The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 39

by Emily Bex

  Ending the call, Tomas slid the phone inside his leathers and thought about this Sabine bitch. She sounded interesting. Europe... Well, maybe he should take a quick trip there after this was over and have a rest. Look up some warrior ass and see if she rode his sword as well as she wielded one.


  It was a productive night at the Dead House. The women were getting acclimated to the city and would soon be up to full speed. Shade was glad they were in a lull. He had some doubts about Olivia. A hesitant warrior was a dead warrior and he wasn’t sure how she’d do under full assault. Hopefully, Fee could help move her along. Maybe he would talk to Marco about her.

  Alec's warriors were none too pleased to see women in their ranks, but they’d get over it. They all headed for home and Shade made a brief stop at the fire pit where his warriors were all laughing and talking, before turning to walk back to the house. He had barely set foot in the house when he ran into Gi who was looking frazzled and a little worse for wear. What the fuck? “You okay, Gi?”

  “Master, everything is okay. My lady is ready to bring the horses here. She said you approved, si?”

  “Si, I approved.”

  “My lady had a long list of things, the horses transported here from Florence, stables to be built, fenced areas for them to run. Saddles, bridles, feed, hay... si, very long list. I have been working on it all night. She is very excited, well, you know how she gets when she is excited. We love her, master, you know we all love her, but that woman can talk your ears off when she gets wound up. Unless you need something from me, I have a lot to do.”

  The old one shuffled his feet and held the crinkled checklist in his hand, eager to finish all the tasks on his list from Kate.

  Shade had to bite his lip to keep from laughing, his hair was standing on end and his ever-fastidious manservant had his bowtie askew. Poor Gi, bel had run him ragged tonight. “Well, let me help you out, old friend. I'll see if I can keep her busy for the next several hours, si?”

  “Thank you, master.”

  Shade watched as he rushed off and laughed to himself. That little redhead had everyone jumping tonight. He took the stairs two at a time and bounded into their bedroom. “Woman!”

  She stepped from the bathroom, fresh from the shower, the fragrance of her rose-scented bath gel hanging in the air, wearing a red silk robe tied loosely at the waist. It swung in the breeze behind her as she walked toward him, the lily-white skin of her legs contrasted against the red color of the robe as her legs were exposed with each step she took.

  “Lover?” she answered, and reached for the ties that held the robe together at her narrow waist, releasing them and letting the robe slide off her shoulders and drop to the floor. She walked right into his arms, all soft skin, and sweet curves, her red hair shining, her lips slightly open and inviting. “Am I the woman you're looking for?”

  “Si. You are just the woman I was looking for.”

  He picked her up and tossed her on their bed, and quickly stripped off his leathers before crawling into bed beside her. He rode her straight to heaven, and fell into his death slumber, holding her in his arms.

  It was always the same. If he received a vision in his slumber, it always appeared early in his slumber. Shade could feel himself slipping deeper and deeper into the death slumber until it wrapped its claws around him and dragged him under.

  He could almost feel her, he picked up her scent, but it was faint. He couldn’t find her. Was he searching for his bel rosso? Something was wrong. He could feel her concern, like a stab in the heart, and his mind was racing. He tore through the city, searching for her. He couldn’t pinpoint her location, and she wasn’t answering him, as if she was too frightened to call for him. The images in his head were blurry, as though hidden in a fog. He kept searching and finally, he screamed out for her. His heart filled with dread that something was wrong, and he couldn’t understand why she didn’t answer him. What was happening to his bel?

  Then he heard a tiny voice, soft and clear. “I’m right here.”

  He strained his eyes and following the voice, came to a clearing in the deep fog of this unfamiliar place. “Bel?”

  Her scent was stronger, and he kept moving toward the clearing until he saw a small child. She looked like bel and even sounded a little like bel. He stood still, staring at the face that was so familiar to him. But this was not his bel.

  Her sweet voice floated to him across the fog. “Daddy, you seem lost too. It’s me, Sophia. I’ve lost my way. Can you take me home?”

  His heart lurched. Sophia, their daughter yet to come. Sophia! He had dreamt of her before.

  “Where is your madre?” He stared at her, her voice so much like bel’s, and yet, his feet refused to move. He could only observe her from where he stood, unable to reach her.

  He knew he was dreaming, but was unsure if this was just a regular dream or a premonition of what was to come.

  Her tiny voice answered him, “Mommy is with the animals. I came out to hunt with her, and I got lost. I’m not afraid. I can kill just as you taught me. I know they’re coming. You taught me to be brave, and not be afraid and take care of our family.”

  He listened and wondered what she was trying to tell him. “Sophia, listen to padre. Who is coming? Tell me.” He was finally able to break free and he walked to her, crouching down to her level. He needed her to tell him everything.

  “Daddy, you’re so silly. The rogues… They’re coming, and we must be prepared. I’ve been practicing my hunting with Mommy. I want to find Mommy and go home. Can you take me home?”

  Rogues? No! No rogues.

  Lurching for the small child, fear took hold of him and just as his arms encircled her, she disappeared into dust. He screamed, “Bel!”

  Kate was sleeping soundly, her head on his chest, his arm around her when she awoke to him screaming out her name. She sat up and turned to him, her hand on his cheek. “Shade! Wake up! You’re dreaming. Wake up.”

  Waking, he felt her touching him as he rose from the fog of his slumber. “Bel!” He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her to his chest. “Bel, you are here.” He had broken out in a cold sweat and felt his heart racing out of control.

  Luca had heard master scream out her name in fear. While he didn’t feel any threat, he teleported to their room and found him clutching Kate to his chest. “Master?”

  Kate brushed his hair from his face. “Lover, it was just a bad dream. Shh. Everything is fine. We're fine.”

  “Luca, Rogues!” He swung to the side of the bed, his feet hitting the floor, ready to protect her, before sitting back down, realizing he woke from a dream, and trying to sort reality and illusion.

  Kate rubbed his back. “You had a bad dream.” She nodded to Luca to let him know they were fine and he left the room.

  “Lie down next to me. Calm yourself. Everything is fine.” She pulled him back down on the bed, ran her hand over his cheek before curling up next to him, her head on his chest. “Just a bad dream, lover.”

  Was it a dream, or a premonition? Shade held her, felt her in his arms. “Si, si, ti amo...”

  His death slumber came swiftly, the darkness consumed him, and he knew he would meet her again.

  “Soon, Sophia. Nostra figlia.”


  Waking slowly, he felt as though he had fought a war in his sleep. Reaching for bel, she was gone and he sat straight up in bed. Cazzo! What time is it? “Bel?”

  From the bathroom where she was dressing, she heard him stir and call her name. “I'm right here. Are you okay? You woke during the night with a bad dream.”

  He looked disgruntled. “I’m fine. I don’t like waking up without feeling you in this bed. What time is it? Fuck!”

  Jumping out of bed, he tossed his clothing from the armoire looking for fresh leathers and a shirt. “Why can’t I find anything when I am in a hurry? Do you and Gi have a plan to drive me mad?” Whipping his head around, he smiled at her and winked.

you aren’t late. I just woke before you and was getting dressed. And I don't think Gi would ever drive you mad. However, I think I may have pushed him over the edge. He has helped me with the house, and then the staff quarters, and the gardens, and now, I have him working on the horses. He seems a bit frazzled. You have plenty of time. You don't need to be in a rush. Your warriors haven't trampled through the house yet.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, when I came home, I ran into Gi. He was more than frazzled. I think you are pushing his limits, mi amore. Cut the old geezer some slack! And, for your information, I like to be ready before my warriors trample through here. Why don’t you come down with me? Can you tie back my hair for me? Been a little warm at night and the Dead House is like an oven lately.”

  He pulled a black t-shirt from the drawer, pulling it over his head and sat at the window, waiting.

  Kate stood behind him and ran her fingers through his hair. Closing his eyes, he relaxed and enjoyed the feel of her fingers. Pulling his thick locks back to the nape of his neck, she created a loose ponytail which she secured with a leather tie. She leaned over and kissed the top of his head, before kissing his ear and his neck.

  “You taste good enough to eat. And I’d be happy to come downstairs and see the warriors.”

  He growled, saying, “You keep that up, I will definitely be late.”

  Standing, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly. “I hate leaving you. But this fiasco won’t go on forever. Nothing is moving out there, and I’ll call Alec tonight, tell him we’re backing off. We’ll see what the hell he has to say.

  Now, I need to get downstairs, I hear them already. Cazzo, they are one loud pack of demons. Climb on if you are going with me.”

  She jumped on his back piggy-back style and he slid his arms under her knees as she hung on around his neck. “Ready?”

  They headed down the stairs, both of them laughing. As they entered the main hallway, all heads turned to look at them.

  The whole troop went quiet at the spectacle except Fee couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Shade certainly had changed since leaving Florence. He had always been so damn serious and now his laughter rang out so easily, Fee thought Kate was good for him.

  “Riding him like a true red.”

  Kate laughed at Fee as the other warriors stared with open mouths. “You know only a redhead could break in this stallion.”

  “You know it, sister.”

  Shade slid her off his back. As Kate’s feet touched the floor, she went over to Fee and Olivia and the small talk began while Shade and the others left to retrieve more weapons from the bunker. As they returned, Shade winked at Fee, and she nodded back.

  Shade liked that Kate was chatting and laughing with the female warriors. It made him happy. Fee seemed to get along well with her and maybe she could help bel understand he had never had sex with the female warriors from his own coven. They were like his family. Walking up to them, he wrapped his arms around bel and put his chin on her shoulder, licking at her neck and whispered, “I need a kiss before I go, mi amore.”

  Kate turned in his arms and he lifted her up as she slid her legs around his waist and covered his mouth in a kiss. “Go, warrior. The sooner you go, the sooner you’ll come back to me.”

  “I always come home to you, always. And this night will be no different.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “Be good, mi amore, while I am gone. Luca is here, call if you need me. Ti amo.”

  “And I love you.” She watched as they all left through the front door, his small army of warriors.

  As he gathered his warriors in the Dead House, he got out the grid maps. He had doubled the size of the territory for each team of two warrior scouts. The activity level had dropped off and they basically just needed to keep watch. It was easy and boring, and he was just about done with this. As they all headed out, Shade saw Tomas hanging back and he wondered what was on his mind. “You need something, Tomas? Talk.”

  “No Shade, just grabbing a few knives I left here last night. Forgot them. I’ll be heading out now. Damn boring detail. You should be home with your mate. Sounds like you have a lot of property out there to deal with, vineyards and all that business. Heard some of your boys talking.” Tomas watched his face closely as he planted the seed. “I can handle all this. Nothing going on here.”

  Shade nodded his head to agree. “I’m only here to settle in the new warriors and that is about done. I’m calling Alec tonight, letting him know we’re going to pull back. We have gone long nights with no activity. Whoever this son of a bitch is, he has either given up or is pulling back to re-strategize. Either way, we’ll keep enough out there to monitor the situation, but let our warriors rest, in case they return.”

  Tomas realized he’d need to stir up some rogues tonight, keep the bait dangling just enough to make sure Shade kept sending his warriors to the Dead House. “Good plan, just don’t take them all out. I can manage things fine, and you can come in from time to time and check the situation. It doesn’t take you long to get here if the situation changes. Just a thought.”

  Shade let his words run through his head. “True, and besides that, I want my new warriors to get a taste of the streets. I’ll see what Alec thinks, raid his brain box, and see how it goes. See you later, brother. Be careful on the streets.”

  Watching as Tomas headed out, Shade flopped down in the chair and looked at his phone. It was time to ring up the Senator and see where his fucking head was. Hitting speed dial, he waited.

  Alec was in his study, going over legislation when the cell rang. He checked the ID before answering. “Shade... What's going on, brother?”

  “Not a hell of a lot. We need to talk. This town is dead of any activity; been like this for a week. This master may have given up, or he may just have pulled back his crew to regroup, re-strategize. If that is the case, they will strike again, but the question is when. Here’s the deal, brother. We’re going to take advantage of this break. Keep a small crew on watch. Let our warriors get some rest. Let me get some rest. I’ll leave Tomas in charge. He’s good, one of the best out there, and I won’t be far. I can be here in the blink of an eye, but I need some damn downtime. Give me your thoughts. You or Rissa had any problems? Anything I need to know about?”

  Alec yawned, “Nothing here. Rissa’s been quiet. She's out every day. Hangs at the gym. And she's had no problems, either. I do need a presence on the streets, though. I need to keep my warriors out there just because it sends a message, but I have no problems with scaling back. And I agree with you, of my crew, Tomas is the most solid.”

  Shade grinned. “Sounds like a plan to me. If you need me, you know where I am. I’ll be in and out of here a few nights a week, but I am going to see how this rolls without me here and Tomas in the lead. Made him SIC and tested it out. He did well, knows how to handle the warriors, get things done. He knows what I expect. I will keep a few of my crew out here as well but scaling down so they will have some off time. I still want them to get the experience. I have a few new females in from Florence, giving them a little street experience here.”

  Alec scratched his head. Female warriors? That can't be a good idea. “Female, huh? Well, that should keep you occupied on those long slow nights.” I knew he would get bored with that mortal.

  Shade shook his head, squeezed the phone and growled. “Alec, they are female warriors, not concubines! Some of us are faithful to our mates. Damn it, brother, they are my familia, not some damn piece of meat. Cazzo, you are a sick motherfucker.”

  Alec laughed. “Hey, they might be family, but they’re not blood family, so everything is fair game, brother. But to each his own.”

  Shade felt his anger rise. “I need to go, brother.” Hanging up, he tossed his phone down. Cazzo! He actually felt sorry for Rissa sometimes.

  Settling in, he thought about riding horses with bel. He needed to work on getting some of his horses transported over from Florence. He’d check into that. Just as he was about ready to call the
m in and head for home, Marcello and Olivia strolled in and that fucking grin on his face told Shade he either got laid or had a kill. “What’s going on, brother?”

  Marcello said, “Had two in Quad 4. We split it up and each took one. Simple as fuck, master. No problem. They were definitely trying to hide. Neither had tats like some of the others. And I have no idea if they belong to this Aries coven, but I could smell them, so could Olivia. They’re dead now, cleaned up, and if that’s all they’ve got to throw out there, piece of cake!”

  Shade chuckled. “It sounds like they are running low on rogues and are scraping the bottom of the barrel now. I am keeping some of you on the streets for a while but leaving Tomas in charge. I got way too much to take care of at home. You up to helping out Tomas?”

  “Hey, I got me a kill, always a reason to smile, master. Sure, I have this, leave it to me. Go on home. There’s nothing else out there tonight. We can definitely handle this.”

  As Shade stood up, Marcello fist-bumped him before he teleported out, leaving the Dead House in the hands of Marcello and Tomas.


  When Shade left with the warriors, Kate went to the kitchen to eat the meal Reynaldo had prepared for her before heading off to find Luca. While she was eating, Gi came in with blueprints for her to look over. The builder had been hired and the paperwork to transport the horses from Florence was done. Kate needed to choose which plans to use for the barn and stables so the builders could get started. After careful consideration, she chose one and Gi hurried off to notify the builder.

  She looked at Reynaldo. "Well, at least his hair isn't standing on end today."

  Reynaldo just smiled and said, “Give him time, it is early yet, and you haven't been up long.”

  They both laughed and after thanking him for the meal, Kate headed off to Luca's suite where she tapped on the door. He answered immediately and stepped out into the hallway. Kate bowed to him with a sweeping hand gesture.


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