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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses Series, #6)

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by Lexy Timms

  Wife to the Boss

  Managing the Bosses Series, Volume 6

  Lexy Timms

  Published by Dark Shadow Publishing, 2016.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. April 18, 2016.

  Copyright © 2016 Lexy Timms.

  ISBN: 978-1519905918

  Written by Lexy Timms.

  Also by Lexy Timms

  Alpha Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Triology

  Alpha Biker

  Dominating PA Series

  Her Personal Assistant - Part 1

  Firehouse Romance Series

  Caught in Flames

  Fortune Riders MC Series

  Billionaire Biker

  Billionaire Ransom

  Billionaire Misery

  Hades' Spawn Motorcycle Club

  One You Can't Forget

  One That Got Away

  One That Came Back

  One You Never Leave

  Heart of the Battle Series

  Celtic Viking

  Celtic Rune

  Celtic Mann

  Justice Series

  Seeking Justice

  Finding Justice

  Chasing Justice

  Managing the Bosses Series

  The Boss

  The Boss Too

  Who's the Boss Now

  Love the Boss

  I Do the Boss

  Wife to the Boss (Coming Soon)

  Employed by the Boss (Coming Soon)

  Gift for the Boss - Novella 3.5

  R&S Rich and Single Series

  Alex Reid

  Parker (Coming Soon)

  Saving Forever

  Saving Forever - Part 1

  Saving Forever - Part 2

  Saving Forever - Part 3

  Saving Forever - Part 4

  Saving Forever - Part 5

  Saving Forever - Part 6

  Saving Forever Part 7

  Southern Romance Series

  Little Love Affair

  Siege of the Heart

  Freedom Forever

  Soldier's Fortune

  Tattooist Series

  Confession of a Tattooist

  Surrender of a Tattooist

  Heart of a Tattooist

  Tennessee Romance

  Whisky Lullaby

  The University of Gatica Series

  The Recruiting Trip




  Undercover Series

  Perfect For Me

  Perfect For You

  Perfect For Us (Coming Soon)

  Unknown Identity Series


  Unpublished (Coming Soon)

  Unexposed (Coming Soon)



  Loving Charity

  Summer Lovin'

  Love & College

  Billionaire Heart

  First Love

  Frisky and Fun Romance Box Collection

  Wife to the Boss

  Book 5

  Managing the Bosses Series


  Lexy Timms

  Copyright 2016 by Lexy Timms

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2016 by Lexy Timms

  Managing the Bosses Series

  The Boss

  The Boss Too

  Who’s The Boss Now

  Love The Boss

  I Do The Boss

  Wife of the Boss

  Employed to the Boss

  Brother of the Boss

  Senior Advisor to the Boss


  Christmas Novella (3.5)

  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  Hot n' Handsome, Rich & Single... how far are you willing to go?

  Meet Alex Reid, CEO of Reid Enterprise. Billionaire extra ordinaire, chiseled to perfection, panty-melter and currently single.

  Learn about Alex Reid before he began Managing the Bosses. Alex Reid sits down for an interview with R&S.

  His life style is like his handsome looks: hard, fast, breath-taking and out to play ball. He's risky, charming and determined.

  How close to the edge is Alex willing to go? Will he stop at nothing to get what he wants?

  Alex Reid is book 1 in the R&S Rich and Single Series. Fall in love with these hot and steamy men; all single, successful, and searching for love.

  Find Lexy Timms:

  Lexy Timms Newsletter:

  Lexy Timms Facebook Page:

  Lexy Timms Website:


  From Bestselling Author, Lexy Timms, comes a billionaire romance that'll make you swoon and fall in love all over again.

  Book 1, THE BOSS, in this series is currently FREE!

  Jamie Connors has everything she ever dreamed of. A body that's lost its weight, confidence she never thought she had, the best job in the world and she's now engaged to the perfect future husband.

  Except the fairytale of perfection might not be as wonderful as it seems-at least the press is trying to make it seem that way. When things emerge in the papers that she never knew about, she begins to question everything.

  The past, the present and the future all seem to be colliding into one horrible ball of confusion.

  Can she find her way through and put her faith and her heart into the hands of the man she loves?

  ** I Do the Boss is book 5 in the Managing the Bosses series. **

  Managing the Bosses Series:

  The Boss

  The Boss Too

  Who's the Boss Now

  * Gift for the Boss (Christmas Novella)

  Love the Boss

  I Do the Boss

  Employed to the Boss

  Brother to the Boss

  Senior Advisor to the Boss

  This is steamy romance, NOT erotica.


  Managing the Bosses Series

  New Series with Alex from the Boss Series

  Find Lexy Timms:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16
br />   Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Note from the Author:

  Bonus Excerpt of ALEX REID

  Rich & Single Series

  R&S Description:

  R&S Prologue

  R&S Chapter 1

  R&S Chapter 2

  Find Lexy Timms:

  Managing the Bosses Series

  More by Lexy Timms:

  Chapter 1

  The tests were in, and there was in fact a little life growing inside of her. Jamie smiled at the thought, though it still scared the hell out of her. Kids didn’t come with manuals. She knew it was silly, yet some part of her thought maybe they should.

  Alex was excited about the possibilities, and had already started a list of boy and girl names that he wanted her to continue to add to until they found out what they were having. He was like a kid himself, excited and hyper as he talked nonstop about it. He had been quiet at first, finally telling her he was worried he would turn out like his father. Then somehow, he woke up one morning and decided he was going to be the best dad ever. Jamie didn’t doubt it for a moment.

  The honeymoon phase was still very much in effect, but Jamie wasn’t sure that it wouldn’t always be with Alex. Simply being in the same room with him left her breathless.

  She walked to the kitchen as her phone blasted upbeat tunes from the living room. Alex was out playing golf with Mark, which had become one of the many ways they were working to lower his stress levels. The fact that the two brothers were spending time together was enough to make Jamie smile. They needed each other. With their mother and father already gone, they were it from the Reid side of the family.

  Until this teeny tiny peanut inside of her came out. If it was a boy, the name would continue. “No pressure,” she muttered teasingly to her belly.

  The press situation had started to subside over the last few weeks, the media getting a hold of a Hollywood icon’s newest scandal and running in that direction. A famous actor, Conrad Danes, was dating some bestselling author, and the paparazzi wanted to figure out who the author was. Whereas Jamie was grateful for the break in attention, she felt horrible for whoever’s life it was that they were headed to wreck. The media had a way about them, and seeing that Alex was approaching the line to be one of the top five wealthiest men in the United States, Jamie hoped there was something he could do to change it. It was like salmon swimming upstream. Most of the newspapers and magazines thrived on hype that wasn’t true. It was damning at best. If anyone could change it, that person might just be Alex.

  The story with Stephen was pulled from the Enquirer as soon as Alex’s lawyers got a hold of them, and Stephen was rotting in jail for attempted murder. Nicholas was out of the picture and the settlement was finalized with him, though Jamie didn’t really agree with not taking him to court. He deserved his own private jail cell, too, but supporting Alex in his decision was her best bet. It was his lawsuit to file or settle, and he’d been the bigger man. He always was.

  Sunday afternoons were quiet around the house, and cleaning up the huge place they called home had become lethargic. She bounced on her heels as she worked to get her hair up. Her eyes moved around the kitchen, looking for something to scrub that the maids didn’t catch earlier that week.

  Alex refused to let them go, and most days she was grateful for them, but playing Cinderella at her mother’s house half of her childhood left her lost. It was better to stay busy anyway. It helped her not think about everything coming up.

  “If only childbirth could be like the wedding. Safe. Comfortable. Intimate,” she muttered as she reached up and grabbed a box of light bulbs before walking through the living room.

  A quick spin on her toes almost had her losing her balance.

  “Oh crap.” She reached out and grabbed the arm of the couch, letting out a shaky sigh. The doctors had cleared her from the scare a few weeks before. She was pregnant, and yet no one could tell her why the tests came out so inconclusive. At first they figured that it was a tubal pregnancy, but after running a few more tests a week or so later, they were satisfied everything was alright. The fetus was where it was supposed to be. Living in fear over what was or wasn’t for a few weeks waiting for the results, after all they’d been through with the press and Stephen, was exhausting.

  “We need another vacation. A permanent vacation.” She opened the door to the garage and walked out, flipping on a light and searching for the ladder. Two of the three lights had burned out above Alex’s side of the garage, and trying to get him to do anything at home was damn near impossible. He was once again living at the office. She didn’t mean to sound like she was complaining. She hadn’t really asked him to fix them.

  Her phone buzzed as she located the ladder, and she turned and walked back into the house. Not answering Alex’s call, should it be him, would only leave him worried.

  He’d been having more pain in his chest, though he refused to have it checked out. The idea of it being related to him being shot never seemed to leave her mind, but the cause was irrelevant. The fact still remained that he was suffering from something, and they’d yet to diagnose what.

  “Hey, baby.” Jamie trapped the phone between her ear and her shoulder.

  “Not your baby, but close enough.” Mark laughed loudly as the sound of him moving around filled up the phone. “Get off of me.”

  “Give me the phone, you oaf.” Alex's voice was muted, but the sound of the messing around caused Jamie’s lips to lift in a smile.

  “What are you two doing?” Jamie asked, and walked back out into the garage. Jake scratched at the back door, and she let out a soft growl before walking back in the house to let the dog out.

  The light could be changed later. Obviously it wasn't happening now. She chuckled; not that she really minded, and she was just the same as Alex.

  “I just wanted you to hear real time—” Mark's voice faded.

  These guys were far too much. They grew up half hating each other, but after only a few months together they were like best buddies, dragging each other into immaturity at every opportunity.

  “Jamie?” Alex huffed as his voice wrapped around her, sending her heart racing. He had more power over her than he might ever imagine possible. “Don't you listen to a word this rat—”

  “Would I lie to you?” Mark laughed, and it sounded like he was jogging.

  “You guys are ridiculous. I'm making hamburgers for dinner. Be home by six. Okay?” She opened the back door and walked out into the warm afternoon, breathing in and closing her eyes for a few minutes. Where the house behind her had once just belonged to Alex, it was now theirs.

  “I actually beat him. Can you believe that shit?” Mark screamed like a girl.

  Jamie pulled the phone from her ear and laughed. “Is he threatening you again?”

  “Yes. Here he is.” Mark screamed again.

  “He's such a fucking girl.” Alex laughed before huffing and puffing in the phone. “I'm out of breath. I need to start getting back into the gym. I’m out of shape.”

  She smiled. “I have a jungle gym I could work you out on.”

  “Mmmm... I like the sound of that. How about we work on my skills tonight”?” He exhaled loudly. “That something you wanna do?”

  “You know I do. I haven't stopped thinking about it since the last time.” She knelt down and brushed her hands over Jake's head. “Don't be late coming home. No stopping for beers, and watch out for your chest, Alex. I don't like the idea of you not trying to rest while you guys are playing golf. You sound like you're chasing each other around the green.”

  “Jeez. Where is my sexy girlfriend, who would encourage me to spend time with my brother and do as I pleased?” He chuckled, teasing her.

  She could hear Mark laughing in the background and teasing him about being strapped to the ol’ ball and chain. Alex made an obvious effort to cover the phone as he snapped back at Mark, “She’s sexier than hell.”

t argue with you there, buddy,” Mark shot back, laughing again.

  “Enough; you guys are terrible,” Jamie laughed despite herself.

  “So where is that sexy girlfriend of mine?” Alex teased.

  “She's now your wife, who wants dinner with you and a long night beneath you.” She pursed her lips as images moved through her mind. It had been a few nights since they'd been together. One night was too much.

  “I can't argue with that, nor would I try.” His breathing started to return to normal. “You're taking it easy, right? You weren't feeling too good this past week.”

  “I'm good. Stop talking to me like you're my dad.” She got up and walked back into the house, waiting for a comment that didn't come.

  “Mark. No, dude. Give me that. I gotta go, baby. We'll be home around six, or we'll try. Take a nap or go for a swim.” There was a pause. “Hey, dickhead! Mark!”

  Jamie rolled her eyes and set the phone on the counter as she walked back into the kitchen.

  “What was I doing? Right. Might as well get the garage light changed.” She pressed her hand to her stomach and paused, thinking she felt something flutter deep inside of her. Then nothing.

  “Probably gas.” She shook her head and walked back to the garage and Jake jumped around at her feet. “I know, buddy. Daddy will be home soon and we'll have some dinner. Did you have fun playing outside today?”

  She grabbed the ladder and moved back to the center of Alex's spot. Why he had to have such high ceilings was beyond her, but everything was bigger and grander in Alex's world than it ever had been in hers. The ladder was almost too heavy to lug into the right spot, but she'd never been one to give up on a good challenge, which this was proving to be.

  After positioning it securely and double-checking it a few times, she made her way half way up and paused, groaning. “The freaking lights.” She carefully moved back down and grabbed the lights, which forced her to only use one hand going back up. “Just breathe. It's not even that high.”


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