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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 37

by Emily Bex

  He lifted her up and felt her wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck. “Come along, woman. You are mine!”

  Kate clung to him as he ran to the house and they were both laughing. They were like a pendulum, swinging from one extreme to another. She would like to think it was over, these extreme mood changes from both of them, but she knew better. It was the essence of who they were. This wild roller coaster ride he had taken her on just meant she better strap in and hang on.

  Once to the house, he kicked open the door with a crashing sound and Luca responded like a bat out of hell. Shade looked at him and grinned as bel clung to him, her hair tossed from his run. “I won’t be going anywhere tonight. Don’t you have a woman of your own to see?”

  Luca smiled as Shade brushed passed him. Entering the bedroom, he rolled her off him onto the bed. He unzipped her tight-fitting jeans and she wiggled out of them and kicked them off.

  The only thing in his way now, was a pair of black lace panties, which he quickly removed. He gripped her ankles and slowly rolled her over onto her stomach, then slid his hands over her smooth rounded ass. He bit her ass gently letting the stubble on his chin graze across her smooth skin, before nipping her tender skin harder.

  They giggled like school kids on a first date. She squealed and squirmed away, partly in pain, partly in pleasure, sometimes it was hard to tell the difference. The pendulum was swinging from anger to ecstasy. The harder she squirmed, the harder he bit, and then he delivered a sharp slap that left a pink handprint on her ass cheek. She lifted her head from the bed, her hair falling across her face and looked over her shoulder at him through red locks and started to crawl across the bed away from him, but he captured her ankles and pulled her back down on the bed, laughing at her efforts to escape.

  "And where do you think you're going, my walking sin?"

  He spread her legs apart and slid his fingers deep inside her. Her hips began to ride his fingers and she moaned, telling him all he needed to know.

  He leaned down and licked the pink handprint he had left on her lily-white skin. He pulled his fingers from her in one swift move, and sliding his arm under her tummy, he lifted her upright so her back was against his chest and slid his honey-soaked fingers across her lips. She sucked them into her mouth and he growled in her ear. “Fuck me, mi amore...”

  He wanted her body against his, he wanted her to feel his heat, feel his heart racing for her, feel his need to be buried inside the heaven only she could give him. Sliding his fingers deep inside her, he thrust hard until she begged, and when she was ready to cum, he removed his fingers and pushed her face down on the bed. Spreading her legs with his hand, he straddled her from behind and gripped his cock, stroking himself a few times then sliding his cock against her ass, feeling his cock as it glided over those tight ass cheeks, listening to her erotic moans. He couldn’t take much more. Sliding his cock between her legs in one hard motion, he pushed deep and hard and felt her accommodate his girth and length.

  Throwing back his head, he growled, and his fangs punched through as the beast was loose.

  Kate felt the presence of the beast. This was not making love, this was the beast releasing all the anger, confusion, and frustration they had both felt. She pushed her hips back into him, receiving him and those punishing blows, gripping the sheets, wanting more.

  He grabbed a fistful of her hair with one hand and yanked her head back so she was lifted from supporting herself on her elbows to supporting herself on her hands. He delivered another stinging blow to her ass with the flat of his hand as he continued to use his cock as a battering ram. All she could whisper was, “Harder.”

  His beast did not let up and she took what he delivered, and it felt good letting him loose, watching her passion and seeing her need. Lifting her to his chest in one swift motion, he pushed her hair away from the side of her neck and growled, “Cum for your beast, bel!”

  Sinking his fangs deep into her neck, he held her to him, her back against his chest, his cock buried deep as it spilled inside her, her glorious honey coating his pulsing cock and draining him, as her blood sang into his veins.

  Feeling the flash of heat between her legs as he drank from her, she thrashed her head back, exposing her neck fully to him. Neck arched, back arched, ass pushing hard into his thrusting hips, she began the free fall into the orgasm only he could give. Wave after wave of spasms pulled him deeper with each thrust. She felt him release inside her, thick hot cum was filling her, running down her thighs. She reached between her legs, sliding her fingers around the base of his cock, capturing his dripping cum on her fingers then she drew her hand up her body, across her breasts, and to her lips to taste that musky male concoction. As her orgasm faded, she relaxed back into him, letting him hold her, support her. “Don't let go, lover...don't ever let go.”

  Feeling her body relax, he laid her on the bed and crawled in beside her, his arms around her, letting her know her Shade was back and the beast had retreated. “Mi amore, I love you so much, I could not let go even if I wanted too, and I never want to.” Sliding his fingers along her neck, he kissed her vein softly and licked the wound for the healing to begin. “Hungry?”

  She turned her face to him and locked onto those blue eyes. Their hearts were still pounding, their breath ragged. She nuzzled into his neck and inhaled him, he smelled like the night air and sex, and something uniquely male, and her mouth watered.

  She licked at his neck, starting at the base near his shoulder, and let her tongue glide over his skin to his ear as she felt him lean into her. She bit him hard and without hesitation, closing her lips around the wound and sucking the blood into her mouth. Its effect was instantaneous. She felt her back arch as she reached around him, gripping his muscled back, sinking her nails into his skin.

  His breathing became ragged as he wrapped her silky crimson around his hand and held her head in place as she fed. Fuck, she smells so damn good!

  Sliding his other hand down her side, he gently laid it on her hip, his fingers making small circles over her soft white skin. “Take what you need, mi amore. I am yours.” When he felt her unlatch, he moaned.

  Rolling onto his back and pulling her onto his chest, he closed his eyes and sighed. Chuckling, he wrapped her tight in his arms. “You are one greedy vixen, you know that? There is something I need to ask you... It has been on my mind, and I need to know.”

  “Ask me anything.”

  “First of all, control that crimson temper. I... Damn, I don’t know how to say this to you. Are you using birth control?”

  “Yes, of course, as soon as I lost the baby, I went back on the pill. I had a prescription, but I hadn't been seeing anyone for a while, so I had stopped taking them. When I met you, I assumed I didn't need them. I still feel so guilty about that. So much heartbreak could have been avoided, if only ̶”

  “Shh, mi amore, we talk no more of this. It is part of our history now. We have learned from our mistake, we move forward, but neither of us will forget him.” He rubbed her back, burying his face into her hair. “I love you both. I will always love you both. There will be another son, mi amore. I promise you. Sleep bel, rest.”

  She laid her head on his chest and listened to his deep voice as he talked about the son he saw in their future. “And a daughter, lover,” she mumbled back to him as she felt her eyes grow heavy, “you will have a daughter to spoil as well. Her name will be Sophia. I dreamt it.”

  As his death slumber took him, he heard her speak of a daughter. How had she known? He had dreamt of her once as well. Sophia.


  Kate woke before him and looked at the glowing numbers on the clock. The sun would set soon, and he would wake from his death slumber and the blinds would open to the darkening sky. She stretched out to her full length beside him. Her body felt deliciously sore from the rough pounding his beast had delivered. He had not planned to be home last night, so she guessed their fights were good for something, anyway. She felt him stir
and she rolled over onto his chest and kissed his lips before he could even open his eyes. She felt his arms slide around her as he returned the kiss, then he slid from their bed laughing. “Don't get me started, mi amore. I have already missed one night from my duties.”

  She turned on the lamp beside the bed and watched him as he walked nude on his way to the shower, staring at his muscled back, that ass. She shouted at him, "You could just be late, you know?"

  He looked over his shoulder at her, that dark hair hanging in his eyes. “Somehow, mi amore, your late turns into never. Now behave yourself.”

  She rolled into his vacated spot in the bed, pulling the sheets to her face to inhale his scent. “That’s easier said than done, lover,” she shouted over the sound of the running water, and she heard him laugh. When he returned to the room, he wore only a towel tied low on his hips.

  "Now who needs to behave?" she asked him, and he looked at her with fake innocence before he broke into a smile and dropped the towel and started pulling on his leathers.

  "Give you something to look forward to, mi amore," he said as he crawled across the bed and gave her a kiss goodbye.

  "Hmm, yes, because the memory of last night is already fading."

  He gave her a devilish look and a wicked smile as he responded, "Really? Well, maybe this will refresh your memory." He delivered a sharp smack across her ass. He gave her one more kiss before he left their room, winking at her as he passed through the door.

  She stayed in their room as she heard the warriors walking through their house, the voices of the women joking with the men. She couldn’t imagine the life of the female warriors. But Fee, she had really misjudged her. She liked her. She hoped Shade would allow her to spend time with her. Kate got dressed when she heard them all leave for the night and then headed downstairs to find Luca. She tapped at his door and waited. That was strange. He usually had the door open before she finished knocking. She tapped again, a little louder and waited. Maybe he was outside already?

  Before she headed outside, she slowly opened his door and his room was dark. The light from the hall spilled in and she could see him lying face down on his pillow. Her heart skipped a beat and she moved quickly to his bed and shook his shoulder. “Luca! Are you all right?”

  Luca felt someone at his shoulder and he pulled himself from a deep sleep. Fuck! It’s Kate! Fuck! How long have I been asleep? He sat up quickly in the bed, rubbing his hands across his face, shaking his head.

  “Kate... sorry, I just laid down for a minute. I guess I fell asleep.”

  Kate started laughing as she realized he’d spent his free night with Shannon. “What is it with you big bad vampires and mortal women? Are we too much for you?” She watched as his face turned red.

  Luca looked worn out. “Uh... that woman... she barely let me come up for air. Shade was worried about my beast being too much for Shannon. He should have been worried about Shannon being too much for my beast!”

  Kate was laughing so hard she couldn’t respond to him.

  Luca looked at her laughing. “Yeah... you're really not helping right now. I'm going to go take a shower. A really long shower, and if it's okay with you, I think we’ll skip training tonight.”

  She watched as he headed for the shower, looking like he'd been rode hard and hung up wet, and she couldn’t stop laughing as she left his room, closing the door behind her. Well, now what? She had the whole night ahead of her with nothing to do. She pulled out her cell phone and called the responsible party.

  Shannon answered on the first ring. “Hello?”

  Kate walked into the living room and curled up on the couch. “Uh, hey girl. What did you do to my protector?”

  Shannon giggled, “Well, it might be a shorter list if you asked what I didn't do. Oh my god, Kate, he’s just delicious. Why, is there a problem? Is he upset?”

  Laughing Kate said, “Upset? No, I don't think upset would be my choice of words to describe him. I think exhausted might fit the bill, though. Let's just say it's a good thing my ass isn't in any danger tonight, okay? I think he may have to start some endurance training if he's going to stick with you.”

  She laughed. “Well, he has such a quick recovery, it just seems wrong to let that beautiful cock go to waste.”

  Kate covered her eyes with her hand. “Oh god, Shannon... TMI.” She laughed at her complete lack of filters. Shannon never had them, and she didn’t expect her to start now.

  Shannon responded, “You held out on me, though.”

  “Me? What are you talking about?”

  Shannon lowered her voice, “The feeding. You didn't tell me how fucking hot that was!”

  Kate felt her face get hot, remembering that first experience with Shade. “He fed from you?”

  “Well, only after the fifth time I fucked him. He said he needed the strength, but Holy Mother of God, that sent me through the roof!”

  “Wait, what? The fifth time? Dare I even ask how many times after the feeding?”

  Shannon laughed. “Oh girl, I totally lost count. All I know is, I was three hours late for work today and I got nothing else done because I was totally useless, but it was so worth it.”

  “Shannon... you didn't... Did you feed from him?”

  “No, I didn't. He wouldn't let me, but I really wanted to. After he fed from me, I really wanted to.”

  Kate sighed with relief. Oh god, Shade would kill her himself! “Okay, well, then we need to have a talk. Seriously... because you can't feed from him unless he invites you. Understood? This is important, Shannon!”

  Shannon shrugged with her response, “Yeah, okay... I hear you. But what's the big deal? Isn't it just part of the sex?”

  “Not for them. They can feed from anybody, mortal or immortal. And they have to feed. But if they let someone feed from them, then that person is bound to them for life. It's hard for me to explain. But it’s not something they take lightly. I’m the first person to feed from Shade. Get it? It’s reserved for the person they choose to be their mate for eternity, and we're talking real eternity.”

  Shannon sounded confused. “So... that's not what turns you?”

  “It's part of it. It's a gradual process. Apparently, the process of turning someone takes a toll on the mortal, so they must build up their strength by feeding from their mate over an extended period of time. Shade says he’ll know when I'm ready, but I have no idea what signs he's looking for. But the point is, don't do it! That’s something Luca has to decide, understand?”

  “Okay, well that's good to know. But I hope you understand I wouldn't do anything that would jeopardize this. I mean, I really love him, Kate… a lot. And you know me, I don't fall easily.”

  “I know, and I'm really happy for both of you. But try not to kill him, okay? I've grown rather fond of him myself.”

  Shannon laughed. “No promises there, girlfriend. Gotta run now. Call me later?”

  Kate shook her head. Poor Luca, his first mortal and I threw him to a shark. “Yeah, later Shannon. Love you.”

  She walked through the house, looking for something to do that would take up this night. “Gi?”

  He appeared out of nowhere. “Yes, my lady?”

  “Guess what? Shade said I could have horses, and he said he has horses in Florence that need to be brought over. We're going to need to build stables... and add fencing.”


  Max was waiting in his condo for Tomas and that freak show named Cuerpo. He was the scariest fucking vampire Max had ever seen and one evil warrior. He sported a full-body tattoo of a skeleton that included his face, as well as a shitload of body piercings. The overall effect was unnerving, to say the least.

  Cuerpo loved to kill mortals. He took great pleasure in it. Max planned to use him to take out Shade's mate. But right now, they needed to make sure they were all on the same page with this ambush. Max had the Midnight flowing, and they should be here any minute.

  Tomas rapped on the condo door then proceeded inside and went straigh
t for the Midnight. Tomas had decided to arrive before Cuerpo. That vampire had a rep and it was a nasty one. One thing about Max, when he wanted something done, he got the best, and if your objective was torturing and killing mortals, well, Cuerpo was your vampire.

  Tomas turned to Max. “So your creature is not here yet? Figures, I’m hoping this doesn’t take long, Maximus. I need to be on duty. You wouldn’t want me to miss any information, now, would you?”

  Max answered, “This shouldn't take long. We’ll only have one chance at this. If this ambush on Shade's personal quarters fails, he’ll have so many warriors protecting the place in the future, we won't get a second chance. Where is Cuerpo? Didn't he come with you?”

  Tomas rolled his eyes to him and took another long swig of Midnight. “Hell no. I don’t associate with that creature. Dangerous thing to be seen with the wrong element, Max, you should know that. Mercenaries have rules, and believe it or not, scruples. There aren’t many masters who would be seen with him, especially Shade.”

  Tomas was hit suddenly with the strangest scent, it assaulted his senses, and he shook his head. “He’s close. I can smell that fucker five miles away.”

  Max nodded. “Oh, Shade knows him, knows him well. I doubt there are any masters out there who aren't aware of Cuerpo's rep.”

  Cuerpo hung in the shadows, his head laid back. Mortals, he loved the taste of their fear. So sweet! He loved to hear them scream, feel their fear, and watch their useless struggle to survive. That was his drug. He had an appointment with Max who had a tasty mortal for him, but he would pay, and he would pay up front. Cuerpo did no deed, even the delicious ones, without money to feed his lifestyle. He could see everything crystal clear in the dark, but no one saw him until he wished them to. Tasty humans, crunchy bones and ear-shattering screams, and their fear was like erotic foreplay, he loved their fear most of all.

  Teleporting to Max’s door, he found it open and paused to listen to the conversation. The mercenary Tomas was with him, they were discussing an ambush. Walking in, Cuerpo stood and stared from one to the other then grunted at Maximus.


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