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Still Yours

Page 14

by Cara Roman

  A smile stretching across her face Leigha ran her hands over her body. Feeling like a goddess standing in front of him, she watched the heat leap into his eyes as she palmed her breasts, before lightly pinching her nipples.

  "Harder." He said.

  Obeying without hesitation she squeezed down, her eyes locked on his.

  "Fuck. Sugar, you like that don't you." He asked already knowing the answer. "Twist those pretty pink nipples now."

  Leigha twisted the nipples she was still holding pinched in between her thumb and pointer fingers. A low moan escaped her lips at the sensation.

  "The clothes, lose them." Ridge said through gritted teeth.

  With a final tug on her nipples she smoothed her hands down to her waist. Leigha pulled the button free and dragged the zipper down feeling the zing of each of one of the little teeth it passed over. Pushing her jeans and panties over her hips she stepped out of them, back towards Ridge. He held a hand up stopping her from climbing back onto his lap.

  "Do you know what I've always wanted to see Sugar?" He asked her. Leigha shook her head back and forth. "I want to watch you make yourself come for me with just your fingers on that greedy pussy of yours."

  Leigha gasped feeling his dirty words skate along her skin. Never in her whole life had she ever felt more wanted. Harnessing all of the sensations swirling inside of her she reached her hand down. She was so drenched it was dripping down her thighs as she reached between her lips and rubbed her throbbing clit with her fingertips. It felt so good she couldn't help but close her eyes. Leigha wasn't new to getting herself off, but doing it in front of Ridge like this, putting on a show just for him, had the familiar feel of her own fingers feeling more exciting than it ever had before.

  Leigha heard Ridge demanding she open her eyes. It took two tries to peel her eyelids open, but when she managed to the sight of him staring at her with such raw, abject hunger in his eyes had her gasping. Feeling bold she lifted a leg and set it on the edge of the couch, giving him an even better view as she pushed two fingers as deep inside of her pussy as she could reach. The angle had the advantage of the heel of her hand pressing into her clit as she rocked her hips into her hand. She saw moisture bead up on the tip of his dick, and knew he was enjoying the show. Rolling one of her nipples in between her fingers as she fucked herself for him. Ridge licked his lips, and lazily stroked himself with one hand, almost like he didn't realize he was even doing it. Her legs stared shaking, as the pressure building inside of her reached its peak. Leigha's hips sped up, and she came moaning his name.

  Ridge reached out grabbing her hips and pulling her down on top of him. Her aftershocks fluttering around his dick as it slid inside. He caught her wrist and lifted it up to his mouth, licking her fingers clean of the slick juices coating them.

  "Mmmmm, you always taste so delicious." He groaned. "How did that feel?"

  "So damn good." Leigha moaned.

  "Want more?" Ridge asked with a sexy smirk.

  "You know I do." She answered huskily.

  "I'm all yours Sugar." He said grabbing her face in his hands and kissing her. She could still taste herself on his tongue, and it only turned her on even more.

  Her hands gripping his arms, holding them to her, she started moving. Leigha knew she wouldn't last long, another orgasm already making the walls of her pussy tremble around him. Too far gone for slow, she rode him as fast as her hips would move, letting gravity slam her down onto him hard. Biting into his lip she felt his hips come up to meet hers with each thrust. In the background the movie still played, mingling with the sound of their bodies slapping hungrily into each other. She ripped her mouth away from his to let the moan bubbling up inside of her out. As the orgasm tore through her body she felt him swell and knew by the rush of heat he was right there with her. Leigha stayed there, on his lap, her whole body trembling from the force of the pleasure flowing through it.

  "You love me." Ridge said, his voice betraying all of the awe he was feeling.

  "I really do." Leigha smiled. "And we still can't manage to sit and watch this movie."

  Ridge's sexy laugh rumbled through the room as he stood up catching her ass in his hands and carried her off into the bedroom for more.

  Chapter 25

  Leigha's phone rang as she was walking out of the bank the next day. Looking down at the display her whole face lit up in a blinding smile.

  "Hey handsome." She answered.

  "Hey Sugar. Remember how I was going to marinate some chops to throw on the grill for us tonight?" Ridge said sounding sheepish.

  "I remember hearing mention of that. Let me guess, you forgot?" She laughed standing in the parking lot next to her car waving at one of her regulars as he walked past heading into the bank.

  "Yeah. To my credit I've spent the majority of the day on the phone with my manager though." He said. "So I was thinking I could meet you at Borrello's and make a date of it?"

  Leigha looked down at her Caffeinated Sprinkles shirt, noticing the smear of caramel syrup she was sporting right on the front. "Sounds good, meet you there in thirty?" She opened her door and climbed into her car. That gave her enough time to get home and change.

  "I could pick you up." Ridge replied.

  "Then you would just have to bring me back home for work at the crack of dawn." She started the car and pulled out heading the short distance home.

  "Or I could spend the night at your place." She could hear the smile in his voice.

  "Uh-uh, you said we could try out your newly installed hot tub tonight, and I've been looking forward to it all day long."

  "Maybe we should skip the pizza place then." Ridge said with a playful growl.

  "Not a chance. You're feeding me first Ridge Bradley, what kind of woman do you think I am." Leigha said walking into her house. Finn immediately started weaving himself through her ankles. Leaning down she ran her hand from his head down his back to his tail.

  "Good idea, you're going to need your energy. And you're my woman, that's what kind."

  A delicious thrill tingled down her spine in anticipation. "Oh, is that so?"

  "Hell yes it is, I can never get enough of you. Pack clothes for tomorrow babe, that way you won't have to get up so early and head home before work. See you in twenty five minutes, and counting. Love you."

  "Love you too." She whispered.

  "Never get sick of hearing that Sugar." Ridge said before ending the call.

  Leigha pulled the elastic out of her hair as she walked into her bedroom. Standing in front of her closet she tossed her dirty work clothes in the hamper over in the corner, and considered all of her options. Borrello's was just a little small town pizzeria, the food was great, but most people didn't bother to dress up there. This was technically the first date they were having this time around, though. At least the first one somewhere out in public. She wanted to look good for her man, wanted to watch his gorgeous eyes taking all of her in from across the table. Her coral colored shirt dress bridged the gap. It was chill enough that she wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb, but there was a casual sexiness to it that she thought Ridge would appreciate. Pulling it over her head she spent a few minutes fiddling with the buttons down the front, so he would get a sneaky peek-a-boo of her cleavage, before adding a brown leather belt at her waist. She tossed some clothes in a tote for work tomorrow, and slipped her feet into cognac colored ankle boots.

  Walking into the bathroom she decided what the hell. In for a penny, in for a pound. Opening the drawer she pulled out her seldom used makeup bag. Adding a couple swipes of mascara to her top lashes, and a slick of lip gloss to her mouth. She had to kneel down to look under the sink for the bottle of sea salt spray the stylist talked her into during her last haircut. Giving the bottle a quick shake she spritzed it all over and sort of scrunched her hair in her hands like the girl told her to. One enthusiastic shake, and her thick brown hair settled around her head, making her think of just fucked hair, and hoping Ridge got the same image in h
is mind when he saw it.

  Checking the time she walked back into the kitchen and gave Finn enough food to keep him happy until tomorrow when she got home from work. She picked him up and scratched behind his ears. "See you later Finn, don't throw any wild parties while I'm gone, honey." She said giving his sweet face a quick nuzzle.

  Setting him back down she plucked her dark wash denim jacket off the hook, and maneuvered her arms awkwardly into it while trying not to set her purse and overnight bag down. Laughing at herself she stepped into the garage, locking the door behind her. She leaned into the car setting her bags on the passenger seat before slipping in. Leigha caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror as she pulled out of the driveway, and smiled.

  The drive across town only took her five minutes before she was parking next to his big truck, already sitting there waiting for her. She was just closing the door when Ridge stepped out of his truck. He was wearing a charcoal gray henley with a pair of dark jeans. She saw the initials RB worked into the intricate design of his belt buckle, since his shirt was caught behind it. He stopped an arms length away from her, and his eyes swept her from the toes up. She felt his gaze travel along her body, and reveled in it. When his eyes finally met hers there was enough heat swirling in them she wondered how there weren't curls of smoke leaking out of his ears. He set his hand on the side of her neck, his thumb brushing softly along her jaw.

  "Damn baby. You walk in there looking like that nobody's gonna be able to keep their eyes in their heads. I sure am a lucky bastard, that I'm the one who gets your heart." There was a smirk on his face, but his eyes betrayed the depth of what he was saying. "Come on, I wanna show you off." He added catching her hand in his and leading the way across the parking lot towards Borrello's.

  "Ridge, I grew up here too. Everybody in there already knows what I look like." Leigha said laughing.

  "Doesn't mean a damn thing Sugar." Ridge said as he pulled the door open for her.

  Borrello's did a good business between the delivery, carry out, and dining room. Ridge steered her past the small to-go counter to the hostess stand. Leigha recognized the girl standing there with a big smile lighting up her face, she liked brownies, and an extra shot of espresso in her latte.

  "Welcome to Borrello's, let me show you to a table." She said in a nervous rush. She walked into the dining room towards a circular table covered in a red checkered table cloth off to the side. "How's this table?" She asked.

  "Perfect, thank you." Ridge said with a knowing smile. He held the chair out for Leigha, before walking over to his own.

  Their hostess's hands were shaking when she set the menus down in front of them. "Kevin, umm, he's gonna be your waiter tonight, he will be along shortly." She turned bright red and hurried back to the front of the restaurant.

  "Is it always like that?" Leigha asked as she watched the girl. "She was so excited she could barely speak, then mortified that she wasn't cool and collected."

  "Not always, but it happens a lot, yeah." Ridge said with a shrug. "Its better than the people who forget I'm an actual person."

  "What do you mean?" Leigha asked picking up her menu. She didn't really need it though, she had eaten everything on it at least once in her life.

  "Like when you're just trying to take a piss and a woman barges into the men's room with her phone up and ready to snap a picture of your dick. Or when people tell me how much they hated my song in the grocery store. And every time I'm sitting at a bar that means I'm gonna get asked to sing my songs." He sighed. "I get it. I signed up for this life, and that means I opened myself up to that. But I'm not just a product ya know. Sometimes I just want to be just a person."

  Just then Kevin showed up, to take their order. Ridge decided on the lasagna, and Leigha went with fettuccine alfredo. Neither of them were apparently in the mood for pizza. Once Kevin walked away Leigha returned to the subject.

  "Is that why you wanted to come home?" She asked him resting her head in her hand.

  "It definitely factored in there, yeah. But mostly, I missed you Leigha. I tried to move on,and failed fucking miserably at it. I just couldn't stay away anymore. " He said reaching across the table for her hand. Leigha immediately laid her palm against his.

  "When you say things like that I forget how to breathe." She said honestly.

  "I'm not gonna lie, I really like knowing I do that to you." He said with a big grin reminding her of how he used to look before he left, and life got in the way. There was such an uncomplicated ease in that.

  Kevin walked over and set their drinks down letting them know their food would be ready in a few minutes.

  "Well, our waiter doesn't seem to be too impressed with you, he barely looked your way." Leigha said.

  "To see me he would have to peel his eyes off you, and he isn't about to do that. Don't blame him though. When you're in a room there isn't anywhere else worth looking." His thumb was making lazy circles over her knuckles.

  "Guess I didn't notice. My focus was elsewhere" Leigha said, her voice husky.

  Ridge leaned forward, "I know."

  Leigha felt the heat pooling in her center, and knew that if the food didn't show up in the next thirty seconds she was going to stand up and drag him out of here. Crossing her legs she squeezed her thighs together and tried not to think about how fast they could make it out to his truck. She could tell by the slow simmer in his eyes that Ridge knew where her thoughts had gone.

  Kevin walked up just then and set their plates down in front of them. He said something, before walking away again. Neither one of them heard him, so lost in each other.

  "Come on Sugar, you said I had to feed you. You keep looking at me like that and I'm not going to be able to hold myself back."

  Desire written all over her face Leigha pulled her hand out of his and picked up her fork. "I'll do my best. Although, I might not mind that." She added just to watch the sexy smile break across his face. "So, how come you were on the phone all day? Is everything okay?" Leigha asked as she swirled her fork in the noodles before taking a bite.

  "Yeah, its all good. Just trying to get everything arranged." Ridge said staring at her mouth.

  "For what?" Leigha asked as she slowly licked a bit of sauce off her bottom lip.

  "Huh?" Ridge asked distracted.

  "What were you arranging with your manager?" Leigha asked with a knowing smile. It made her feel good that she could completely blank out his mind so easily. This was a man who could have just about any woman he wanted to, but he was all hers.

  "Oh yeah." Ridge laughed, "the ACM's are this month. I'm supposed to perform, and I'm up for an award."

  "That's awesome Ridge!" Leigha said, proud of him. "I'll be cheering you on this year." She said, not adding that in years previous she avoided watching the awards shows like the plague. Hearing about which awards he won always made her so proud, but that didn't mean she could handle watching. Seeing his face on the screen was just too hard. It never failed to remind her of the aching emptiness in her heart where he was supposed to be. Things were different now though. With Ridge back in her life, there was no reason to avoid them.

  "I was actually hoping you could come with me Leigha." Ridge said quietly. The intensity in his eyes betraying just how much her being there meant to him.

  "Oh, Ridge, I don't think I can. Who will run Caffeinated Sprinkles?" She said feeling like a dream killer.

  "Didn't you just give Tina more responsibilities?" He asked.

  "Yeah, we are doing well enough, and I was hoping to be able to get a day off every now and again."

  "Between her and Dani couldn't they manage?"

  "How long would I be gone?" Leigha asked, her mind running through all the possibilities.

  "A week. I have rehearsals, and there are press and events to attend leading up to it." Ridge answered.

  She could see the hope burning in his eyes. "Do I have to answer tonight? I'd like to talk this through with Dani tomorrow, and see if Tina is up for it." />
  Ridge nodded, "yeah, let me know if its something you can swing. It would mean a lot to me having you by my side."

  "So Ridge, I've been fed. What do you say we get out of here?" Leigha asked, determined to turn the conversation around again.

  "I was ready to leave before we walked in." Ridge set some cash on the table, enough to cover the bill plus the tip, and stood up with a scrape of his chair. He held his hand out to Leigha, "come on, lets go break my hot tub in."

  Chapter 26

  The temperatures hadn't been warm enough for Leigha to spend much time out on Ridge's back deck yet. Taking a step out the door to watch Boomer run around the yard, or urinate on every single blade of grass available, hardly counted. A massive thing, it stretched across the whole back of the house. When you walked out the french door off the kitchen there was only a couple steps leading down into the grass, but the yard had a gradual slope to accommodate the walk out basement. So if you were to walk further down the deck sat much higher off the ground, and there was even a patio with a built in fire pit below you could access from the basement.

  There was a comforting softness to the darkness surrounding them, the tree line a few yards away was hazy and indistinct. Solar lights mounted atop the railing gave the whole porch a warm flickering glow. The ground was a ways down on this side of the deck, adding to the air of privacy, not that it was necessary since Ridge didn't have any neighbors living close by. Eight people would have had enough room to sit and relax in the hot tub, and never worry about touching each other if they didn't want to. Steam was already rising up from the surface of the water to dance seductively in the cool evening air.

  The smile on Leigha's face was decidedly sexy as she turned away from the hot tub and faced Ridge. Snaking her hands around his neck she pressed herself against all of the hard angles of his body she loved so very much. Pressing a kiss to the base of his neck, just above the collar of his cotton shirt she whispered, "I've been thinking about this all day." His arms came around her, fingers gripping her ass as he pulled her hips even closer. She could feel how hard he was even through the material of his jeans, and her dress. Leigh rubbed herself shamelessly up against him while she waited to hear his response.


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