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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 33

by Emily Bex

  Kate watched as the two of them attached at the hip like magnets, and Luca slid his arm around her waist.

  “We have this great dining room,” Kate pointed it out to Shannon as they passed it by, “but I usually just eat at the counter in the kitchen, so I can talk to Reynaldo.”

  When they entered the kitchen, Reynaldo was already banging pots and pans. He served up a feast of omelets, bacon, fresh fruit, and coffee. Shannon and Kate shoveled down the food while both men just watched.

  Shannon was cleaning her plate. “This is so good. I was starving. Reynaldo, how can you cook when you never eat? How do you know what it tastes like?”

  Reynaldo bowed his head in acknowledgment of her compliment. “Well, I was trained as a chef when I was mortal, and I have a degree in culinary arts.”

  Kate nearly shouted, “You were mortal?”

  “Si, my lady, I was not born vampire but turned. My master was killed, and I went to work for the Medici family, and I’ve been with them for years now.”

  Shannon spit a mouthful of her omelet across the counter as she started laughing and choking on her food. “My lady! He called you my lady, hahaha... oh my goodness, I can't stop laughing.”

  Kate whacked her on the back as she watched Luca biting his lip to keep from laughing. “I know, right? Shade insists they all call me that. It drives me nuts. We had to have a talk with him before the double date to get him to agree that Luca wouldn't have to call me that while we were out.”

  Shannon started laughing so hard she slid off the stool and onto the floor. “Luca calls you my lady? Oh, I am so calling you my lady from now on. Hahahahahahahahaha...”

  “Yeah? Well, call me my lady at your own risk, Shannon O'Connor.” Kate watched as Luca helped her up off the floor and Shannon climbed back on the barstool, still giggling.

  Once she was settled, Luca looked at her. “Shannon O'Connor. I am just hearing your last name. Beautiful name, mia bellezza.”

  “Thanks. It's Irish... of course. But I am pretty partial to mia bellezza right now.”

  She watched as he looked down and a shy smile appeared. She was already seriously in love with his face. “And your last name? Good lord, I can't even believe we didn't ask these questions.”

  “Masters have last names, like Shade. He is from the Medici family, and all the vampires in his coven are called Medici. So, it’s not really like a last name, it just identifies my coven and my master.”

  Kate looked astounded. “Wow, really? I didn't know that.”

  “You never asked, my lady.”

  Shannon collapsed into a laughing heap again, joined shortly by Kate, Reynaldo, and Luca.

  Shannon finally composed herself and checked the time on her cell phone. Crap. It’s already after noon. “Guys, I hate to break this up, but I really have to get on the road. Is Shade coming down?”

  Kate shook her head. “No. He’ll sleep until sunset, so you won’t see him again before you leave.”

  Shannon took a minute to let that sink in. “Wow... reality check.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s hard sometimes. But you lucked out with a day-walker.”

  Shannon grabbed Luca by the shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. “Oh, I lucked out all right.” Luca’s arms slid around her waist.

  Kate cleared her throat. “Okay, before you two get started again, let me say goodbye, and then Luca can walk you to your car.” Kate hugged Shannon tightly. “Love you, Shannon. I’m so glad this is working out.”

  “Yeah, somehow, I think you're probably not as happy as I am that it has worked out. I'll text you when I get home, okay?”

  She watched as Kate headed back up the stairs to be with Shade, then turned to Luca and took his hand. “And now just us...”

  Luca lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “Just us, mia bellezza. Do you have your things ready for the car?”

  “My suitcase is by the door of the bedroom I never slept in.”

  They both laughed as Luca headed up the stairs to retrieve her suitcase. When he returned, they walked outside to her car. He loaded the suitcase in the trunk and then opened the driver's side door for her. They stood together in a full embrace.

  “When will I see you again, Luca?”

  “Soon, mia bellezza. You remember our talk, si? My schedule is not my own. But as soon as I have free time, I’ll come to you.”

  “I wish we didn't live so far apart. That two-hour drive is time we could spend together... well, four hours round trip.”

  “That is why, next time, I come to you. I have no need to drive. I’ll just teleport.”

  “Tele-what? Like ‘Beam me up, Scottie’ on Star Trek?”

  “I don’t know Star Trek, mia bellezza, so I don’t know to what you refer, but I’m able to transport myself to you in seconds.”

  Shannon stood with her mouth hanging open and couldn’t seem to close it. “Really? Are you for real?”

  Luca smiled at her. “For real.”

  “Wow. Just wow. That will be awesome.” She kissed him again and this time the kiss stretched out as they both lingered. “I hate to leave you, Luca. I think I just had the best time of my life.”

  “And I hate leaving you, but I promise you there will be many more best times.”

  He kissed her one last time before she slipped into the driver’s seat and he closed the door. She placed her hand against the glass, and he did the same on his side of the door. She started the engine, and as she pulled away, she blew him a kiss, which he caught. Master said he still had much to learn about life, and about women, and he planned to learn it all with her. His cell phone rang and as he pulled it from his pocket, he saw Shannon’s face and number on his screen. He smiled.

  “Hello, mia bellezza.”

  “I forgot something, Luca.”

  “And what did you forget?”

  “I forgot to tell you how much I love you.”

  “And I, you, Shan. I miss you already.”

  Kate had returned to their bedroom, dropped her clothes on the floor and climbed back into their bed, sliding in next to Shade. He lay on his back in his death slumber. She laid her head on his shoulder as she felt his arm encircle her and heard a soft sigh from his lips. “I am back, lover.”

  She wrapped one arm across his strong chest and tossed her leg across his thighs, and quickly fell asleep beside him.


  Another night had passed and only a few rogues were spotted here and there. Shade was trying to decide if this attack was winding down or gearing up to go in another direction. After the night out with Luca and his woman, and spending the entire night with bel, it was time to put Tomas in charge and be done with these nightly escapades until something happened, one way or another. Shade had a few of his own warriors ready to go back home to Florence for a few weeks, and a few fresh recruits coming in. Walking into one of the empty rooms of the Dead House, looking for the tools to fix a damn door, he found Marcello sitting on a crate looking as bored as Shade felt. Shade leaned against the wall not far from Marcello.

  Shade nodded in his direction. “How's that arm? Salve work out? And don’t look at me like that. I know there is not a fucking thing to do.”

  Marcello chuckled to himself. He had watched Shade wandering around here night after night. A master caged was a dangerous thing, but at least he had an outlet with his mate. Marcello held out his arm, twisted it around above his head and grinned back at him. “Fine. Medici warriors recover quickly and never stay out of the battle for long.” Marcello watched him as he wandered around, looking for anything to keep his hands busy. “You look like you’ve been out of battle for a damn long time, master.”

  “Yeah, well, I hate these lulls in the battle. Whoever was behind these attacks is either over it and has moved on or is waiting in the shadows, strategizing before striking again. Whoever this Angel motherfucker is, his ranks are much depleted with Medici on the streets. So, for now, we have to maintain our presence on the streets, until we can fig
ure out their next move if there is one. It bothers me they never made their objective clear. Makes me think they will be back.”

  Marcello kicked his boot through the dust on the floor. “I heard a few of the warriors are going back to Florence. They need a break, going back to the old country. Get some rest, have some time with their families and feeders.”

  Shade looked back at him for any sign of displeasure in his decision not to send Marcello home this round.

  “Marcello, I chose you to stay here for a reason. You are more experienced, you’re a leader, and I need you here. Although Tomas is Second, he was hired by Alec, a mercenary, so he could bolt at any time. I keep Tomas as my Second, so Alec feels he has some hand in this bullshit. But if I had my choice, it would be you. You have proven yourself to me here. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”

  Marcello loosened his boot laces and pulled out the knife he kept stuck inside his boot at all times and twirled it around. “I know you noticed, master, I don’t take this opportunity for granted. The only thing I don’t like is using feeders only. Some of us need to break out of this pattern. I know you’re not around us as much as Marco, but you need to trust us and what you’ve taught us. Let us break away from the feeders and find something a bit more to our tastes.”

  Shade had to chuckle at his youthful brashness. “Is that so? Well, I’m not sure if it’s the feeders as much as it’s the thrill of the hunt and seduction. I have come to realize, I need to trust my warriors more with their judgment and life skills. Luca is teaching me that lesson real damn quick.”

  Marcello wiped the blade of the knife across his thigh, sighing as he returned it to his boot. “Luca’s girl, she’s beautiful, I saw her. Hell, we all saw her. And Luca is one lucky bastard to be banging that sweet piece.”

  “Watch it, Marcello! Luca came to me, talked to me, sought my permission before going to her, so don’t go getting any fucking ideas. Besides, Luca doesn’t seek her out as an outlet to feed. I’m not going to let all of you wild fuckers have women coming into the quarters. Out of the damn question. But here is what I will put on the table. You need more than what I can offer you with the feeders, go out and feed on your own. You fuck up... you are done. Easy rules. You’ve been around the block a few times, Marcello, women are no strangers to you, especially mortals. Think on it and think damn hard, warrior. I do not tolerate mistakes with mortal women, nor will I allow anyone to feed from you. If you need to hunt and can control that beast, if you can handle that, then we will see.”

  Marcello looked him straight in the eyes. He got the message loud and clear. Shade was going to let him break out and set the standard for the others. If he messed this up, none of them would ever have a night out of this place for anything more than the feeder compound again. “I agree. I know the rules, I can handle them. Let me prove it.”

  Shade stared him down. He wanted him to know that leniency with this rule didn’t mean leniency with all rules, “Good. I will let you prove it. But keep it on the down-low. I don’t want too much rivalry in the ranks. This is a test, warrior. Now get your ass out on the streets and do some damn work!”


  Max had followed Tomas' recommendations about pulling their warriors off the street, so Shade and his warriors would get bored and let their guard down. Tomas had called and wanted to give Max an update. Max set out the Midnight because he knew that would be the first thing he wanted when he got here.

  Tomas arrived at Max’s condo and found the door ajar. He walked in to see Max waiting. Going straight to the table, he poured himself a large Midnight, gulped it down in one swig and then poured another. Walking to one of the chairs, he sat down casually, spinning the fine glass of dark sweetness in his hand and smiled. “I told you my plan would work.”

  Max smirked. “Some details would be nice, brother. Have they pulled their warriors off the street?”

  “Not completely. But Shade took the bait I planted in his head. Knew he would. Took the night off, but also took his protector with him, left me in charge. I’ll always be in charge when he’s not there, Max. But there’s more.”

  Taking a long swallow of the Midnight, Tomas let him wait. He loved the power information gave him, and the few opportunities he had when he could hold it over a master’s head.

  Max sighed. He was one damn fucking expensive mercenary, and worth every penny, but his games played on his nerves. Max swallowed down the desire to snap at him. “And do you have any plans to share that information with me anytime soon? Or do you charge extra for that, brother.”

  Tomas rolled his eyes to him and laughed. “For a master, you have no damn patience, Maximus. Shade is sending some of his warriors back home, bringing in replacements. They’re bored, nothing to occupy their time out here. Even Shade is bored. Whatever your plans, you should be getting them in place and quickly. It won’t be long before he has decided he’s done with this and won’t be coming into that hell hole every night. Alec, well, he’s way too busy with his Washington lawmakers to give a good damn, which makes him a very stupid master indeed. But I have no concern for Alec’s whereabouts, he’s no warrior. Keeping up with Alec is your business. But mark my words and be ready when I give you the signal. We’re almost there with Shade. I can feel it.”

  “That’s good to hear, Tomas. And I have twenty of my best warriors on standby. They’re all ready to go at a moment’s notice.”

  Tomas stood up and walked to the window. His body yearned to be outside now that the darkness had arrived. “Shade is no average warrior or master. He will need to be confused and outnumbered. And Shade’s protector has a new hobby, a mortal piece of ass that has caught his fancy. Saw all of them in Charlottesville the other night. I have a feeling getting the protector out of the way will be an easier task than I thought. If Shade is home, his mortal is with him, and the protector... he’ll go seek his own little bit of heaven between her legs. You couldn’t have asked for more, Max, everything is falling into place, just as I said it would.”

  “I’ll rely on you to tell me how many of my warriors to drop in. My thought was five at first, knowing he could take five. He’d still be confident. He’ll leave the house to defend her, keep them away from her. Once he’s outside and isolated, fighting the five, drop in the other fifteen. You know he’ll call back the protector, but that buys us some time. And I have just the predator to take out the mortal. He fucking loves to kill mortals. I have to rein him in all the time, so he’ll be foaming at the mouth to get the assignment to take out Shade’s mortal mate.”

  Tomas stood with his back to Max and smiled. You may have this under control, brother, but you have not yet told me the blonde vampire bitch is ready to come along for the ride. “So, we have a plan in place. My end of the bargain is ready, but I’m not so sure about your end, brother. Saw your blonde vixen in town the other night. It’s a dangerous thing to be walking alone like that, with no protection, no escort, all alone for the taking. Saw that damn rock on her finger. So, is the purpose of this whole mission backing out on you?”

  Max’s beast had had it with his insolence and as he grabbed Tomas, his eyes flared red and his fangs bared. He easily lifted him from his feet and pushed him backward until his back was against the wall. His face only inches from Tomas. “You get paid regardless of the outcome, warrior, so my fucking motives are of no concern to you. You let me handle her, and you take care of what you’re being paid to do.”

  Tomas wasn’t afraid. Max wouldn’t get rid of him, he needed him, and he knew it. Tomas’ eyes blazed and his fangs dropped as he growled, eye to eye with Max. “I don’t do this to be fucked over, Maximus, make sure you are fucking ready.”

  Pushing Max off of him, he strolled to the door, adjusting his shirt as he left, leaving Max to figure out how to get that fucking whore of his ready to roll. He wouldn’t chase down pussy for him, not in his fucking job description.

  Max picked up the bottle of Midnight and threw it at the door. It smashed against the closing d
oor as Tomas exited. If he didn't fucking need him, he would rip his throat out. Fucking mercenaries, they’re loyal only to the dollar and no respect for masters. He better never lose his skills as a warrior.


  Driving around, Rissa couldn’t keep her mind focused on anything. Her head was spinning with details of cathedrals, dresses, flowers, and all the other minutiae for the wedding of the century. Looking down at her left hand, she still couldn’t believe Alec had proposed to her in a proper manner and everyone would be watching them take their vows together. Before she realized where she was going, she found herself at his condo on the Potomac waterfront. Like fate, his call reached her somehow, she could feel him thinking of her, and she knew she had to face him. He would know about the ring by now, just as he knew everything that happened to her.

  After parking the car, she glanced quickly around then teleported directly to his door. Finding it open, she was, at first, hesitant to enter, but then she remembered why she was there.

  Crossing the threshold she stepped on something that crunched under her foot. Looking down, she saw broken glass and Midnight spilled on the carpet and her heart sped up. Concerned now, she spoke, ready and alert for anything that might come at her. “Max? Are you here? It’s Rissie.”

  Max was grabbing a handful of towels and a vacuum to clean up the glass when he heard her come in. “Rissie, sorry, just step over that mess. Just a little misunderstanding with one of my warriors. Come in, I wasn't expecting you.”

  Her eyes widened. She lifted her skirt unnecessarily high as she stepped over the broken glass and soaked carpet to show her gartered stockings to whet his appetite. “Max, where is the potion? I need it immediately. I can’t take any chances with Alec. Where is it? You can clean that up, and I’ll get the potion myself. Just tell me where it is. I don’t do clean up.”

  Max was in no mood for demands tonight. He was already at the end of his rope when she strutted in full of attitude. He dropped the towels at her feet and handed her the vacuum. “You don't do clean up, my angel? Well, besides running from my bed to Alec's, exactly what else do you do?” He grabbed her hair and yanked her to her knees. “If you want the potion, then I highly suggest you learn to do clean-up if you don't want Alec to smell me all over you.”


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