The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 38

by Emily Bex

  Max looked up to see the freak show standing in his doorway. Hell, he scares the fuck out of me. I can only imagine the effect he has on mortals. He was wearing a suit and tie so all that showed of his tattoo was his face and hands. He looked like a walking anatomical model come to life and it only enhanced the creep factor. “Cuerpo, glad you could join us. Come in, fix yourself a drink and have a seat. We’re just getting ready to discuss the details of this job.”

  Cuerpo adjusted his tie. “No thanks. I only drink mortal blood.”

  Tomas was grateful the circus freak’s shades wrapped around his eyes. That fucking bastard was one spooked out motherfucker with eyes that could blaze a hole in your fucking soul. Tomas looked at Max and shook his head as Max offered him Midnight.

  Max settled into his seat across from the two warriors. “Cuerpo, let me fill you in on our little operation here. I’m trying to topple Alec, but he has hired Shade to get his warriors in shape, and in the meantime, Shade has brought his own warriors in, pretty much shutting us down. There’s no way I'm going to be able to bring Alec down without bringing Shade down, and there’s no fucking way my warriors are going to be able to bring Shade down. But I know we can break him if we kill his mate, and that's where you come in. She’s mortal.”

  Cuerpo sat without moving, the dark glasses obscuring his eyes, so Max couldn’t tell if he was looking at him or not. He responded with an evil hiss in his voice.

  “The Medici, that’s impressive, but also very serious. And a mortal mate?” Licking his lips as he said mortal, he pulled his glasses off and stared long and hard at Maximus. “I want a visual of the mortal.”

  Max said, “I’ve not seen her myself, but I’ve heard she’s on the small side, even for a mortal, so she won't present any problems. Tomas has been conducting some surveillance, so I think he can help you with what she looks like.”

  Tomas watched Cuerpo sit up and take the bait, and he decided to give him a tempting description before throwing the picture of her on the table. “Her name is Kate. She has flaming red hair. She’s petite and meek as a mouse. Shade rarely lets her leave the house, if ever, and she’s never alone. Be very aware of that. She has a protector, but Max will explain that matter clearly. This should tempt your palate.” Tomas threw him the photo he had a fellow day-walker take.

  Cuerpo said nothing. He didn’t even look at Tomas. He picked up the photo from the table and stared. She made his mouth water and he wiped at his lips. She was a beautiful redhead, slender and delicate, with soft white skin. He imagined her trembling in his hands. Would she scream in fear, or be immobilized by it? Would she fight and struggle for her life? Or succumb to the inevitable? It was part of the extreme pleasure for him, observing their reaction to the knowledge they were going to die. He could imagine her with her eyes open wide, and her heart pounding. Her heart, the very thought of it made his mouth water again. It would be so tasty and sweet, as he bit into it while it still pumped in his hand. She was small, and he could snap her bones, crunchy, crackling bones, as he gripped her arms behind her and broke them. He felt himself becoming erect thinking of the snapping sound of her bones breaking under the pressure of his hands, while he sucked her sweet body dry. Chuckling deep and low, he said with a hiss, “Sweet mortal, weak and mine.” He licked the spittle from his lips.

  Max actually felt unnerved by the freak’s enthusiasm for this job. “Here’s what has to happen. We have Tomas inside Alec's operation. They have no clue he's working for me. And with Alec's rag-tag bunch, it was pretty easy to figure out Shade would gravitate to Tomas, as the warrior from Alec's crew to develop for Second-In-Command. We’ve purposely pulled back, slowed things down so Shade will show up less frequently at the command center. They call it the Dead House. Shade took off a night last weekend and then didn't show up again last night. He sent her protector away for the night as well. That’s what we're waiting for, the next night he takes off and hopefully sends her protector away.

  “Tomas, you have to make sure all of his warriors are on duty. We can't have any that stayed back at his house. Get them all on the streets. We can create enough activity to keep them there, so they won't be coming back to the Dead House. As soon as we know Shade is isolated, I want you to call me. I’ll drop in five of my warriors. Shade can take five, but that will draw him outside. He’ll leave the house to draw the rogues away from her. And that's what we want, Shade outside fighting, and his mortal mate inside.

  “Tomas has floor plans of his house. Based on our surveillance, he usually sends her to their bedroom when he wants her separated from his own warriors, so we can assume he’ll send her there when he goes outside to fight. There is a second-floor window on the back of the house with a balcony, right into their room. You need to get in position as soon as Shade is drawn outside. I’ll have about fifteen more warriors teleport in. Now, I know he’ll summon the protector back home, but it buys us some time. Not even Shade Medici can fight off twenty warriors, so the protector will be drawn out as well.

  “That is when you make your move. Go in through the window and take out the mortal. And here's the thing. I don't just want her killed. I want her violated, raped, tortured, so feel free to do whatever it is you do to mortals. Shade has to crack when he finds her dead. I want him to see what her last minutes were like, and to have to live with that image in his head. That’s what will break him. You got a problem with that?”

  Tomas watched Cuerpo salivate at the photo. Yeah, knew that would tempt your freaky ass. Tomas wondered what planet the eccentric bastard was from. When Max started yapping about his ambush plan, he was about to bust a fucking fang just hearing about it. Max would have no hand in it whatsoever, just sit back and reap in the blonde pussy. Tomas nodded to Max, affirming his plan, and waited for the freak to speak and take the bait. He could see the wheels turning inside that bastard’s head.

  Cuerpo listened intently to the plan, staring deeply into the picture of the mortal. Medici woman, last thing you see and hear will be your mate’s wails over your death. I will make sure he sees your last breath, that last look, pleading for his help. He looks up at the warrior and nods and then turns his head to Max. “One hundred grand. Now.”

  Max walked over to the desk and pulled out the wad of new bills, secured by a band and tossed them in his lap. Best money I ever spent.

  “Just remember what I want. Nothing quick and easy, leave your mark. It won’t take him long to figure out it was you, and the last face his mortal mate looked at was yours. You make him crack, there's another hundred grand where this came from.”

  Cuerpo grunted as he stood. “She dies at my hand, my way. She’ll bear not only my mark but my seed inside her. You know where to find Cuerpo.”

  Sliding on his glasses, he teleported out as he came in, back into the night, the shadows and the mortal blood that fed his need.

  Max shivered. “What a fucking freak!” He downed a glass of Midnight and turned to Tomas. “I never thought I would work with that guy. Said I never would, but this is the only way I know to bring Shade down.”

  Max had an image of Cuerpo with Rissa that flashed across his brain and it sent another wave of shivers down his spine. He knew it would break him to find Rissa dead and know that Cuerpo was the force that brought her down. Cuerpo loved to torture. He fed off the mortal’s fear. He lived to inflict pain. “You got any questions? Any issues before we put this in motion?”

  Tomas was laughing to himself as he watched Max down the Midnight. You fucking fool. Just threw a hundred grand at some freak to kill a damn weak-ass mortal, the mate of the Medici warrior, and for what? I know what you are paying me, and I’m collecting from two pockets, more yours than the Senator, all for some woman. That damn cunt must be gilded in gold is all I can figure! “All I can say, Max, is your ass best be heading far from here with your little blonde bombshell, and well hidden, ‘cause if Shade ever fucking finds out you were behind the death of his mate, you’ll think that thing that just waltzed out of
here is the tamest freak you ever met. He’ll never stop until whoever took her out is found. He may not survive long without her, but his warriors will never forget. If you’re ready to move, I got this, brother, it’s all in place. I need to get my ass back to the Dead House, make sure we have everything ready. Give the word, we roll.”

  Downing the remaining Midnight, Tomas turned and headed toward the door.

  “Okay, brother, stay close to your phone, because I think this will go down soon.”

  Max watched him as he moved his massive hulk through the door, his words still ringing in his ears. He was right about one thing, if Shade ever figured out who killed his mate he would spend his last breath seeking revenge. Max had seen Cuerpo's 'work' before, and even in the world of vampires, he was considered off the charts extreme. It wouldn’t be a pretty sight. Those images flashed through his brain again and he pushed down any second thoughts about carrying out this plan. After all, it was the only way he could get to Rissie. He pulled out his cell phone and called.

  Rissa felt her phone buzz and wondered what time it was. Glancing up at the clock, it was after 9:00 p.m. Looking down at her phone, she saw it was Max. Smiling, she let her voice go low and sexy. “Hello, handsome. Miss me, do you?”

  Max was soothed by the sound of her voice. “Angel, I was thinking about you. You okay? I miss you in my bed, Rissie.”

  “Of course, I’m fine, Max. Why would you think otherwise? I miss you too. I can’t stop thinking about our day out. I need to get away. Alec is about ready to release the engagement news to the press. I want out before this news straps me to the walls.” She heaved a fake sigh. “Not like he cares.”

  “My angel, you just tell me the day. A moment's notice is all I need, and I’ll have you on the beach.”

  “Oh Max, I crave a day to play in the sun. I want to be naked in the sand and the waves, with you.” Grinning to herself, she had him right where she wanted him.

  “My angel, I’ll take you to my private island where you can run naked all day. I’ll fuck you under those crashing waves.”

  Rissa whispered to him in her sexy voice, “Max, you’re making me wet. I have everything planned, and it won’t be long. Alec has a very busy day coming up. He thinks I’m going to New York to see a dress designer and taking a friend.”

  “I promise you a day you will remember, Rissie.”

  “And I promise to make it worth your while, my sweet.”

  “Just ask and it’s yours.”

  “I’ll call you with the date. It’ll be soon, and don’t forget that potion. I miss you so much.”

  Max prepared to end the call. “Until then, angel.”

  “Say it!” Rissa demanded.

  “Do you want me to declare my love for you, Rissie? Is that what you need to hear? I love you, my angel. And it’ll be in my bed where you spend eternity, not his.”

  Rissa cooed. “I just needed to hear you say it, Max. I’ll always need you.”

  Hanging up, she grinned to herself. He had never stopped loving her. She wondered if he ever would. Spinning the phone in her hand, she tried to remember the last time Alec called her to say he loved her. It was years ago. A wicked thought crossed her mind. Oh, I do believe daddy should get a nice engagement present from his baby girl... and a few of her friends!


  Shade gathered up the warriors, including the two females, and they all headed into the Dead House. Everyone was on duty tonight as they were all getting a bit lazy for his taste, himself included. As they got inside, he formally introduced his new warriors to Alec's bag of tricks and he got some strange looks. Giving them a hard stare, he decided he had better lay down the law as he heard a few growls from his own male warriors in defense of the females.

  “Settle the fuck down, all of you! I run this fucking show and whoever I bring in here, you will fight alongside. Just because they are beautiful and sleek does not mean they are anything less than Medici warriors. If any of you have balls enough to challenge them, I am sure they would be more than happy to accommodate your sorry asses and show you a thing or two. The roster is posted with your quadrants and partners, get your asses out there and bring home some rogue blood tonight. The man paying the bills needs proof his money is working. Move it.”

  As they gathered their weapons and coupled up, Shade watched as Fee and Olivia stood back, waiting patiently to see where they were assigned.

  “Fee, come here please.”

  Fee had watched this bunch of circus monkeys and held her tongue. Who the hell was supposed to fight with this lot? She caught Marcello’s eye and he winked and mouthed to her, “It will be fine.” She laughed to herself as Olivia’s eyes were almost as big as her head. Olivia was uneasy and Fee hoped Shade had partnered her with one of their own her first night out. Hearing him bark, she told Olivia she’d be right back. Shade pulled out a chair and pointed to it. Sliding into the chair, she put her elbows on the table. “So, what is the plan, and please tell me you have one?”

  Shade glared at her. “Welcome to you too, Fee. Christ, you haven’t changed much, but I didn’t expect anything less.” Bending down close so the others couldn’t hear him, he spoke to her. “Olivia looks like a fucking deer in the headlights. Help me here, Fee, what’s the deal?”

  Fee leaned back in the chair, crossing her arms over her chest. “The deal? You intimidate the living hell out of her. She thinks you’re the devil himself come to save the day. Tell me you’ve never noticed, Shade Medici. I know you, and no mate will change your past.” Laughing, she watched as his face contorted in anger. She knew she’d hit a nerve. Oh yeah, Master, you used me to piss off your mate and make her cry. And I like her, so I will goad you when I can!

  He gritted his teeth. “Watch your mouth! And leave my mate out of this. Is that clear, warrior?”

  Fee fired back, “Well, let’s examine this, shall we? You flew outta the house after screaming like a wild bull with his balls cut off. You act like a damn spoiled brat and just poof from sight. Poor baby, did she piss you off? You didn’t go far, though, now, did you? Shade, she loves you with all she has. Let her in, for hell’s sake. You’ll be much better off.”

  “Christ, Fee! You know, sometimes, I want to take your ass out! You have more balls than some of these men. And I know bel talked to you. Cazzo!” He slammed his fist down on the table. “What the hell did you tell her?”

  She leaned in close. “Oh, I didn’t tell her much. Just that you can be a true bastard at times, and sometimes, you think with your dick, not your head.”

  He knew she was teasing but he felt his temper flaring up. Damn it! “Warrior, I should remind you who is master by challenging you to a sword battle, but you would like that way too much. Now tell me what the hell to do with Olivia. Damn it, we have work to do, Fee.”

  “Oh yes, I’d love a sword battle, but your mate might have a thing or two to say when you got home bruised and battered by another redhead! She wanted to rip my eyes from their sockets when she saw what Marco sent you. As for Olivia, send her with one of our own. Let her learn the territory with a proper mentor because the rest of this lot is useless. Send her with Marcello, she and Raven will just get into more trouble than it’s worth. I need to learn this city before I can take her along and I think it best if we’re separated, show these monkeys that we fight just like the rest, no difference, we just look better.”

  “Good point. Sometimes, you make sense to me, but not too damn often.” As she stood and punched him in the arm, he laughed. “Go with Raven, I will send her with Marcello and let him handle her. He seems to have a way with women. Now, get moving. Bring it home, sister.”

  “I always do, master. I always do.”

  Sauntering off, she turned before leaving to look at him. She had never seen him like this before. He was contented. He had found what he had searched the whole world for, his destined mate. And, Satan help him, she already had him wrapped around her finger, using nothing but those big brown eyes and her flaming re
d hair.

  Tomas looked on as Shade introduced the two female warriors. Tomas let Shade know he wouldn’t be back until the night was over then broke out into the night alone, leaving Shade in the command center. He found a nice dark alley and dialed Max’s cell. Hope to fuck he’s not with that blonde. He needs to get his fucking head in this ambush.

  Max was looking at copies of the grid maps from the Dead House when his cell rang. Looking at the caller ID, he saw it is Tomas. What the fuck? Are we ready for the ambush? He grabbed up the phone. "Max here."

  “You alone?”

  Max grunted. “Unfortunately, yes, I’m quite alone. What's on your mind?”

  Tomas chuckled. “That damn Shade brought in pussy-ass warriors. If you see tits and ass out here running around looking like they are ready for an apocalypse, it’s his women. He just keeps making this easier, Max. He can say they are warriors, but I’ll be damned if I ever met one that could fight as well as a male. Easy as leading the sheep to slaughter.”

  Max paused a moment before answering. “I wouldn't be so quick to judge, if I were you. True, there are women warriors out there that may not be as strong as our male warriors. But I’ve seen some of the women trained as Medici warriors. I even knew one personally. Sabine. Haven't seen her in a long time, but she stayed in Europe mostly, as do most of his warriors. They were equal to any man, and in some cases, even more effective because they would use their sex to lure the men in, give them a false sense of security. Be careful with that.”

  Tomas snorted. Seriously, Max, you need to get the fuck away from blondes for a while. “Yeah, okay, whatever you think, Max, but they don’t look too formidable to me. The one looks like if you say boo to her she will shrivel up and shit her lace panties. Just calling to let you know. I’ll keep an eye on them tonight. He’s letting them get familiar with the territory. Once that happens, after a night or two, he’ll be heading home to his meek little mate. Soon, Max. Be ready.”


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