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First One In Last One Out

Page 3

by Laura Marie Henion

  Kenny sighed as he began to write down his findings and call his assistants to help him collect evidence. If they wanted to catch Redding and prosecute him for his acts of murder and arson, he and his team would have to be thorough.

  "You're mine, Redding. You're going to screw up and when you do, I'll be right there to put you away,” Kenny whispered.

  * * * *

  Ryan Masters slowly opened his eyes. The throbbing in his head was enormous. By the feel of the weight of it, he knew he should just lay motionless. Then the nausea set in. Hangover from hell. I gotta get to work.

  He squinted in the direction of his bedside table to where the alarm clock sat. Instead, he saw a stuffed pig dressed in a firefighter's full gear. He blinked, figuring he was still half asleep.

  He lifted his head slightly off the pillow and the room began to spin.


  He grabbed hold of the mattress on either side of him as he sat up in the bed. His head fell back against the headboard. He observed the floral décor of the room, instantly followed by the smell of cheap perfume, pungent, and mixed with beer.

  "Where the hell am I?"

  Too quickly, his gaze shot to the bedside.

  As he regained focus, he absorbed the fact that he was in bed with a naked woman.

  Her shoulder length hair spread wildly across the pillow and her cheek. Her backside faced him and his stomach churned.

  He looked more closely at her face trying to remember who the hell she was. He noted the smudged red lipstick, the curve of her oversized silicone breast. As his eyes traveled down her bony body he got the shock of his life. Plastered on her rear was a tattoo of a firefighter's helmet. Did he just have sex with some infatuated firefighter groupie?

  He had to get the hell out of there.

  Ryan tried to remember what happened and how he wound up in bed with the blonde.

  He slowly slid his legs off the bed and felt the room spin again.

  He grabbed his head with both hands and stared at the shaggy red carpeting.

  His clothes were in a ball on the floor.

  He grabbed the boxers and slowly stepped into them. He cringed at the next motion but knew he had no choice. This was bad. He hadn't gotten this drunk in years.

  The nausea was building as he glanced around the room. He saw the doorway that appeared to lead to the bathroom. He could see the white vanity from where he sat.

  He stood up and the pounding increased along with the sensation that he was going to hurl. He ran for the bathroom making it to the toilet just in time.

  He vomited until the dry heaves set in then slid down the wall beside it and sat with his head between his knees.

  Slowly Ryan started to feel better as he opened his eyes allowing the circumstances to set in.

  "I'm an asshole.” He let out a huge sigh and felt the guilt replace the sick sensations in his belly.

  The bathroom was black and white checkered. Not the best bathroom to be stuck in with a freaking hangover.

  Frustrated, he knew he had to get his clothes on and leave. He prayed the blonde didn't wake up and that she wouldn't remember the night they had.

  He started to remember bits and pieces of the night before.

  He was drinking a lot, hanging with the guys at The Pit when the blonde approached him.

  She was flirting and whispering in his ear while his friends looked on in envy.

  He allowed his reputation to lead him the rest of the way.

  He couldn't tell her to go take a hike or the guys would never let him live it down. He had an image to maintain.

  He rubbed his head and could feel the tears stinging his eyes.

  He didn't like this feeling. He hated himself right now and he hated living this lie.

  The next thing he remembered was the blonde doing some kind of lap dance, and him carrying her over his shoulder out of The Pit while everyone cheered him on.

  It was a total nightmare.

  The panic was setting in as he slowly rose from the floor. He had to grab his stuff and leave quietly.

  Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob the door swung open.

  "Hey Bull, I missed you."

  There she stood—his nightmare in the flesh, hands on her hips, legs spread in a stance that made him swallow hard.

  "I gotta get going.” He tried to sound confident despite his lack of enthusiasm about the situation and as he began to walk past her, he felt the fake nails against his arms.

  "You're so big, so damn sexy. You should be a model."

  She kissed the tiny pink flesh on his chest.

  He looked into her blue eyes. She was only a few inches shorter than him and way too thin for his liking. Sobering up made him realize this.

  Her hands glided over his abs and she complimented the definition of each muscle.

  She grabbed him by the waist and started moving him backwards as she caressed his skin with her mouth.

  The woman was talented and obviously she had a lot of practice.

  He tried to stop her next move when suddenly he fell to the bed with the blonde pressed on top of him.

  He closed his eyes and swore he was going to change his ways starting after today.

  * * * *

  Katie McKeller sat on the wooden, industrial bench, placing her heavy brown suitcase down on the ground beside it. She ran her hand through her hair then wiped the perspiration from her brow.

  The train ride had been long and tiresome, she wondered if she would ever get there. It was obvious to Katie that those feelings stemmed from her need to get back home and the anticipation of her new life.

  Flying would have been a hell of a lot quicker, but nightmares of the airplane crashing into a ball of flames made taking the train a safer choice. Katie exhaled and shook her head. This time her self inflicted anxieties got the best of her and as a result, she was tired.

  She ran a hand through her hair and glanced around the train station. Just then another train arrived as passengers loaded on. A young girl, no more than eighteen stood hugging a man and a woman goodbye. Katie assumed they were her parents.

  The image reminded her of herself years ago preparing to leave for college. Her mom and her brothers waved goodbye and tears streamed down her mother's cheeks. Katie wanted to stay and nearly got off the train but knew she couldn't.

  She glanced away from the scene and focused on her suitcase for a moment.

  From the time Donny had called, Katie reminisced about her life in Bolton Bay as well as her childhood in Warrens Cove.

  She was successful, independent and just because she was home again that wouldn't change.

  She rarely second guessed her judgments or the decisions she made over the years. She was always more mature and in tune with her gut instincts and ability to make the better choice.

  She rubbed her arm, caressed the bronze colored skin from her three days of lying out on the beach. It was the only down time she had between leaving her job, selling her apartment and leaving for home. It nearly drove her insane to actually lie down on a beach and just roast. It reminded her of her teenage years in high school and meeting her friends at the beach near the boardwalk in Warrens Cove. The little grilling hut served the best burgers and soft shell crab sandwiches around. Never mind the homemade potato salad and coleslaw they prepared fresh as well. She couldn't help but smile at the memory.

  Katie took a deep breath, absorbing the ocean air. She could taste the saltwater, the warmth of it against her skin yet the beaches of Warrens Cove were miles from the train station.

  However, there were those instant signs that she was close to the water and the beach. The sand that lay scattered near the roadways, signs advertising surfboards, rafts, boogie boards and snorkeling gear. Then there were the many restaurants promoting lobster and crab dinners, surf and turf and fresh oysters on the half shell. Her mouth watered.


  She smiled wide then rose from the bench to greet her brother Donny.
/>   They embraced.

  "My God, look at you. You look incredible, so gorgeous.” Donny pulled Katie into another embrace and her heart leaped.

  "I missed you,” he whispered, after he kissed the top of her head.

  "I missed you, too,” she said. The tears stung her eyes but did not fall. He squeezed her tightly before she pulled away.

  Donny picked up her suitcase with one hand then gently took Katie's hand to lead her to his car.

  Her brother had aged a bit, the stress of being a surgeon, she guessed by the light streaks of gray near his ears. He was tall, over 6 ft 3 in, just like her father had been. Donny had his father's eyes, brown like dark chocolate and his hair matched.

  "You look good Donny. How is Melody?"

  "Melody is great. Busy as usual and she cannot wait to see you. Eighteen months was just too long.” He stopped just shy of the silver BMW.

  "This is it,” he said rather proudly.

  Katie took in the full sight of the luxurious sports car. “Very nice,” she complimented then opened the passenger door.

  Katie thought about her beat up Tempo that got her through college, to and from work and safely through the ghettos outside the wealthy town of Bolton Bay.

  The city had been a dangerous place for a car and parking was just as brutal.

  She almost missed her old hunk of junk but planned to get a new car once she settled in.

  "Mom, Michael and Billy have planned a little dinner for us at the house. We should arrive right on schedule.” Donny started the ignition and revved the engine.

  "Isn't that beautiful?” he asked with his eyes closed, hands on the steering wheel and smile wide.

  "Do you need me to step out a minute? Maybe you need a moment alone."

  He gave his sister a sideways glance. “Smart ass."

  Off they drove towards Warrens Cove. Katie absorbed the scenery as Donny drove the car slowly through traffic.

  * * * *

  The station house at Ladder Three in Warrens Cove had finally quieted down.

  One false alarm and a two-alarm fire had brought the work shift into the early afternoon.

  They restocked the rigs with the necessary supplies and the smell of chili and veggie burgers filled the garage from the kitchen.

  "Colt's an asset to this operation,” Freddie said, as he ran his hands along the yellow suspenders.

  Colt knew the last time most of these men had eaten was at 6:00 a.m right before the alarm rang, and here it was 3:00 p.m.

  The hungry firefighters swarmed into the kitchen, grabbing hunks of bread, bowls of chili and bottled water. Colt smiled at the sound of parading footsteps as the large, stocky men invaded the kitchen. He could not help but smile, knowing that they all looked forward to the meals he created. They had worked especially hard this day and he was proud and more than capable of providing some comfort and refueling for them before the bell rang again.

  Colt looked at Freddy and Billy's plates.

  "You two on some diet?” he said. The McKeller brothers had reputations for having bottomless pits for stomachs.

  "Nah, we're just saving our appetites for tonight,” Billy said then took a bite of chili.

  "What's tonight?” Colt asked. The other firefighters looked on as they apparently half listened to the line of questioning while still hungrily feasting on the food.

  Michael gazed at Billy a moment. He was sure Katie did not want anyone to know she was back home.

  It had been over two years since he and Michael had seen Katie.

  The family seemed happy she was coming back home where they could keep an eye on her. Billy recalled, not too long after the fire, she always cut the telephone conversations short. Billy was certain he was not the only one who noticed it. Katie was distancing herself, and there had to be a reason. She always had an excuse for why they could not come visit. Before the family knew it, a year had passed. A sure sign Katie was hiding something. He wondered if Billy and Donny had the same feelings. If they did, they never mentioned it to him.

  "Well?” Colt pushed for an answer.

  "Dinner at our mom's house, even Donny will be there,” Michael said rather rudely then went back to eating. Colt apparently got the hint and turned back towards the stove.

  "What's mom making?” Ryan asked. Michael shot him an annoyed look.

  "You are not invited,” Billy said with a smile. Ryan was Billy's best friend, and partner in crime with the women. He had a dangerous side to him that often reared its ugly head, but he was also one of the best buddies and fellow firefighter Billy could ever ask for.

  Billy gazed at Ryan, shaking his head as he took a bite of fresh bread.

  Ryan laughed.

  "Tell mom I said hello. So what's the special occasion?” Ryan asked taking another slice of fresh bread from the bowl.

  "No special occasion—"

  "Family business,” Michael interrupted Billy then abruptly pushed himself away from the table. Everyone stared at him. His attitude was different today.

  Billy watched as Michael threw away his garbage, thanked Colt, then left the kitchen.

  Billy swallowed then finished up as well.

  "What's up with him today?” Colt asked, nodding his chin towards the direction Michael left in.

  "Beats me.” Billy rose from the table.

  He thanked Colt then looked at the clock.

  "Well it's quitting time boys. See you tomorrow.” Billy slapped Ryan on the shoulders.

  "We on for tonight over at The Pit?” Ryan asked.

  Billy thought about the local restaurant with its outdoor bar overlooking Warrens Cove. The lovely young women he could meet and possibly hook-up with for the night would be in ample numbers.

  "Nah, not tonight. I'll see you tomorrow.” Billy headed out the door in search of Michael.

  Colt shook his head. “Something is up with those two. They're acting strange."

  "You aren't kidding. When has Billy ever not wanted to go to The Pit? Especially with his luck with the women,” Ryan commented as he started to clean up his plate.

  "You should be happy Ryan, now there's more for you to choose from.” Freddy said.

  "Hot pants here don't have to do much but walk into that place. They swarm to you, Bull,” Brad said, and Colt, Lieutenant Charlie Hoolihan and the other firefighters from Ladder Three started adding their comments.

  Before long, Ryan felt the heat reach his cheeks but it was his own fault. He created the ladies man image. He could not help the attention that flocked in his direction. Sometimes it got on his nerves, the phone calls while he was trying to sleep, love letters from strange women, but it was all part of the job. Other guys, including Billy and Michael, had to deal with the same nonsense. The other night was a wake up call. That was never going to happen again.

  What the guys didn't know was he had taken the Lieutenant's test, was up for the promotion, but the chief and the captain didn't think he was ready. They called him a hot head, said he took too many chances and being a leader was not about the glory and being on top.

  Ryan had a reputation in the past for taking risks. However, lately he felt he had learned from his mistakes. He now followed the rules and the chief noticed, even commented on it but Ryan's temper was still there and it stood in the way of making him a good leader.

  Ryan stood up and cleaned off his plate as the guys continued to rag on him. He smiled pretending it didn't bother him one bit, but it did.

  He was grateful when Lieutenant Hoolihan changed the subject.

  "Hey, did you hear what happened to Chuck Sullivan, from Ladder Two? His gear was stolen from his truck yesterday morning,” the Lieutenant stated as he began to clear his plate.

  "Hey, I heard about that and then there was this rumor that his girlfriend stole it. She was pissed off because she found out he wasn't exactly being faithful,” Brad added.

  "I guess you guys never had a chance to logon to the Ladder Two My Room site,” Ryan said with a smirk.
br />   "Shit no. Who the hell has time to bullshit and leave comments to a bunch of other firefighters from different houses?” Brad asked, obviously not into online chat sites, blogging, or other computer associated communication.

  "Well if you did, you would have seen the message and comment his ex-girlfriend left him. She also forwarded her comments and pictures to every one of his friends as well as thousands of other firehouses throughout the United States."

  Ryan obviously had the guys’ attention. They stared, apparently waiting to hear what message was left.

  "His ‘x’ had someone take a picture of her with one hand handcuffed to the bedpost, the other hand flipping the bird at the camera, while she wore nothing but a T-shirt. The biggest blow was the words on the T-shirt."

  "What the hell did it say?” Brad, Colt and the lieutenant asked in unison.

  Ryan smirked before answering them.

  "It stated, “God made Police Officers so that Firefighters could have Heroes."

  "Ohhhh, man!"

  "That bitch!"

  "Serves him right. Can you bring that picture up for me?” Colt asked, as the roaring and laughter traveled through the kitchen.

  Ryan laughed.

  Billy went in search of Michael and found him by the back door of the stationhouse. He was talking to Chief William Rodney. William was a good friend of their father's, and pals with Colt and a few other seasoned firefighters. It was obvious to Billy that Michael was going through something right now. Billy could not get him to talk about it. Maybe the chief could? Billy headed back towards the lockers, leaving his brother and the chief some time to talk.

  * * * *

  "Katie?” Chief William Rodney asked in obvious shock, then took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair.

  Michael nodded then leaned against the building. He took out a cigarette and lit it up.

  "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Your mom didn't mention this. Is Katie all right?” William asked, his concern apparent in his voice.

  Michael recalled that William had wanted to fly out to Bolton Bay with their mom and the rest of the family but Katie would not have it. Maybe William shared Michael's feeling that Katie minimized the physical and emotional pain she was in. She was stubborn and bullheaded just like the rest of the McKeller clan. Their mom included.


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