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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 53

by Emily Bex

  She watched as he smoked the cigarette, already seducing her with his eyes. Long ago, she’d been attracted to him and tried to snare him, but his sights were set on bigger things and he rejected her. Now she was powerful in her own right.

  “Alec, I didn’t come here to have a reunion, but to talk business. As for my vices, there were more than you could imagine, but I’m past all of the old vices. They bore me now.”

  He chuckled at her response. “Oh don't underestimate the power of my imagination, Jacks. I'm pretty sure I could think of a few you haven't tried. But yes, we’re here to discuss business. As Shade explained to you, Rissa was attacked. We’ve had some conflict in the district, some master named Angel no one’s even heard of. He's dead now, but, apparently, there’re still some of his rogues on the street. At any rate, they went after Rissa. One of Shade's warriors responded, some red-head in red leather, she bought me enough time to get to Rissa and take out the rogue. Rissa’s pretty traumatized. This is the first time she’s been attacked. As Shade may have explained, I live in the mortal world, and my position makes me high profile to the press, which makes Rissa high profile to the press. Add to that the fact we plan to marry soon, and she’ll be hounded. That’ll make her an easy target for some rogue hiding in a throng of reporters and paparazzi. She needs protection, Jacks. She has her own business, she's out a lot. I'm at work, so she's often alone.”

  Alec swallowed down more Midnight as his eyes traveled over her bare legs, the short skirt, and the form-fitting dress that left little to the imagination and he made a split-second decision.

  “You’ll need to move in here. You’ll have your own room, of course, own bath. Our house staff will be at your disposal, whatever you need. I’m not sure how long this assignment will last, but at least through the wedding, which should be in six months.”

  Uncrossing her legs, she stared at him, taking in his conditions. It sounded like an easy enough assignment. “So, you want around the clock protection. That’s more than Shade described. I don’t normally take live-in positions, but I’ll adjust my schedule to accommodate you. It will, of course, cost you. I’m a mercenary, assassin, warrior to the masters but I can adapt to your mortal lifestyle and hers as well. I’m quite used to working in professional environments. I’ll need her to heed my commands, for her own safety, and I’ll have it no other way. She must take my commands seriously. I’ll give her as much freedom as is safe and practical, but she must understand her lifestyle in the public is changing. Is that agreeable to you, Alec?”

  He downed the remnants of the Midnight and set the glass on the table. “Oh, it’s more than okay with me, Jacks. Now, Rissa, that’ll be another story. Currently, she’ll be compliant because, as I said, she’s feeling vulnerable. But once she gets her feet under her again, I’m afraid you’ll have a challenge on your hands. Rissa is not good at following orders, so you’ll have to use a strong hand. Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her. I’ll make myself clear as to what I expect, but I’m a realist when it comes to Rissa. Her cooperation will only extend so far. So, let’s just say, it’s in your best interest to keep her scared.”

  She chuckled and cocked her eyebrow. “Oh, don’t worry. I always use a firm hand. I take no bitching from anyone, Alec.

  When would you like for this assignment to begin?” Leaning forward she placed her hand on his knee. “This will cost you dearly, Alec, this isn’t normally a case I’d consider.”

  He was acutely aware of her hand on his knee, and he was sure it was a very measured and intentional move on her part. “As to the when, Jacks, the answer is as soon as possible. Just let me know when you can move in. And money is no object, but I do expect to get my money’s worth.” He stared hard into her eyes.

  She held his gaze with a look that let him know, if he chose to play, he would pay.

  Alec smiled back at her. “Now, what do you say I bring Rissa down to meet you?”

  She nodded. “Please, let us meet.”

  He stood and walked out of the room, going to the bottom of the stairs and calling up to her. “Rissa! Come downstairs, my darling. Your protector is here. You need to meet.”

  Rissa had barely left their bedroom since the rogue attack. She heard when their visitor arrived and sat up in their bed, brushing out her hair and trying to look presentable. She knew he’d be returning to work soon, and she wasn’t sure she could stand being alone. Hearing his call, she walked to the top of the stairs, nodded to Alec and walked down slowly.

  He watched as she came down the stairs a little tentatively, still in her pajamas, no make-up and he took her hand. “Come with me to the study, darling, and meet Jacks.” He led her into the study where Jacks stood to meet her.

  Rissa gripped his hand hard. Jacks stood on black stilettos, her designer dress elegantly styled to show every damn well-toned muscle. Her breasts were plump and bulged over the top of the dress. She was beautiful. She had exotic eyes with long lashes, defined cheekbones and a black mane that just screamed for a man to grip it and take what he wanted. Her lips were plump, full, and bee-stung in a natural pout, and Rissa’s heart sank. He chose Jacks not for her but for himself. She locked eyes with Jacks and didn’t budge. Who the hell did she think she was? This was a bitch that meant business, and he chose this for her? She wanted to run screaming at her, rip every hair from her head. Rissa locked eyes with her, immortal to immortal, this was a blatant challenge of wills! Then Rissa slowly closed her eyes, as her fear trumped her jealousy. I must listen to Alec, I need her more than I could imagine.

  Alec watched with curiosity as the two she-cats sized each other up and was surprised to see Rissa capitulate so easily. “Rissa, this is Jacks, it's short for Jacqueline, but I think she prefers Jacks as I recall. I asked Shade to send me the best, and he selected Jacks for you. I think she’ll be the perfect choice.”

  Rissa shook her hand. “I’m Larissa Benneteau. Welcome, and thank you for your service. I’m sure if Alec has chosen you, you’re more than capable.”

  “Now sit down, darling.” He led her to the couch where they sat together across from Jacks. “We need to go over the ground rules.”

  Jacks took her measure. She was slightly shorter than her, although tall for a mortal female, a good body, but clearly pampered. Jacks couldn’t imagine that well-manicured hand had ever touched anything more deadly than a dinner knife.

  Alec turned to Rissa, who was unusually quiet and moved to take advantage of her current state of cooperation. “I’ve decided since I’m away so much, it’ll be best if Jacks lives in. I’ll have Santos get one of the guest bedrooms ready for her. That way, you’ll have twenty-four-seven protection, my darling, as you deserve. Now let me make this clear, Rissa, and this isn’t open for discussion. When you leave this house for any reason, Jacks must accompany you. If someone comes to the door, Jacks and Santos will handle it. And whatever instructions Jacks gives you, you’ll follow. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Alec, whatever you say.”

  He leaned in close to her, his lips to her ear and whispered, “That's my good baby girl.”

  Alec turned to Jacks. “Do you have anything you want to add before we finalize our business transaction.”

  Jacks looked at Alec and slowly crossed her legs and leaned back in the chair, gliding her arms along the armchair.

  “I do believe you’ve covered everything, Alec. I’ll plan to move in tomorrow for however long you wish Rissa to be protected.”

  “Perfect. Why don't you just run back upstairs, darling? I'm going to wrap up the financial details with Jacks, and there’s no need for you to trouble yourself over that.”

  Rissa stood and let her hand slide over his arm and walked out of the room as elegantly as if she were wearing a ball gown and not pajamas, dismissing Jacks just as he dismissed her.

  As Rissa left the room, he turned to Jacks. “So, tomorrow is perfect. And your fee? You didn't say.”

  Standing, she walked around the room, her hand gliding slo
wly across the pieces of furniture. “She is scared of her own shadow, Alec. She’ll make easy prey since she’s so vulnerable. As I previously stated, I’m not usually a live-in, so that’ll take away my freedom.” Turning slowly, she stood tall, squared her shoulders. “One million for the six-month period. If it goes longer, the fee will be renegotiated. I do have one condition.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “A condition? Now, why am I not surprised?” He chuckled at her. “I'll meet your price, Jacks, but don't expect Rissa to remain that timid. She'll get past this and when she does, you'll have your hands full. But what’s your condition?”

  She moved fast, leaning over the chair where he sat, her hands on the armchair, and went nose to nose with him. “I get the full amount whether I’m here two months or six. Half upfront, the balance when the job ends. Any kills,” she hissed softly, “go on my record, not yours, whether they are master or rogue. Deal?”

  “That's it? Those are easy conditions to meet, vixen warrior. You forgot to ask if I have any conditions.” He reached out and brushed her hair back from her face.

  She grabbed his wrist and squeezed. “Careful, Alec, you might excite me and then who knows what might happen. You have already made your conditions quite clear.” Leaning in, she felt her heart race. She loved a challenge and keeping one step ahead of him would be the race of her life, one she had waited for a long time. She leaned her full plump red lips against his and spoke, “Seal the deal, master.”

  He nipped at her full pouting lower lip, drawing it into his mouth, before kissing her, sliding his tongue deep into her throat. “Sealed with a kiss, vixen. If you need more than a kiss to seal this deal, then I’ll need to take you elsewhere for the evening... you were quite the screamer, as I recall.”

  Throwing back her head and laughing loud, she made sure the princess heard the laughter upstairs. “Oh, I no longer scream, I just howl like the wild female beast I’ve become. I’ll arrive at 8:00 a.m., have my money, one-hundred-dollar bills, crisp and new.”

  Walking to the door, she turned and lay her hand on her hip. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your precious darling, Alec. Oh, and another thing, I belong to no master.”

  Alec smirked, already enjoying the game. “I'll have your money ready, and you don't need to belong to me, Jacks, to enjoy me. I come with no strings attached. See you tomorrow.”

  She strutted out his study door and saw the house ape open the front door for her. He always did prefer some good ass over anything else, and mine could easily accommodate him better than the simpering little blonde afraid of her own shadow and too weak to even defend her right to stand next to him.

  Alec poured himself another Midnight. Damn, Shade what a perfect choice. This warrior will be hell on wheels and keep me entertained while Rissa gets back on her feet. Don't tell me it's not a fucking harem. Maybe your mate buys that bullshit, but I know better. He grabbed his cell phone off the desk and hit speed dial for Shade. “Brother, I'm just calling to express my sincere gratitude.”

  Shade was in the stables with Kate when he heard his cell phone. He grabbed it out of his jeans pocket and heard Alec’s voice. “No problem, brother, she rip your bank account good?”

  “What? Oh yeah, the money’s no problem. Jacks, she’s prime ass, brother. Did you know we had some history?”

  Shade held out his phone and looked at it, then raised his eyes to Kate as she turned and smiled at him. Shade grinned back then turned his back to her and walked away, trying to put a little distance between them so she wouldn’t hear the call.

  “What the fuck? You and Jacks? No fucking way in hell! ”

  Alec chuckled. “Oh, it was years ago, but I remember her well. I assumed that was why you picked her. We had a thing, she chased me for a while, but she wasn’t in my league, so I left her behind. Looks like she filled out nicely, though.”

  Shade shook his head, “Alec, I picked her because she is among the best there is. She is a warrior. She’s not one of my warriors, but my referral, so keep your sick ass sexual preferences and my name out of it!”

  Alec laughed at him. “Shade, you’re so fucking old school. Let's just say I owe you one, and I plan to get my money's worth. I’m beginning to see why you’re so taken with those female warriors, brother. All those females living right under your roof? Like I said, you have your own harem.”

  “If I wasn’t so damn busy building a life with my mate, I would come over there and give you a fucking piece of my mind. I don’t give a rat’s fucking ass what deal you made with Jacks, no interest. Go tend to your own fucking mate, will you! Good fucking luck!” Hanging up, he wondered when the fuck he would ever outlive this damn reputation he had.

  Alec laughed as he ended the call, Ah Shade, I think thee doth protest too much, my brother.


  Alec wondered how Rissa had done on this her first full day with him gone. Jacks had arrived this morning and moved her things into the guest room Santos had readied for her. Two women under his roof was not a situation Rissa would normally accept, but hell, if Shade could pull it off, then surely, he was up for the challenge. Santos greeted him as he walked in and informed him the women were each in their own rooms. Tossing his suit jacket to Santos, he took the stairs two at a time and headed toward the guest bedroom. The door wasn’t shut so he tapped lightly to announce his presence.

  “I hope you’ve found everything to your liking?”

  Jacks heard a light tap at her door and looked up to see Alec. “This works fine for me. I have what I need to do the job. Thank you for asking.”

  Alec stepped into the room. “I want you to feel at home here, Jacks. You are, by no means, confined to this room. Santos will be happy to show you where everything is. I'm frequently gone during the day, but I'm home most evenings. I spend a lot of time in the study, but feel free to join me. I'd appreciate the company. Once Rissa is herself again, she’ll work during the day. She has an office here in the house, but she’s frequently out with clients. A lot of her events are staged in the evenings, and if she isn't working, she's at the gym. So, you can see... I'm often alone in the evenings.”

  Jacks almost laughed out loud at his blatant offer. “Really, Alec, in case you’ve forgotten, I‘m her protector, not yours, so if she’s out, I’ll be as well. Every step she takes, I’ll be there, that is what you’re paying me for or have I got that wrong?”

  Looking up at him, she stood with her thumbs through the belt loops in her low-rise jeans, letting him get a look at her exposed abdomen below her crop top. Walking to the window, she stared out at the rain. “For someone whose mate is too terrified to leave her room, you don’t seem too interested in how her day went.”

  Alec followed her to the window, standing close behind her, placing his arms on either side of the windowsill, capturing her inside his arms as he looked over her shoulder at the rain, his lips close to her ear.

  “I know you’re here, Jacks, so why would I have any worries? I knew you’d have everything well in hand. And I know, all too well, what I’m paying for. I expect you to shadow Rissa. I'm just trying to give you a sense of our home, what our patterns are... In case you need to find me to talk. Or you need company. Don't you ever need company, Jacks?”

  Ah, the old, I’m informing you of our patterns of living excuse. She hid her wicked smile. Still, his closeness made her a bit flustered, her heart rate accelerated, and she calmed it with ease. His scent was intoxicating and would spin most immortal females off their feet. Turning her head slowly, her lips mere inches from his ruggedly handsome face, she lowered her voice. “Company is something I never experience a lack of.”

  Her words rejected him, but her tone didn’t. She teased and taunted, and he liked her games. His cock responded to her nearness, and he stepped closer, pressing his rod of steel against her shapely ass.

  Her hands moved quickly, and she removed the dagger from her jeans pocket and held it up in front of her face. “Do you remember... the taste of another? Doe
s it call to you sometimes? Or does the taste of your mate inhibit that desire for the intoxicating rush to have my blood again?”

  Licking her lips, she slid her tongue along the edge of the sharpened dagger as her blood trickled slowly down the blade, as she licked the blood from her lips. “Blood is a powerful and intoxicating tool, don’t you agree?”

  “Do I remember? Of course I remember the taste of you, Jacks.” He nuzzled his face into her neck, pushing aside that thick mane of hair and licked her neck. The smell of her blood made him insane with desire. He grabbed her hips and squeezed them hard, pulling her against him where he ground his cock into her. “A thousand years couldn’t erase that taste from my memory.”

  He breathed his hot breath against her neck and nipped her skin just enough to draw her blood, licking it away with a flick of his tongue. She was like fire in his blood.

  His touch was as she remembered, but softer. His hands were soft from never lifting anything heavier than Rissa’s ass. He liked his sex rough, he liked to be the dominant, but she no longer played that game.

  “Careful, Alec, your mate lies across the hall, and she can smell blood quite easily. Perhaps she doesn’t care about you taking my blood? Don’t you love her? Or is the thought of my red lips wrapped tightly around your cock creating a distraction from the main purpose of my being here? ”

  She reached up, gripping his hair hard and yanking his head back, as she turned to face him. Lowering her head to his protruding Adam’s apple, she nipped it hard while holding the knife to the side of his throat. “Master Canton, letting your guard down, dangerous thing with a warrior in your home. But then again,” she breathed, licking at the wound she created, “the call of your blood is an enticing one.”

  He was aroused by her aggressiveness. “Oh, I love Rissa, make no mistake. But I don't subscribe to those archaic rules of fidelity, vixen. I'm not offering you an eternity, but I’m going to fuck your brains out. Now, go ahead, use that blade, or your teeth, whatever pleasures you and take my blood.”


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