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The Barnes Family Romances: (Books 1-3)

Page 43

by Normandie Alleman

  His handsome face brightened. “Be my guest, Mrs. Soto.”

  The title rang false, but nothing could distract me from unwrapping what, judging by what I could see so far, might be my favorite wedding present of all.

  He walked me over to the bed and pressed my shoulders down until I got the message and sat on the side of the bed. Winding his hands through my hair, he bent and kissed me. The hair on his legs brushed against my nipples, and a fresh wave of desire overtook me. When he straightened, he kept his hands in my hair, and his cock jutted at me, inches from my face, still sheathed in his boxer briefs.

  Unable to contain my anticipation, I yanked at the elastic band of his underwear and pulled them down—in the process, releasing his enormous cock.

  It was his turn to groan as I curled my fingers around it and licked the tip.

  “Fuck, Chloe,” he said, digging his fingers into my head, massaging my scalp.

  I was grateful for this. Some men tried to choke you the minute they had their dick in your mouth. Fuckers. I liked how Eduardo encouraged me, the way he let me be in control, and I rewarded him by running my tongue along the underside of his shaft. Then I took him down my throat inch by inch until I couldn’t fit any more of him in my mouth. The head of his cock hit the back of my throat, and there were several inches left I couldn’t swallow.

  Damn, he was huge. I might have to take some deep-throating lessons from the Internet. At least he didn’t have any complaints so far. I bobbed my head up and down, sucking him the best I could until he caressed my face and gently withdrew.

  “Go stand in the bathroom and face the mirror. Legs apart, palms on the counter,” he rasped.

  I’d gotten used to men seeing me naked long ago, but there was something so intimate about his request that I felt a twinge of anxiety. Regardless, I did as he said.

  He stood behind me, his erection pressing against my buttocks.

  “Lean over.” I adjusted my position so that I was bent at the waist which gave him better access to my ass.

  He held me from behind, one hand traveled between my legs, while the other hand slid over my breasts.

  A rush of desire made me lightheaded again, and I was grateful for the support of the counter. His fingers traced my folds, rubbing me, and he even did this little pinch of my clit I’d never felt before that made me jump with pleasure.

  There was a world of things I didn’t know about my husband the bishop, and hell, I couldn’t wait to learn what they were. He played with my breasts with his other hand, making me cry out.

  “You like that, beautiful?”

  Unable to speak, I nodded.

  “Look in the mirror.”

  I lifted my eyes and they met his gaze in our reflection.

  “I want to watch your face while I do this to you.”

  Instinctively I wanted to close my eyes. There was something dangerously intimate about his request, and I wasn’t sure I could do it.

  He slid a finger inside me, and my muscles clenched around it. He nuzzled my neck leaving a swath of scorching kisses in his wake before saying, “Open your eyes.”

  Reluctantly, my lids fluttered open, and I forced myself to stare at him while he played with my pussy. He ran his hands over my entire body paying special attention to the places that made me shriek when he manipulated them. He stroked my wetness up and down, in and out, tracing circles on my most tender spot until I finally couldn’t take anymore and begged, “Eduardo, please. Please fuck me.”

  “Anything for you, baby. Lift up on your tiptoes.”

  I raised myself onto the balls of my feet, lifting my hips to just the right angle for him to plunge inside me from behind. At first my vagina twitched and I jerked slightly, his size overwhelming me.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll go slowly,” he said.

  But suddenly, I wanted the pain. I wanted whatever it was going to take to have him.

  He eased himself in and out of me slowly, making me crave the next thrust. The pace of his lovemaking was delicious and each time he pulled back I ached for him to fill me again. Then he would relieve my craving when he pushed inside.

  “Gosh, you’re so big, do you think you’ll be able to get all of it inside me?”

  He chuckled. “Pretty close,” he said as he slammed into my cervix.

  Once he got a good rhythm going he plunged into me so hard I thought I might come. He tweaked my nipples, bringing an intoxicating mixture of pain and pleasure. But when he brought his hand around and started playing with my clit as he pounded into me I knew I was really close.

  “Try to open your eyes.”

  “Oh, God, I’m going to come,” I shrieked.

  “I can feel it. Do it. Let go,” he said.

  I couldn’t help but squeeze my eyes shut. I wasn’t sure if it was even possible for me to have an orgasm with my eyes wide open. Most of the time I’d see a cascade of multi-colored stars shooting across my field of vision while little tremors shook my body as it surrendered to the release.

  Knowing he’d made me come, Eduardo picked up the pace and rocked my body like it had never been rocked before. I felt the warmth of his semen before he rested atop me. His body fit well with mine, and when he finally withdrew I felt the slightest hint of disappointment because I wished he could stay inside me.

  “Damn, that was not what I was expecting.”

  He gave me a wicked grin as he reached for a towel and started wiping the sweat off himself. “Told you.”

  He was right. He did.

  I turned around, and he held me in his arms, kissing me tenderly on the lips.

  After a couple of minutes, I excused myself to clean myself up in the little room with the toilet. When I came out, I put on one of the hotel robes and went to join him on the bed.

  “What’s this?” He pointed at the spa-style robe.

  “You made me sleepy.”

  “Okay. We can take a break, but if you remember I said let’s start in the bathroom.”

  A surge of fresh appreciation for Eduardo rushed through me and I realized, I’d been infected with the same passion he had. “So, you’re saying you want to go another round?”

  “I know you’ve been sick, and I’d never force anything on you.” He held out an arm, and I snuggled into the crook of his armpit, our legs entwined. “But there’s definitely going to be a round two.”

  “I have to say—you’re awfully big. I’m going to be sore tomorrow.”

  “Are you telling me you can’t handle me?” he teased.

  “Hey, I’m a stripper, not a hooker. I haven’t had sex in a long time.”

  “What’s a long time?”

  “Over a year.” I shrugged. “Besides, that’s an anaconda in there.” I pointed at his crotch.

  “I hope it’s not going to be a problem for you.”

  I shook my head. “I’ll get used to it.”

  “Good, because I will be wanting to take that pussy of yours over and over again. I’ll just have to stretch you out so you can accommodate me.”

  Talk like that made me dizzy with desire all over again. “Mmmhmm.”

  I heaved a sigh.

  I could get used to this.



  Hey, I’m coming to town for a game tomorrow. Sorry about the short notice. But I’d like to meet if you can work me in. Thanks, Nick Barnes

  When that text crossed the screen on my phone, I almost thought it was a hoax. But since I’d met Lucinda, I knew better. Not gonna lie, it made my heart pump faster.

  Another day at the Rectory when my All-Star basketball player brother decided to stop by. It wasn’t that different from how Lucinda had dropped in on me. Maybe when you were a Barnes you just did stuff like that.

  Honestly if I had any interest in meeting any of the Barneses, it would have been Nick.

  I was a basketball fan, a coach, a former player, and that dude—he was living the dream we’d all had when we were twelve.

  I te
xted him back that I looked forward to meeting him, and we scheduled a time for him to drop by my office.

  Even though I knew he was coming, nothing could have prepared me for having the good-looking six-foot-seven pro basketball player in my office.

  When Kay buzzed me to say he was outside, I asked her to send him in.

  He had to duck slightly to get through the door, and when I stood up and crossed the room to shake his hand, he pulled me into a hug. Right then I realized the six-inch difference between our heights was a game changer. For an instant I pictured my five-foot-one Hispanic mother versus Lucinda who was probably about five ten and I attempted not to covet Nick’s genetic victory.

  “What’s up, man? I can’t believe we’re related,” he said, releasing me. “I mean, allegedly.”

  “I know. Have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?” I asked before I realized the only thing we had at the Rectory was some lemonade for the kids in nursery.

  “Nah, man, thanks. I’m good.”

  It felt surreal the way he was taking me in, but, to be fair, I’d been seeing Nick Barnes on my TV for years. This was his first time seeing me.

  “Man, we look so much alike. Lucinda’s been telling me that, but seeing it for myself is something else. You never noticed that, I mean, seeing me on TV and stuff?”

  I shrugged. “Why would I? I had no idea we were related until a few weeks ago.”

  His lips formed a thin line and he shook his head. “Yeah. Why would you?” Then he laughed nervously. “So, what else do you do? Besides church services.”

  “Actually, I coach a basketball team.” Yep, I was pandering, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t every day Nick Barnes came through your door, interested in you.

  “No kidding?” he asked.

  “No kidding.”

  “Man, you ball?”

  I nodded. “Played starting small forward on my college team.”

  “Nice. Wanna play?”

  The thought of me playing basketball with Nick Barnes was the only part of Lucinda’s news that had me interested in my long-lost siblings. Before I’d known the guy was my brother I’d have considered playing basketball with him the opportunity of a lifetime.

  “C’mon,” he coaxed. “Consider it a favor. My other brother’s a musician. He hasn’t played with me since I forced him into a game of horse when he was seven. Humor me.”

  “We do have a gym . . .” I pointed in the direction of the adjacent school gymnasium.

  He grinned. “And I’ve got a ball.”

  When we got to the gym, a P.E. class was going on, but once the instructor saw who I had with me, he was more than thrilled to let me and Nick play basketball with them.

  Most of the kids knew Nick from TV and shoe promotions. In fact, several of the kids proudly displayed their Nick B’s, which was what they called Nick’s specialty shoe brand. It was fun seeing the looks on the kids’ faces when Nick passed them the ball. They kept egging him on, wanting him to dunk for them. When he finally did, the gym echoed with cheers, and the youngsters had to practically be dragged out of there once the bell rang.

  After they’d left, and it was just me and him in the gym, he asked, “Wanna play a little one-on-one?”

  I did. As competitive as I was, I figured it would be a pleasure to be crossed-up by a player as great as him so I nodded.

  At first I could tell he was taking it easy on me, but once I drained a basket from down town, he started playing harder.

  “Nice shot you got there, Padre.”

  “Thanks. When you’re my size you’ve got to make adjustments, you know?”

  He nodded, dribbling past me and driving hard to the hole.

  Two points. “I do. I’ve got to do the same.”

  “Touché,” I said and dribbled back.

  We played for about an hour. He was almost impossible to guard for a man my size, but I did my best. The score was pretty lopsided, but I’d held my own and he seemed impressed.

  “You’ve got great footwork, and your shot is primo,” he said. “I know some guards who could use a stroke like yours.”

  “Thanks. I’d tell you how great you are, but it might be redundant.”

  He put an arm around my shoulder. “No matter how good you are, you always have haters, man. That’s part of the game.”

  Of course, he was right. I’d never thought of it that way, but he was under fire every night he played, and when he screwed up, his critics definitely let him hear about it. Living with that kind of scrutiny took a strength I wasn’t sure I possessed.

  As we walked out of the gym, Nick asked, “Did I hear Lucinda right that you recently got married?”

  I hadn’t been in touch with Lucinda since the day she’d come to my office, and I certainly hadn’t told her about Chloe or our wedding. The woman was actually spying on me.

  “I did, but I didn’t tell her.”

  Nick sighed. “My mother is a unique woman. Sounds like she’s got somebody keeping tabs on you. Pretty creepy, but don’t let it freak you out too bad. She has a misguided way of trying to control people. Don’t take it personally.”

  “Thanks for the advice.”

  “Don’t mention it. Now, can I meet your wife? I can get you two tickets for the game.”

  I must have hesitated, because he added, “Just think how pissed Lucinda will be when I tell her that I’ve met your new bride and she hasn’t?” A devilish smile spread across his face, and I was flooded with relief. In my brother I’d found an ally.

  “It would be my pleasure.”



  “So, wait, your brother is a basketball player?” I asked Eduardo, confused.

  We were walking into the Smoothie King Arena, getting ready to watch a professional basketball game between the Fresno Fever and our local team, the New Orleans Gators.

  “Yeah. I just found out,” he said nonchalantly.

  “You just found out? When were you going to tell me about this?”

  “I’m telling you now.” He shrugged, and I wanted to throttle him. He was a priest, for Christ sakes. Surely, he should know better than to keep secrets from his wife.

  “When did you find out?”

  “A couple of weeks before we got married.” He handed the guy our tickets then turned to me. “Do you want a beer or something to eat? A smoothie maybe.” He pointed at a big sign with a fruit smoothie on it.

  I punched him lightly on the arm. “No, I don’t want a smoothie. I want to know why you didn’t tell me I was marrying a man whose brother was a professional basketball player, and why didn’t he come to our wedding?”

  “Would it have made a difference?” he asked in a remarkably calm voice that made me want to punch him harder.

  “No, but it would be nice for you to be open and honest with me. I don’t appreciate being blindsided.”

  “Believe me, I don’t either. I only found this out recently. I only met Nick for the first time yesterday. Apparently, we have the same father. Or at least that’s what his mother Lucinda believes. I’ve given them my DNA, and it’s being tested.”

  “Wow.” That must’ve come as a pretty big shock.

  I stopped dead in my tracks and made myself take a deep breath as I put two and two together. Eduardo was telling me his father was Ziggy Barnes, the hippie rock star who died in a plane crash. Wait, that meant he was related to the Barnes family including the popstar twins and The Barnes Bunch TV show.

  “Wait, this is some pretty big information,” I said.

  “Yeah. It’s been a shock but it’s not like I’m moving to LA and going on their show. Heck, I haven’t even seen it.”

  “I’ve seen it like once.” It was rare for me to be at home long enough to even watch TV. I must’ve had the flu or something.

  “Maybe we should catch a marathon of it sometime to get to know my family better.”

  “You’re a nut. I can’t believe this.”

  “It doesn’t chan
ge anything,” he said. “Except tonight we get some tickets we hadn’t planned on.” He took my hand and led me to our seats.

  It didn’t take long for me to get over being irritated. I kinda felt sorry for him. As tumultuous as my childhood had been, at least I knew where I came from.

  The game was exciting, with the Gators finally prevailing with a last-minute buzzer beater to win by one point.

  “I feel kinda bad we won,” Eduardo said. “Nick invited us out for dinner afterwards, but we don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

  “Try to stop me.” I definitely wanted to meet this guy. Not only was Nick good at dunking, he was also nice to look at.

  “I think he had a triple-double, but I’m not sure. They usually only post stuff like that on the Jumbotron if it’s a member of the home team.”

  Eduardo found someone to direct us to the bottom of the arena where we waited outside the locker room for Nick to appear. It took about an hour, but when he finally came out it was definitely worth it.

  He was even taller in person.

  “This must be your beautiful new wife I’ve been hearing about,” Nick said, giving me a hug.

  I’m sure I blushed.

  “Sure is. Nick Barnes this is Chloe Soto. Chloe, this is Nick.”

  “It’s really nice to meet you,” I gushed, staring into his brown eyes and marveling at how similar his eyes were to Eduardo’s.

  Later, at dinner, Nick showed us pictures of his wife Eden and their twins Annabelle and Albert. Check names.

  “What a beautiful family,” I said.

  “What about you two? Any plans for a little Soto running around anytime soon?”

  “Haha. Not yet,” I said, and Eduardo winked at me. The minute we’d decided to get married I’d gotten the birth control shot.

  “Sorry,” Nick said. “I sound just like Lucinda, right, Ed?”

  Eduardo nodded.

  “It’s just that having our twins, well, it changed my life for the better.”

  Later, as we were saying good-bye outside the restaurant Nick put an arm around both Eduardo and me and said, “I’m so glad I got to meet you both and get to know you a little bit. Don’t let Lucinda put you off from the rest of us.”


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