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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 69

by Emily Bex

  Malachi held his own anger at bay. “I assure you, we will be at the ceremony, and I will taste her blood as is protocol, and I have no reason to doubt she is now immortal. We will proclaim her such, and we will recognize her to the realm as your queen. That will be our public position, and no one will hear otherwise from the Council. We owe that to you and your family. But privately, we are still left with doubt this mortal can rise to the duties required. Prove me wrong, Medici. I hope you do, for the protection of the Medici legacy, I sincerely hope you do. The Medici name is the strongest and most respected name in our realm, its bloodline the most pure. It pleases me to know your padre and madre have visited you, have given their blessing. Although I must say, to hear your padre has blessed this union comes as a surprise. But what's done is done, Medici. She is yours now. Try not to embarrass us all with your impetuous choice, si?”

  Throwing back his head and howling with laughter, Shade laughed in the face of this fool who thought that damn green robe gave him the right to fuck with him. Swinging his head down, he walked closely around and around him. “Don’t ever forget that Medici is the strongest and most respected coven Malachi. That would be a grave mistake for the Council. Medici funds pay for many of the luxuries you enjoy, if I were to ever pull my coffers from your greedy grip, all of you would suffer. I have no desire to prove you wrong, none whatsoever. My queen will do that quite well all on her own. Embarrass you? I am sure she will, without a doubt. But not in the way you expect, only to show all of you, she is more than deserving of this title. I have prepared her, as has Madre, she guides my queen. Now, if you have no other damn insults to lie at my feet, I will be returning to the States once her coronation is over. I have much to do yet. Master Alec is a businessman, and both of us have fortunes and lands to conquer in the States.”

  Malachi nodded his head to him, in recognition of his status, but Council did not bow, not even to royalty. “I will deliver your sentiments to the Council, Medici. We will not interfere with your affairs. It is too late at any point, and your path has been chosen. But it sounds as if you plan to make this venture in the States a more permanent one? We have heard of plans for a new warrior camp. You are aware, are you not, that the land you own is in the middle of Master Maximus' territory? We have not heard from him. He has made no formal complaint to the Council in this regard, but surely, you cannot expect this invasion of his turf to go unaddressed. The Council can't help but wonder if the mortal has clouded your judgment. You have everything here. Your coven is established here. Your power is known and goes unchallenged here. These actions in the States are sure to bring discord.”

  Shade crossed his arms over his chest. “Malachi, as you have stated previously, I am over five-hundred years old, I’m no amateur master. I’m well aware of what I have gotten myself into. I also know Maximus and I will come to an agreement, just as Alec and I have. And yes, there is a warrior camp abroad, expanding the reach of the Medici. ‘Go and seek your fortune,’ is what my padre taught me, and he taught me well. Medici will need to grow to provide for our expanding coven.

  “I will not be completely absent from Castello. My children will be born here, as is customary, and I expect their birth to be witnessed by Council. But I have much to accomplish. I have just achieved the only thing that will secure my legacy, a mate who loves me. Her loyalty and dedication to me and my coven has already been shown to my warriors. And if you have a problem with my being in the States, speak with Master Alec. We have no conflict, Malachi, masters do not always go to war to get what they need.”

  Malachi huffed. “Well, Master Alec is a whole different discussion, Medici. You know him well, he thumbs his nose at the Council, he defies our bylaws, and he lives more as a mortal than an immortal and puts us all in danger with his actions. Your association with him is watched closely by the Council as well, and I would advise you to tread lightly there.”

  Shade shook his head, chuckling. “Alec plays by his own rules, he always has. He follows his own lead, but as you say that is another matter. I know I’m being watched, well aware, and I’m also aware you will let me know the moment I take a misstep. So, Malachi, if that’s all you require of me, I’ll ask that you take your leave. I don’t want my entire coven in an uproar because of your visit. I have taught them to respect you and Council elders, as they should, and I have tried to set for them a good example. I will see you at the ceremony and please give my regards to the Council for at least pretending to give a good fucking rat’s ass about my mating!”

  “Medici, I assure you, we mean no disrespect. I will take my leave now, and you will see the Council giving your queen all due respect at the coronation. You have my word.”

  Luca felt the presence of a powerful vampire in Castello, not an enemy, but something wasn’t right. He heard Gi as he rushed past his door and knocked hard on Shade's bedroom door, telling him the Council was here. The Council! The Council doesn't come to you... you go to the Council! He heard Shade leave, pulling the door closed behind him followed by silence. He must have teleported down. Luca turned to Shannon. "Shan, I need to go to the next room and be with Kate. I need you to stay here."

  Shannon looked back at him concerned. “Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is fine, mia belleza. But Shade has been called away, and Kate is newly turned.” He left their bedroom and walked down the hall to the massive suite, now occupied by Shade and Kate. He tapped at the door lightly and waited for her to answer.

  Kate opened the door, expecting to see Gi again, but it was Luca. He bowed deeply to her, as soon as she opened the door.

  “My Queen.”

  Kate sighed. “Luca, you honor me. Please, come in. And please tell me we don't have to do that from now on.”

  Luca smiled at her. “Only if my lady wishes it.”

  “My lady does not wish it. What's going on? Gi came to get Shade, told him the Council was here. He seemed in a panic, and it's not like Gi to panic.”

  Luca shrugged. “I'm not sure, Kate. A visit by the Council. Well, first of all, I’ve never heard of a visit from the Council except for ceremonial events, like your coronation. They’ll be there, of course, but an uninvited visit? Unheard of.”

  Kate sat down on the bed. “But it's probably just about the ceremony, right? I mean, what do they do anyway?”

  “They’re our ruling body. They oversee all vampire covens in Europe. There’s a separate Eastern Council that oversees all Asian countries. There are rules of law in the vampire community that must be followed, and those that break the rules must answer to the Council. The Council knows where every master is. Shade would have informed them of his intent to go to the States, for example. They settle disputes between covens to avoid battles if possible. Each Council member is on the Council for life, and they each have specific areas of responsibility. I heard Gi telling Shade Malachi was here. He oversees all births, deaths and matings. He will record your turning, as well as your ascension to the Throne of Medici in their records. Your ceremony here at Castello, establishes your reign over the Medici coven, but the Council validates your standing in the vampire community at large.”

  Kate threw her hands in the air. “So, there. It’s nothing then. Just details about the ceremony.”

  Luca looked closely at her. “And how are you, Kate. Since the turning.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “You mean, besides hungry? Will I always feel this way?”

  “The hunger will fade, but it never goes away. Not completely. You learn control with time. When we get back to Bel Rosso, I’ll take you out again on a run like before, and you’ll see the difference in your senses. You’ll be able to hear the animals in the brush miles from us, and detect which animals are near, just from their scent alone. Not right away, we’ll need to wait a bit until you have control, to control the urge to hunt. You don’t feel it now because Shade is here, you feed from him regularly. I know he is weaning you, but the fact he’s accessible to you helps to
control the need.”

  Kate stood up and paced. “I feel like I have so much to learn.”

  “And he will guide you. He’s your master, and your maker, in addition to your mate. I speak from experience when I say there’s no master who takes that responsibility more seriously. He’ll always guide you.”

  She looked at him as he spoke of Shade, and his devotion to him was without question. It was something she noticed with all the staff here, all the warriors. They’d follow him right over a cliff, no questions asked. And she’d hold his hand.

  “I know he’s always guided me. I feel like I’ve hardly seen you, or Shannon. Why didn't you bring her over?”

  Luca looked at the floor. “She is still a mortal... and you... a newborn. Like I said, time and control.”

  Kate looked at him, creasing her brow. “What? What are you talking about?”

  Luca caught her eye. “Your impulse would be to attack. To feed from her. She is weak compared to you. Prey.”

  Kate’s hand went to her throat. “Oh my god, are you kidding me? No wonder he’s kept me in this room. I thought, after the chamber, things would just go back to normal. She's my friend! Doesn't that mean anything? I wouldn't attack my friend.”

  “Si, in your heart she’s your friend. But right now, your instincts and your beast identify her as prey. All mortals are prey. Another impulse you will learn to control.”

  “Luca, this ceremony, the other masters, the Council, his warriors, and Shannon, what if I mess this up? Oh god, that's why the Council is here, isn't it? It's not the ceremony. It's me! They're worried about me.”

  “Stop pacing. He’ll guide you. Every step. He’ll be right next to you. He’ll not let you mess up. Trust him.”

  “I do trust him, but what you're saying is, I can't trust me.”

  “Trust him to take care of you. He’ll not let his queen fail.”

  As Malachi was escorted from Castello, Shade sat back down and stared into space. He wanted to rip his fucking throat out, but he knew better. Why can’t they just accept her? She was his, and he chose her, but his choice was not good enough for them.

  Hanging his head, he sighed deeply and closed his eyes. He wanted so much to give her everything, her status in their community, and the honor and respect she deserved. He wanted to give her babies they would raise together. He wanted her to want for nothing. No matter what he did, he failed someone's expectation of him, someone’s dream for him. He slammed his fist down on the table in anger and frustration.

  “She is my fucking dream. Damn you all to hell! She is my queen, my mate. Do you hear me? And she will rule as a Medici!”

  He heard the servants scurry, and heard the warriors on guard in the courtyard, ready to attack whatever had gotten him into this state and he headed outside for a smoke. His head was still spinning at the nerve and audacity of the Council.

  Kate was still talking with Luca when she felt him, felt his anger and frustration, and she wanted to go to him. She saw Luca respond, stand up straighter, listening and she knew he felt Sade too. Kate stood to go to him, but as she reached the door, Luca stepped in front of it, blocking her exit.

  “Kate, are you sure? You haven't been out since the turning?”

  Kate pleaded with him, “I can feel him. He’s angry. Something is wrong. Please, Luca!”

  He reluctantly stepped aside, as she opened the door and found her way down the stairs to the grand foyer. She opened herself up to him, letting her instincts lead her to him. She was drawn to the parlor and followed there. The room was empty, but she could feel his presence.

  “Shade? Are you okay?” She heard only silence. He had left this room.

  Shade could feel her frantically looking for him. ”Mi amore, come find me, use your senses. I have left the parlor, concentrate, bel. Come to me.”

  Kate left the parlor and wandered further through the grand hallway, the sound of her footsteps echoed in the hall. She heard him call to her. She stopped and listened, feeling him... and let him lead her. She walked to the door that led outside to the back of the estate and into the formal gardens. She stepped outside for the first time since the turning. The scents overwhelmed her as the night air hit her face, and her head spun with dizziness. She reached out and steadied herself against the wall. She stood still, and could pick up his scent, from all the smells that assaulted her. She shut out everything else and followed his scent through the maze of the gardens, to find him standing alone, his back to her.


  “Ti amo, my queen. You have found your king. You have done well. Do you wish for your prize? Come closer, mi amore. I am pleased you shut out all the things around you, used what I have taught you. You can always find me, Kate, never be afraid you cannot. There will never be another moment for the rest of my life that I won’t feel you, hear you, know your heart beats for me and me alone.” He remained with his back to her, controlling his anger for Malachi, knowing she felt that and it had upset her greatly.

  Kate walked to him, slid her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his strong back. “You are my prize. Now, what has you so upset this night?”

  He sighed deeply as he felt her body on his, just her touch ignited him and calmed him all at the same time. She was magic. “Council. And you let me worry about them, no need for you to become agitated as well.”

  “It's about me, isn't it? They’re concerned about me.” She felt his heavy sigh and felt their heartbeats as her breasts were pressed against his back, their hearts synchronized, and beating with the same rhythm. “I won't let you down, lover. I promise you.”

  “I have no doubt.” Pulling her around in front of him, he lifted her off her feet and felt her legs wrap around his waist. “I want you to listen to me, mi amore. I’m not the one with doubts, no one in this coven, nor do those that protect you doubt you. The Council has a huge problem and it’s theirs, not mine. They will attend the ceremony, test your blood for immortality and acknowledge you as my mate and queen. That is all I need from those bastards. I have, in my arms, all I care about.”

  She’d known he’d always hidden much from her, to protect her, but what he’d never shared was what a gamble he was taking with his decision to choose her as his mate. Being here now, in Castello, with the ceremony looming, she finally appreciated the scope of it. The whole "king and queen" thing, which just seemed so farfetched, was very real. Her mortal status would probably always be something he’d have to deal with, as it related to those who were born immortal. She’d always be an intruder to them. It only made her more determined to prove them all wrong.

  “I don't know what you saw in me. What drew you to me from the beginning? I felt the same pull, the same connection. So much so that it scared me. But your mother saw it too. When she came to me before the turning, she said she chose me for you. We were meant to be. Even with all the drama, whatever we have overcome, and whatever lies ahead, we were meant to be.”

  Pulling her head to his shoulder, he began to walk through the gardens, the moonlight streaming over them, like a beam meant for them. “Madre knows me deeper than anyone else. She knew what I needed, what I wanted, she had the ability to go anywhere and seek and find for me the perfect mate.” Chuckling softly, laying his head on hers. “I think also she may have had grand-children on her list of things she wanted. She would always say to me, give me grand-children, my sweet Prince! I would always laugh at her. Tell me you still want them, mi amore.”

  “Of course, lover. Our Sophia speaks to me almost every day. She’s in quite a hurry that one.”

  “Every day? She is so beautiful, mi amore, so gorgeous with that hair and those blue eyes. They look straight into my heart. Does she make you feel this way as well?”

  “They live in my heart, all of them. I see all of them. Do you?”

  He stopped suddenly and pulled back from her. “All of them?” He felt his heart race. “Tell me, is there a figlio? Tell me, mi amore.”

  “He comes firs
t, lover. A warrior, our little warrior. His name is Lorenzo, and he’ll look like you with your dark skin and dark hair, your blue eyes. He’ll make his father proud.”

  He held her closer. A son, she’d bear him a son. “Mi amore, ti amo. Our son, our warrior, the future of Medici.”

  “He is beautiful and so like you. He’ll take pride in his name and his legacy. He yearns to walk in your footsteps, to be just like his father. He’ll follow your example. He’ll be followed by his most impatient sister, Sophia. She’ll not be like him. He’s steady and focused. She’s impetuous, hot-tempered. She’ll be curious and spirited, a handful. I’m warning you now.”

  He covered her in kisses. “So many bambinos, so much life for us to live together.”

  “Lover, there is more... I see another daughter, Natalia. I don’t see the future for our daughters. But Lorenzo, I can see him the clearest, maybe because he is first.”

  “I say we get started now!” Throwing her over his shoulder, he ran, hearing her squeal as he laughed out loud.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  Stopping outside the door, he slid her down over his chest onto her feet and took her face into his hands.

  “Two daughters? I shall be one jealous padre anyone tries to take my girls from me. And a son! Their futures will be bright, mi amore, they are coming, and that makes me joyously happy knowing we will raise them together. I want them to live in Virginia, to grow up on the estate, experience life and culture as I did. But most of all, I just want to love them. And I’m taking you back to our bedchamber.”


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