The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 35

by Emily Bex

  Luca heard the ruckus coming from the fire pit, and left his suite to see what was going on. “Don't leave me out of the party.”

  Shade looked over his warriors. “Looks like the gang is all here. Feels a bit like home, si?”

  Kate watched his warriors over the top of his shoulder, their ease with each other, their laughter, their camaraderie, their affection. She was glad they all felt at home here. She gave Shade a squeeze around the waist. They really were all brothers.

  Shade shouted out to them, “Listen up, you heathens! The lovely lady of the house and her vampire are going to the castle. Keep watch, if that’s possible. And for Hell’s sake, try to keep the noise down.”

  Looking down, Shade saw the moon sparkling in Kate’s dark eyes and her smile was so inviting. Lifting her with ease into his arms, his eyes never left hers as he began the trek back to the house.

  He heard the whistles and Raven yelled, "We have to be loud, so we can hear ourselves think over your noise, master."

  The laughter only got louder, but he paid them no mind. He had one thing on his mind right now and she was in his arms. He heard them roar in unison, “Per sempre, Medici,” and his heart soared. Before he got inside the door of the house, he heard the war cry song for his warriors, Nickelback’s Burn it to the Ground, and it fired his blood. Master was home tonight and he would spend it with his bel rosso. “Ti amo, mi amore, per sempre.”


  Alec was on the phone, arguing with the Minority Whip over the Immigration Reform bill when his administrative assistant, Jenny walked in and held up a note for him to read. ‘Larissa is here.’ He nodded to her and waved his hand to send her in. Jenny was the only vampire on his staff. She worked much too closely with him, and for such long hours, he couldn’t risk hiring a mortal for that position.

  Rissa took a seat and waited while he wrapped up his conversation. Leaning back in his chair, his feet on the desk, crossed at the ankle, Alec listened to the same lame argument he’d heard on the nightly news. This conversation was going nowhere fast, so he wrapped up the call and turned his attention to Rissa. “What do you have for me, darling. Good news, I hope?”

  Rissa had picked up the photos for the press release and was pleased with how they’d turned out. She reached for her briefcase, removing the photos and spreading them across his desk. “I brought the photos I had the studio work up for us. She did an excellent job, but I’ll let you decide which ones to release.”

  Alec flipped through the photos. “These look great. They did do a good job. I'm happy with any of these, so whichever ones you pick will be okay with me.”

  She smiled; happy he was pleased. “I’m partial to this one. We look... professional, in love and ready to take on the world.” Glancing at the photo, she ran her finger around the edges, remembering that evening on the town. “Oh, and something else. Did you know that the First Lady is planning a Rose Garden Tea Party? And guess who she asked to assist the White House staff with planning it.”

  Alec mulled that over in his head. The annual Rose Garden Tea Party, how very convenient for him. Alec knew the President had had his eyes on Rissa, and Alec would love to see what he could do to make sparks fly. “That's wonderful, darling, what a great opportunity for you, for both of us, actually.”

  “Well, I’ll only be a consultant, the White House has their own staff for organizing these events, and the First Lady didn’t call me directly. I was contacted through her administrative personnel. But, if I can, I’ll try to manage a brief meeting, one on one, with her.” Rissa slid her hand down his sleeve, “I wanted to ask you something about the wedding planning... if you have time?”

  Alec checked his watch and he had a few minutes before he had to be back on the Senate floor. “Of course, what do you need?”

  Rissa bit her lip coyly. Play it up, Rissa. You need to make this sound believable. “While I’m here, I wanted to meet with your assistant about your schedule. I have a designer in New York for my dress. There are several completed sketches he has ready for my review, and some fabrics I would like to look over. It would be a long day trip, and perhaps, I could manage a few other wedding shopping errands while there. So, if I could coordinate it with your schedule, a day and evening you’re going to be busy here, so I wouldn’t be missed... would you agree?”

  Alec was already gathering files and his laptop to take with him back to the Capitol. “Not a problem. You know how important it is to me that you find the perfect dress. Just remember, I want final approval. Other than that, just go over my calendar with Jenny. Let me know what day you plan to be gone. Do you want my driver? Or the private plane?”

  “No, I’ll reserve a hotel in advance and just teleport. I can manage. I was thinking of taking Anna with me, my friend from the flower studio. We need to do some planning for a few other events and finish choosing flowers for the wedding. If she jumps at the idea, I’ll take her along. Kill two birds with one stone.”

  Jenny entered after a quick knock and told him he was needed on the floor. As Alec stood to leave, Rissa prayed he would show her some sign of affection in front of Jenny.

  He answered her in a distracted tone, “That's great, whatever you think.” Alec grabbed the latest version of the bill and leaned over to give her a quick but discreet kiss on the lips before rushing out the door. He turned to Jenny and told her to show Rissa his calendar as he headed down the hall.

  It wasn’t the display of affection she’d hoped for, but then, Alec rarely displayed his affection in public. But Rissa didn’t mind. She had her cover story in place for her day away with Max. Mission accomplished.


  Coming home early had definitely been worth every moment. After the warriors and their hijinks at the bonfire, Shade spent the rest of the night with Kate in his arms. Waking early from his death slumber, he turned his head to see her sleeping soundly. He smiled at the memories of their blissfully long sexy night together. Her hair tumbled around her face and spread across the white pillows. Sitting up, he brushed the crimson from her eyes, but she remained sound asleep.

  Getting up, he padded naked to the shower. He needed to get ready a bit earlier than usual this evening. The new warriors should arrive from Florence soon, and he wanted to get over to the staff quarters and greet them and see who Marco had chosen to send. He had released four of the warriors to go back to Florence but asked Marco to only replace two at this time. With the lull in activity in D.C., he didn’t have enough work for all of them as it was.

  Kate felt him as he slipped from their bed and she nestled into his pillow. She could hear the water running in the shower and she struggled to wake up. As he came back into the bedroom, hair wet and a towel at his waist, she sat up in their bed. “Lover, you’re leaving early?”

  “Ah, mi amore, you are awake. Si, I have new warriors arriving and they should be here soon. I want to get over to the staff quarters, see who Marco sent me. I left it up to his discretion who to send over this time. He knows what I need.”

  Walking to his dresser, he stood with his back to her as he pulled open the drawers, looking for fresh leathers.

  She slipped from their bed and went to him, sliding her arms around his waist and released the towel so it dropped to the floor. “Maybe you don't have to leave quite so early?”

  “You tempt me, mi amore. But I must go to the new warriors, welcome them in.” Leaning down, he kissed her softly, pulling her body into his, their naked skin warm against the other. “Why don’t you come along? It will give us more time together, and you can meet them at the same time.”

  “Yes, of course. Just give me a few minutes to get dressed.”

  She ran to the bathroom to freshen up, put on a little make-up and run a brush through her hair. She pulled on jeans and a red cashmere sweater that fell over one shoulder and put on her red boots. “Okay, I'm ready.”

  “You look ravishing, mi amore, as always.” He raised his eyebrows. “Red boots? Planning to ride, are you?” He t
hrew back his head laughing.

  “You never know, lover. I need to be prepared for whatever opportunity presents itself.” She crossed the room to him and slid her arms around his waist.

  Shade ran his hands through her hair, and smiled down at her, touching his nose to hers. “Maybe I should stay home again and make use of those pretty red boots.”

  No sooner had the words left his mouth than he heard whooping and hollering over at the staff quarters. “Well, it sounds like the natives are restless, which means the new brothers have arrived.” He held out his arm to her. “Shall we make an appearance, mi amore?”

  “I look forward to meeting your new warriors, although, other than Marcello, I really never saw or spoke to the others very much. I saw Raven with Marcello a few times, but I wouldn’t have known there were others here except that I heard them tramping through the house sometimes. Shade, since I have your attention, there’s something I’ve wanted to ask you.”

  “Bel, you always have my attention. Ask away. Damn, it is beautiful this evening, si?”

  She looked up into the night sky. “Yes, I love this time of year, the warmer nights, and everything starting to bloom and grow again. And we have so much property here, and not all the fields have been converted to vineyards. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind, I would really like to own some horses. You mentioned it once. We would have to build a stable. But what do you think, lover?”

  Stopping short, he furrowed his brow. “You ride, mi amore?”

  “I used to ride. When I was younger I went to a riding school and I loved it. I always wanted horses but never lived anywhere that could accommodate them, until now. So, what do you think?”

  Taking her hand, he continued to walk toward the staff quarters, the noise becoming louder the closer they got. “I never knew that you could ride. I would love to have stables here. I will bring over some of my horses from Florence.”

  Suddenly, the wind changed, and he picked up a scent. Female vampire... Don’t tell me those damn warriors brought females into the compound. I will fucking kill them! “Mi amore, maybe this is not such a great idea, let me walk you back to the house, and I will just attend to the warriors myself.”

  “No, I’m fine. Is something wrong?”

  He remembered the last two female vamps she encountered and was hesitant to take her into the staff quarters. There was definitely a female inside that fucking house and he couldn’t exactly blurt it out without sounding like he couldn’t trust her. Cazzo! When he found out which one of those bastards brought one home, he would rip him a new ass and send him back to wherever the fuck he came from.

  “No, mi amore, I just thought... maybe this would be boring for you.”

  “It’s not boring, and you know I always want whoever you bring here from Florence to feel welcome.”

  “As you wish, mi amore.” As they arrived at the entrance of the staff quarters, Shade heard laughter, there was music and talking and he could distinguish Raven and Marcello’s voices. Opening the door, he took bel's hand and entered the large, open family room and found the males all around, but the scent of a female was strong. Then he spotted her. Holy fucking hell! Marco sent me a female warrior! I will kill him! He knows this is not going to go over well. Oh, he is going to pay for this damn joke! Cazzo!

  Shade shouted out above the laughter, “Master and his lady are in the house!” Giving a loud whistle, all talking stopped, and everyone turned in their direction. Olivia’s eyes immediately went to Shade and she stood, nodding her head respectfully. “Olivia, you have come to join us, I see. Please, come forward.”

  Shade gripped Kate’s hand tightly, waiting for her to take flight or attack. He had no idea how this was going to go down, but he knew it wouldn’t be good.

  Kate was caught off guard when she saw the young brunette stand up as they entered. Her hair was long, a soft brown color, her skin was gently bronzed, and her pale blue-grey eyes peered out at him. She was tall, like all the vampire females, and she was clearly toned, but she exuded softness about her too. Who the fuck is that? Olivia... he knows her! She was poured into leathers that clung to her shapely, statuesque form. No wonder all the male warriors were so rowdy. Kate could feel her back stiffen as she watched the female warrior make eye contact with him. Kate slid her arm around his waist and stepped in closer to him. Forget the warm welcome. You'll be headed back to Florence before you can unpack your bags, bitch.

  Shade felt Kate bristle and he took a deep breath. This was going to cost Marco. As her arm went around his waist, he could feel her anger boiling.

  As Olivia approached, he nodded at her. “Olivia, may I present to you my mate, Katherine. You will address her as my lady and show her the same respect as you do your master.”

  Watching as she bowed her head and looked down to the floor, she slowly raised her eyes to him and said simply, “Master.”

  “Bel rosso, this is Olivia, she is one of my female warriors, and yes, I do have a few. She is quite adept at being a warrior. I have known Olivia since she was just a teenager. She came to us, along with her brother, who is also one of my warriors.”

  Olivia could feel my lady’s jealousy and hate, and yet, she had done nothing disrespectful. She bowed her head to her as was expected. “I’m honored to meet you, my lady.”

  Kate was confused. There were a million questions in her head. Did he ask for this woman to be sent here? Why didn't he tell me she was coming? Has he slept with her like Sabine? Like Adriana? She won't be staying long. “And I’m honored as well, Olivia. Welcome to Bel Rosso.” You're on my turf now, and don't let the fact that I'm mortal make you the least bit comfortable.

  “Grazie, my lady.” Nodding to her, Olivia sensed the undercurrent of tension, and turned slightly to master and nodded again before stepping back in the ranks.

  Shade could feel Kate’s anger, but so far, she was playing it cool. Then he heard laughter from another female coming from behind him and he closed his eyes. Oh, no you did not send her, Marco! Not Fiamma! You are fucking dead, Marco!

  Shade turned to see Fiamma and Marcello come rolling in from the other room, both of them laughing and shoving each other and then she stopped dead in her tracks and looked directly at Shade, her red hair tumbling across her shoulders and a huge grin spread across her face. Shade nodded at her. “Fiamma.”

  Fee glanced at the female standing with her master. So, this was the mortal mate she had heard so much about.

  “Master Shade!” Walking boldly toward him, she stopped in front of him and nodded, lowering her eyes in respect and felt the blistering hot glare of the mortal on his side.

  Kate watched as the tall, sleek redhead sauntered up to him... she knew him and well. Kate could see it by the look in her eyes. It was a look that implied physical familiarity and her heart was pounding as she fought to restrain herself.

  Shade could feel Kate’s agitation and spoke to her telepathically. “Mi amore, she is Medici warrior. And I had nothing to do with this. Do you honestly think I would bring them under your roof, without discussing it with you first? Get control! She means no harm.” “Fiamma, I would like to introduce you to my mate, Katherine. You will show her respect and call her my lady. I expect much more respect than you typically show to me, understood?”

  “Bel, this is Fiamma. She is another warrior in my ranks. We have known each other for a long time. Fiamma has fought by my side in many battles, and I respect her.” Shade watched as Fiamma smiled at Kate, and prayed Fiamma behaved.

  Fiamma bowed her head. “I’m most honored to meet the woman who has stolen our master's heart. He’s a highly honored warrior. And, with all due respect, my lady, I’m glad to see he has chosen a redhead for his mate. We thank you for your gracious accommodations. It’s quite beautiful, this countryside.”

  Turning to her master, she smiled at him. “I’m honored to be called to duty here, master, to serve you in any way you see fit.”

  As Fee finished her greeting, she felt Marc
ello’s arms go around her as he snuggled into her neck, whispering for her to step back. Fee felt the less than warm welcome from the mortal and realized she wasn’t expecting them, nor was master. Oh dear, Marco, what have you dropped us into?

  Kate watched the interplay between her and Marcello but didn’t respond to the female’s greeting. “Get me out of here, Shade... Now!” What she had to say needed to be said in private, not in front of his warriors.

  Shade issued a final word to the new arrivals. “Welcome, warriors. Marcello will get you settled. Bel and I are returning to the house. Prepare to leave for D.C. within two hours. Be ready.”

  Grabbing bel’s hand, he walked out the door quickly, and then grabbed her to his chest and teleported inside the house to the foyer.

  As they stood facing each other, she unloaded all the anger she had been holding back. “I don’t want to discuss this, and I don’t care how unreasonable this sounds, but I want them gone. Now!” She lowered her voice and spoke through gritted teeth, “And I especially don't want to know the details between you and the redhead. Her eyes said all I need to know.”

  He had never seen her this fired up and ready to rip ass. Her words inflamed him and the more she spoke, the hotter he got. “Oh, I think you want to know it all, to be honest.”

  Kate clenched her fists to her side. “Are you defending her? Do you want her here? You may not have known she was coming, but you seemed damned pleased to see her, and she sure as hell was pleased to see you. And I think you want me to know. Are you throwing her in my face, Shade Medici?”

  His beast surfaced and stalked her as he talked, “Oh yes, let me throw every woman I have ever laid eyes on in the face of the woman who is my mate. The woman I love and would give up my life for. What in hell is wrong with you, Kate? You assume every woman who crosses my path I am fucking or have fucked? Cazzo!”


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