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Page 14

by Michelle Hughes

  “What do I do?” Looking down into Erin’s beautiful blue eyes, her smile was full of emotion, and a sadness too that I didn’t like seeing there. People went crazy when they did the love thing, my mother beat the shit out of me calling it love and I didn’t want that for Erin.

  “You don’t have to do anything, baby.” She reached her arms up around my neck and hugged me. “All I want you’ve given me. Be yourself.”

  Could it really be that easy? If so the majority of people in the world were idiots. I’d never seen a movie or heard a song about a relationship like ours. “So you don’t need monogamy?” Wasn’t that something all chicks demanded in a real relationship?

  “Not unless you do. I love how you make me feel so if that’s what you need and you agree to do the same, I’m in.” It wasn’t what I needed. Having her in my bed, my life, and sharing everything with her was my idea of perfection, but I enjoyed my sexuality and flirting. It was part of me.

  “I don’t want to hurt your feelings here, but I have to say my piece. I’ve never enjoyed sex more than with you, but the idea of never having another partner? I’d be lying if I promised you that, and that’s not what I want.” My eyes pleaded with her to understand. Even if I fucked a hundred women I would never feel for anyone what I did for her. It was fucked up I’m sure, but that’s how I felt.

  Instead of pain filling those incredible eyes, what I saw seemed more relieved. “I’d never ask you to give up that. To be honest, I’d like to continue learning from the other guys too.

  “Shit, if you don’t love her I will. I think you may have found the most perfect woman on earth.” Brandt chuckled and shook his head. “Lucky sonofabitch.”

  “I might fight you for her if he doesn’t too.” Nick was grinning widely and I pulled my girl into my arms thinking they could fuck themselves. She was mine. I might share her passion but her heart belonged to me, and if what they told me earlier was true, mine was hers.

  “Ditto.” Noah served up plates, and gave me an eat shit grin. “Can we drop all this mushy stuff and eat now?”

  It was hard to resist accepting his offer with the food he dished out. The man was a culinary genius and none of us were immune to the temptations of the palate. Pulling Erin into my lap on a stool at the breakfast bar, I fed her and myself, feeling things that made me question my masculinity.

  chapter Fourteen



  Gabby called after breakfast and asked me to lunch. Dane acted like it was an invitation to do drugs, and we had our first argument as a couple. It didn’t help that the other guys took his side pissing me off at the gang up of males versus me. It was all his fault because as usual he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and aired our business when I refused to give in.

  I understood they had some bond that helped them through the rough times in their lives. Even knowing that Brandt was like their drill sergeant or whatever you call leaders in the service, and they all deferred to him in some strange way, I could handle. Telling me who I could hang out with? Putting an end to that stupid idea before it became a habit was imperative. Now they were all ticked off and I was driving to meet my best friend fuming over their possessiveness. Brandt had the audacity to demand I stay home. Like he was my father or something!

  Pulling up in front of Gabby’s father’s house, I was glad I hadn’t mentioned where we were eating. Without a doubt Brandt would have tied me to the bed to keep me from going. Mr. Blake might have low scruples, but he wouldn’t hurt me with his daughter around. I was certain of that.

  The place was absolutely sinful, catering to his tastes for extravagance. Walking up to the front door, their maid opened it before I had time to knock. Something else Mr. Blake had was paranoia, I knew because he had the entire thirty acres set up with security cameras. There was no doubt they knew I was coming before I got half way up the paved driveway. I was surprised he didn’t have a gate sealing off the property.

  Consuela pulled me into her arms and then gave me a look telling me I was in trouble for avoiding her so long. She’d been with the Blake’s since before Gabby was born, so I’d grown up with her as almost a second parent. I hugged her back tightly and she clicked her tongue. “You and my Gabby, never eating right. Can’t have babies if you don’t put some meat on those hips, young lady.”

  She spoke perfect English, even though she was of Mexican heritage, so I knew it wasn’t a mix up of words. Blushing at her words she studied me inquisitively. “You’ve got a new man!” Her chubby face filled with glee and I swear the woman was psychic. In high school she’d known if we did anything wrong, and I refused to believe it was just lucky guesses.

  Gabby walked down the long carpeted stairs that spilled into the foyer, catching her last statement. “Six of them.” That glint in her eyes said she would spill it all and her laughter at my expression made me want to smack her.

  “A new family.” Consuela was still smiling so maybe she wasn’t gifted with special powers like I thought. “Strong men to keep you safe, this is a good thing.” Okay, eerie. Unless Gabby had told her there’s no way she could know my new roommates were men.

  Glaring at my friend, she held her hands up in self-defensive. “I haven’t uttered a peep.” She shivered pretending to be freaked out over her abilities, but we’d talked about this for years so neither of us were shocked. “Donna should be here any minute. Why don’t we go wait in the sitting room?” It was our favorite place as teens, mainly because it had glass doors and we could watch the gardeners and pool boys work the grounds.

  “Sounds good.” I needed to get away from Consuela’s probing glance, afraid she’d see exactly how close I’d gotten to my new family.

  Gabby hurried toward the room, sitting down in one of the oversized Victorian chairs, and I took the other. “So spill it, what’s it like living with all those sexy men.” She looked almost jealous and I wasn’t sure how much to tell. We’d never had secrets, but I’d never had anything worth keeping to myself before.

  “At the moment I’m ready to strangle the lot of them.” I covered my hand with my mouth as I let that slip, not wanting to get into why we were arguing.

  “I worried something like that might happen. Did they hurt you?” Her eyes filled with anger, and I knew I had to nip that thought in the bud.

  “Nothing like that. They would never lay a hand on me that I didn’t want, but talk about overprotective!” That was being honest without explaining why they didn’t want me near her. “Speaking of, I think we should pick another night for your sit down. I didn’t leave the guys in a good mood.” I should have felt bad, but I didn’t have any remorse about having lunch with my bestie.

  “Do they want you at their beck and call?” She looked confused and I guess in her position I would too.

  “No it’s not that.” I couldn’t keep secrets from her, it was against our friendship and maybe she needed to know the truth. Standing up, I paced the room, not sure how to tell her. “They don’t trust your dad. Nick says his real estate company holds the deed to my house and well? He’s tripled the interest putting the loan so high I could never pay it off on my own.” I just let those words spill out and waited to see how she’d react.

  Instead of flying into a rage, she gave me a look of pity, and seemed to be having trouble speaking, because she opened her mouth several times and nothing came out. Finally composing herself, she stood and walked over to me. “Did they tell you if you slept with them they’d take care of this?” Her hand rested on my shoulder while she continued looking at me in pity, and I understood what she was saying.

  “God, Gabby. I’m not that stupid, of course not!” I loved her like a sister, but how could she believe I was that naïve? Then it hit me. For her it might be easier to believe I was ignorant rather than accept the fact her daddy wasn’t the hero she’d always thought him to be.

  “I know you’re not, but those men use sex to get what they want, honey. Even I’m not immune to their charms, I let t
he big guy take me in a closet for heaven’s sake.” She’d slept with Brandt? I wasn’t upset but somewhat hurt he didn’t mention it. “It makes more sense than daddy trying to take your house. What use would he have for it?” She looked really baffled and I already knew she was innocent, but her confusion sealed it.

  “Maybe you should come over tonight so Nick can explain everything.” I really didn’t want to tell her what he thought Mr. Blake was into. I loved her too much and I knew she worshipped the ground her daddy walked on.

  “I think we’ll go now. Consuela can put lunch on hold. These men of yours have a lot to answer for, and I refuse to let them sucker you in.” She stood up and I knew if I didn’t follow her, she’d confront them on her own. She barked an order at Consuela, and we walked toward the door, unfortunately meeting her father as he was coming in.

  “Daddy.” Gabby threw herself into her father’s arms, and he hugged her tightly while looking at me with a confused expression on his face.

  “I’m happy to see you too, Gabriella.” Pulling back, he gave her the warmest smile a girl could wish for and for a moment I even second-guessed what the guys had told me. I kicked myself mentally for my doubt, and hardened my heart. He was obviously a good liar.

  “Erin’s friends have been making horrible accusations about you!” Gabby lifted pleading eyes up to Mr. Blake, and for a brief moment I saw the coldness behind those dark orbs. “Tell her you aren’t trying to steal her house.”

  “Of course not darling, that’s preposterous. Why would I ever try to hurt Erin? She’s been like a daughter to me.” He turned on the charm but I’d seen that quick glimpse of his true personality. “Whoever these friends of yours are, they have their facts distorted.”

  “See, I told you. Maybe you should take Daddy’s offer to help. I don’t think those guys have your best interest at heart.” This wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have, not with her father standing there. I knew he wouldn’t tell the truth,

  “I should go. Come by later and we’ll talk more.” Forcing a smile, I couldn’t get out of this house fast enough.

  “Erin, dear. You seriously can’t believe I would do anything to harm your financial future?” His smile made me nauseous, and the slight lift of his lip was almost humor-filled, making me realize the guys were right to keep me away from him. Blake was a dangerous man. “Come up to my office and I’ll show you the paperwork. It truly bothers me that you’d allow people you barely know to taint your opinion of me.”

  I could have denied him, but Gabby would think it was petty, and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look.” Since his daughter was with me, I doubted seriously he would do anything to mar her opinion of him.

  Walking toward the stairs, I followed behind him with Gabby, knowing that anything he showed me would be smoke and mirrors. When we reached his office, he turned, reaching out a hand to pat her cheek. “Have Consuela bring up refreshments, dear, this could take some time.”

  The last thing I wanted was to be alone with him, but of course Gabby ran off to do her daddy’s bidding. After she left he walked into the room and like a fool I followed him, jumping slightly as he shut the door. “We only have a minute, so listen closely. I’ve waited a long time to have you and no white trash scum will have what is mine. Your little friends are in way over their head, unless you want me to personally destroy them, I expect you fall in line.”

  The sweet father that he pretended to be had slipped away to show his true colors, and I shook at the intensity in his face. “You’re old enough to be my father!” I nearly screamed the words, panic and disgust making me nauseous. “You won’t lay a hand on them.” Those words I whispered because the thought of him following through with his threat, terrified me.

  “Won’t I?” His cruel lips lifted into a smirk, and Gabby walked back in the room, smiling.

  “Everything okay?” Her smile faded somewhat as I stared at her father in shock, not sure what to do or say. I didn’t know this stranger in front of me. Who knew what he was capable of doing.

  “I’m afraid I’ve delivered a bit of bad news. We need to talk privately, dear. Erin can fill you in later if she chooses.” His smile was warm and charming again, showing me that he had the ability to be whatever he needed depending on the situation. I was afraid to call him out in front of Gabby because I wasn’t sure she was safe either. Gabby sent a pitying look my way, trusting her father implicitly before walking out of the room again.

  “Keep the house.” I hated the idea of losing it because of the memories my aunt and I had made there, but the guys were much more important to me than some brick and mortar.

  “It’s not the house I want, it’s you. Gabby would be heartbroken if she discovered I wanted to use her little friend like the whore she was, so we’ll make an arrangement.” He sat down behind his desk, confidence dripping off him in droves, and his smile widened. “You’ll live there, but it will remain in my name. When I feel the need to indulge in your favors, you’ll make yourself readily available.”

  “You’re sick.” The thought of sleeping with this piece of shit made the idea of sex abhorrent to me. “Keep the fucking house, but I don’t want to see your face again as long as I live.” Standing up I only had one thought and that was to get out here before I picked up the first thing I could find and chuck it at his head.

  He moved fast for an old man, and before I could reach the door, he grabbed my arm, bruising it from the tight grip. “I don’t think you understood. Unless you want those pretty boys you’re shacked up with to eat the dirt, your ass will be back in that house by tomorrow night. Don’t make the mistake of thinking I bother to create empty threats.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you.” I whispered the words, feeling defeated because I knew I would to save the guys.

  “We won’t be sleeping. I’m sure those little boy toys have taught you some tricks. Remember what I said, Erin. Tomorrow night. You either make yourself available to me or be the reason your Hunks,” his lip lifted in a sneer at their title, “lose everything.” He released my arm, his smile so sadistic that I didn’t doubt he meant every word he said.

  Running from the room, I made it back down the stairs and out the front door, ignoring Gabby as she called out my name. A part of me had always known he was off, but raving psychopath was beyond any thoughts I could contemplate. Driving back home, I knew I couldn’t risk that he would make good on his threats, but the guys allowing me to leave wasn’t going to be easy either.

  My life had turned into some horrible nightmare that I didn’t know how to wake up from. Driving a few miles I pulled the car over to the side of the road, put it in park, and broke down. There was only one decision I could make. Sleeping with the crazy bastard kept my men safe. I wanted to tell myself it was just sex, but I knew it would destroy me if I went through with it. Better that my life be ruined than theirs. They’d worked so hard to build up a business. I couldn’t be the reason they lost it, or even worse their lives.

  I didn’t put anything past Blake. Gabby had told me that her daddy had thugs that worked with him capable of castrating people, and I wasn’t sure if they wouldn’t take it even further. Not that I could imagine anything worse for a guy than losing their dick. Especially my Dane. I had to go through with this. Even if it killed me, I’d do whatever it took.

  Half an hour later, I knew putting this off any longer would make it harder. Driving back to the house, I had no idea how to pull this off. Walking inside, I was greeted by Dane and Brandt, both looking shamed face until they looked at me.

  “That fucker hurt you baby?” Brandt grabbed my arms, and one of them was already aching from how Blake held me. Without thought I whimpered. “I’m going to kill him!” Releasing me he looked down at my arms and already there was a slight discoloration on the right one.

  “No! You have to stay away from him.” The panic in my voice I couldn’t hide, because I knew what the monster was capable of. “I’m going bac
k home, but I need your promise that you’ll steer clear of him at all costs.”

  “Did he threaten you, Erin?” Dane lifted my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes, but I pulled out of his grasp. They didn’t need to know anything other than the fact I was leaving. It was like being stabbed in the heart thinking about it, so I ran to my room before I could look at their beautiful faces and break down.

  Grabbing my suitcases from the closet, I cried like my world was falling apart as I packed, because it was. Walking out of their lives left me nothing to live for, and I hated to be so maudlin but I couldn’t stop the thoughts. Not only did Brandt and Dane storm into my room, but Noah, Colton, Nick and Ian too. In seconds I was surrounded my more love than I’d ever dreamed of having and it reminded me of all I’d be forced to give up because of that sonofabitch.

  “Stop packing, princess. You’re not going anywhere, no matter what the slimy piece of shit said.” Dane’s arms wrapped around my waist turning me into his arms, and held me tightly. Brandt came up behind me, caressing my hair like I was some child he was trying to console. “We’ll kill him first, sweetheart. Not walking a foot out these doors.”

  I struggled, needing to put some space between me and these gorgeous men who would probably take a bullet for me if I let them. “You have to let me go. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to any of you. Don’t you know how much I love you guys?” Sobbing uncontrollably I couldn’t get my emotions under control.

  “All of us?” Colton, moved in to pull me out of Dane’s arms, and he reluctantly allowed it. His lips brushed over my forehead tenderly and I my heart ached.

  “You’re like the big family I never had.” I hugged him tightly before letting go. “Of course I love you all.” The waterworks eased up a little, and I stared at him like he shouldn’t need me to say it.


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