The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 29

by Emily Bex

  Shannon didn’t have a shy bone in her body, so she spoke with confidence when answering his questions. “Kate and I worked for the same company in marketing and advertising, the Brunswick Agency in D.C. We were there together for years before you stole her away. In our job, we traveled all over the world together, throughout Europe and Asia. Do you know her favorite city is Paris? Good Lord, I thought I'd never get her out of Paris! Before that, we were in college together at Georgetown. We were both Marketing majors, and we were dorm mates a few years. I'm a Virginia girl. Born here, all my family is here. How about you? How long have you been living in the States?”

  Shade nodded. “Oh, I know quite well how much she loves Paris. I have taken her there a few times. As for me, I have not lived in the States long. I’m also a world traveler, for my business, of course. I have vineyards abroad and have acquired this property in Virginia, as well as one in California. But this home belongs to Kate, it is our main residence. My main estate, where Luca and I grew up, is in Florence. I have known Luca most of his life and I rather like that he has joined me here. I do believe,” sliding his hand through Kate’s hair and kissing her on the side of her cheek, “I will be staying here in the States with my fiancée. Any future plans, dolce amica?”

  “Plans?” Shannon laughed softly. “Not really. I'm not one of those women climbing the corporate ladder. I like my job, and I like the travel, so I really just take it a day at a time, you know? I want to leave myself open. I want the freedom to move or change, or go where I want, depending on what life presents to me. Maybe that sounds a little aimless, but I feel like you only live once, and I want to be open to experience it.”

  Shade could tell she spoke her mind, held nothing back and she amused him. She was quite stunning to look at. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and he wondered if Luca knew what he was getting in to. “I know what you mean. Leaving yourself open for change is good. But have some caution, before you know it, the years pass and you have nothing to show for your time. Speaking of time, I suggest we ride into town and see what the evening holds for us.” Helping Kate up as he stood, he asked, “Shall we haul ass, mi amore?”

  Luca had been holding his breath while his master was questioning her. He had no idea what to expect, and he couldn’t read his expression. Did Shade like her? He could barely think with her hand on his knee, and as she talked to Shade, she slowly slid her hand up his leg and ran it back and forth across his thigh. Cazzo!

  When Shade stood up to lead them all out to the garage, Luca reached down to take Shannon's hand. She stood up next to him, leaned against his chest and whispered in his ear, “So good to see you again.”

  As she pulled back from his ear, her face was only inches from his and he could feel her breath on his face. “I have thought of little else, mia bellezza.”

  Shade called out to them as they lagged behind, “All right you two lovebirds, move it! I got a hot bike and a hot woman ready to roll”

  Heading into the garage, the new dirt bikes were lined up on one side and all the road bikes on the other. He led Kate to the Harley he was taking tonight. He nodded to Luca. “Make sure Shannon has a helmet. We don’t ride without them.” Grabbing a smaller helmet, he tossed it to bel before grabbing his. Kate pulled the helmet on and secured the strap under her chin.

  Luca took the Harley that master had indicated he would be riding. He handed a helmet to Shannon and watched her strap it on, as he put on his own. He straddled the bike, kicked the bike stand and walked it to the front of the garage. Shannon walked alongside as she watched Shade maneuver his bike into place. They were both ready to go. Luca stood up and kick-started the bike and listened to the roar of the engine as it filled the garage. He sat back down, straddling the bike and balancing it with his feet, turned and nodded at Shannon to climb on. She slid on the seat behind him, pressing her breasts into his back and slid her arms around his waist. He could feel her chin resting on his shoulder, as he looked back at her and smiled. “Ready, mia bellezza?”

  She yelled back over the roar of the engine, “So ready!”

  Kate watched Shade in his tight jeans, as he straddled the bike and walked it just outside the garage. He was wearing his heavy boots and leather jacket, his hair hanging beneath his helmet. He kick-started the bike and she could feel the rumble of the engine in her chest. She climbed on the back of the bike, arms tight around his waist, her legs straddling him, feeling the vibrations of the engine as they rolled through her body. She knew how he drove those cars ̶ like a bat out of hell ̶ and she had no doubt this ride would be as wild. She squeezed him tight to let him know she was ready.

  Revving the engine, Shade looked over at Luca and the damn stupid grin on his face told him all he needed to know. ”Mi amore, move your arms down just a bit, I have a chest harness on with a gun. I always wear it when I go out.” Nodding to Luca, he rolled out and down the long drive, with Luca trailing close behind. Once they got to the road, he turned right and let her rip hard, the engine roared and he could feel Kate tighten her grip around his waist. Looking in the mirror, he saw Luca right on his ass and then Luca pulled up beside him, one hand on his knee the other on the handlebars, and Shade watched him raise his hand to the bar and kick it up a gear and blast him in the dust. “Little fucker! Hang on, bel!”

  Luca could hear Shannon's laughter, and he laughed out loud himself. But if he knew Shade, he would be on his ass in sixty seconds.

  Shade looked over his shoulder, shouting loudly, “Hang the fuck on, I have a plan!”

  Kicking the bike up to speed again, he took a shortcut across an unpaved road. It was a little rough and narrow, but it would cut a few miles off the trip and he would teach that little shit a lesson. He had no intentions of letting Luca beat him.

  Coming into town ahead of them, he knew Luca was still about a mile out yet. He pulled into the parking lot off Water Street near the open-air mall and parked the bike. That will teach him. ”Where the hell are you, speed racer? We’re waiting, for fuck sake!”

  Kate shook her head at him. “Boys and their toys.”

  Luca watched him in his rearview mirror as he veered off the main road. What the fuck is he up to? There was no point trying to second guess him. He felt Shannon's hands slip down on his hips and onto his thighs. He looked over his shoulder at her and she smiled back at him, her hair blowing wildly in the wind beneath the helmet, and she took his breath away. He could tell she had been on the back of a bike before. She molded her body to his, leaned into the curves with him, as if she were born to ride. They drove the thirty miles into the city and made their way to the downtown mall. He could hear Shade’s ‘speed racer’ taunt in his head, as they pulled into the parking lot.

  Shade already had the kickstand down, helmet off, was leaning against the bike with his arms crossed over his chest, and a shit eating grin on his face, like 'what took you so long?' Luca pulled up beside him, pulled off his helmet and gave him a sideways glance. Nothing could spoil this night for him, nothing. He had the most beautiful girl in the world sitting on this bike behind him, with her arms and legs wrapped around him. ”Bring it, Master.”

  Shade chuckled. ”Don’t worry, I can bring it.”

  Turning to bel, Shade kissed her long and hard, his arms wrapped tight around her waist. “So, are you going to lead me around for a tour?”

  Shannon had slid off the bike and Luca took her helmet and strapped it down on the seat, then reached for her hand, their eyes locked and he had the shyest smile she had ever seen. She was so used to having to push guys off of her that this was a welcome change.

  “Follow me.” Kate said and grabbed Shade’s hand. She led him in the direction of the open-air mall, with Luca and Shannon following behind them.

  They walked a few steps behind Shade and Kate. Shade was so much taller than her. She thought it was an odd pairing, but she saw that they were mad-crazy in love. Shannon looked over at Luca. “They look really happy together, don't they?”

looked at her as she asked the question, and she had a smile on her face, as if it really pleased her to see Kate and Shade so happy. “They are. They are happy.”

  “I'm glad for her, for both of them. Everybody deserves that, right? Finding that special someone?”

  “Have you found your special someone, mia bellezza? I hope I'm not too late.” Luca looked over at her and winked.

  Oh my god, he did not just say that to me! She smiled back at him. “Why no, Luca, I think you're just in time.” She squeezed his hand and leaned over to kiss his cheek. He turned to her and returned the kiss with a gentle touch of his lips to hers. And she was just gone!

  Kate was leading Shade into the mall area, which used to be the main street of downtown Charlottesville, but had been bricked over and was closed to all traffic. The mall was lined with little shops, art galleries, and restaurants. Most offered outdoor seating, so you could watch the crowds as you ate. She watched as the women shoppers all turned as they passed by, to take in both Shade and Luca. She looked back over her shoulder at Shannon. She was holding Luca's hand and they were both so wrapped up in each other, they hardly saw anything that was going on around them. Kate caught her eye and Shannon just beamed at her.

  Kate slid her arm around Shade’s waist. “It's going really well back there, in case you're wondering.”

  “Well, I didn’t have to turn around to know that bel. Luca's dick is telling him he’s in heaven and he hasn’t even done anything.” Chuckling, he slapped her ass softly. Taking in the scenery, he liked the brick pavement, and the sound of their feet on the surface. No traffic, just rustic charm. Trees provided shade, and water fountains provided the ambient sound. He was aware he caught the gaze of women passing by, but he was used to it and paid it no mind. He kept his senses alert for anything out of the ordinary. “Is that a jewelry shop over there?”

  “It is, lover. Good eyes. Come on, let's go in. You know a girl can never have enough jewelry.”

  Kate moved in front of him and grabbed both of his hands, walking backward, leading him to the jewelry store. “Hey, Shannon! We're going to the jewelry store.”

  Shannon heard Kate shouting about the jewelry store and looked up to see her dragging Shade in the direction of Angelo’s, and it made her laugh. She felt Luca slide his arm around her waist and pull her against his side, as they followed them into the shop.

  Shannon and Kate were both huddled over the jewelry cases, looking at the display of unique artisan pieces, all produced by local artists. All of it was beautiful, but Shannon saw a piece that really caught her eye. It was an elaborate sterling silver ‘S’ hanging from a chain. She stopped and pointed.

  Kate remarked, “It's so you, Shannon. Get it!”

  “Should I?” She asked the clerk if she could see the piece. He removed it from the case and placed it on top of the counter. It was the most unusual piece of monogram jewelry she’d ever seen and she loved it. Then she looked at the price tag. Yikes $400! “Oh, okay... thank you for showing it to me.”

  Kate nudged her. “What, you didn't get it?”

  “Did you see the price on it? I can't drop that kind of money right now. Come on... we need to find a cheaper store.” Shannon pushed her out of the store, as Shade followed after them laughing.

  Luca watched as she admired the jewelry and then pushed it away because she couldn’t afford it. Before the clerk could put the piece back in the case, Luca slipped the money across the counter and tucked the piece in his pocket. The clerk asked if he needed a bag and he shook his head no and then caught up with Shade.

  Outside once more, Kate turned to Shade, taking his hand and watching as Shannon waited for Luca to catch up to her. They all walked arm in arm along the mall. There was a band at the far end that had started to play, and the music filled the night air.

  There was an ice cream store across the mall and Shannon pointed it out and said, "There, that I can afford!"

  Kate laughed at her as they headed toward Chap’s ice cream store.

  Luca held Shannon’s hand. He asked her what flavor she liked. She turned to look at him and they locked eyes, again. “I don't know. What flavor are you?” She leaned in and kissed him, tasted him, sliding her tongue into his mouth and felt him slide his arm around her waist to pull her hard against him. As she broke the kiss, she had to take a deep breath. “Right, Italian Ice. Strawberry, I think.”

  Luca wasn’t prepared for the flirting, this game play, the teasing. He wanted to pull her down to the ground, now, here, when she broke away. He could see the heat in her eyes and knew she felt the same thing he did. He looked at the clerk and ordered her Italian Ice. As she turned to face the young man serving up the ice cream, he slid the necklace from his pocket. Standing behind her, he reached around and placed the necklace on her. He lifted her thick brown hair, so he could hook it and placed a kiss on her neck, while her neck was exposed, running his tongue along that sweet vein. He could feel his cock harden as he got a taste of her. He had to drop her hair quickly and step back.

  Shannon reached up and touched the necklace with her hand. It was the ‘S’ she had seen in the store. She was about to turn to him when she felt his lips on her neck and the goose-bumps stood up on every inch of her, as her knees felt weak. She felt him step back from her suddenly and she turned to face him. “Luca! You didn't have to. This is so special, thank you.” She reached out and he took her hand. She couldn’t remove her eyes from his gaze.

  “It looks beautiful on you, mia bellezza.”

  Shade had been watching this drama unfold. Luca just stepped neck deep into mortal women, and what a fucking way to start out. She knew what she wanted, and she wasn’t subtle about it. She was an aggressive little wild one. Shade looked at bel and she was all smiles, she liked what she saw, but she did not see what he saw. Luca’s beast was just under the surface and he was losing control. Then the damn fool went right for the neck! Shade held his breath and got ready to grab him, but Luca stepped back, regaining some control.

  Taking Kate’s hand, Shade whispered in her ear, “Bel, I need Luca to get some air. This is moving way too fast. I need to speak with him. Can you get Shannon’s attention, walk together down the mall?”

  Kate gave him a questioning look. She loved how things were unfolding between the two of them, but she would do as he asked. “Okay, I’ll keep her occupied, but I think you’re being an overprotective dad right now.” Kate got her ice cream cone from the vendor and reached out to grab Shannon's hand. “Come on, girl. Let's go sit over there on the bench while the guys go for a smoke.” Shannon followed her reluctantly. Kate just shrugged and dragged Shannon away with her.

  As the women walked away, Shade grabbed Luca across the shoulders, pounded him hard across the back, leading him across the mall. Pulling out a pack of smokes, he handed him one. “You need to cool off. Mighty fine piece you got, and I am just making sure you got this under control. So, tell me, how sweet is it?”

  Luca lit up and took a deep draw on the cigarette. “Do you remember when we first talked? When I told you about meeting her and I thought I might love her?”

  Shade looked down and shuffled his feet, then looked back up to Luca and stared. “Si.”

  “Yeah, well, it's not a question anymore. I love her, Shade. And I'm not going to do anything that would hurt her or put her at risk. Or put any of us at risk. She still doesn't know. What I am, I mean. Do you think I want to fuck that up?”

  “Relax. I’m concerned. You might know what you want, but that beast in your gut has no damn clue what you want, nor does he care. He’s got his eyes on the prize, brother. And you have no damn idea about love, you don’t know her. I’m not saying she isn’t the one, but look at this from my point of view. She’s not a feeder. You have no idea what you’re walking into here. Just keep it under control, you stepped away, but you went there. I know this is not easy. But I want you to think about it. I find out you fed from her, you won’t be dealing with me or her anymore, understood? Ta
ke your time.”

  Luca looked at him incredulously, “What? I can't believe you’d say that to me. I wouldn't even call her until I talked to you. I didn't ask her out until you said it was okay. Do you think I’d feed from her before I even talked to you about it? I mean, for all I know, she’ll run in the other direction when she finds out what I am. I thought you knew me better than that.”

  “I do know you, I was you, once. But what I don’t know is your beast. I’ve seen him when he kills, but not when he lusts. I have to trust you to make the right decisions.” Turning away, Shade walked back toward bel.

  “Maybe I've learned to control my beast better than you think,” Luca said to Shade’s back as he walked away. He followed him back toward the girls. “Just because I haven't been with anyone other than feeders, doesn't mean I haven't felt lust before.”

  “Then do what you need to do, Luca. Like I said, I trust you. I don’t want to see you get hurt. I’m trying to save you from what I’ve been through, that’s all. I love you, brother. Bel and I are walking on ahead. Enjoy your time with her.”

  As he took Kate’s hand and led her up the mall, he could tell she was angry.

  Kate glared at him. “Now what? What did you say to him? Are you mad at Luca?”

  Stopping in mid-step, Shade sighed in exasperation. “Bel, I don’t want to see him make a mistake.”

  “Lover, falling in love is never a mistake. Even if she is not the girl, he needs to start somewhere. Maybe they'll work out. Or maybe she'll break his heart, or he'll break hers. It's out of your hands. Let it play out however it plays. Let him find his own path and make his own mistakes. Besides, everybody needs to be kicked around by love a little bit, don't they?”

  “Si. Both of us have seen our share. And we knew love when we found it. I’m torn is all, she is mortal. She could cause a lot of harm. Cazzo! I have to trust him, let him do what he wants right now. And I don’t want this to ruin our night, si? I think I recall something about a dance?”


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