The Man Who Made the Movies
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kidnap threat of 1934 and, 705
Knickerbocker and, 41–46, 54
labor unions and, 81–82
lawsuits vs., of 1932, 681–83
lawsuit vs., by Capital, on theater rent, 709–14
lawsuit vs., by Schwimmer, 706–7
lawsuit vs., by Sheehan, 629–30
leadership style of, 254–68, 466–75
lifestyle of, 80–81
Loew’s merger attempt and, debt crisis, 2–7, 479–97, 511–20, 527–32, 540–61, 624
Loew’s merger attempt and, voting trust deal, 562–610
loss of Fox and, 627–73
loss of Fox and, on advisory board, 646, 660–61
loss of Fox and, as board member, 650–61
loss of Fox and, financial settlement with Clarke, 637–41
loss of Fox and, fired from board and advisory board, 669–70
loss of Fox and, Fox companies’ decline following, 652, 656–63, 669–73
loss of Fox and, Fox Film merger with Twentieth Century, 704–5
loss of Fox and, sale of voting shares to Clarke, 635–41, 647, 650–51
loss of Fox and, Tinker as head, 670–71, 673
marriage to Eva Leo, 36–44, 149, 156–57, 335–40, 454, 584–85, 599–60
McKinley assassination and, 47–49
minorities and, 458–63
mother and, 12–13, 27, 40–41, 84, 156, 300, 338–39
moves to Upper West Side, 225–26
moves to Woodmere, Fox Hall, 226–27, 243, 336
movie museum project of, 190–91
MPPC lawsuit and, 86–97, 108–17, 125
old age of, 741–52
old age of, attempts to start new studio, 742–43
old age of, runs Mitchell Camera, 741–42, 744, 748
personality and charisma, 146–47
philanthropy and, 230–36, 334–36, 401–2, 674
presidential pardon of, 748–49
real estate investments, 329–30, 384
religion and, 27–28, 748
Roxy Theatre and, 406–13
round-robin letter and, 579–80, 596, 599, 606, 639
sanatorium rest cures and, 300
Senate Banking testimony and, 680–85, 690–92
social ambitions of, 224–36, 301–3
socialism and, 30–32, 675
stock price manipulation and, 498–511, 680
Sunday blue laws and, 64–65, 74–75
Tammany’s Big Tim Sullivan and, 66–69, 82–83, 102–7
taxes and, 711–12, 714
television and, 522
Tenth Avenue headquarters bought, 297–98
theater acquisitions and, 6, 53–64, 69–82, 102–3, 291–92, 305–6, 357–74, 406–13, 463–65, 484–85, 498, 629
travels to California for first time, 195
travels to Europe, 292–93
Tri-Ergon lawsuits and, 693–700
Twentieth Century-Fox and, 720–21
Ungerleider and, 525–26
Upton Sinclair biography of, 675–80, 684–90
vaudeville act and, 32–34
women’s issues and, 217–19
WW I and, 124–26, 236–42, 244–45
Fox, William, II (grandson, formerly William Fox Tauszig), 478, 546, 705, 747–48, 751–52
Fox, William, III (grandson, formerly William Fox Schwarz), 400, 478, 546, 689, 705, 747–48, 752
Fox, William (nephew, later William Devereaux), 711, 752
Fox-Case Corporation, 391–93, 395, 439, 441, 448, 522, 577, 627n
Fox Detroit Theater, 465
Fox Film Amusement company, 270
Fox Film Corporation. See also Fox, William; Fox Theatres; and specific films; individuals; and properties
annual report of 1931, 672–73
antitrust suits and, 489–90, 571–72, 601
Bancamerica-Blair offer and, 622
board of directors, 126–27, 281, 316, 360, 477, 482, 616, 619–20, 622, 626, 637, 640, 646, 649–51, 661
bond sales, 499, 507–8
Brenon lawsuit and, 181, 186–87
California studios and, 151–52, 191, 216
censorship and, 157–60, 204–5
Clarke ouster and, 668, 670, 672–73
Clarke takeover and, 635–41, 645–51
corporate culture and storminess at, 466–75
death of treasurer Eisele and, 476–77
decline of, after Fox ouster, 652–73, 691, 701–3
East Coast Studios and, 296–97
first investors, 126–27, 315–16, 359, 360, 362, 477
foreign distribution, 210, 244–46, 362, 397, 481–82, 755
founded, 126–27
Fox battles for control of, 569–610, 626–35
Fox family members’ jobs at, 230, 337, 338, 340, 476–79
Fox Hills lot, 420, 442, 476, 485
Fox removed from board, 669–70
Fox sued by, 681–82
international expansion and, 244–54
Leavitt Building headquarters, 128–29, 191, 198
Loew’s merger attempt and, 2–7, 480–96, 512–18, 531–32
Movietone City, 442–43, 457–59, 470, 484, 502, 656, 659–62, 703
profits, 157, 167, 185, 206, 497–98, 520, 558, 623, 629
receivership lawsuits and, 593–96, 601–7, 617–18, 625–27, 631, 635, 638–39, 650
Roxy Theatre deal, 411
sales offices expanded, 364–65
shareholders protective committee, 587, 594, 607, 650
stockholders meeting of March 5, 1930, 607–20, 623
stock market and, 359–63, 366, 384, 499–503, 510, 533
stocks, Class A nonvoting shares, 360, 362–63, 372, 382, 499, 501, 532, 546, 587, 594, 595, 607, 616, 618–20, 657, 702, 705
stocks, Class B voting shares, 360, 449, 499, 556, 594–95, 607, 613–16, 619–20, 633–41, 637, 679, 702
Tenth Avenue headquarters, 296–99, 305, 308, 330, 333–34, 363, 390, 393, 404, 406, 466, 526, 604, 611, 619, 646
Twentieth Century merger and, 703–5
vertical integration and, 365
voting trust and, 574–88, 593, 601–3, 614–15, 622, 625–27, 630, 639, 678
warehouse fire of 1937, 152, 207, 721–22
West Coast research library, 363–64
Western Avenue studios 191, 194, 208, 213, 221, 238, 271, 296–97, 330, 363–65, 380, 440, 466, 468–70, 638, 659, 703, 720, 743
West L.A., Fox Hills, studios, 330, 364, 379–81, 420, 442, 469, 476, 485, 659
Fox Film Ladies’ Wardrobe Department, 651
Fox-Frankel real estate company, 384
Fox Hall (Woodmere estate), 336, 349, 404, 478, 689–90, 712
Fox Kiddie Features, 262–63
Fox-Locust Theatre (Philadelphia), 429, 430, 467
Fox News, 298–99, 303, 305, 326, 327, 427–28, 512, 515, 564–65
Fox Securities, 590–91, 593–98, 601, 605–6
Foxthal Realty Corporation, 403, 410, 480, 545
Fox Theatre (Brooklyn), 465
Fox Theatres, 3, 7, 366–74, 384, 403, 411, 464–65, 477, 478, 481, 484, 490, 491, 494, 498–508, 524–26, 532, 539, 545–49, 558, 566, 569, 593, 623, 649, 701, 704, 709, 716. See also Fox, William; Fox Film; and specific films, individuals; theaters; and theater chains
antitrust suit vs., 571
Bancamerica plan and, 612–20, 622
board of directors, 622, 626, 637, 646, 649–50, 650, 661
board of directors, and kickbacks, 372–73
Clarke takeover of, 637–38, 640–41, 650
decline of, after Fox ouster, 656, 662–73
Fox loses control of, 570–85
receivership lawsuits vs., 604–5, 607, 635, 650, 682, 691
stock market and, 372–74, 384, 503–8
stocks, Class A shares, 372, 499, 532, 546–49, 620
stocks, Class B shares, 372, 499, 619, 620
stocks, Silver Jubilee sales, 639–
Fox Vaudeville Company, 270
France, 244, 248, 252, 352
Frankel, Joseph, 384
Frankenstein, 653
Franklin, Chester “Chet,” 255, 262
Franklin, Harold B., 577–78, 662–63
Franklin, Sidney, 255, 262
Franz Ferdinand, archduke, 237
Freud, Martha, 197
Freud, Sigmund, 197
Frick, Henry C., 29–30
Fried, Tina Fox (sister), 19, 41, 229, 535
Fried, William (brother-in-law), 229
Fried family, 12
Friends of New Germany, 707
Frozen Justice, 415–16, 419
Fulton, Hugh A., 734
Funkhouser, Metellus Lucullus Cicero, 204–5, 236, 240
Gabler, Neal, 225, 288
Gahagan, Walter H., Jr., 728, 730–32
Gaiety Theatre (NYC), 451, 461, 462, 538
Gainsburg, I., 729
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 553, 563
Galley Slave, The, 142
Galsworthy, John, 167
Gane, William, 78
Garbo, Greta, 2, 245, 320, 426, 653
Gast, Ira M., 594n
Gaumont theater chain, 520–21, 528, 539, 545, 562, 576, 583, 588, 593, 598, 608, 621–22, 663, 677–78
Gaynor, Janet, 381, 420, 422–23, 425–26, 434, 454–55, 457, 467, 469, 472, 538, 632, 653, 702
Gaynor, William J., 99, 119
General Electric (GE), 387, 392–95, 522, 553, 562
General Film Company (GFC), 92–94, 96–97, 108–10, 112, 114, 116
General Motors, 3, 290, 553
General Talking Pictures Corp., 395
General Theatres Equipment (GTE), 618, 524, 623, 627, 646–50, 657, 661–65, 668, 670, 672, 691, 703–4
George V, king of England, 301, 444, 599
German Army, 440
German Exchange Bank, 43
German Expressionism, 358, 426
German film industry, 244–45, 313, 358, 415, 426, 540, 542
Germany, 13, 199, 244–45, 248, 319, 451, 541
Gertie the Dinosaur, 123–24
Ghost Talks, The, 460n
Giannini, Dr. A. P., 495, 709
Gifford, Walter S., 558, 596, 714
Gilbert, John, 2, 319–21, 330, 426
Gilded Age, The (Twain and Warner), 21–23
Gilmore, William E., 87–88
Gioconda, La (D’Annunzio), 142
Girl in Every Port, A, 468
Girls Gone Wild, 456
Girl with Champagne Eyes, The, 258
Girl with the Matches, The, 395
Gish, Dorothy, 288
Gish, Lillian, 137, 238, 320
Glazer, Benjamin, 457
Gleeson, Gerald A., 733–34, 749
Gliese, Rochus, 422
Globe Theatre (NYC), 262, 453, 455
Godsol, Frank, 316–17
Gold and the Woman, 142
Goldberg, Herman, 726
Goldberg, Rube, 380
Golden, Eve, 137
Goldfish, Sam. See Goldwyn, Sam
Goldfrap, John, 140, 175
Goldman, Emma, 47
Goldman Sachs, 399, 483, 566, 569
Gold Rush, The, 352, 359
Goldstein, Robert, 239–40
Goldwyn, Blanche Lasky, 36
Goldwyn, Sam, 36, 118, 146, 198, 290–91, 316–17, 663, 672
Goldwyn Pictures, 261, 279, 290, 291, 297, 305, 313, 316–17. See also Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Goltz, Horst von der, 237n
Gomery, Douglas, 439
Good Little Devil, A, 287
Goodman (teacher), 27–28
Gordon, Cliff, 32–34, 261
Gore, Abe, 367–70, 463–64
Gore, Mike, 367–70, 463–64
Gorki, Maxim, 167
“Gospel of Wealth, The” (Carnegie), 28
Gotham Film Company, 104n
Gotham Theatre (NYC), 70, 71, 78, 105
Gould, Jay, 22
Grainger, James R., 358, 380, 430–31, 533, 579, 596–97, 613, 640
Grandeur widescreen technology, 522–25, 538–39, 544, 556, 599, 654–58, 661–62
Grant, Madison, 221, 324
Grau, Robert, 77
Grauman, Sid, 351–52, 521
Grauman’s Chinese Theatre (L.A.), 521, 654
Grauman’s Egyptian Theatre (L.A.), 351–52, 366–67
Grauman’s Million Dollar Theatre (L.A.), 289
Gray, William A., 681, 690, 712, 729, 732
Greater New York Film Rental Company, 64, 88–89, 91–95
Great Gatsby, The (film, 1926), 333
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 224
Great Northern Film Company, 131
Great Train Robbery, The, 55n
Greenbaum, Samuel, 64
Greene, Ernest S., 688–89
Greene, Richard T., 626–27
Green Eyed Monster, The, 154
Greenfield, Albert M., 402–3, 467, 495, 511, 559–60, 561n, 563, 566–68, 573, 601–2, 606, 622–23, 633–34, 636, 639, 695, 728, 734, 751
Gregory, Dr. Menas, 401, 707, 734
Grey, Lita, 351
Grey, Zane, 294
Griffith, D. W., 138, 151, 160, 164, 168, 174, 203, 205n, 221, 238, 282, 288, 297, 304, 332, 663
Grosvenor, Edwin P., 108–11, 113–14, 116, 120
Grosvenor, Gilbert, 108
Guaranty Trust, 551, 588, 645, 715
Guggenheim family, 226
Gulf Refining company, 247
Gumbiner, H. L., 367n
Gunfighter, The, 323
Gypsy Love, 293
Haggard, H. Rider, 193, 202
Haines, William, 2
Hall, Mordaunt, 429
Hallelujah, 459, 461, 463
Hal Roach Studios, 437
Halsey, Stuart & Co., 5, 494–95, 507–10, 513, 518–21, 524, 528, 543, 550, 556, 562–63, 583, 588–90, 597–98, 604–9, 612–20, 623, 625–26, 628–35, 641, 645–46, 650, 663, 665
Hammerstein, Oscar, 208
Hammons, W. S., Company, 646
Hampton, Benjamin B., 285, 410
Hangman’s House, 453, 473
Happy Days, 654
Harbeson, John Frederick, 190
Harbord, James G., 394
Harding, Ann, 654
Harding, Warren G., 365, 525
Harlow, Jean, 653
Harriman, Mrs. Edward H., 234
Harriman National Bank, 285, 317, 510
Harrison, Pete, 405, 430–32, 445
Harrison’s Reports, 314, 365–66, 405, 430–32, 445, 451, 599, 632
Hart, William S., 215
Hart-Agnew bill, 82
Hartfield, Joseph N., 570, 576–78, 581, 591–92
Hartford Retreat, 683
Harvard Business School, 474, 486–87
Harvey, Valerie, 751
Havemeyer, Henry O., 25
Hawks, Howard, 375, 381, 450, 456, 458, 468–69
Hayden, Stone firm, 463, 501–2, 504, 508–9, 663, 705
Hays, Will H., 572, 657n
Hearst, William Randolph, 123, 181, 226, 569, 581
Hearst International News, 298
Heart and Soul, 221
Hearts in Dixie, 458–63
Hearts of the World, 205n, 238
Heart Strings, 322
Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, 711
Held, Anna, 77
Hell Roarin’ Reform, 281
Hell’s Angels, 653
Hempel, Frieda, 398
Hendrick, Burton J., 327
Hennessy, Spike, 33
Hepburn, Katharine, 311–12
Hepburn, Thomas, Jr., 311–12
Hepburn, Thomas N., 311–12
Herbert Brenon Film Corp., 180, 185–89
Her Greatest Love, 193
Her Mother’s Secret, 155–56
Hérodiade (Massenet), 208
Her One Mistake, 222
Hesper Club, 100–101
High Speed, 293
Hill, Edwin C., 629–30
Hill, Dr. John Wesley, 63
Hill, Percival S., 234
Hilles, William H., 387
Hilliard, Harry, 145
Hilliard, Robert, 133
Hippodrome theater (NYC), 163
History of the Standard Oil Company, The (Tarbell), 22, 235
Hochstim, Max, 69
Hofstadter, Richard, 584
Holmes, Stuart, 121
Home Guard, 238–39
Homestead Steel strike, 29–30
Honor System, The, 219–20, 261, 321, 737
Hoover, Herbert, 1, 5, 444, 460, 490, 492, 495–96, 512, 514–17, 550, 568n, 583–84, 603, 655, 685–86
Hoover, J. Edgar, 724
Hopson, Howard C., 737
Hough, R. L. “Lefty,” 323
Houston, Eliza Allen, 212
Houston, Sam, 212
Howard, Frances, 36
Howard, Moe and Shemp, 658
Hoyt, Richard F., 508–9, 557
Hughes, Antoinette, 582
Hughes, Charles Evans, 571–72, 574–76, 581–82, 591–93, 602–3, 677–78, 699
Hughes, Charles Evans, Jr., 571–72
Hughes, Schurman & Dwight, 650–51, 699
Hugo, Victor, 30, 213
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The, 320
Hungarian immigrants, 11–12, 16, 18–19
Hungary, 11–12, 14–16
Fox News films village life in, 474–75
Hunted Woman, The, 383
Hunter, Francis, 539
Huntington, Collis P., 25
Hurd, W. B., 56
Huston, Claudius H., 515–17, 550, 568n, 583–84
Hutchinson, Arthur Stuart-Menteth, 319
Huxley, T. H., 476
Hyde, Charles H., 82–83, 169
Hyland, Peggy, 295
Ibsen, Henrik, 131–32
Idaho Statesman, 204
Ideal Studios, 186
If Winter Comes, 319
Iliodor (Sergei Trufanov), 187–88
immigrants, 11–19, 21, 48–50, 60, 63–64, 67, 239
Ince, Thomas H., 151, 288, 305n
Ince Studios, 345
Independent Moving Pictures Company (IMP, later Universal Films), 91, 118
Ingagi, 653
Ingleton, George, 363, 364n
In Old Arizona, 444, 458, 473
In Old Kentucky, 460
Insull, Samuel, 509, 543–44, 671
Interdenominational Committee of the Clergy of Greater New York, 63
Internal Revenue Bureau, 714
International Harvester, 96, 110, 250
“International Jew” series, 327
International Museum of Photography and Film, 207
International Projector Company, 523
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 649
Interstate Equities trust, 670
Intolerance, 174, 221
Investment News, 601
Iron Horse, The, 341–53, 359–60, 367, 375–77, 424–25, 755
Isis theater (Denver), 292