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Beyond the Masks (Beyond Love Series Book 1)

Page 29

by Nicky F. Grant

  A few blocks and he guided her into a hotel restaurant.

  “Jacob Andrews. Long time no see.” The man greeted him with a handshake. Tall with a buzz cut and kind brown eyes. A t-shirt with the hotel logo of a “G” under a sport coat.

  “Billy, you remember Shane.”

  “Of course.”

  Her eyes widened, and she smiled, giving him a hug. “Wow, it’s been forever. What are you doing here?”

  “I own this joint. Come on.”

  “What are you up to?” she mouthed to Jacob as they followed Billy.

  “You’ll see.”

  She approached the empty wooden bar top and sat on the stool.

  “Is this place even open?” Glassware still in boxes was stacked behind the wooden bar. The dining room was empty, except for a few people setting tables.

  Billy went behind the bar and poured two shots of Patrón. Setting them on a napkin, he pushed them forward. “Not yet. But Andrews has a way, as I’m sure you know.”

  “That he does.” If her heart swelled any larger, it would burst. She crooked a thumb in Billy’s direction as he disappeared into the kitchen. “Billy?”

  Jacob sat next to her and raised a shot. “It was an opportunity to recreate our first “non-date” date.”

  She clinked her glass. “You said, slow.”

  They swallowed the alcohol, and it warmed her. “And I plan to, even though you are making it incredibly hard in that dress.” His green eyes raked over her. Butterflies danced in her belly.

  Billy returned with smoking fajitas. The spicy scent filled the space.

  “Even our first meal?”

  “This time, we should try it.”

  A bottle of wine and several hours later, Jacob walked her back to her hotel. A sense of wholeness overcame her. She had missed his conversation and company as they walked a new path together. Hand-in-hand, she felt as though they would always walk beside one another, through whatever life handed them.

  “Much different than the first time.”

  He kissed her hand. “Everything will be different this time, Shane.”

  Once outside her hotel room, she said, “This is me.”

  She turned and leaned on the door. He stood with his hands in his pockets. “Want to come in?”

  “Badly. But not tonight.”

  “Maybe just a kiss?”

  “Thought you’d never ask.” His warm hand cupped her jaw as his thumb stroked her cheek. The air thickened around them. His lips slanted over hers slowly. Gently. Her toes curled in her pumps as her sex clenched with desire. She gripped his biceps and opened fully. He took his time, feeling it all. Licking every corner of her mouth. Just like she remembered the first time he kissed her all those years ago.

  She lifted her leg around his hip and he held it, rubbing his pant-clad erection along her cleft. They panted in unison as the kiss came to life, desire and love filling them.

  He broke away. “Slow, Lovely.”

  She whimpered, setting her foot on the floor. “Right, slow.” His eyes raked over her face. “Good night.”

  He kissed her again. “Good night.”

  She fumbled with the keycard against the lock until it snapped open. After entering the room, she clicked the door behind her. It cooled her back as she supported herself on shaking legs. A thud sounded on the other side. “You okay?”

  “Yep. Just catching myself.” He chuckled, the deep timbre muffled through the door. Couldn’t agree more.


  Several dates and a few months later, and Jacob was kissing her on the couch of his apartment. She felt alive and fucking hot all over. They hadn’t done anything more, and every time they went out, a heavy make-out session ensued, leaving her feeling bereft and wanting more.

  Had she ever made out with him like this? And he never took them further, even though she wanted him to. He’d simply whisper, “Until next time,” leaving them both panting and yearning to take the leap.

  But she loved it. Each time they were together, their trust grew to depths she didn’t know existed. Learning things about each other they’d previously missed. A deeper appreciation, respect, and love bloomed stronger.

  She kissed him madly, straddling his hips. His taste, his fingers in her hair, his lips on her neck. She gyrated on his erection. Wetness soaked her panties. She couldn’t wait anymore.

  “Jacob, it’s time. Please.”

  “Not yet, Lovely. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed making out with you.” He plumped her breast in his hand, her nipples pushing against the silk shirt.

  “And it’s wonderful, but I need you.”

  “Me too, but I want to make sure this is right.”

  She backed away. “You don’t think it is yet?”

  A deep rumble came from him and clenched her pussy. A boyish smile crooked his mouth. “I do. But I want to make sure you do.”

  Her hands went to her hips. “Can’t you tell?”

  “I can, but can you?” His fingers traced the curve of her breast over her shirt in torturous glides. The smirk on his face wicked with the promise of anything she asked.

  Her nimble fingers slowly pushed the buttons through the holes of his green shirt, her favorite one with his chocolate brown suit. “No decision I’ve ever made felt so right.” She split the panels of the shirt open and smoothed her fingers along his chest and each curve of his abs. His abdomen flexed, and he breathed harder.

  “Tell me what’s going on in your pretty head. Tell me what you want.”

  “I love that we waited this long. But I’m ready close on this deal.” The buckle of his belt jingled as she opened it. His green eyes held lust and love. He didn’t stop her.

  “Oh, yeah? What are the terms?”

  She stood and shimmied out of her skirt and panties. “Well, Mr. Andrews…” She tugged his pants from his tight ass, and he kicked them off. His dick was hard and ready. He spread his arms lengthwise on the seat back. All sprawled and gorgeous with his green shirt opened and his bare chest rising and falling with need.

  “You promise to never lie to me.”

  She straddled him, removing her shirt and bra. His eyes never left hers. “I promise.”

  “You promise to always put me first as I will do for you.”

  “Always.” He rolled a nipple between his fingers. She nearly went over.

  “You…promise to love me every day…forever.” She lifted over him and positioned his cock at her wet opening.

  “I promise. Every single day.”

  She slid down his length, and they both hissed at the sensation. “My Shane. So fucking amazing. Deeper. Take all of me. I want to feel all of you.”

  “I love you, Jake.” She slid up and down until she hit the base of his cock. Then again. His hips moved with her as they rolled into each thrust. Slow and deliberate. She wanted to feel each part of him inside her. His green eyes glowed like fire. Hands gripped her hips, guiding her.

  “I love you. Kiss me.” Leaning forward, she took his mouth and licked the inside, touching every single part.

  A moan sent shivers through her. It was perfect. This was perfect. She leaned back and braced herself with her hands on his knees. Pushing forward and back, a tidal wave of heat swept them to another place.

  His hands soothed from her face to her chest and then her abdomen. His thumb landed on her clit, swirling gently.

  “Shane, I’ve missed this. You…so beautiful…” His head went back on the couch, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. A prominent vein protruded from his neck. He hung by a thread. She controlled it. She owned him. He was hers. She increased speed, groaning with each circle of his thumb.

  “Jake. Tell me this is forever, please.”

  “Until the day I die, Shane. It will always be us. God, when you ride me…fuck.”

  His cock swelled inside her and the light behind her eyes brightened. Her heart hammered in her chest as her breathing quickened. Spicy cologne and arousal filled her with want. She was taking them
to the top. The room blurred. The universe spun. And they were the only two people in existence.

  “I coming…” She grunted. Muscles contracted and her breathing ceased.

  In one quick move, she was on her back. “Hold on.”

  She gripped his back and felt his muscles tense. His hips moved swiftly as wave after wave carried her into the clouds.

  He looked into her eyes. “You’re mine, forever.”

  “Always, Jake.”

  He jerked forward and hot semen filled her. His mouth found hers, and they kissed until her lips were swollen and sore. She didn’t want him to stop, but he pulled away and brushed the hair from her eyes.

  “Thank you for giving me another chance to love you.”

  “Thank you for letting me find myself to know I should.”


  Six Months Later…

  Jacob’s warm body spooned behind Shane. His hand stroked down her side as he kissed her neck. She blinked, adjusting to the darkness of their bedroom. They’d spent the weekend combining their things and unpacking in a small, quaint apartment in the heart of Austin. She was finally home.

  “Good morning.” She smiled.

  “Like every morning with you.”

  She turned, and her lips met his inviting mouth. Dawn was barely breaking through the curtained windows “What time is it?”

  “Almost time to get up.”

  “Almost time?” She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “I still have an hour.”

  “A much needed hour with me.” His lips skirted down her neck to the spot holding all her desire. He nibbled it, and the warmth in her blood surged.

  “I’m so tired…”

  “Then lie still. I’ll take care of you.” He bit her nipple over her thin tank top.

  “God…you are insatiable…”

  “Making up for lost time.” He raised his head and smiled. She stroked his face, running through the soft whiskers of his beard as he leaned into her hand.

  Since reuniting with the love of her life, Shane welcomed any moment they had to ‘make up for lost time.’ But she saw it differently. A chance at creating a relationship filled with respect and unconditional love. Jacob had proven he was worth it, just as she believed in herself. They had trust as a solid foundation for a better life together.

  “I have an idea. Let’s cancel our meeting and tell Purple…whatever…they’re in.” His lips brushed her neck, and his smile against her skin rippled through her.

  They had a meeting to vet a new rock band for their blossoming music company. They’d mutually decided to combine their efforts to make a powerhouse one-stop-shop for musicians. Promotions and management. Shane as CEO and Jacob as Vice President. He’d insisted, of course, that she run the business, even though labels no longer held importance. They attacked every meeting, prospect, and operational matter together. As a team. It was pure magic.

  “Purple Kilts, and can you convince them to change their name to something more appealing?” He laughed.

  “That’s your department.”

  “I’ll have marketing gather some ideas.”

  Her body went limp. Work flooding her mind. “We should go in,” she groaned.

  Warm lips slithered down her flesh to her hips. “Whatever you want, Shane. If we don’t, David will be upset. He’s been dying to meet the drummer.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, he would be. What does he say…? Something about browsing the menu but not ordering?”

  “Something like that.”

  She scrunched her lips to the side. “We are king and queen of the industry now, and we can take the day, right?”

  He positioned his body between her thighs, his chin on her abdomen. “We’ve been non-stop for a while. Couldn’t hurt.”

  “You sound pretty confident.”

  He kissed her belly, and flickers of delicious tension rolled through her. He moved the waistband of her panties down and kissed lower. “If the boss says it’s a hooky day…” Kiss. “I’m sure I can find something to fill the time.” He shifted the crotch of her panties aside and licked her folds. The friction of his tongue rumbled her desire senseless.

  “Consider it…right there, Jake…a reward for all your hard work…” She moaned and tilted her head to the ceiling.

  He popped his head up from her thighs. “A reward for me? No, Lovely. I run the bedroom. It was in our gentleman’s handshake, remember? This is your reward for how proud I am of you.” The heat and wetness from his mouth closed over her pussy. Goosebumps ran along her skin. His accolades for her success—their success—were a major turn on.

  “Oh…right…shit, I’m coming.” She bit her lip as he brought her to orgasm in no time. Muscles clenched as she rode the wave. Shoptalk mixed with pleasure always did it for her. “God, I love you so much.”

  A quick kiss on her swollen tissues and then he climbed her body. “I love you too.” A sheen of arousal coated his lips, and her mouth captured them. A tangy taste followed by his tongue awakened her fully. His warm embrace enveloped her body.

  “We’ll never get out of bed if you keep this up.”

  Her sex cradled his erection separated by thin layers of fabric. “I thought you said it was a team building day to strategize our next conquest while making sweet love.” He grinned a white smile.

  “We should go. At least until we meet this new band.” She let her head hit the pillow. Work life slowly crept in, dampening her pleasure from moments ago.

  His forehead hit her chest. “Fine.”

  She chuckled, rubbing his back. “I promise, I’m all yours after that.”

  “Or we could blend the two. Make the day more interesting.” Eyebrows waggled, sending another jolt to her sex.

  “Oh, no. I can’t have you dominating my thoughts.”

  Green eyes flashed mischief. “We’ll see…”

  She ran her fingers through his hair. Even though she led the business, he still owned her in the bedroom. A true balance of power. His eyes softened as he pierced through the veil of corporate domination. It melted her to the core, her heart filling to capacity.

  “But there is one thing, though,” he said.


  “The king and queen thing needs to be addressed.”

  She snorted. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to take over at the office.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it. You’re too damn sexy when you order your staff. Including me.” The morning chill ran rapidly over her flesh when he leaned over the edge of the bed. The nightstand drawer sounded with an easy slide, and when he returned, a black velvet box was in his hand. He knelt above her.

  “Wh-wh—” She scooted to rest along the headboard, her heart lurching in her throat.

  “A queen needs a ring, right?” The box creaked open and a large Asscher cut diamond glimmered in the fresh dawn of morning. The solitaire sat high in filigree swirls around the shoulder of the ring.

  She cupped her mouth. “Jake. What is that?”

  “Something I should have given you a long time ago.” He removed the ring. “Shane, will you be my queen in the boardroom and my wife outside of it?”

  Her eyes flooded with tears. It was hard to breathe through the elation filling her chest. Never had a decision to get her to this place been this perfect. “Yes. Yes.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger, and she leapt on top of him. They crashed to the mattress, and she showered him with kisses. His warm laughter filled the room and her bones with love.

  “Jesus, Jacob!” Her shaking hand went out to view the ring. “How long have you had this?”

  He kissed it. “Forever. But this is the right time to give it to you.” He kissed her smiling lips. “Everything’s changed. All of it, Shane. This is our time. This is our future. I wouldn’t change a thing about where we are. What got us here. What you’ve become. I love you so much, and I will never let you get away again.”

  Her hands wrapped around his neck. “It’s perfect, Jake.
Thank you. I love it and you.”

  “I love you, Shane. Forever.”

  She pulled away. “Promise?”

  “I promise.” A smoldering kiss landed on her mouth and took them into another realm of love, respect, and desire.

  Screw work. It could wait.

  Titles by Nicky F. Grant

  Beyond the Masks

  Beyond Love Series, Book One


  Coming Soon

  Beyond the Truth

  Beyond Love Series, Book Two



  Writing a book takes an army and there is no one person that can make it a success. A book’s success lies within all the people an author interacts with. Putting words on the page is only the first step. I am honored to be surrounded by people who brighten my day, help me through the stress, and the ones who put the time into making this book sing.

  Laura: Your support goes well beyond these pages. You are my rock and my cheerleader. I love you!

  Rachael: Your kindness, love, and tenacity are in these characters.

  Brielle: We shall forever live on smutty island drinking bourbon and reading about hot book boyfriends. And Gavin would not have a name without your suggestion. Yum!

  Rob: The “real life David”. How in the world did I find you? You are “David”, my sidekick, my boo. Thank you for being you all the way to the core. Your honesty, friendship, and laughter make life worth living.

  Sara: Your excitement for a rough draft exceed the bounds of my creativity, pushing me to raise the bar!

  Amanda: Your support from day one until infinity will never be matched. You were the first, my love. I will never forget it.

  Piper: I would have never found the HEA with Shane and Jacob if not for our awesome brain storming sessions! They are thrilled you helped me cut through the stress and just allow them to find each other…again. Forever this time. <3

  Tina: Your enthusiasm and support on an unknown chick (at the time we met) summoned the words every time you emailed me: “More chapters!”


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