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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 43

by Emily Bex

  “They’re all beautiful. I can't wait to ride them, and to ride with you.”

  “Come, I have something special to show you.” Taking her hand, he led her to the stall farthest from them. Shade stepped up to the auburn stallion with a white star on his forehead and held out his hand to the horse, waiting until the horse caught his scent and recognized him.

  “Mi amore, this is a very special horse... Bravado. He was bred in Florence, and Angelo and I have trained him well. He is gentle but very strong of heart. He belongs to you now.”

  She clung to his hand as they approached to see a beautiful red stallion with a white star on his forehead. His coat shined like glass, and she could only imagine him in the sunlight, grazing in the fields. She approached the horse slowly, holding out her hand, caressing his nose, letting him get her scent. “He is beautiful. Bravado. That’s brave, right? Oh lover, thank you.”

  Shade stepped behind her, sliding his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him and felt him kiss the top of her head.

  “Si, brave. You need to stroke him, talk to him, mi amore. Let him know he belongs to you. Go on, he will not hurt you. Just go slow.”

  Looking at the horse, Shade raised his voice a bit. “Bravado.” The horse turned his head and stared at him. “Good boy, I know you are nervous from the trip, but this is your new home, and this, is my bel. Relax, boy.”

  She walked alongside the large stallion and ran her hand down his strong neck, through his thick mane and across his back and haunches, speaking softly to him, repeating his name, letting him get used to her touch and the sound of her voice. She slipped her hand into her jeans pocket and pulled out a few sugar cubes and held them under his nose, palm flat, so he could take them from her.

  “He’s so gentle, so calm after being transported and in new surroundings. He’ll be a great horse for me.”

  “Oh si, I chose Bravado because of such. He is ready to ride as well, but when you go out the first time, it is best you go with Angelo or me. He will be calmer with us until he is used to his territory and to you in the saddle. We’ll also need to choose a saddle for you.”

  Suddenly, he heard snorting and pawing and heard Angelo yelling, “Master, he is ready, and I think you best get down here! He can hear you and is restless as fu—restless. Sorry, my lady.”

  Grabbing bel's hand, Shade walked at a brisk pace down the stables. “I want you to meet someone very special, bel.”

  “Someone special?”

  “Si, mi amore, very special.”

  As they came to the far end of the stables, Shade stopped and watched as Angelo led in a horse that stood twice the size of the others. “Mi amore, stand back against the wall. He can be unpredictable with strangers.”

  Shade kept an eye on the huge horse as the Friesian bucked his head up and down and pawed the ground beneath his feet. In his mouth, he held a red rose.

  “Impavido, come! I see you are as charming as your master, bringing my lady a gift, si.”

  He took the rose from the horse’s mouth, as the horse bowed his head down to greet him and nuzzle into Shade’s own long dark mane. He stroked the horse gently before turning to bel, holding out the rose.

  “This is my stallion, Impavido. Apparently, he has brought you a gift of gratitude for his new home. But I will warn you, mi amore, he does not take well to women.”

  She was amazed by his size and beauty. He was the most striking horse she’d ever seen. He was black as the night sky and his coat shone. His mane was long, much longer than normal.

  “And yet, he brings me a red rose. Seems to me you gave me the same warning about your beast and look how well that turned out. I’ll give Impavido his space, but I think we’ll get along fine.”

  He laughed at her comment. “You do seem to have a way with big beasts, mi amore.”

  Impavido shook his shaggy head up and down in agreement and Shade laughed harder. Impavido tilted his head down eyeing Kate.

  “Si, she is my mate, boy. She is beautiful and strong and has a fighting heart. She takes good care of me, so you need to behave with her. Come, mi amore, come say hello.”

  Kate thought the horse had the most soulful eyes she’d ever seen and she stared at the massive animal as she approached him. He bowed his head down low and she placed her hand on his nose and stroked him. “Impavido, you’re one beautiful beast. And a perfect match for Shade.”

  She leaned her head against the horse’s bowed head as she stroked his ears and mane. The horse chuffed and nuzzled into her.

  Shade remained ready at any moment to handle Impavido and settle him down. The horse had never reacted well to women before, and he was astounded at how quickly he seemed to accept her as if he knew her heart already.

  “That’s a good boy. Cazzo, mi amore, he never does this. He is a warhorse! I swear you bring every warrior I have to his knees. I am surprised I get them to do anything around you.”

  Walking over to the bucket of apples on a nearby shelf, he grabbed one and walked back and placed it in bel's hands.

  “No sugar for Impavido, but he is allowed to have carrots and apples. Apples are his favorite, but I don’t think it much matters what you give him, he will take anything from you.”

  Impavido started chuffing as he picked up the scent. She held the apple out to him and he gently took it from her hand, his tongue hot against her palm. “Impavido, what does that mean?”

  Shade watched the horse go straight for the apple and he just shook his head. “It means fearless, mi amore, but he does not look so at this moment. What have you done to my horse? He looks gentle as a pony.”

  “He is fearless, lover. Don't worry, he is still your warrior, and just like you, he’ll fight when he needs to fight. I feel what’s in his heart.”

  Taking her in his arms, he hugged her tight and kissed her deeply and heard Impavido snort and try to nuzzle between them, breaking the kiss. Shade laughed. “Cazzo, Impavido, she belongs to me. Now, mi amore, if you will walk with me, I have one more thing I wish to show you.” He held out his hand to her.

  Kate laughed at the antics of the horse and took his hand as he led her through the stables. “What other surprises do you have up your sleeve?”

  “Just one more, mi amore.” Stopping short of the back gate, he instructed, “Now, wait here.”

  He walked to the gate and opened it slowly, reaching in and grabbing the reins, he walked an Arabian out in front of her.

  “Mi amore, this is Miele. She is a prize Arabian and she was born at Castello. She comes from a line of horses bred by my mother’s family. Madre owned an ancestor of Miele. I wish to give you the same. Miele is young and very gentle. Come, say hello.”

  Kate looked at the young Arabian horse. She could tell she wasn’t yet full-grown and probably hadn’t been ridden much, if at all. She would need to be trained. She looked a bit skittish in her new surroundings, but she was a beauty, an ivory coat with a white mane. “She is beautiful. I love her color. And her name? Miele?”

  He grinned softly. “Miele. It means honey.”

  Kate laughed softly. “Perfect name.”

  As Antonio came to take the reins from him, Shade grabbed up bel and felt her body wrap around his. “What say you, mi amore? Ready to make a memory?”

  As she giggled, he spun her around in his arms in the middle of stables and heard the snorting and whinnying of the horses in agreement.


  As the night approached, Shade stretched from his death slumber, looking over at his beautiful bel, still asleep beside him, and smiled. Feeling her nuzzle into the pillows, he knew she was almost awake, and he got up from the bed and quietly walked to the window. The warriors were outside, and the sun was just going down... damn. He turned and looked at her once more and decided, tonight, this house was going to be empty, with the exception of the two of them. He had enjoyed the few nights he had been with bel, the time that belonged to them alone and she deserved this.

  Luca needed some down
time too, so he would send his ass to his woman, send all the warriors to the Dead House and give Tomas a call and let him know he wanted them out there all night. Grinning to himself, he liked the sound of that. A night alone with bel, and maybe they could take a ride together on the horses. He heard her moan in her sleep and turned to see her feeling around for him in the bed.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

  She looked at him, her hair a tangled mess. The memories of last night flashed through her mind and she smiled up at him. “Is our sleep over already, lover? Is there any way to entice you back into this bed?”

  Still naked, he walked to the foot of the bed and crawled to her, up and over her body until he reached her face and kissed her long and hard, sucking her tongue and biting her sweet lips.

  “Mmm, si! I am staying home tonight, I have a plan. Do you want to hear it?” He pushed her tangled hair behind her ear as he crouched over top of her, her body soft against his hard one.

  “A plan? Id love to hear this plan, especially if it includes me.” She slid her arms around his neck.

  He licked her neck with a long slide of his tongue, hot, slow, and wet, as he felt her body respond. Cazzo, she makes my blood boil! He delivered light, soft kisses around her ear, leaving a trail of kisses across her cheek, raising his eyes to hers and winking. “Your warrior is staying home tonight. I’m sending Luca to his woman, sending the warriors to the Dead House and their asses are staying there all night, time they earned their keep. I have already given Gi, Reynaldo, and Theresa the night off, and maybe…” Nipping her chin delicately, he whispered, “If you are a good girl…” Sliding his tongue along the edges of her lips, he said into her mouth, “I will make you some dinner, and then take you for a ride on the horses. What say you, mi amore?” He kissed each of her cheeks and nuzzled into her neck.

  “Lover, I can’t even remember the last time we were in this house alone. I say yes!”

  He loved the sound of happiness in her voice. “Well then, I need you to get your gorgeous ass up and dressed. I am going to head down to Luca, give him the details and make a call or two and get these apes on their way. If you give me about thirty minutes, I will return to make you dinner. Afterward, we can ride, or something.” Grinning, he kissed her lips. “Deal?”

  “Deal. I'll take a quick shower and get dressed while you take care of that, and I'll be ready when you get back.” She jumped out of bed and headed for the shower, grabbing her rose-scented bath gel.

  He grabbed a pair of jeans and slid them on, leaving them zipped but unbuttoned and hanging low on his hips. He headed downstairs to seek out Luca and get this band of badass warriors on their night journey.

  Heading into his office, he grabbed his cell phone and headed to Luca's quarters, but he was nowhere to be seen... Where the fuck? Then he saw the door to the basement winery opened slightly and knew he was in the weapon’s bunker. Heading down, he found Luca with a few weapons laid out on the table, as he sat restringing a bow. “You intend to hunt to feed now?”

  Luca was so intent on restringing the bow, he hadn’t heard Shade come in. He turned in surprise. “Uh... No, this one was just, it uh, needed to be restrung. The string was stretched.”

  Scrunching up his eyebrows, Shade crossed his arms over his chest and grunted. “Well, I haven’t seen anyone around here even bother with picking up a bow lately, been a while for myself.”

  “Just part of my job, master. Some of these weapons, especially the old ones, need maintenance.”

  Shade gazed over the weapons mounted on the wall, all in impeccable condition. “So, how is that relationship with the sweet mortal going?” Shade sat down in a chair across from him, crossing his leg over his knee.

  Luca kept restringing the bow, avoiding Shade’s eyes. “It's going great. I think you know how I feel about her. She said she loves me, and I think I love her. I’ve never been in love. Kate says it’s love.”

  Shade turned his head sharply as he heard Luca call her Kate. Kate? Oh, this is not good! He felt his beast rise right up and he had to fight with all he had not to let him loose on one of his own. Growling, Shade looked him dead in the eyes. “Kate?”

  “Master?” Fuck! Did I just call her Kate? I didn’t even realize it, it comes so naturally. “Master, I'm sorry, but I’ve been referring to her as Kate around Shannon, and that’s what Shannon calls her. You know I have the utmost respect for my lady.” He bowed his head, hoping he would be satisfied with this answer.

  “You are one brave-ass warrior standing in a room full of high caliber weapons with a master who could beat your ass straight to hell and back. Luca, I know you need to bond with her, but you will not show her disrespect in any form.” Standing up, he paced a bit, regaining control of his anger. “Tonight, I’m not leaving this house to go into town. Go outside and get the warriors off to the Dead House, all of them. I want no one left behind. As for you, get your ass to your woman and don’t come back here until the sun is almost up.”

  Walking back to the door, he grabbed the doorknob and flung it open and stopped. He did not turn around and look at him but took a few deep breaths. “Luca, I thank you for protecting her. I am grateful beyond words for your love for her. But she will be your queen soon. Don’t ever call her Kate again.” Walking out, he headed to his office. It was time to call Tomas.

  “Yes, master.” Fuck, fuck, fuck! I can’t believe I did that. I can’t fucking believe I did that! He set the bow aside to finish another time and went outside to dispatch the warriors for the night then headed to his room to call Shannon and let her know he was coming.

  Sitting in his office, Shade got control of his anger. Damn, it got under his skin how ‘Kate’ just rolled off his tongue like nothing. Laying his head back, he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He didn’t want this night to be ruined with anger. He needed to let it go. Dialing up Tomas, he heard him answer almost immediately.

  “Brother, Shade here. I got some plans for the night. Sending in all my crew, do me a favor and keep their asses busy, and don’t send them back here till that damn sun is up!”

  Tomas laughed and asked if he and the little mate were planning a long night. “Oh, you can bet your ass, brother, just the two of us.”

  Tomas grunted, telling Shade he was jealous, but he had everything under control and to enjoy himself. Tomas asked where he was taking his mate for the evening.

  “Oh hell, we are staying here for the night. I’ve been stuck in that fucking Dead House twiddling my thumbs too long. I’ve got my horses here now, might take a ride later, but hell brother, just being here alone with her is enough.”

  Tomas agreed, and Shade could hear the ruckus of the warriors in the background and knew Luca had sent them and they had arrived ready for the night.

  “You’re in control tonight. Have a good one.” Shade heard Tomas bark out a few orders before he ended the call. Hanging up, Shade headed to the kitchen to see if bel was ready to have her warrior cook up a storm.

  Tomas hung up and knew the plan was ready and tonight could not be more perfect. Shade had that house emptied, and the little mouse was alone with him. No fucking protector. He barked out orders and got his whole crew partnered up and ready to send them into the night. Max knew where to send small bands of rogues to keep them occupied. Tomas made it damn clear to them they answered to him this night and no one else. He got no guff from any of them and watched as they left. If they only knew, in a few hours, they would have no master and the Medici Empire would fall. And if they got lucky, a few of his warriors would go down on the streets tonight as well. Walking outside, making sure the Dead House was emptied, Tomas dialed Max and waited.

  Max was pacing the floor. Rissa wanted time off for the two of them. She asked for a day at the beach, but she hadn’t given him a date as to when they could go, and he was fucking stir crazy cooped up in this temporary rental. His cell rang and it was Tomas. Max made a grab for it. “Brother... good news please.”

  Tomas ne
eded to say only one thing. “Bel Rosso!” Hanging up, he headed back into the Dead House and loaded up on weapons. He might do a little killing himself this night.

  For Max, this was the call he’d been waiting for. He called Cuerpo, who had the twenty mercenaries on call and ready to ambush. He picked up on the first ring.

  "Cuerpo, it's time. There’s no one home but Shade and the mortal. Give him about an hour to get good and comfortable, then get your ass over there, bring in five rogues with you. Make sure you draw him out, and once you do, drop in the other fifteen. You know what I want from you. Don't disappoint."

  All he heard from him was a grunt in acknowledgment followed by a loud slurping sound. Fucking freak.

  Walking into the kitchen, Shade opened the fridge and checked out what ingredients he had to work with, poured some Midnight and lit some candles. Where the hell is my woman? “Woman! Get that sweet ass down here! Your warrior is cooking, and I don’t mean food.”

  Laughing, he willed on the music and Van Morrison’s Into the Mystic filtered into the kitchen. Maybe a pasta dish would be a good thing to fix for bel.

  Kate heard him call her from the kitchen. She finished her makeup and rubbed the rose-scented lotion from head to toe, and then added a few spritzes of the perfume. She grabbed her robe to put on over her lacy underwear and ran barefoot down the steps. Something told her this wasn’t an occasion that called for a lot of clothes. “Coming!”

  Shade fixed her a mixed green salad, angel hair pasta in a pesto sauce, set out some fresh Italian bread and opened a bottle of Conundrum, her favorite white wine. He set a bottle of Midnight on the table for himself and willed all the candles on. He heard her soft footfalls on the stairs, just as he set the huge dish of steaming pasta onto the bar.

  He looked up as she came in, the robe partially open, her legs exposed, her feet bare and he growled. Fuck me! Why the hell am I slaving in the kitchen, when my mouth is watering looking at this tempting morsel?


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