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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 58

by Emily Bex

  He looked up from the trunk to see her with a stack of canvases that were leaning against the wall. He’d completely forgotten about those. “Sure. But I warn you, I’m not very good.”

  Shannon flipped through the canvases and scanned through landscapes of the castle and surrounding Tuscany, the Florence skyline with the Duomo, a view of Ponte Vecchio, portraits of other warriors, and pictures of warriors fighting. He was wrong, he was very talented. She flipped to the last canvas to see a face, a woman’s face, young, beautiful, and revealing a softness in her exposed shoulder, and a sensuality in her expression. “Luca, who’s this?”

  Luca stopped unpacking the trunk to look over to see which canvas she was holding, it was Alicia, his feeder. Less than a year, and yet, it seemed like another lifetime for him now. He had planned to see her during this trip, and to check on her and her family. The vision of Kate attacking the feeder flashed through his head and he warned himself to tread lightly. He stood upright and walked over to Shannon, took the canvas from her hands to look at it again.

  “This is Alicia, mia belleza. She was my feeder. I chose to have only one.” He handed the canvas back to her and returned to the trunk, bracing himself for her response.

  “She’s beautiful, Luca. She looks very... What word am I looking for? Vulnerable, maybe? Soft?”

  “Si, feeders are bred, just as warriors are bred. We all have a role. For a vampire without a mate, a feeder is their soft place.”

  “Did you love her? You said you chose to only have one.”

  He sat down on the bed and looked at her. “In my fashion, Shannon. I wouldn’t call it love, affection, maybe. A feeder can never belong to you. A feeder can never become your mate. And many vampires sample all the feeders, going from one to the other. But that wasn’t my style. I felt a connection with her. I could talk to her. It’s not what I feel for you, mia belleza, you need to understand that. Feeders are paid for their services, and in the end, it’s a business transaction. But I was with her for many years, and I asked Shade to make sure she was taken care of when I left. I did miss her when I first went to the States, and I have to say, I didn’t find the feeders in the States to my liking, although not all my brothers in arms have had any problems adapting. Then I met you, my beauty, and everything changed. I had planned to see her while I was here, if you don’t object.”

  She put down the canvas and turned to him. “You want to see her? You’d feed from her?”

  He heard the jealousy in her voice. Tread softly here, Luca. “I want to see her to make sure she’s okay, her family is okay, and no, mia belleza, I wouldn’t feed from her. I feed from you now.” He watched her shoulders relax with his words.

  “If I asked you, and I am asking you, to not see her, would you…” She paused. “Luca, I feel like I’m crossing boundaries here. Do I have the right? I don’t doubt your love, but if I asked you not to see her…” She wrung her hands and pursed her lips. “What would your answer be?”

  “Shan, if it makes you uncomfortable, I can refrain from seeing her. That’s not an issue.”

  Did he tell her he had to supplement his feedings from her with other feeders in the States? He thought this was one of those, what did Shannon call it? An all cards on the table moment?

  “But Shannon, you should know this, because I want no secrets between us. I don’t see you often enough for the feeding to sustain me. I’ve had to feed from the feeders in the States since we've been together. I never seek the same feeder. I have no ties, no bond. And I look forward to the day when I’ll feed from you only.”

  He still uses feeders? Well, this sucks, excuse the pun very fucking much! She felt her back stiffen. She hated this feeling, and she hated being jealous, but she was glad he’d told her. She walked to the window and looked out over formal gardens, with hedges trimmed to precision, creating a maze work. In the distance, she could see the tower near the Ufizzi in Florence and the Duomo.

  “Does my opinion matter here?”

  “Si, it matters very much, mia belleza.”

  She turned and faced him but remained at the window. “I’d like to say it doesn't bother me, that I’m above it all. But I’m not. It hurts me to think of it. I heard what you said. I get it. And Luca, I appreciate that. But I watch when you feed from me. I don't know exactly what you feel, but clearly, it brings pleasure. I know what it makes me feel, to have you feed from me. It’s an intimacy that goes beyond sex. So, if I have a say, knowing this now... I...” She sighed and fought back tears. No fucking tears, Shannon! “Tell me where we go from here, Luca. When you speak to me, it sounds like you want us to be together forever, and I’ll have to come to terms with the fact I share you on some level with Kate. So, I need to know I won't also be sharing you with feeders. What part belongs just to us?”

  He stood and went to her, taking her in his arms. “Mia belleza, until I knew your feelings for me, I had no right to make demands. I fed from you whenever we were together. In between, I sought out the feeders. If you wish for us to be exclusive, it means you’re accessible to me whenever I need you. I didn’t know if you were ready for that commitment. This life... It’s a paradox. We’re charmed in many ways and tortured in others. But if you chose it, I wanted you to choose it freely, understanding the demands, the implications.”

  “Then I guess my question for you, Luca, is, are you ready? Are you ready for a commitment to me?”

  “I think I was ready the minute I laid eyes on you, mia belleza. But yes, I’m ready. I’ve been ready.”

  “Then that’s what I want. I want you to feed from me only, be with me only.”

  “It’s done, my beauty.”

  “And me from you? We haven't talked about that.”

  He released her from the hug, holding her at arm’s length, looking at her. “Si, we haven’t. One step at a time, Shan. I want us to move slowly. Now, let's get you downstairs so you can eat. Come on.”

  He led her by the hand as they walked through these halls as he hoped to lead her through their life together.


  Luca stood in the city where he was born, looking at the Duomo one last time before taking Shannon’s hand and heading back to Castello after a day of walking through the streets of Florence. He’d grown up around these treasures, but they were still new to her and her excitement was infectious. She did want to see Kate, though, so they timed their tour to end around sunset. Luca had told Shannon that Kate didn’t have to sleep during the day yet, but she chose to sleep then because that was when Shade must sleep. They arrived back at Castello at dusk, ran to their rooms for a quick change and headed back down the stairs.

  Shannon turned to him on the stairs. “Where would we find them? Kate and Shade?”

  Luca laughed. “They could be anywhere on the property.”

  Shannon tugged at his hand, “Well, that could take days! Come on...I'm starving. You keep forgetting I’m mortal and I need to eat. Can you get me to the kitchen again?”

  He took her hand and led her through the atrium, down the hall of ancestors until they got to the kitchen. He could hear Kate's voice as they entered.

  Shannon heard her before she saw her and rushed ahead of Luca into the large kitchen, calling out to Kate. Kate turned and they both ran to each other and hugged.

  “I’m so happy you came, Shannon. Gi told me you were here that you got in last night.”

  Shannon stepped back, still holding onto her. “I've been here a whole day, and this is the first time I've even seen you. When is this turning thing?”

  Kate shrugged. “Tomorrow night, I think.”

  “You think? Aren't you excited? Nervous? Something?”

  “Uh… yes, yes, and yes... all of the above. To be honest, I’ve tried not to dwell on it much.”

  Luca joined the girls and directed his inquiry to Kate, “Where’s Shade?”

  “Do you even have to ask? He’s in the barracks with Marco. I think there’s a little bromance going on.”

  Luca c
huckled. “Yeah, that’s been a long-standing bromance. But I'll have him join us. ”Master, there is a spontaneous celebration breaking out between these two mortal women... you may want to join us in the kitchen.”

  Shade had been checking out the warriors, observing with Marco some of the skill sets on display. He was impressed with their development and keeping an eye on a few specific warriors he may want to bring back with him to the new camp in Virginia. They’d need some skilled warriors in the new camp, as they brought in new recruits. He made a mental list and headed down to the end of the barracks to check on Cory. Shade tapped at his door and entered to find him busy as usual. Cory had been working on the ceremonial leathers for all the warriors to wear to the coronation and had gotten behind in his routine orders and repairs. Shade cleared a stack of leathers that had been dropped off for repair from a chair and took a seat as Cory stopped his work and turned to him.

  “Master? I heard from the warriors you were here, and you were bringing your mate to be turned. I completed the ceremonial leathers bearing the Medici crest on their chest.”

  “Si. This will be her last night as a mortal, then she will emerge as your queen. All of the warriors, as well as you, will be there to pledge their loyalty.”

  “My queen?”

  “Si, you are Medici, are you not?”

  Cory absorbed what Shade had said to him. For the first time in his life as a half-breed, he’d found somewhere he felt he belonged, and yet, he was keenly aware he wasn’t one of them. While he’d always referred to Shade as master, it was in recognition of his status. Cory felt he worked for Shade, and as a result, enjoyed some protection from him, but didn’t know Shade considered him a part of his coven. “Am I? Medici?”

  “Si, of course. You belong to this coven, you have conducted yourself with honor, earned your way here, earned the respect of the warriors. I came to ask you about moving back to the States.”

  Cory had a flash of panic. Leave this? Leave the craft of designing and making the leathers for the warriors? This was the only thing he knew. “You’re not happy with my work here, master?”

  Shade chuckled. “The opposite, son. I am starting a warrior camp on my property in Virginia. It’s under construction now and I hope it will be ready to open when I return. I will be recruiting young vampires from the States to the camp, and we will need leathers for all of them. Do you think you can manage that?”

  Cory’s eyes brightened. This was a chance to stay with master and live in the States. Not just in the States, but on master’s property, making leathers for new recruits. He’d never mastered Italian, and even though many of the warriors here spoke English, when speaking to each other, they usually spoke in their native tongue and he felt excluded. “Yes, master! I can manage that. All the warriors here have several full sets of leathers, and I focus on repairs. I could probably still oversee that, and I have their measurements if they need new sets, I can manage both camps for you.”

  Shade stood and Cory jumped to his feet. Shade gave him a fatherly hug. “Good. We will work out the details after the coronation. You have made me proud, Cory. I gave you an opportunity and you grabbed it with both hands. And that Medici crest needs to be on your leathers as well… warrior or not.”

  Cory beamed with pride and was always surprised at how much Shade’s praise meant to him when he considered he’d spent such little time in his presence. But living in Virginia, working directly for master, he’d have to let his Mom know!

  As Shade was wrapping up his good-byes with Cory, he heard Luca tell him about a celebration. Shade thought, before this got out of hand, he better get inside. Shade gave Cory a hug and teleported to the foyer, making his way into the kitchen. Spotting bel, he stood back against the wall, legs crossed at the ankles, arms crossed over his chest and waited for her to feel him.

  Kate looked up to see him standing in the doorway with a look that smoldered. ”Too bad we have company, or I’d be dragging you upstairs.” “Lover! Come join us... Shannon’s here with Luca. I think we should celebrate.”

  ”Don’t start me up, mi amore, I’m hanging by a thread now, woman. You drive me wild!” Walking past Luca, he gave him a fist bump, but his eyes never left her face. He picked her up in his arms and twirled her around, kissing her deeply, his tongue inside her mouth, tangling with hers, probing, sucking, then biting her lip and slapping her ass. “Mmm, I could eat you alive, mi amore. And what are we celebrating?” Smiling at her, he glanced over at Shannon, grinned and winked. “Welcome to my home, Shannon... sorry, I was a bit... distracted.”

  Shannon gave him a sly grin. “Hey... don't mind me. I love a good X-rated movie. You two just go for it and Luca and I will watch.”

  Luca grabbed her hand and drug her over close to him. “No... we will not watch. Sorry, master.”

  Shade threw back his head and laughed. “Don’t apologize, Luca, you may learn a thing or two on how to please a mortal woman, but,” looking deep into bel's eyes, “better make it quick, this mate won’t be mortal for long. So, someone tell me what we are celebrating.”

  Shannon leaned across a massive butcher block island. “We’re celebrating Kate's last night as a mortal. Do vampire's drink? You have all these freakin’ vineyards, you must drink something!”

  “Oh si, Shannon, we do drink. Gi, break out the Midnight! Time to celebrate, but tell me, Shannon, what is your mortal poison?”

  “Am I limited to one? Let's see, where do I start? Cosmopolitans, Martini's, Margaritas, Pina Coladas, and wine, red or white. If it's in a bottle, I’ll drink it. And can we get some food? I'm starving! Luca forgets I still need to eat.”

  Gi ordered the kitchen staff to enter, servants and cooks appeared and Shade watched the reaction on Shannon's face and chuckled. “Ladies... please put your order in for anything you wish to eat, and it will be prepared... anything you wish to drink... will be made for you... welcome, Shannon, to the world of Medici... the world lies at your feet.”

  Shannon shook Kate by the shoulders. “Kate, do you realize this may be your last meal?”

  “Gee thanks, Shannon. You say that like I'm going to the electric chair or something.”

  “No, seriously! No more pizza. Doughnuts. Gelato. No more chocolate! Oh my god... pasta, steaks, French fries... macaroni and cheese, strawberry shortcake, coconut cream pie... girl, I think you need to rethink this decision.”

  Kate responded, “I think we need to pig out on all the things you just named. No salads tonight. The boys can get drunk off their ass and watch. And maybe... Shade can feed me honey one last time?”

  “Oh si, mi amore... honey it is.”

  Kate looked up, as the cooks started laying out the table with all the foods Shannon had been shouting out, and the two of them dove in, starting with the pizza. “Oh, god... this is so good.” Shade and Luca both pulled up a bar stool, propping their feet on the table, pouring themselves tall glasses of Midnight. Kate saw Shade turn to Luca and say, “It's going to be a long night, warrior”, and she and Shannon both started laughing...and eating doughnuts.

  Shade playfully tried to grab at the pizza slice from Kate’s hand.

  She smacked at his hand. “Hands off the pizza!”

  He laughed as she moved to take a big bite. He grabbed the slice from her hand, and walked backward away from her, holding the pizza in his hand and hit the music. “Want something in your mouth, do you, mi amore?”

  He started playing Nickleback's Something in Your Mouth, as it echoed through the halls of the castle and taunted her with a slice of pizza.

  “Oh, I want something in my mouth all right, and it's not pizza.” She chased after him as he ran around the counter, and Shannon laughed at their antics.

  As she gave chase, Shade kept just ahead of her and watched her getting dizzy chasing him around the island counter. She stopped to regain her equilibrium and he slipped up behind her and stepped on a single pepperoni that had dropped on the floor. He fell flat on his ass, pulling her down wit
h him. Kate squealed as she fell, and Luca was laughing so hard he fell off the chair.

  Shannon was laughing, her mouth still full. “Well, that didn't take long. I can drink both of them under the table any day! Come on, sister. There's strawberry shortcake with our name on it. Get off the floor and dig in.”

  Shannon reached down, stepping over Shade who was still sprawled on the floor, and grabbed Kate’s hand. Kate stood up with assistance and joined Shannon at the counter. Shannon handed her a spoon and they both dug in. Speaking through a mouthful of cake, strawberries and fresh whipped cream, Kate asked her, "Aren't you going to help Luca up?”

  Shannon looked down at him on the floor. “Luca, honey, do you need help?”

  Luca rolled from his side onto his back, “I think it's safer down here. But you could hand me the bottle.”

  Shannon handed the bottle of Midnight down to Luca who took a big swig while still lying on his back.

  Shade laughed. “Si, that’s a warrior!” Crawling to Luca, he reached for the bottle.

  Shade rolled over on his back and taking a huge swig, passed it back to Luca who was trying to sit up and failing miserably.

  Kate looked at him sprawled on the floor. She walked over to where he was lying on his back, and stood over him, straddling his chest.

  Looking up, Shade had a terrific view up her skirt of her sweet red thong. He slid his hand up the back of her calf and onto her thigh. “Careful, mi amore, you tempt me way beyond what I can handle and I... Fuck, woman!” He took a deep breath and tried to shut down his senses, when all he wanted to do was ravish her right here on the floor.

  Shannon was laughing through a mouthful of coconut cream pie. “I love that he calls you woman... so cave man. Does he drag you off by your hair too?”

  Kate bent at the waist and let her hair sweep across Shade’s face. “Not yet, but he does other things with my hair we can't talk about in public.”

  Shade started groaning. “I can’t take this anymore.” Before he knew what was happening, Kate was laughing and there was food all over his and Luca's face. Damn, who the hell did that? “What the fuck?”


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