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Beyond the Masks (Beyond Love Series Book 1)

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by Nicky F. Grant

  She’d identified with her father so much that, when he died, nothing else existed. Not family. Not friends. Not Jacob. Her job distracted her enough to keep going. A singular focus on success kept her from drowning in sadness. And what was the outcome? Losing the love of her life yet becoming the most successful woman to run a music label.

  David’s hand wrapped around hers, and he wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

  “Now, honey, your makeup will run. We don’t want to scare the waiter.” He handed her a monogramed handkerchief he kept stowed away in his jeans pocket.

  “I’m so silly. I don’t even know why I’m crying,” she choked out a laugh.

  “It’s okay, doll.” He patted her thigh.

  “Kelly, could you switch on the music?”

  “Yes, Ms. Vaughn,” the driver responded.

  Bass sounded through the speakers as Anna Marie’s new single filled the vehicle. The lyrics boomed through the bass, singing about Saturday nights and crazy parties. Omega Records had signed her last year, and she was destined to be the next Ariana Grande. Shane was sure of it.

  “Is this your new protégé?” David asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “As you know, her single dropped this week.”

  “Oh, right, right. Word on the street is she caused quite the scandal recently. Something about sleeping with some other musician’s boyfriend.”

  “And where did you hear that?”

  “You know, my girl, Celeb Deb.”

  “Who?” She laughed.

  He whipped out his smart phone, and she glanced at the displayed gossip site. “Move over Perez. It’s my job to keep you in the know, remember?”

  “I guess knowing who’s sleeping with whom could be a benefit. It’ll help me gauge how good their next album will be.”

  “Shit does write itself.”

  They hopped out of the parked vehicle and entered the quaint bistro. A tall, broad man towered over her with a kind smile. He enveloped her in a bear hug, swinging her around.


  “How are you? It’s been too long.”

  “Tell me about it. Wonderful to see you.”

  “Hi, babe,” David reached to hug him as he set Shane on her feet.

  “Hello, love,” Sean said in a low baritone. He kissed David’s cheek and led them to their table. “I already ordered the champagne.”

  “Special occasion?”

  He slid into the booth and shifted the table to accommodate his size. “Nothing special. Only the first time we’ve been together in a while. And I figured David already had a few.”

  “He knows me so well.” He fluttered his eyes at his beau.

  Sean moved his arm to rest on the seatback behind David. He settled into the space comfortably even though his size said otherwise. His fingers lightly drifted over David’s nape. It filled her soul to see them so happy and free to express their love.

  “So, Shane, still conquering the industry one act at a time?”

  “We’re trying. We have some new things in the works, and award season is around the corner. A few artists will make the nominations list again.”

  “Oh, she’s being modest,” David chimed. “She’s going to change the world.”

  “I bet she is.” Sean winked. The waiter served a bottle of champagne and three glasses. His meaty mitt covered his glass, implying he had to return to work. “David tells me Jacob is still up to no good, signing one of your bands and all.” Compassion shone from his chocolate brown eyes.

  She sipped the bubbly liquid and rolled it around her tongue before swallowing. It still zinged her when anyone said his name.

  “I’m taking it as a form of flattery. Now I need to figure out how he’s tracking the talent we prospect. This isn’t a coincidence.”

  “If I hear any talk going around, I’ll be sure to let you and David know.” The comment warmed her insides. He not only cared for David, but his friends too.

  “Thanks. I’m taking a closer look at an internal employee as well.”

  “How so?”

  “She thinks Omega’s Talent Director may have given Jacob some inside information,” David interjected.

  Sean’s eyebrows shot up. “No shit? And you think Jacob asked for it?”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”

  Sean’s lips thinned in disappointment. He and Jacob had been close when the four of them were all together. “What’s your plan with…?”

  “Gavin Mayne?” she prompted.

  “Yeah, him,” Sean confirmed. Shane relaxed, thankful for the slight shift in the conversation.

  “Not sure yet. But we’ll be working on closing the Ryan Digmore deal together. Especially because AMG is entertaining him as well.”

  “Never a dull moment in the industry,” Sean laughed.

  “No kidding.” She exhaled. “What about you, Sean? What has my favorite production manager so busy?”

  “The usual. The current tour I’m on is pretty minimal as far as sets and coordination. My staff has things under control.”

  “He’s lying. He’s overworked and underpaid. We hardly see each other,” David said, his gaze longing as he met Sean’s. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” He placed his free hand in David’s. “He’s right. Who am I kidding? The travel is getting to me…us…and I need to think about settling down. I’m not getting any younger.”

  Fifteen years older than David, Sean had traveled his entire career. David had told her he was used to the grueling schedule, but she could tell it bothered him. Whenever Sean was on tour, David would stay with her. No hardship there. She loved having him. She hated being alone, and he was family and as much a brother to her as her own.

  Her heart ached. She wanted what they had. She leaned her head in her hand. She was taking the right steps to get there and he, whoever that was, would come along in due time. Whenever the universe felt she was ready, he would appear and fill the void Jacob left behind.

  Chatter filled the open-air restaurant as Gavin patiently waited at a table. He typed an email to his team about giving Shane a debriefing on the Digmore deal when a shadow crossed over the table.

  “Hello there, fine sir.” Jacob held out a hand.

  Gavin slid his phone into his pocket as he rose from his seat. “Sir,” answering back with a curt nod and a hard handshake.

  As they sat, the waiter arrived to deliver his beer. “Something for you, sir?”

  “Yes, I’ll have a Glenlivet. Neat,” Jacob ordered.

  “That kind of Saturday?”

  “Long night. But let’s get business out of the way first,” Jacob insisted. Reaching for an envelope in his jacket pocket, he slid it over to Gavin. “You will find everything is in order according to our agreement.”

  Gavin peered inside the envelope. A royalty document and a sizable check made out to cash. “Thank you.” He folded the contents and placed it in his pants pocket.

  “No, thank you. It’s been a pleasure working with you on this deal. I think all parties involved were compensated appropriately. Icarus Descending is pleased with their decision.”

  “I hope they feel they made the right choice.” Gavin gritted his teeth. A twinge of guilt moved through him.

  “Of course, they did.” Jacob opened a menu. “Recording kicks off next week, and my team has them in front of a few promoters for next year’s festival circuit. It’s scoping out to be another profitable year for AMG.” He smiled, folding his menu and laying it on the table.

  The waiter returned with his drink and promptly took their orders. “Now with business out of the way, what’s prompting the scotch?”

  Jacob swallowed the amber liquid slowly. Hesitation?

  “I dropped the band off at Azotar and made my way home shortly after.”

  “Who was the after?”

  “Miranda. You know, that sexy little minx from the club? She’ll allow pretty much anything.” He seemed to puff out
his chest.

  “I’ve seen her there. Seems adventurous enough,” Gavin agreed, although he found Azotar overrated. Jacob exuded power and elite status, like himself. He should be playing at The Resort.

  “You haven’t been around there much. Where’ve you been lately?”

  “Around.” Gavin shrugged.

  Jacob leaned forward and tapped the side of his glass. “I’d be interested in knowing where around is.”

  He narrowed his gaze and fixed on Jacob’s. A sly grin appeared. Jacob’s confident composure and subtle hints regarding Miranda confirmed he did play in the scene.

  “So, you are in the lifestyle. I figured as much. Didn’t know we had so much in common.”

  “I did. We’re cut from the same cloth, Gavin. Even when you don’t realize it, you give bits and pieces away about yourself. I wouldn’t have done business with you if I didn’t think you were trustworthy. Which reminds me. When are you going to leave Omega and join AMG?”

  He’d been waiting for Jacob to scout him. By working together, it kept Gavin’s options open. The deal wasn’t done in error. It was intentional in order to get a foothold at AMG, in case he needed it later. But what was Jacob’s motivation in agreeing to it?

  “I’m good at the moment. Thank you for the offer.”

  Currently, he had one goal, and it was to be the CEO of a record company. Gavin was ready now, and he would always be second in command if he moved labels. Getting there through Shane was the quickest route. Considering a move to AMG was Plan B.

  “I think this last deal with Icarus Descending will square us up for a while, but if something changes, I’ll let you know.”

  Jacob leaned back in his chair, examining him for more bits and pieces. Since there was history between him and Shane, Gavin couldn’t risk showing he had a plan to steal her career.

  The waiter set down their plates, and they ordered another round. “This is still open for discussion.”

  Another tense pause. Both vied for control of the table through their silences. Jacob dismissed it. “Back to the around. Where is this place?”

  Gavin reached for his wallet and handed Jacob a business card.

  “The Resort? Never heard of it.”

  “It’s brand new. Heavy on the privacy and protection of the members. Nowadays you can never be too careful.”

  “Very true.”

  “I know the owner so if you want to try it out. Let me know,” he offered.

  “Thank you; I’ll take you up on it.” Jacob slipped the card into his pocket. “How’s Shane?”

  Gavin chomped a piece of steak. He considered Jacob’s relationship—or lack thereof—with her. “Why do you ask?”

  “We have history, so I tend to check in periodically.”

  Yeah, right. “I heard something about that.” He swallowed the last of his beer. Placing the bottle down, he made eye contact with Jacob. Anger ticked like a time bomb in his chest. If Jacob thought he could get information about Shane through him, he was mistaken.

  “Well?” Jacob pushed on with a tight jaw.

  Stopping his interest in his meal, Gavin held his fork prongs to the plate. “Not sure I’d be the best person to ask. She’s my boss, so I have no idea about her outside life and companions, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  Jacob wiped his mouth with his linen napkin, placed it on his empty plate, and pushed it away. “Not why I was asking. I was more or less making sure you weren’t too close given the underlying circumstances of our business relationship.”

  “I’ve proven myself to you. No need to test the waters,” he confirmed. “But I think there was more to your question. Given your so-called past relationship, you have no interest in who she’s sleeping with?”

  “She can do what she wants, I have no claim on her. Even though we had differences in the past, I like to know she’s doing well.” The slight twitch in Jacob’s grin said he was lying.

  “It’s obvious she’s doing well, given her circumstances.”

  They stared at each other. Waiting. An underlying understanding was exchanged. This conversation was terminated.

  Gavin stood, tossing cash on the table as Jacob followed suit, shaking his hand. A flare of adrenaline ignited in his bones. Things needed to be simple to meet his objective. If Jacob interceded, a reunion between the two could present itself, and Gavin’s dream job would become be unreachable.

  The race to win Shane’s heart had begun.


  “You can leave those in the hall closet. I’ll put them away later,” Shane said to Kelly as her apartment door swung open.

  “Yes, Ms. Vaughn,” she responded, professional as always. She never said much but what did Shane expect? She was only hired to drive and help with minimal tasks.

  “Thank you for your help today.”

  Kelly set the garments and other bags inside the closet and nodded, exiting the apartment.

  Shane walked to the kitchen and put her purse on the island. Kick-off for award season was around the corner, and submitting entries had become a top priority. Her meeting to review next year’s forecast was also on the agenda. She smiled and rubbed her hands together. She loved her job, and this was the highlight of the year for her and her team. She started toward the office to prepare.


  She returned to her purse and whipped out her phone.

  J: Are you home? We need to talk.

  Now Jacob wanted to talk after stealing her artists?

  “Asshole! What the hell needs to be said?”

  Grinding her teeth, she paced back and forth. How the hell does he still get a rise out of me? Was it the anger from the past or his personal vendetta against Omega as industry competitors? Maybe it was both.

  The muted light of the phone screen taunted her. Staring down at the text, she attempted to read between the lines. Guilt maybe? Perhaps he wanted to come clean.

  Should she answer him? What would she say? Should she go for woman scorned or nonchalant? The thoughts were exhausting.

  She went to the cabinet and plucked a bottle of red wine from the cooler. Twisting the cork, it popped like her mind erupting from his intrusion.


  The wine gurgled into a glass, matching her churning stomach. She downed the vino in one gulp.

  S: Mr. Andrews. To what do I owe the pleasure?

  With her hip against the island, she tapped her foot. Yeah, cool and collected.

  J: Very funny, Shane. Where are you?

  She rolled her eyes. This was so like him. She could hear the bite in his voice when she pushed his buttons. A twinge of satisfaction ran through her. He still thought he owned her. She still had it. A wry smile formed on her lips.

  S: Not that I feel the need to tell you, but if you must know, I’m at home. What’s so urgent?

  J: I’m coming over.

  “What could he possibly want to talk about?”

  The last time he expressed this side of himself, they were still together. His quick response and words of confidence had made her skin tingle. Even through text, he still drew her in.

  Shaking thumbs hovered over the keyboard, halting a natural impulse to yield. Could she be near him without wanting him?

  She bit her bottom lip. Seeing him would put the past to rest. Help her move on. Get the closure she’d been denied two years ago. But not here, not her apartment, it had to be somewhere neutral. Boundaries were necessary.

  S: No. Your domination is no longer invited. Remember?

  J: Where then?

  She shook her head. Jacob and his highhanded attitude would never change.

  S: The hotel bar around the corner from my place.

  J: See you in 30.

  There it was. Her Saturday night just got interesting. Her heart fluttered to counter the butterflies in her stomach. She was meeting the only man she’d loved and already doing a bang-up job of keeping it together. She could not let him see she was weak.

  She poured ano
ther glass of wine. Getting through an evening with Jacob required liquid courage. Taking a deep breath, she grasped onto any anger from moments ago. Remember, Shane, he’s the enemy now. Her confidence bounced back. This would be the one time Jacob Andrews wasn’t taking control.

  She grabbed her keys, purse, and dignity as she proudly walked out the door.

  Right on time, Jacob’s eyes darted across the hotel bar. There Shane sat, engaging with the bartender. She tucked her light brown hair behind her ear. Plump lips spread into a smile. Blue eyes blinked in delight. Fucking stunning.

  His heart ticked a million paces. She still did it for him. Laughter escaped her mouth, a sound to behold. It nearly buckled his knees. The angelic sound floated into his ears and transported him back to their time together. He grimaced. You really fucked up, Andrews.

  With one step toward the bar, her baby blues met his gaze like she’d felt him coming. The air suddenly charged, electricity sparked between two souls. An invisible string linked their hearts and reeled him closer with each step. He cleared his throat.

  Remember why you’re here. Gavin was a little too closed off at lunch compared to the open book he’d demonstrated at prior meetings. Jacob didn’t trust him.

  First, it was time to face the proverbial music. He’d handled the passing of her father poorly, and she deserved an apology.

  The stool skidded across the floor when he moved it, their gazes never leaving one another. Her eyes became a stormy blue. A warning. Did she know?

  He didn’t sit, instead, propped his leg on the rung while the other remained planted on the floor. Towering over her gave him a familiar vantage point from their time together. Any lingering feelings of reconciliation diminished.

  “Glenlivet,” he said to the bartender, his gaze fixated on her beautiful face.


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