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The Janus Cycle

Page 23

by Tej Turner

  Simon Llewellyn, for being the second person to ever read the entire manuscript. When someone like you says good things… well… that is a good sign.

  Iris Mansfield, who read one of the stories to check for accuracy and gave me lots of useful comments.

  Douglas Thompson, for recommending I try submitting to Elsewhen Press – that was definitely a good shout.

  My editors, Dan and Sofia, who, with much patience, brought vast improvements to this novel and taught me how to use a comma.

  And finally, Pete and Al, for your enthusiasm, hard work, and taking a chance on me.

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  About the author

  Tej Turner has just begun branching out as a writer and been published in anthologies, including Impossible Spaces (Hic Dragones Press) and The Bestiarum Vocabulum (Western Legends).

  His parents moved around a bit while he was growing up so he doesn’t have any particular place he calls “home”, but most of his developing years were spent in the West country of England. He went on to Trinity College in Carmarthen to study Film and Creative Writing, and then later to complete an MA at The University of Wales, Lampeter, where he minored in ancient history but mostly focused on sharpening his writing skills.

  Tej has just returned from backpacking his way across Asia and keeping a travelblog ( to let his friends and fans follow him on his adventures as he gallivanted around Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Nepal. When he is not trekking jungles or exploring temples, reefs, and caves he is usually based in Cardiff, where he works by day, writes by moonlight, and squeezes in the occasional trip to roam around megalithic sites and the British countryside. The next time he has enough money he will be flying off on another adventure.

  He is currently engaged in writing an epic fantasy series.




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