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Still Yours

Page 5

by Cara Roman

  Going bra-less wasn't her normal behavior, but when your anticipating being naked moments after you get to your destination it worked quite well. Leigha brushed her teeth before leaving the bathroom. Picking up her cell phone she checked the time, nodding she walked over to where he was laying in a chair, and smoothed her hand over Finn's back. "Don't wait up for me Finn, I'm hoping to be late." She smiled picking up her car keys as she walked out the door into the garage.

  The night was cloudless, and millions of stars shimmered and winked up in the sky. It was the kind of night made for driving. The air was cool, but Leigha was warm enough in her car without a coat. And after the long winter she was beyond sick of wearing the damn thing anyway. Bundling up in a half dozen layers was an unavoidable fact for months out of the year, but as anyone from Michigan would tell you the minute the snow melted and the temperature rises to just barely above freezing the coats get put away and you tough it out. Spring was finally coming, and Leigha could swear she could all but taste the sweetness of it flavoring the night air.

  Smiling she turned off the road on to Ridge's drive. The house was blazing with lights beckoning her as she parked and turned the ignition off. Grabbing her purse off the seat she walked quickly up the steps, her anticipating already building. Raising her hand to the door Leigha took a deep breath and knocked. Immediately the sound of excited barking echoed throughout the big house. She heard Ridge talking to Boomer as he approached the door, and the dog sounded like he was tripping over himself to get there first. Leigha was laughing at the cacophony inside when Ridge finally opened the door. Boomer raced out to greet her, and she reached down immediately to pet him. He licked her hand enthusiastically and she laughed some more.

  Finally able to look up, the hello she planned on saying got stuck in her throat. He was staring down at her with his lopsided grin and wonder swimming in his forest eyes. Unable to help herself she leaned into him and cupped his cheek in her hand. Ridge leaned into her touch, the smile fading from his face. He wrapped his arms around her, and instead of pulling her into the hug she expected he ran them up her back and straight into her dark brown hair. Using his grip on her hair he tilted her head back and ravaged her mouth with so much hunger it had her offering up everything she had inside. One hand stayed fisted in her hair, but the other one slid slowly back down until it was cupping her ass, and he pulled her tight against his hips. She could feel his dick already growing hard, and her nipples pebbled in automatic response to the pleasure she knew was coming.

  Ridge turned her head to the side, still using his hand in her hair, and licked along her ear before he whispered huskily, "you're not wearing a bra."

  "I know." She said up to the porch ceiling as they stood there in the open door, while Ridge sucked hungrily on her neck.

  She was covered in goosebumps, and it wasn't from the temperature. Wondering if she could get off from just his mouth on her neck alone she let out a throaty moan. He turned slightly, and Leigha found her back pressed against the door frame as he ground his hips against hers, but it wasn't enough to ease the ache between her legs. Reaching up to his shoulders she wrapped her arms around his neck, and brought her legs up. Ridge didn't disappoint her, letting go of her hair and grabbing her legs with both of his hands.

  "Inside." He growled into her mouth as he stepped over the threshold into his house. Boomer was still barking, jumping excitedly around him. "Go lay down." He said pulling away from her mouth only long enough to get the words out. Boomer must have listened, because the barking stopped, but Leigha just didn't have it in her right now to bother checking.

  Ridge was carrying her somewhere, but as she dug her fingers into his scalp she realized she would have happily fucked him against the door frame. As he walked she could feel all of his muscles rippling against where she was pressed into him, and she moaned again, into his mouth this time. He let go of her, and she fell a few inches onto a hard, solid surface. He took the purse off her shoulder, and set it down. His hands went under her sweater, and slid up her heated skin. He cupped her breasts, and squeezed, stopping just this side of pain. Leigha tried to press her thighs together to relieve the pressure knotted there, but Ridge was standing between them. He pulled his mouth from hers and yanked the sweater up over her head quickly. His eyes burned into hers with more heat than she had ever seen in them before, and her tongue slid out to wet her bottom lip. After tossing the sweater somewhere he reached out and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her hard nipple making her shudder. Leigha reached for his shirt and he took a step back pulling it off himself. Leigha sat there on what she now realized was a massive wooden dining room table, and watched his skin come into view. God, but he was absolutely beautiful. She leaned back, pressing her palms against the smooth wooden surface, which she knew he noticed pushed her breasts up invitingly.

  His eyes on the tight pink nipples he reached out and unsnapped her jeans, giving them a yank letting her know what he needed. Leigha boosted her hips up helping him take them off of her. Once they were clear of her ass he dragged the material slowly the rest of the way down her legs. Wearing nothing but a bright pink lacy thong the table was cold against her skin, adding another sensation into the swirling mix. Ridge ran his hands up her thighs, pulling them even further apart so he could look at everything the lace wasn't bothering to hide from his view.

  "Stunning." He whispered roughly, dropping down to his knees in front of her.

  Leaning in, he licked the side of her knee, his tongue making indecipherable patterns against her skin as he headed towards her center. Leigha held her breath in anticipation as she watched him. Instead of going where she needed though he slid right past her lace covered pussy, and bit down on the skin of her other thigh. Leigha's head fell back on a gasp at the delicious sting of his teeth. He licked the spot he bit slowly, to soothe the beautiful ache. Ridge slid his hands up her legs, his fingers calloused from so many years playing the guitar, scraping gloriously across her sensitive skin. Her breathing quickened as he gripped the pink frothy material at each hip, and gave a quick yank of his wrists. The material snapped, and he pulled it slowly away from her.

  Sitting up straight she reached for his pants, intent on getting him naked too. Ridge caught her hands before she got them undone, and set them back down at her sides. "Not yet baby." He said, his deep voice filled with sexy gravel. He leaned down and licked one of her nipples, pulling the bud into his mouth and sucking on it hard. Leigha reached up digging her hands into his hair to hold on. After a few minutes he turned his head, lavishing attention on her other nipple. By the time he released it from his lips she was sure there was a puddle gathering underneath her on the table. Never in her whole life had she been so turned on, and he hadn't even touched her center yet. Ridge finally reached between her legs, and stroked one finger slowly across her pussy.

  "Drenched, completely fucking soaked for me." He said circling her demanding clit.

  Leigha couldn't form the words to answer as his finger sped up circling faster and faster. She was so close, she could feel the orgasm gathering deep inside. Her thighs started to tremble, and his finger abruptly left her clit.

  Leigha's eyes snapped open. "Ridge!" She cried out in frustration.

  "What baby?" He asked her softly.

  "I was so damn close." She said.

  "Oh, I know." He said with a mischievous smirk. "Don't worry Leigha, I'm not in any hurry."

  This was something new, they had teased each other before, of course. But this went past teasing into straight into seduction, and it was the hottest thing Leigha had ever felt. His eyes were on her face watching her as he pushed a finger up inside her pussy, and withdrew it slowly. She bucked her hips, trying to ride his hand, but he used his other arm and held those eager hips firmly in place. All she could do was open her legs wider, and moan as he took his time. Even with his finger's incredibly slow pace she started trembling again, her breath coming in whimpering gasps. He withdrew his finger from her pussy, and Leigh
a cried out again.

  "Please, Ridge! I need to come." Her whole body was gathered up tight, waiting to leap across the finish line.

  Ridge stood up, and with his hands on her hips pulled her towards him. Her ass was hanging partially off the table as he pushed her legs up to balance it out. He stood there staring down at her, the heat in his eyes all but burning her already heated skin. She watched him unbutton his pants, his dick bobbing out as he shoved them down his hips. Leigha licked her lips at the sight of him. He wrapped his fingers around himself, and as she watched he pumped his dick twice. A moan slipped past Leigha's lips, as if he was touching her skin instead of his own. Still gripping his dick he took a step towards her, and she felt the thick head of him pressing against her. Using his hand he moved his dick across her clit coating himself in her sweet slickness. Just when she was about to beg him again he jerked his hips forward, finally sliding inside her aching empty pussy.

  Leigha let out a thankfully cry at his fullness inside of her, and reached out her arms to wrap them around him. Shaking his head he pressed a hand to her shoulder. Leigha laid back, her spine pressing into the unyielding wood. He held her legs open with his hands, and pushed into her harder and faster. Leigha's back arched up toward him, and he stopped moving, his eyes on her expectantly. It took her a second to realize why he had stopped, and laid back down flat on the table. She was rewarded by his dick sliding into her once more. Figuring out she had to stay like this to keep him powering into her she smiled. This was a new side of Ridge, and it was really working for her. He was pounding into her so hard that she could feel his balls swinging up hitting her ass where it still hung off the table, with each thrust. Every single nerve ending in her body felt like it was connected to a live wire, and the sounds bubbling up from her throat sounded more animal than human.

  Nothing had ever felt this good to her before, nothing. He quickened his already punishing pace, and Leigha's whole body started trembling. The orgasm building inside of her right now was bigger than anything she had ever come close to feeling. Digging her fingers into the edge of the table she came with a guttural scream, her pussy gripping him manically as the orgasm coursed near violently through her. Ridge was growling, his strokes getting sloppy, and before she was even done pulsing he was twitching. Shoving his hips forward once more, he stilled deep inside of her with a shout. She watched his face as he came, and he looked every bit as primitive as the way she was feeling inside.

  He pulled out of her slowly, making her moan at the emptiness, before he held a hand out to her. Leigha let him pull her off the table. Before her feet could even touch the floor he was picking her up and carrying her up the stairs.

  "Did I hurt you?" He asked as he walked.

  "That was the best sex I've ever had. What the hell was that?" She asked into the warm skin of his chest.

  "I'm not some eighteen year old kid Leigha, I couldn't hold back anymore." Ridge said with a laugh, the sound rumbling through his chest.

  "Well thank God for that." Leigha said and meaning it with every single cell still vibrating in her body.

  Chapter 9

  Ridge reached down and pulled the covers back on his bed, setting Leigha down on top of the sheet. He crawled in next to her and covered them both up. They laid there warm underneath the covers in his bed for a little while. Leigha could still feel the pleasant echoes of Ridge all over her body. A satisfied smile was etched on her face, and she turned to look over at where Ridge was laying beside her propped up on the pillows. He had one muscular arm tucked behind his head, and he was staring down at her. His brown hair was a shaggy mess all over the place. There was an intensity still raging in his green eyes that had a delicious shiver trailing down her spine. Those were not the eyes of a man finished with her for the night, in fact he looked like he was just getting started.

  Leigha ran her hand along the planes of his abs, up the mounded pecks and around his neck pressing herself against him as she did. Bringing her mouth up to his she kissed him slowly, savoring the heat she could still taste there. Nope, this definitely wasn't the same eighteen year old boy anymore. He hadn't able to go more than one round at a time back then. As she pulled her mouth away he caught the back of her head and held her there as he had a habit of doing.

  "I'm no where near finished with you tonight Leigha." Ridge whispered against her lips before his tongue licked the corner of her mouth.

  "Mmmm, that sounds good to me." She said huskily. The things he was doing to her body were so damn good.

  "How many orgasms do you think it will take to keep you here with me all night?" He asked as he grabbed a handful of her ass and squeezed.

  "I can't stay Ridge. That wouldn't be keeping things casual." Leigha reminded him, trying to convince herself just as much as him.

  "And we can't have that." Ridge lifted his leg between hers, pressing against all of her wet heat.

  "We agreed." Leigha moaned.

  "No, Sugar, I didn't agree to shit." Ridge said nibbling the sensitive skin just under her jaw.

  "But, I thought..." Leigha sputtered, trying to keep her thoughts in line which wasn't very easy with what he was doing to her. Hearing him call her by the old nickname he used when they were teenagers wasn't helping any either.

  "It was my only in, and I'm not above using it. I want you back in my life, as more than just someone to warm my bed when you're hungry to get some. But, If I have to convince you to stick around with multiple orgasms, then its really no hardship. Especially after the way you exploded around me. I've missed you, nobody tastes as sweet as you do Leigha. I was right all those years ago calling you my Sugar." Ridge used the hand on her ass to move her against his leg, teasing her. "Tell me that its been this good for you with another man." He looked into her eyes, nodding his head. "You can't without lying, because nobody has ever fucked you so good. Even before I even knew what the hell I was doing it was better than everyone else you let in after, wasn't it?"

  The pressure was already building, just from moving against his leg, and Leigha started to tremble. The things he could do to her body amazed her. He didn't have to move her anymore, she was bucking her hips eagerly against him all on her own. When she didn't answer his question he gripped her hips, stilling their frantic movement. When she whimpered and tried to move anyway his fingers only dug in holding her immobile. He cocked one dark eyebrow up questioningly at her. Sighing in frustration she admitted, "no comparison. When I did have sex, it was never worth it."

  "How long?" Ridge asked, back to licking her neck. His tongue making lazy patterns against her skin.

  "How long what?" Leigha answered in confusion, her brain not firing on all cylinders with her body still straining for that orgasm.

  "How long since you had a man?"

  "Until you? A few years, it wasn't worth it. I can do it better myself." Leigha said. Ridge released his hold on her, and she rocked greedily against him.

  "Holy shit." Ridge said, his voice rumbling against her skin, in that sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder meet. "C'mon, Sugar." He said as her breath starting coming in desperate pants as she got closer and closer. "You like riding my leg dontcha? Well c'mon then girl, I'm all yours. Work that hungry little pussy on me. Take what you want."

  Leigha was too far gone to answer him, and the dirty words spewing from his mouth were only spurring her on. She didn't even know how much she wanted that until now. Digging her nails hard into his shoulders, with a scream she stilled against him, her pussy pulsing against his thigh. Before the pulsing even stopped Ridge was yanking her up, and she found herself eye to eye with his big rustic headboard as he held her to his face. His mouth worked her dragging the aftershocks out. Grabbing onto the wood she held on tight as he sucked her clit into his mouth, and her back arched with the intensity of it.

  "I can't Ridge, its too much." Leigha moaned shakily. He was relentlessly pushing her to another orgasm, and the last one was barely over.

  "Yes you can Sugar, I'm no
t stopping until you don't even know your own name anymore." Ridge said, his breath tickling against her folds.

  Leigha started trembling, her whole body shaking with the sensations rampaging through her. Closing her eyes, she let out a strangled sounding scream as she came against his face, the orgasm ripping through her body leaving nothing unscathed as it reached its apex. Ridge licked her slowly while she tried to remember how to breathe. Leigha was glad he was holding her up, because she wouldn't be able to stay upright at that moment if her life depended on it. He eased her down his body until his lips found hers. She reveled in her taste still coating those lips, as she licked them.

  "That's right, lick all that sugar, you sure do taste amazing. I don't mind sharing it with you." Ridge said against her lips.

  Instead of being embarrassed by the brazenness, she moaned into his mouth and kissed him. Laying on top of his expansively sexy body Leigha could feel how hard his dick was pressed between them. Wiggling herself against it she started sliding down lower. His hands skimmed the skin of her back as she moved down his body. Taking her time to explore the secrets of his skin as she went, by the time she was face to face with his dick her mouth was practically watering for it. Looking back up his body she met his eyes. They were full of enough dark hunger her toes wanted to curl. Opening her mouth she ran her tongue around the swollen head, catching the drop of moisture beading there at the tip. Anchoring herself with her hands on his thighs she sank her head down, taking as much of him into her mouth as she could fit. His hands caught her hair, but instead of guiding the rhythm like she expected him to, he just held it tightly. Her eyes never leaving his she took a breath in through her nose, and moved her head back down. This time when he reached the back of her throat instead of stopping she swallowed, taking even more of him. Moving back up slowly she let the spit pool in her mouth, and with another deep breath and slow decent she worked him against the back of her throat.


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