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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 56

by Emily Bex

  The line seemed endless, and Kate marveled that he knew each one by name. No wonder they were all so devoted and loyal to him. She’d seen it with his warriors, that same devotion. She must make the effort, to learn their names, their families. She owed them that much respect for their servitude. She took each hand, and repeated each name, trying hard to remember the faces. She knew GI and Theresa would both be invaluable in helping her to remember them all and learn about them. She didn’t want their respect out of some obligation to Shade. She wanted to earn their respect. It was the only way she could make peace with the bowing and the titles.

  As they came to the end of the line, Shade watched as Marco was introduced as his Second-in-Command at Medici and he let go of Kate’s arm and stepped back. If Marco didn’t respect her, there would be a brawl right here in the middle of this hall come hell or high water. Marco must show her respect even though she wasn’t yet immortal.

  Marco bowed low and Shade watched as he took her hands in his, softly kissing each cheek, as was tradition, and Shade was pleased but still waited to see what words he spoke. The damn devil could roll straight from his tongue at times.

  Marco had been running late as usual, and he snuck in the back and slipped into the end of the line and watched the sleek, red-headed mortal that would be Shade’s official mate before the end of the week. Damn place had been a fucking zoo making preparations for all this, but finally, it would be done, and the sooner the better. He’d heard from Terri she was kind, had a huge heart, and he should never misjudge her small stature for weakness. Apparently, his little trick with Fiamma had set her off, and Marco grinned at the thought of it. She’d better get used to it. He had no damn intentions of changing who he was for her, queen or not. She was nothing like Shade's mother, and she’d have much to prove to him.

  He intended to show her respect, but he wouldn’t go down on one knee to her, she wasn’t the queen yet. “My lady, I speak for the Warriors of Medici in welcoming you back to Castello. I am honored to finally have the pleasure of making your acquaintance. If you are in need of my services, please feel free to call for me.”

  Kate’s curiosity was aroused. So this was the man Theresa was in love with. What an unlikely pair they were with her meekness and his boldness. Kate knew Shade’s bond to him was strong, but she sensed tension as well. Luca had said there were many who didn’t accept her as Shade's mate as yet because she was mortal, and she felt his resistance.

  “Marco, I’m so pleased to finally meet you. I recognize you, of course, from the paintings Theresa has of you in her room. I sincerely regret your separation, and I hope we can find a way for the two of you to be together. I know Shade seems oblivious to the love that takes place around him, but I assure you, I’m not. It pains me the two of you are separated.”

  As she spoke, her voice was soft yet commanding, and she stood her ground with him, and Marco liked it. He might warm up to her in time. Terri adored the fucking ground she walked on, but he wasn’t that easy a sell.

  “Terri displays the paintings of me there?” Marco chuckled. “My brother knows nothing of love, love of war, perhaps, but I’m sure your beauty and charm have changed him. He returns to us as our master, but I hope you haven’t softened him too much. ”

  Kate fired back at him, “Soften him? Quite the contrary. Love doesn't soften you. It gives you something to fight for. Surely, you know that.”

  Marco nodded to her. “Si, my lady. That’s very true. But there is a rumor,” leaning in close to her ear, “the rumor is you have slain a nemesis of ours named Cuerpo?” Marco heard her intake of breath, followed by Shade’s growl.

  Kate was taken aback. Is he taunting me? Trying to provoke Shade? What’s his game? She heard Shade’s growl behind her. “Cuerpo, well, that’s no rumor, warrior. As I said, love gives you something to fight for. I killed him where he stood with a single arrow through the heart. He expected to find me timid and unprepared, cowering and immobilized by fear. Misjudging me cost him his life. I'm sure you’d never make that mistake.”

  Shade stifled a laugh as Marco bowed his head. “No, my lady. I stand before you a hardened warrior. My compliments to your skill and patience for that kill.”

  Standing back, Shade watched them spar and chuckled because Marco had no damn idea what he was up against. He stepped forward and wrapped Marco in a brotherly hug and they beat each other’s back with their fists. To Shade, Marco was his true brother. “Old man, brother mine, we have a score to settle later, and you keep that tongue!”

  “Si, I have heard you were not well pleased with the warriors I sent.” Pulling back, they locked eyes and began to laugh like old times. “I shall let you get back to your business, brother. You know where to find me.” Turning to Kate, he asked, “My lady, may I inquire if Terri will be arriving soon?”

  “She should be here tomorrow. She was wrapping up a few final details in closing down the house in Virginia. But she’ll be worth the wait, yes?”

  “Si, my lady. She’s worth waiting for. I bid you a pleasant evening.” Bowing to her, then bumping fists with Shade, he turned and retreated, and knowing it would be a long night waiting to have Theresa in his arms again.

  Shade turned to Kate and lifted her up in his arms, taking the grand staircase two at a time, yelling, “Master is home and he brings with him his queen!”

  Kate was caught off-guard when he swept her off her feet and started running up the stairs, leaving the staff standing with their mouths open in the grand foyer. Clearly, this was not behavior they were used to seeing from him, but it made her laugh out loud. Theresa had already told her their bedroom had been moved. The last time they were here, they were in the bedroom that belonged to Shade; the room he’d previously shared with Adriana and Sabine. As he entered this new room, one of many she’d yet to see in this castle, it took her breath away. “Shade...this room is beautiful!”

  This bedroom was easily three times the size of the bedroom they shared when they stayed here before. It was decorated in ivory and soft taupe with accents of gold. A plush round rug covered the cold marble floor. Massive columns created a canopy over a bed that was beyond king-sized.

  “Well, it should be, you can thank my madre for it. This was my parents’ bedroom, mi amore. I was conceived in this room. And if I have anything to do with it, so will our son.”

  Setting her down, he smacked her ass lightly and kissed her long and hard. “Now go, I know you’re anxious to explore. This is your home now, where you rule. Make it your own.”

  Kate walked around the massive room. The headboard had a strange crest at the center, and she ran her hand over it. It was shaped like a shield that was topped by a crown and centered on the shield was a circle of chain. Lying across the chain were three evenly spaced swords. “Lover, what is this?”

  “That, mi amore, is the Medici crest. You will see it displayed on many things within the house and on the warriors’ armor, mine as well. It is rampant here.” Chuckling, “Madre believed very much in traditions, she was a proud queen.” He paused as she explored, and then awkwardly inquired. “Have you refrained from taking the pill, as we discussed? Mi amore, I must stress from this point forward, no drugs, not even anything for head pain, si? Tell me you are ready, please.”

  “Yes, I stopped taking my birth control as you instructed. I’m ready.

  She stretched out on a luxuriously upholstered chaise lounge situated by a window, looking out on the night sky.

  He sat beside her and laid his head in her lap. “I will go mad until this is over. I cannot stand this closeness without ravishing you. Cazzo! Hardest thing I have ever done my whole life is abstain from taking you. Tell me, Kate. You have a little time left to change your mind before the turning. I know you are still frightened, and you have reason to be, but you can change your mind, please understand that.”

  “Lover, I won’t lie, it does frighten me. But it’s the only way we can be together, and I know you’ll take care of me. I’ll never
change my mind. This is what I want. It’s not the castle or the title of queen. It’s not money or fast cars. It’s you. It’s all for you.”

  “I know that, mi amore. But I want you to know, even if you do not want to be immortal, I will never leave you. Do you understand that?”

  “Shade, my life is but a moment in time compared to yours. And children, you want a mate who can give you children. I’d age and die, and you would remain young and vital. To see myself aging and knowing I’d have to let go of you at some point, that’s not something I could bear. This is our path, lover.”

  “Si, mi amore. You are my life. I was born to be yours and yours alone. Now, if I cannot make love to you, we need to do something else for I will go mad if I lay here like this. I may have to wear fucking armor to bed at this rate.”

  Laughing at him, she stood up from the chaise lounge and walked through the room. She stood before a huge mirror with an ornate gold frame that was propped against the wall and stood taller than her.

  “Was this mirror in your parents’ room? Did your mother stand here, and look at her own reflection? Did she put on her beautiful dresses and prepare herself for your father standing before this mirror? Can you feel her here tonight, lover?”

  Watching her, he smiled with the memories. “I didn’t often come in this room, mi amore, it was forbidden. This was their private space. No one bothered them when they were in here together. But as I got older, I remember a few times she was sitting in a chair by this window, and my padre would kneel at her feet, slide on her silken slippers, or help her with her laces. Those moments are burned into my brain because they were most tender, it was how I knew he loved her, and when he would be strict with her, I would remember those moments to remind me he truly loved her with all his heart.”

  Shade slid his hands through his hair. “She is here now, mi amore. So is he, they never leave where they were the happiest together. They exist in another realm. And once turned, I have a feeling you will feel them and perhaps see them. Don’t be frightened, she means no harm. Embrace her, for she would surely love to have been here to see this and meet you. I sometimes…” feeling his emotions overwhelm him, he walked to Kate.

  She turned as she saw him approach her in the reflection in the mirror and opened her arms to him. “I’ll welcome her. I wish I could have met her when she was alive. I wish they both could be here, to see our children, watch them grow. To know you have found happiness.”

  She took his hand and walked with him into a massive octagon-shaped bathroom that was larger than their Virginia bedroom and bathroom put together. The room was so large it echoed. A large chandelier hung from the center of the room and brought a warm glow to the soft ivory and gold marble. There were mirrors on every wall, which expanded the space and a huge tub large enough for two that was on a raised platform.

  As he followed her, he felt his padre’s presence and saw him standing there. He was watching her. He didn’t quite accept she was inside this room as a mortal, but he knew the change was coming. “She is mine, Padre, and she will rule, embrace her for me. If you do nothing else, embrace her for me. She will not let me down.”

  His father disappeared and Shade knew bel couldn’t see or feel him yet, but she would. He followed her as she explored the massive bathroom. “Well, mi amore, most of this was remodeled to accommodate modern water and electric, but my parents used to bathe in the hot springs. The springs are still here, I believe.”

  “A hot springs? Theresa said there was a room with a hot tub that had water from an underground hot springs. Through this door?”

  Kate pushed open the door into a windowless room that looked like a Roman spa, marble floors and walls, large columns surrounded the pool. The pool was round and filled with water that remained in a constant churn as the steam rose to the ceiling.

  He laughed as she discovered the hot springs. “Are you sure Madre is not talking to you right now? Come on, mi amore, let us get naked and soothe our teleporting bones, shall we?”

  “Lover,” she said, laughing, “there’s no way we’re getting naked in a hot tub tonight. You’re too much of a temptation already. And if I must abstain from making love with you from now until after the turning, let's not make it any harder on ourselves. Come on,” she took his hand. “We’re both tired from our travels, and the sun will be up soon. Let’s sleep together in that giant bed. Tomorrow, Theresa arrives, and Luca and Shannon. You can show me the rest of the castle then. But now, we sleep.”

  She led him back to the large bedroom. In the short time they were out of the room, someone had entered and laid out a nightgown for her and pulled down their bed. They both stripped down and she slid on the snow-white silk gown and felt the cool silk against her skin. Shade slid between the sheets nude, and she climbed across the massive bed to lie beside him, her head on his shoulder, her arm across his chest. She felt his arm around her, and his kiss on her head. The lights went out, and she recognized the sound of the soft whir of the electronic blinds that would seal out the light of day.

  Then she heard his voice, a soft whisper in the dark. "Ti amo, bel rosso."


  Shannon rushed to finish up some last minute packing. Luca had told her to pack and leave her luggage by the door, and someone would pick it up and have it sent to Florence. He said he’d pick her up and they’d teleport together.

  She had everything ready. At least she thought she was ready. She was pacing the floor and checking the clock. Teleporting to Italy! It made her head spin to think about it. She walked to the window and looked out like she might see him flying through the air or something. She turned to resume her pacing and walked right into him. “Oh, good Lord, Luca, you scared me to death!”

  Luca laughed. “Sorry, mia belleza. I was going to put my arms around you at the window. I didn't expect you to turn so suddenly. Are you ready?”

  “I...uh...I guess. Do I do anything? Think happy thoughts? Flap my arms?”

  Luca shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. “Happy thoughts? You can think about whatever you please, but no arm flapping.”

  He pulled her in close to him and kissed her lips. She responded by putting both arms around his neck and leaning in. His tongue slipped between her lips and she sucked gently, sending shivers down his spine. He broke the kiss before it became more than a kiss. He took a deep breath and noted that heavy-lidded look she got when she was aroused.

  “Right. We’ll have plenty of time for that once we’re in Florence. But now, all you need to do is hang on. Tuck your head under my chin, hold on just as you are now, and lean your weight into me. Keep your eyes closed, since this is your first experience with teleporting, you may feel dizzy. It helps if your eyes are closed.”

  She tucked her head under his chin. “Do you keep your eyes closed?”

  Luca chuckled. “Not if we want to end up in Florence, mia belleza. Now hang on.”

  He lifted them out and over the district, and out to the Atlantic. He watched the sun set behind them as they moved into the darkness and he felt the air cooling around them. Her hands were gripping into his shoulders and he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “You okay, Shan?”

  He felt her nod against his chest. The sky turned darker and he saw the white caps of the waves beneath them reflecting in the moonlight. He ran his hand up her back, letting her know she was safe in his arms. He could finally see the coastline of Spain, and knew they were close. They passed over the country and out over the Mediterranean Sea, and he watched as the coastline of Italy appeared. He turned north and followed landmarks to Florence until he saw it, standing like a gem on the river Arno... Castello Medici. He dropped them into the grand foyer, setting her down gently on her feet. “We’re here, mia belleza.”

  Shannon had clung to him, her eyes shut tight as she felt the rush of air flowing past them, and then felt him set her down. She opened her eyes and looked around the massive hall with the wide marble staircase, and a ceiling that reached
three stories into the air.

  “And this is where Luca?”

  “Castello Medici. This is Shade's ancestral home.”

  She shouted, "Are you kidding me?" She heard her own voice echo through the halls and suddenly, there were servants rushing into the hall from all directions. She recognized Gi from Kate's house in Virginia.

  Gi bowed to her. “Is there something you need, Signorina Shannon?”

  “No, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell out like that. I'm fine Gi, thank you.”

  He nodded his head to her and made eye contact with the other servants who’d appeared, and they all turned and left the hall. Shannon looked up at Luca who was biting his lip to keep from laughing. She spoke to him in a soft voice.

  “Sorry, what I meant to say was, are you fucking kidding me? This is a house? People live here?”

  Luca finally released the laughter he’d been trying to hold inside. “Si, mia belleza, people live here. Shade lives here when he’s not in Virginia, although, something tells me Virginia may be his more permanent home from now on and Castello is somewhere he visits. And now Kate will live here... and their children.”

  She craned her neck to look up at the vaulted ceiling that extended three stories and ended with a ceiling of glass panes.

  “You grew up here?”

  “I grew up in the warrior camp, which is on the property. I didn’t live here in the castle. The warriors didn’t typically come inside, although I’ve been inside on a few occasions. There are about fifty house staff who keep things running, and some of them are allowed to live inside the castle. The others have quarters provided for them. Gi lived here. He’s been here the longest. He was the manservant to Shade's parents, and now fills that role for Shade. Theresa will become Kate's Lady in Waiting. These are honored positions, hard earned, and not taken lightly. Do you want me to walk you around? I suggest you not wander out on your own because you’ll get lost. The first time Kate was here, she never left her room without an escort. It takes a while to figure it all out.”


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