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Still Yours

Page 3

by Cara Roman

  Ridge growled down low in his throat, and the sound filtered through the haze covering Leigha's brain. Pulling her mouth away from his she shook her head, anger sizzling around her.

  "What? Did you think that you were so great back when that I'd want you again now just like that? Oh look, Leigha's still single, so she'll fall right back into my arms. And how long would that last before you got bored and wandered off to find another superstar to warm your bed forgetting about me completely?" Leigha said dragging a shaking hand through her hair, wrapping herself up tightly in anger to avoid all of the feelings his kiss had stirred awake within her.

  "That's not it at all. Shit, I know shouldn't have done that Leigha." Ridge said stepping further away from her. Leigha felt the distance with every ounce of her being. Ridge tucked his hands back in his pockets, this time she knew it was to keep them off of her, and said "I wish you knew how many nights I've lain awake with your name playing in my head like a song stuck on repeat." He swallowed a few times, looking like he was going to say more, but then he shook his head and walked out of her house.

  Leaning against the counter Leigha held a shaking hand up to her mouth realizing that she wanted to call him back with everything inside of her.

  Chapter 4

  Leigha didn't get any sleep, moving around her bed restlessly all night. The shadows dancing on the wall teasing her imagination. There was no denying the chemistry bubbling between the two of them. Leigha could accept the fact that Ridge was always going to call to her on an elemental level. Just that one kiss left her body aching, and no matter how many times she tried she couldn't ease the need raging inside of her. When it came down to it a vibrator just wasn't the same thing. Sure it hit all the right spots, and usually worked in a pinch. But running your hands over warm, sweat slicked skin as a man moved deliciously deep inside your body, wasn't something anyone had managed to replicate yet. Somewhere around five in the morning it occurred to her that she was the one stopping it. If she had let him Ridge would no doubt be laying next to her now. She just had to figure out a way to keep her heart out of it. That was all. They could burn this sexual tension out of their systems, and finally be past it. After all, there was no way he could be as good in reality as he was in her memories, or the fantasies currently swirling through her brain.

  Giving up on sleep Leigha got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the shower she brushed her teeth while the water heated up. Grabbing a towel she set it on the counter and pulled the shower curtain back stepping into the hot spray, letting the water beat down on her head silencing her thoughts. Focusing only on the task at hand she washed and conditioned her hair. Running a razor over her skin she carefully shaved. By the time she turned the water off and stepped onto the thick absorbent rug in front of the tub she felt better. Now that the decision was made all of the nerves fell away. All that was left now was following through, and that would be the fun part.

  Wrapping the towel around herself, tucking an end up to hold it she reached a hand up and wiped the fog off the mirror. Staring at her reflection she wondered what Ridge would think of the changes in her body. The years had been kind to her, but even still, thirty looked differently than eighteen had. Running a wide tooth comb through her long hair, so dark from the water it was nearly black. She carried about ten more pounds than she did back in high school, most of it in the breasts that had grown a full cup size, but her hips were also wider than they used to be. Thinking about the way she had changed had her wondering about Ridge, what had time done for him? Just thinking about it was sending a delicious shiver of anticipation through her body. Determined to not go there again she picked up the tube of moisturizer and squeezed a dollop in her hand before smoothing it onto her face in gentle upward strokes.

  Back in her bedroom she turned on the light, earning her a rather vicious glare from where Finn was curled up on the bed. Laughing at him, she opened opened drawers pulling clothes out. The jeans were some of her favorites, well worn, and would be comfortable all day at work. Pulling up the sleeves of her turquoise henley to just below her elbows she sat down on the bed to slide socks onto her feet. Walking back into the bathroom she pulled the hair dryer out from the cabinet under the sink. Turning her head upside down she switched the heat on. Running her fingers through her thick tresses she flipped her head to the left and to the right. When her hair was about three quarters of the way dry she wrapped the cord back around the blow dryer and put it away. Picking up her deodorant off the counter she reached inside her shirt and applied it. Checking her reflection in the mirror she nodded her head and walked out of the bathroom. Leigha rarely bothered to wear makeup. Hiding the freckles that kissed the skin of her nose and cheeks made her feel like she was wearing a mask to hide who she was. Her lashes were already dark, and she tended to forget about it when she put mascara on and rubbed her eyes making a mess of it anyhow. Tucking a tube of her favorite minty lip balm in her pocket she walked out of the bathroom.

  In the kitchen she poured food into Finn's bowl, and refilled the water in the bottle that made sure his bowl was always full. Grabbing her purse off the counter she walked back into her room to get the phone she accidentally left in there, spotting the stack of library books she needed to return. Picking those up Leigha called out a goodbye to sleepy Finn as she headed out the garage door to her car. Even stopping by the library to drop the books off in the after hours return slot she was a full half hour early getting to her shop. Unlocking the door she walked inside and turned the machines on needing a cup of coffee herself after the sleepless night she had. By the time Dani walked in Leigha had already had two coffees, and was practically buzzing on caffeine.

  "Well don't you look ready to tackle the day." Dani said as she headed back into the kitchen her arms stacked high with bakery boxes.

  "Ridge came over to my house last night, I didn't get any sleep, made him dinner, had two coffees already, he kissed me, with extra shots of espresso in them, I'm going to sleep with him to get it out of my system and get over him I think, since my trusty vibrator wasn't enough." Leigha blurted out barely taking a breath as she followed her friend into the kitchen.

  "Whoa, hold up. And slow it down a little. Ridge came over last night?" Dani asked turning around to face Leigha, her eyes practically bugging out of her head.

  "Yep. Just showed right up at my door. I thought it was Ty knocking on my door at first to invite me to dinner since he texted me earlier, but nope. He wants to be with me, ya know." Leigha said bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  "Who? Ridge or Ty?" Dani asked laughing at Leigha now.

  "Ty. I don't know why Ridge kissed me. Got me all worked up though, and I spent all night trying to work him out of my system. But my vibrator just isn't the same." Leigha explained like it was obvious.

  "Jesus Leigha, from one kiss?" Dani said clearly impressed.

  "Nobody kisses like Ridge does. He literally melts my insides to goo." Leigha said breathlessly.

  "Okay, I can see that. He has always been off the charts hot. But won't having sex with him complicate things? Bring up feelings you fought so hard to lock up?" Dani asked gathering ingredients and setting them on the stainless steel table in the middle of the room.

  "I'm not worried about that. We're just strangers now, who used to be in love when we were kids." Leigha said shrugging. "He told me that my name plays in his head at night when he can't sleep."

  "Oh yeah, this isn't going to get complicated at all." Dani muttered as Leigha scooped her hair back into a ponytail and walked back out front. "Salted caramel mocha nutella brownies today!" She yelled out front to Leigha's back.

  "Ooooo, I'm so going to need at least three of those pronto." Leigha shouted back as she scribbled it on the chalkboard sign.

  "Maybe start with one first? They pack a punch." Dani said carrying them out to the display case. "I'm in the mood to make white chocolate raspberry cookies too, so I'll let you know when those are ready."

  "Do you kno
w where Ridge is staying?" Leigha asked.

  "Nope." Dani said gliding past her back to the kitchen. "Why?" She asked poking her head back through the door.

  "So I can go over and seduce him of course. C'mon, try and keep up Dani." Leigha laughed bouncing on her feet.

  "Not sure I want to." Dani shook her head as she poured ingredients into her giant mixer.

  Chapter 5

  The caffeine buzz that kept her flying high all day was just starting to fade as Leigha walked out of the bank at the end of the day. Her determination to flush Ridge out of her system was still hanging around though, and she had paid extra close attention all day to the gossip. Leigha headed out of town towards where she heard Ridge was most likely staying, although nobody had actually been out to visit him yet. The houses out here were tucked into the forest, far enough apart that you couldn't see your neighbors house from your own. As she pulled into the long drive her hands started trembling slightly while she gripped the steering wheel. The house was sitting at least a quarter mile back, and you couldn't see it from the road at all. The property bridged the best of both worlds, comforts of your home town, with complete privacy and seclusion. She could see the appeal of that for Ridge, with him shining bright in the spotlight so often it probably felt good to power down and recharge.

  Ridge was lounging on a swing on the wide front porch, the same old acoustic guitar in his hands, looking a little more beat up than when Leigha had seen it last. He had a flannel shirt on with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of jeans with a ripped knee she could tell he hadn't bought that way. One leg was up, his booted foot resting on the porch railing. His head was tipped down towards his instrument still, but his guarded eyes met hers the moment she stepped out of her car. That was new, he had never looked at her with the shutters drawn before, and she wasn't sure that she liked it. The car door shutting echoed loudly, the sound bouncing around the tall trees surrounding the yard like sentries. A large chocolate lab was laying at Ridge's feet, he watched her happily, his tail thumping in obvious welcome.

  "Whatcha doing out here Leigha?" Ridge asked, his green eyes burning into hers even across the distance.

  "I wanted to talk to you about last night." Leigha said stopping at the bottom step and wrapping an arm around a column to hold herself back from charging up to him. "Your dog is beautiful."

  "If you're thinking on chewing me out again no need. I got the message clear enough yesterday. I won't be apologizing for kissing you though. I shouldn't have, I've no right to put my hands on you anymore, but I'm not going to lie and say I'm sorry I did it, because I'm not." Ridge looked down at the dog who was whining excitedly. "Go ahead and say hi to her Boomer."

  The lab jumped up and raced down the steps to Leigha, planting his butt in the grass probably to stop himself from jumping on her excitedly, tail swishing with joyful abandon as she rubbed his head. Petting Boomer for a few minutes helped Leigha gathered her courage. All he could do was say no, and she would leave, no worse off. Right? Right. "That's not it Ridge. I didn't get any sleep last night because I wish I hadn't stopped you."

  Ridge sat up straighter in the swing, removing his leg from the railing, he watched her, his arms resting loosely over the body of the guitar, but there was an awareness in his body that wasn't there a moment ago. "I'm gonna need you to be more clear, darlin'." He said.

  Taking a deep breath Leigha took a step closer. "I can't stand here and act like there isn't chemistry bubbling between us. Still. We both know that kiss wasn't lukewarm."

  "Nope, sure wasn't. We always had plenty of heat." Ridge nodded his head in agreement.

  He didn't add more, so Leigha carried on. "I don't have anyone in my life right now, and I don't see why I should deprive myself of something that I want." Leigha said climbing up another step.

  "What is it you want?" Ridge asked setting the guitar down on the swing next to him.

  "You, Ridge. I want you. I want to feel your hands on my body." Leigha said softly. "No commitment, no promises, and no heartbreak this time." She said looking up at him, and holding her breath.

  "You're asking me for just sex?" Ridge said standing up slowly.

  "Until neither one of us wants it anymore." Leigha said nodding her head, and finally stepping up onto the porch.

  Ridge ran his hand through his hair, and shook his head. "And if that's not enough for me?"

  "That's all that's left between the two of us." Leigha said stopping barely a breath away, so close she could feel the heat from his body beating against her senses. Staring up in his eyes she saw the moment he made his choice, which was only a heartbeat before his arms wrapped around her, crushing her against his chest and his mouth unerringly found hers. Leigha reached up around his neck, her fingers finding their way up into his thick brown hair. Ridge's tongue slid hungrily against hers, and she reveled in the taste of him. His hands gripped her ass, pulling her even tighter against his body, letting her feel his desire, and Leigha needed to feel all of that body against hers. Now.

  "Too many clothes." She whispered as she peppered to kisses across his beautifully masculine square jaw.

  "C'mon." Ridge said grabbing her hand and leading the way inside. There were boxes stacked in towers all around, and he was clearly in the midst of unpacking still. He dragged her past a living room towards the large staircase leading up to the second floor. Halfway up the stairs he turned to kiss her again, like he just couldn't take another second without his lips on hers. Caught up in the rush of passion, Leigha moaned into his mouth.

  Holding her face in his hands he pulled away. Running his thumb across her lips he stared down at her, the look in his eyes made Leigha worried he would stop them now she said, "take me to your bedroom Ridge." He nodded his head slowly before turning and walking the rest of the way up the stairs. Leigha barely got more than an impressions of the house as she walked down the hall, because her eyes never left Ridge's strong back. His shoulders had gotten broader, and the muscles moving in them as he walked held her in a trance. He turned, walking through a doorway, as soon as Leigha followed him into the room he shut the door. She looked questioningly up at him.

  "Boomer." He said. Leigha remembered the dog then, and nodded her head understanding. Nothing ruined the mood quite like an interruption from a pet.

  Ridge reached behind Leigha and pulled the elastic out of her hair. Free of the band it fell in heavy dark waves down to the middle of her back. Tangling his fingers in her hair Ridge tipped her face back so he could plunder her mouth. By the time he pulled away Leigha's skin was on fire, her nerve endings singed by the blistering heat building between them. Impatient to feel his skin she reached out and unbuttoned his shirt, when she got to the last button she slid her hands along his skin and pushed the flannel shirt off him, grateful he wasn't wearing another shirt underneath. It fell to the floor and she stared at the wide expanse of his chest in front of her. There was more dark hair peppered across it than the last time she had seen it. Running her hands over him she learned him all over again. Urged on by her hands on him Ridge pulled her top off and sent it flying across the room. Pushing her back against the door he kissed from her shoulder to her collar bone, tugging the strap of her black bra down as he went. Needing more, she reached back and unsnapped the bra to give his wandering mouth more access. With a knowing smirk he pulled the bra away from her body. She felt the heat of his gaze as it raked across her breasts, making her shiver eagerly in anticipation.

  Instead of feasting on the banquet in front of him like she expected he reached down and undid her jeans, pushing them slowly down her hips. Dropping down to kneel in front of her Ridge pressed a soft kiss against the front of her black panties. His hands slid slowly up, and he finally cupped her breasts. His eyes were locked on her own, watching them melt at his touch. Looking down at him Leigha gasped as his tongue licked slowly over the lace barely covering her. His callused thumbs circled around her nipples and she moaned, leaning back against the door for support. Her hand
s gripped his hair as he meticulously worked the panties against her clit. The friction of the lace added a delicious new edge to the sensation. Leigha was panting already, her heart beat racing. He reached out and tugged her panties down with one hand, the other still playing with one of her nipples. Free of the barrier between them, she felt his tongue glide across her already quivering clit for the first time in over a decade. He sucked the sensitive bud into his mouth, and her hips bucked helplessly against his face. She felt the scrape of his teeth, before he licked it gently again. Her body started shaking as he quickened the pace, his tongue remembering the exact pattern she needed. Tossing her head back on a cry Leigha came in a hot rush. Ridge licked her slowly, savoring each of the little after shocks as they pulsed against his mouth.

  Standing up off his knees Ridge reached down and picked Leigha up, knowing her wobbly legs wouldn't be able to support her weight after that orgasm. He carried her across the room. Setting her atop the large bed he reached down and unbuckled his belt. Licking her lips Leigha watched him slide the leather slowly through the loops. When it was free he let it fall to the wooden floor with a loud thump. He unbuttoned his pants, and dragged the zipper down in a way that let her know his bulge was straining against it. Hooking his hands in the jeans and boxers she watched him push them down and step out of them. He stood there in all his glory, wearing nothing but his skin. Seeing his long, thick dick for the first time in so many years had her mouth watering. Leigha remembered exactly how good that had always felt inside of her, so good that nobody else had ever even come close. Sitting up she reached a hand out to stroke down his length. The rumbling moan escaping his lips encouraged her to lean her head down for a taste. Holding the base she swirled her tongue around the tip. Closing her lips around him, she sucked hard, pulling off his dick slowly before sliding back down. She worked him for a few minutes, until she felt his muscles tense, and couldn't take it anymore either. Sitting up she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned backwards, pulling him onto the bed with the momentum of her body.


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