “Relax, just be yourself. Show her respect, be honorable, be a Medici warrior and you won’t have a problem.” Shade watched as bel scurried to the door to greet her friend.

  As Gi opened the door, Kate was already there to greet her. “Shannon! I'm so happy to see you. I'm so excited about this, this... date.”

  Shannon grabbed Kate in a hug. She had missed having Kate in her life. “I just wore jeans since Luca said we were going on the bikes. Is this okay? Do I look okay? Is Luca here? And Shade, do I finally get to spend time with the mysterious Shade?”

  Kate laughed. “Yes, you will meet Shade, and Luca is pacing a hole in the floor, so please, let's go put him out of his misery.”

  They both giggled as Kate grabbed her hand and led her into the living room. Kate watched Luca's face as he took her in, seeing her for the first time since her previous visit. She could see how nervous he was, but his eyes lit up when he saw her. Kate looked over at Shannon and her eyes were already locked on him. Kate squeezed her hand as she led Shannon over to formally introduce her to Shade. “Shannon, you remember Shade Medici.”

  Kate watched as she looked away from Luca and shifted her gaze to Shade. Kate saw her face as she took him in, catching first his eyes, then dropping her gaze down the full length of him, and slowly back up to his face. “Wow, no wonder I haven't seen you for six months.”

  Kate jerked at her hand and stifled a laugh. “Shade, this is my best friend, Shannon. You met briefly once before.”

  As bel introduced her, Shade watched as her eyes took full stock of him, taking his full measure. She was a bold one, and nothing like his sweet bel, nothing at all. He smiled and took her hand in his and kissed it softly, rolling his eyes straight up to her and locking her in his gaze. Hello sweet mortal, mess with my boy and you mess with me. “Welcome back to our home, Shannon. I am honored. It is a great joy to see Kate so happy and having her friends in our home. Please, may we offer you a drink and sit for a few moments before we go?”

  Shannon wondered how long she had been standing with her mouth open and closed it suddenly. Wow, what is it with these Italian men? He stood even taller than Luca, and was uniquely handsome. He poured on the charm, but there was an air of danger about him too. Something that warned her, 'don't cross me, little girl.' He intimidated without even trying. Or was it intentional? She was usually good at reading men, but not this one. She bet Kate had her hands full with this one! She remembered how hesitant Kate had been with him in the beginning. How Shannon had to push her to
even get his number. But she got it now. He did overwhelm.

  “Thank you for having me. I can't tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this. I love bikes! I love the speed and the element of danger, so I can't wait to get this party started. I think I'll hold off on the drink for now, but thank you for asking.”

  Shade smiled. “You are most welcome, dolce amica. Anything you need, please ask.” He turned to Luca. “Please bring your lady to the living room and we shall talk a bit, get to know one another before we ride.” He slid his hand around Kate. “And you, mi amore, what do you wish to drink?”

  “Nothing for me, lover. I think I’ll just wait until we’re in town.”

  “Ah, you are more than ready to straddle that Harley, si?”

  Shade led Kate into the living room where they took a seat on the love seat, waiting for Luca to follow.

  Luca had not been able to take his eyes off Shannon since she entered the room. After the introductions, he reached out to take her hand, but she caught him by surprise as she slid her hand around his waist and leaned her head against his shoulder for just a second, before she looked up at him. He swallowed hard as he looked back at her, and led her to the living room where they sat down on the sofa across from Shade and Kate. He felt Shannon's hand on his knee, and he had to catch his breath.

  Shade captured her in his gaze. “So, Shannon, I am curious to know about you, if you don’t mind me probing. Luca is an important family member to Kate and me. Beyond that, you are one of Kate's oldest friends, and that pleases me to see her so happy.”


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