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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 45

by Emily Bex

  She had felt him take the crossbow from her hands and lift her in his arms. He came for me. He held her in his lap, tight against his chest, rocking her, his head on top of hers. She heard his voice. It sounded far away, like an echo. She felt him snuggling into her neck. She raised her hand and ran it through his hair, wet with his sweat and sticky with blood. “I feel you, lover, I feel you.”

  “That’s my bel. Ti amo. God, how I love you. Are you hurt? I’ll always come for you. Nothing will stop me, nothing. It’s okay, everyone is okay, Kate.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried and they held each other, and he knew she was coming back to him, feeling safe at last.

  He was soaked in blood, but she only wanted to feel him against her. “I love you, Shade. I stayed strong for you. I fought for you. I knew you would come for me.”

  She let her tears flow as he gripped her tightly, and she felt safe in his arms. She kissed his neck and kissed his face as his blood tears mixed with her own salty tears.

  He slid his hands up and down her back. “Shh, mi amore. I know you fought for me, as I did for you. You are my brave, sweet bel, so brave. It’s over, all over.”

  Standing, he carried her to the shower. “Let’s clean up, and we’ll sleep in the guest room tonight. Nothing else is out there bel, it’s over now. We’ll talk later, just let me hold you.”

  As she snuggled into his neck, he knew she’d be okay. She had Medici blood in her veins, and like it or not, she was a warrior. They were still alive, his beautiful mortal and her savage beast, and eternity was before them still. Tomorrow, they would talk, for there was much he needed to know, but tonight, he would hold her.


  Shade knew it was going to be another long night. There was still much to do since the attack the previous night. After cleaning both he and Kate up, he had carried her to a spare bedroom, farther away from the carnage, where he held her close through the night. He encouraged her to feed, to help her heal and regain her sense of power. They spoke of nothing. Even as nightfall approached, he slept little, waking often from his death slumber out of concern for her, to make sure she was still in his arms, cradled tight to his chest. His sweet bel had slept soundly, retreating into sleep to escape reality.

  He slipped silently from the bed they shared, careful not to wake her, and walked down the hall to the now spotless master bedroom. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and found his boots.

  As he was lacing his boots, Theresa popped in and looked shocked to see him. Her face reflected her concern, as she asked of my lady and he assured her she was fine. He told her there were a few things he needed to take care of and to please call him immediately if bel awoke and was frightened. Bel was over the worst of the shock, but only time would tell how long it would take her to truly recover. He knew one thing, she sure as hell had never killed a damn thing in her life before, but she took out Cuerpo with a single kill shot to the heart. That first kill is always the one that makes or breaks the warrior.

  He headed down to his office, to call Alec and let him know they took down Angel, but first, Shade wanted to watch the security video. He wanted to be able to give Alec as much detail as possible on the events of the previous night, as well as see for himself what went down. He stopped in the middle of the floor and listened, Luca was not in the house, but he was close enough. Shade could sense him on the property. It really didn’t matter at the moment, he would deal with that issue once bel was awake and he felt she could handle the conversation. She had clung to him the entire night and he was pretty sure she wasn’t letting him out of her sight for long this night either, and that was damn fine with him.

  Replaying the video, Shade noticed one rogue had taken off just as he had turned to run into the house. The rogue ran deep into the wooded mountainside, but Shade wouldn’t let him get too far. He would find him and kill him but letting the rogue live long enough to spread the word that Cuerpo was dead was not a bad idea. Leaving the office, he sought out Marcello in the staff quarters to ask for details of how the evening had started off in D.C.

  Luca had called them all home after the ambush and they came running, and according to Marcello, most weren’t in the mood to face him. They felt like hell that they’d not been called home sooner to help him and Luca fight the rogues. It taught Shade a damn good lesson. They would have the security of warriors at Bel Rosso now on a permanent basis. As he listened, Marcello gave him more information about what happened in town last night, and Shade felt certain that Cuerpo was the elusive Angel.

  He and Marcello returned to his study and together watched the security feed of the ambush, comparing the time stamps on the video with Marcello’s accounting of the rogue attacks that had kept his warriors busy. Shade was certain it was a setup. It was a clever war plan, cut off the head of the snake, or better yet, take out his mate and the show was over. This still had something to do with Alec, he didn’t doubt that. But Cuerpo knew who was responsible for killing the rogues on the streets, and he damn sure knew Shade.

  While comparing the two timelines they realized that as soon as Cuerpo was dead and Luca had recalled their warriors, all rogue activity in D.C. stopped.

  If Angel is dead, is this over? He couldn’t be sure. If his followers were loyal, they might seek revenge. Shade told Marcello to send a few warriors to the Dead House for the night just to keep an eye on the area and let him know if they found anything. He knew Tomas would already have informed Alec's men about what went down, and he would keep them on watch tonight as well.

  As Marcello was leaving to carry out his orders, he mentioned that Luca had spent the night in the staff quarters and didn’t seem himself. Shade grunted and told him he was pretty damn sure he didn’t feel like himself. He would deal with Luca later. As for now, Shade wanted warriors patrolling the perimeter of their property routinely through the night from now on. He would call a meeting in a few nights and discuss what his plans were for them. Those warriors not on duty at the Dead House would be here, guarding the master and his mate. They all needed to rest, but first things first, he pulled out his cell phone and lit up a cigarette.

  Leaving the house he made his way down the path through the garden, the cigarette smoke trailing behind him. He wanted to be sure he was far enough away that bel would not overhear him. He followed the path to the grave of their lost bambino... his son. Holding the cell in his hand, he looked at the little angel that marked his grave. “You know, dormire guerriero, your madre is one brave ass redhead! She made me so proud last night.” Hitting speed dial for Alec, he waited.

  Alec was stretched out in the family room of his Georgetown home, reading, drinking a Midnight, and enjoying a rare weekend with no speaking engagements. Rissa was at the gym again, so he had a quiet house to himself. He had received a call earlier from Tomas. Seemed they took out Angel, so that was one big fucking load off his shoulders. Now he could focus on what was really important without worrying that his true identity would be exposed. His cell vibrated on the table and picking it up he saw it was Shade. He had been expecting him to call as soon as this was wrapped up.

  “Brother, it sounds like you solved my problems.”

  Shade shook his head. Yeah, solved your problems all right, brother, but created a shit load of my own on top of it, but don’t worry, you will pay, you bastard! “There is a head in my weapons bunker you need to see. And it seems this Angel was someone we knew all along.”

  Alec took a sip of the Midnight. “You gonna tell me who it is? Or you want me to drag my ass all the way out there to that piece of backwater property you accepted for this job?”

  Shade grinned to himself. Oh you stupid fuck, you haven’t been here since my bel got a hold of this place. No longer a backwater property but a palace on a mountain and all mine! “Well, fucking forbid you need to leave your comfy city life, but you will come out here and see it. You know the rules, brother. Master to master, heads need to be seen to seal the deal, no doubts. And your Angel is, or was, Cue

  Alec sat straight up on the sofa. “Fuck! No way you took out that fucking bastard! Yeah, this I've got to see. Okay, let me call Alto, he can drive me down there. Should be there in about two to three hours depending on traffic.”

  Shade shook his head again and stifled the laugh that wanted to roll out of him. “Get the fuck over here now! I got things to do, Alec. Important shit. This fucking house was ambushed last night, and I don’t have time to play your fucking games. Now!”

  Hanging up, he let out the laugh, that fucking bastard might wrinkle his suit and muss his hair getting here, but by fucking hell, he would teleport his ass this time.

  Alec stood up, ran his fingers through his hair. “Fuck! I fucking hate to teleport! But I might as well get this over with.” He gulped down the remaining Midnight and teleported out of the house.

  Hope I remember where the fuck this dump is.

  He landed on the property using the coordinates he remembered and looked around. This can't be the place!

  Shade had headed back into the house and was just about to sit down when he saw Alec teleport in. Shade watched him through the window for a minute, enjoying Alec’s confused expression, before he teleported about a foot from Alec and stood with his hands open to his sides. “Welcome to my backwoods shithole.”

  “Fuck! You startled me! You know I fucking hate to teleport. I live in a world of mortals. I have to stifle every impulse. But what the fuck, Shade? This place? This looks nothing like the property you took for this deal.”

  “Well, what the hell did you think I was going to do, Alec? Plow the fucking fields and live in a barn? Cazzo!”

  Pointing and gesturing, he gave Alec a layout of the land. “The vineyards are over there, about eight-hundred acres and I have some special stock coming out of here, I will send you over a case. Over here, Kate has renovated and expanded that old building into staff quarters, where the warriors bunk down. And over there, Kate just finished overseeing the construction of the horse stables. Fencing still needs some work, but won’t take us long. I brought over some fine horseflesh from Florence, if you need horses or boarding, let me know. I have intentions of breeding them here. And this behind me... this is Bel Rosso Palazzo. So, come on in, side entrance is over here just through the wine cellar and down into the weapons bunker.”

  Alec took in all that had been done with the property. It had to be worth ten times its original value now. Not a bad investment. Still, it wasn’t a lifestyle for him and this land had been of no value to him except as a bargaining chip, not to mention it was in the middle of Max’s territory. He followed Shade into the house. He was impressed by what he could see. Clearly, the entire house had been renovated. He followed Shade down the stairs into the wine cellar and through a heavy door to a modern, well-equipped bunker. There it was, on the table, in the center of the room. No mistaking that face.

  Shade grabbed a bottle of Midnight and two glasses and watched Alec’s face as he saw Cuerpo’s head sitting in the middle of the table. That was one crazy-ass lethal vampire. Uncorking the bottle, he poured them each a glass and handed one to Alec before he plopped down in a chair and put his feet up on the table, crossed at the ankles.

  “Sit down, Alec, before you fall down. So, there it is... Angel. I haven’t seen nor heard about Cuerpo in a long damn time. So, wherever he was hiding, he was hatching this plan. He have a grudge against you or something?”

  Alec took the glass he was offered and sat down at the table, eyeing the grotesque head of Cuerpo. “Who didn't have a grudge with Cuerpo? I didn't know he had warriors. I always thought he worked solo. But that explains the rag-tag bunch of rogues and some of his tactics at turning mortals and just letting them loose. Motherfucker loved to kill mortals. But why target me specifically? I have no idea. One thing for sure, the vampire community will shed no tears for him. Whoever killed this fucker will have one hell of a rep among the covens. They will be legendary. So, who was it? You?”

  Shade threw his feet on the floor, he looked to the wall and saw the hidden video camera and the green light was definitely on, and at some point, bel was going to love watching this.

  “Well, here is the skinny in short form. I had planned to spend the evening alone with Kate, my mate, in case you have conveniently forgotten her name again. I sent her protector off for the night, sent all the warriors into the Dead House under Tomas, and gave my staff the night off as well. Next thing I know, five rogues dropped in at once, easy pickings for me, so I went out after them, called back the protector for Kate. Meantime, small rogue attacks were going down in D.C. last night that kept my warriors busy. Very well planned.

  “Cuerpo’s strategy was to take out the master, his mate to boot, and this war is over, he wins. But he forgot who the fuck I am, apparently. While I was taking out the five, I was ambushed with another fifteen. They had me tied down heavy. My protector came out to help me get rid of the bastards, and these were no ordinary rogues, these were trained warriors. Cuerpo saved his best for last. While we were slicing and dicing out front, Cuerpo attacked from the rear of the house, going after Kate. Only three people in this house last night, Alec. Shouldn’t take you long to figure out who took out this fucker. One clean shot straight through the heart, with a precision high-powered crossbow.”

  Shade sat back and grinned from ear to ear and waited for the reaction.

  Alec listened to the retelling of the story and he had a clear visual. It was no surprise that Cuerpo went for the mortal. But what was he saying? “Okay, I don't get your drift. You? Luca? Which one of you took him out?”

  “Damn Alec, that teleporting got to your brain. Kate took him out! Cuerpo scaled the wall and went in through the bedroom balcony after her. Yeah, Alec, believe it. I got nineteen well-trained rogues against me and my best warrior, and you think I had time to shoot that bastard with a crossbow? I’m good, but fuck me, brother, I’m not that damn good.”

  Alec set the glass down on the table and ran his hands through his hair. Is this a fucking joke? That weak sniveling mortal killed Cuerpo? Or have I misjudged her all along? He remembered Rissa telling him how she attacked the feeder, a mortal attacking a vamp with her bare hands. And now Shade was telling him she took out Cuerpo?

  “So, you have trained her like your warriors. You trained her on a crossbow?”

  Shade just stared him down. He wasn’t ready to go down that road. “Doesn’t matter who or when or how, she protected herself, her home and her family. And she is still mortal. So, that leaves one more task, Alec, you owe her, but I don’t want money. Something else is high on my list as a reward. And you will reward her just as you would any warrior of my coven.” Shade leaned down into his face. “You will reward her, Alec. That was the deal.”

  “Yes, fuck yes. That was the deal. Besides, Cuerpo dead is good for both of us. But if not money, what? What are you looking for as a reward?”

  He twirled the wine glass in his hand and then drained the Midnight and set it down carefully on the table, raising his eyes to Alec. “You once told me you had a building in Paris, you ever do anything with that? I know you told me you wanted it for Rissa, so she had someplace to stay when she went shopping.”

  Alec creased his brow. “Not just any building, Shade. It’s right on the Champs Elysees. Prime real estate.”

  “Not what I asked you, brother.”

  “Yes... I still own it. Renting it out now, but I was holding it for Rissa. A wedding present for our mortal wedding.”

  Shade held up his hand. “I don’t want to know your fucking plans. But how damn romantic of you, brother. I don’t have time to play rock, paper, scissors with your ass tonight, I got shit to do. I want that building for Kate.”

  Alec stood up and paced the floor. A deal's a deal... Fuck! That place is worth millions. But I’ll never get another warrior to work for me again if I break the code. Good fucking thing I never told Rissa I was planning to give her that property, she would shit a solid gold brick. “Okay,
okay, yeah, all right... it's yours. It needs work, but hell, that doesn't look like it will be a problem for you. So yes, take it. I have to get the renters out. Some rich bitch Greek aristocracy, so I’ll need to give them notice. So, thirty days?”

  “Thanks, brother. Seriously. Important to me. Important to her as well.” Standing up, he shook hands with him. “Look, I’m still keeping my warriors at the Dead House along with yours, but I expect things will slow down with Cuerpo gone, and we can go back to using a smaller squadron. I know you usually have your driver and bodyguard with you, so if you need an escort out of here, I can easily accommodate you with one of my warriors, make sure you get home safely.” I know just the warrior for this job.

  Alec shook his hand. “If you don't mind, I’ll take you up on that. I know this issue may be behind us, but believe it or not, I have made more than a few enemies, in both the mortal and immortal world. So a warrior escort would be appreciated.”

  “No problem, brother, after all this fucked up mess, I won’t think anything of it.” “Marcello, send Raven over to the bunker now!”

  “He will be here—”

  Before Shade got out the words, Raven came in like a bolt of lightning, just as Shade had hoped for and watched as he went down on one knee, wearing a kilt, his hair flying like a fucking black sail in the wind.

  “At your service, master.”

  “Raven, this is Master Alec, his territory is the one you have been protecting in town. He will need a bodyguard and escort home, and I expect your best service to Senator Canton.”

  Shade looked at Alec and it took more power than he’d ever mustered to not laugh out loud at the look on his face.


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