First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 8

by Laura Marie Henion

  "The kids badly burned, we need the basket.” Brad yelled into the radio as James made his way up to the bedroom window in the bucket. Ryan grabbed onto the ladder. James grabbed his hand, assisting him into the bucket. Ryan ducked under the basket, which was secured into place.

  They moved the ladder bucket towards the next window. The smoke and water sprayed their faces and the air around them. Instantly the room Ryan was in burst into flames. It was a classic flashover effect. He could feel the force of the flames against his turnout coat, ducking down deeper into the bucket, the flames shot over their heads as the ladder moved towards the other window. The firefighters below were now shooting water towards the window right beside the ladder. Ryan was at the other bedroom window and he could see the flames practically engulfing Brad and the kid.

  Brad emerged yelling, “We're burned. Let's move.” He passed the child to Ryan and James. They secured him into the basket, buckling him in as the child cried. Then Ryan reached for Brad, assisting him out of the window and into the bucket just as the entire room ignited. It was a tight squeeze in the basket, but everyone was safe.

  They slowly lowered the bucket to the ground where EMS workers immediately tended to Brad and the child. Above them, the fire was unrelenting as black smoke penetrated the air around them and their fellow firefighters continued to fight to extinguish the flames.

  "We just got a call! Burn victims. One firefighter, second-degree burns to neck and hand. One child, age six, burns to stomach, both with smoke inhalation,” the head nurse Diane yelled from the front desk.

  Dr. Broderick, Katie and Donny headed to the ER to get ready.

  "Hang in there buddy, we'll be right behind you,” Ryan yelled to Brad as the paramedics closed the door to the ‘bus'.

  Black soot covered Ryan's face and he was sweaty and coughing.

  "You okay? Maybe you should go to the hospital, get checked out,” Michael said as the paramedics continued to monitor Ryan's blood pressure.

  Before Ryan could argue, the lieutenant was in his face.

  "You're going to the hospital,” the lieutenant stated.

  Everyone seemed worried about the six-year-old little boy. His wounds looked bad.

  Katie was assisting Donny with the injured little boy. Katie added some painkillers to the I.V. Dr. Broderick helped the firefighter behind the curtain next to them. The little boy was so scared when he arrived and Katie felt terrible. She wanted to calm him down, provide as much comfort as she possibly could to ensure him that everything was going to be all right. The paramedics had wrapped Kevin's body to keep his temperature regulated. Dr. Broderick carefully cut through the bandages so he could view the wounds and determine the treatment.

  Katie gazed at Kevin. He had big blue eyes and blond hair, cut in a military style. His face was red from heat burns.

  "You're being so brave. How old are you, Kevin?” Katie asked as Donny worked gently to view the stomach burns.

  "Six,” he whispered and Katie smiled.

  "Wow! Six, huh? I would have thought you were older. You're even braver than I thought,” she said.

  "You're pretty,” he told her.

  Katie glanced at Donny. He smiled.

  "Thank you."

  "Hold still there, buddy. This might hurt a little,” Donny warned and Kevin closed his eyes.

  Katie thought that Kevin was so brave as Donny worked to heal the injuries. She stood by Kevin's side while Donny applied the ointment then some clean bandages to ensure that Kevin was comfortable. From where Katie stood, it appeared Kevin had third-degree burns to the center of his stomach. Most likely it was from his shirt catching on fire. The surrounding area suffered both second and first-degree burns. Katie hoped when Kevin's treatment was done he would have little to no scarring.

  Katie smiled and was about to move away from the table.

  "Can you stay and hold my hand?” Kevin asked and the tears rolled down his cheeks.

  Katie looked towards Donny and he nodded an okay.

  "I sure can sweetheart. Don't worry, in just another couple of minutes your Mom and Dad will be in here."

  Kevin smiled.

  So did Ryan from the large open doorway.

  He wanted to check on Brad and was surprised to find he knew the new nurse.

  "Kevin, oh my God, my baby!” Kevin's mom and dad stormed into the room wearing their nightclothes and covered in soot. It was obvious they were caught in the fire as well. Katie moved to the side. Donny explained the injuries to the parents.

  Katie made her way across the room to Dr. Broderick. He was helping the firefighter who was injured.

  "Thanks Doc,” Brad said as he closed his eyes, glad the pain killers were working.

  "You need anything?” she asked the doctor as Brad opened his eyes.

  "Keep an eye on his blood pressure and check the I.V drip. Lucy was a bit rushed,” Dr. Broderick stated. It was obvious he did not care for the young nurse Lucy.

  "My God, Doc, what the hell did you put in that I.V? I'm seeing an angel and she's gorgeous!” Brad exclaimed and Dr. Broderick laughed.

  Katie took Brad's arm and fixed the I.V. There was nothing wrong with Lucy's work. She did a great job.

  "Don't let him sweet talk you honey, he's no-good,” Ryan said. Dr. Broderick told Ryan to take a seat.

  "I thought I told you to rest."

  "I'm fine Doc. Look, I'm drinking water.” Ryan lifted the water bottle in the air and Dr. Broderick rolled his eyes.

  "Katie, keep an eye on his vitals and check Lucy's work. The bandage looks too tight.” The doctor exited the room.

  Ryan smiled.

  Katie cringed a second then felt the heat rush to her face. The firefighter from two weeks ago. Oh no!

  His face had bits of black soot on it. He looked even larger dressed in full gear, minus the jacket. The yellow suspenders clung against his solid chest. The chest she fell against, the one that held her body close. God she had not stopped thinking about him since that morning.

  He was rugged, tough and looked like he just went through an intense fire.

  Quickly, Katie turned away from him.

  "Don't listen to him, Angel, I'm not like that."

  Katie smiled.

  Ryan coughed.

  "Relax, Brad and try to rest."

  "How's the leg?” Ryan asked as Katie tried to walk around him. Ryan temporarily blocked her path. Katie looked up into his eyes then quickly scooted around him.

  Ryan stayed focused on Katie. He took in the sight of her, the way the snug uniform pants clung to her thin, shapely legs. As she brushed by him, he smelled that same feminine smell he recalled from the beach. Baby's breath, it had to be.

  "It's fine. Thanks,” she answered.

  "You two know one another?” Brad asked and Ryan just stared at Katie.

  She was a nurse. He did not think he would ever bump into her again. This time he was getting her number.

  "Not really,” Katie answered Brad as she took his hand gently placing it into hers. She softly began to unwrap the bandage.

  "You smell good,” Brad whispered. Katie smiled as she continued to fix the bandage.

  "They're watching your vitals Buddy, didn't I tell you too much chili is no good for you? Ryan teased still keeping an eye on Katie.

  "Ahhh, give me a break. I'm fine. Besides, aren't you supposed be giving blood and getting monitored."

  "There's a nurse right here."

  Katie caught Ryan's gaze then quickly looked back towards Brad.

  "There you go, Brad. Now we'll be moving you to another room and the Doctor will be back and so will I, to check on you,” Katie told him.

  "You promise?” Brad asked holding Katie's hand as she tried to move away and Ryan made a noise in the background then he coughed.

  Katie smiled and patted Brad's hand.

  "I promise, now rest a bit and I'm sure they'll release you soon."

  "How's the little boy?” Brad asked Katie.

. Broderick returned.

  "He'll be okay. He's a trooper,” Dr. Broderick added as he joined the conversation.

  "Smitten with our nurse. He's asking for you, Katie,” Doctor Broderick said placing a possessive hand on her shoulder.

  Katie smiled. “I'll be back."

  "Can't blame the kid. I'm smitten with her too,” Brad added, straining his neck to watch Katie's backside as she walked around the curtain.

  Ryan absorbed it all. She was an attractive woman, petite and instantly likable.

  He couldn't keep from watching her as she made her way to the little boy and his parents.

  Katie. What a gorgeous name. A few minutes later, another shy nurse came in to tell Ryan the results of his blood work. All was clear and he got the okay to leave the hospital. Brad was resting comfortably and so was the kid, so Ryan headed out towards the main desk.

  Running his fingers through his hair he sighed in relief and felt the exhaustion. A nice hot shower and a cold beer would hit the spot.

  Glancing up he noticed the crowds of nurses and doctors had dispersed and only a few people remained outside by the front desk.

  Michael was talking to Katie and she was smiling. Ryan instantly had a jealous feeling in his gut. He wanted to yell out ‘I saw her first’ or something but he opted to interrupt the conversation instead.

  "Brad seems to be doing well. He'll probably need a bit of time off,” Ryan said and Katie moved closer to Michael.

  "That's great and the kid is doing well, all things considered. You okay?” Michael asked. Katie half listened to the conversation.

  The two men towered over her, both of them standing over six feet tall. Her stomach felt as if it were twisted in knots at the sight of Ryan. It was a nice name and Michael just told her that Ryan was Billy's best friend.

  "I better get going. I'll see you later, right?’ Katie asked holding onto Michael's arm a moment as he answered.

  "Sure,” Michael responded.

  Katie stood on her tip toes, leaned up and kissed Michael's cheek goodbye before she walked away.

  "See ya around,” Ryan stated with a wink. Katie returned the smile before walking away.

  Michael gazed at Ryan noting what appeared to be a look of jealousy on his face and flushed cheeks. Ryan stared at Katie as she walked down the hall and back into the emergency room. He caught her glance back at Ryan.

  Michael had been around Ryan enough to know when he took an interest in a woman. It was clear that Ryan was interested in his sister and Katie seemed to notice that interest. That had to be the purpose of the kiss on the cheek she gave him. Michael decided to play along.

  "You know her?” Ryan asked.

  "Yeah,” Michael said and ended it at that by crossing his arms in front of his chest and giving Ryan attitude.

  Ryan did not ask any other questions. Billy was his best friend and Michael was Billy's brother so if Michael was interested in Katie and they knew one another then he had to back off. It would not be right.

  Ryan could not understand why he was so disappointed. He was going to The Pit tonight, of that he was certain.

  Katie arrived home around 1:30 a.m. She took a shower then walked outside to the porch. Her mom was in bed already. Katie had been at the hospital an extra couple of hours to help Kevin and his parents understand his injuries. She wanted them to feel confident about Donny and the hospital. He was a strong kid. The initial treatment on the scene by the paramedics played a crucial role in maintaining Kevin's body temperature and protecting the wounds from instant infection. The moment they rushed Kevin into the ER, Donny moved diligently and gently to administer proper treatment to Kevin's wounds. Her brother was amazing and she enjoyed working hand and hand with him.

  Katie knew firsthand how scary a fire could be and the effect burn injuries had. Kevin was lucky if that was even the right word. It could have been worse, especially if the firefighters had not gotten to the burning house so quickly. She found out from the paramedics that Brad, Ryan and Michael had been the three firefighters to get the family out of their home.

  Katie would be sure to visit Kevin first thing in the morning.

  She rubbed her hip, annoyed that it still bothered her after a year's time. Then again, that was her fault. Her doctors told her not to push it, that recovery of a broken pelvis takes time. She wanted to heal up, ignore the pain and push through physical therapy. The pain that was in her heart was much worse than in her body.

  "Hey, what are you still doing up? I thought you'd be passed out by now?” Michael whispered from the doorway.

  Katie smiled.

  "I can't yet. I know it's bad but I can't help but take my work home with me,” she answered with a smile.

  Michael took a seat in the chair next to her.

  "I know exactly what you mean."

  Katie looked at her brother, his image highlighted by the moonlight.

  He was just as exhausted but probably still on a high from the fire.

  "It must have been bad, huh?” She asked and a twinge of fear stung her belly. Any conversations about fire could lead to what happened in Bolton Bay.

  "Yeah it was. I hate to see a family in danger like that. The kid was so scared, he hid in the closet. The parents were frantic and Ryan and I got them out of the house but Brad was still searching. He looked inside the kid's closet just as the room went ablaze. Ryan was on the other side of the doorway and Brad and the kid remained trapped in the adjacent room.

  "We got the ladder to the side of the house but the fire was so intense that Brad and the kid did not have much of a chance. Ryan grabbed them one at a time as quickly as possible. Brad did great. He wouldn't give up looking for that kid."

  "My God! That is incredible. No wonder Kevin was so scared."

  "You did great with him. I guess you've had several experiences with burn victims?"

  "Too much,” Katie replied then looked away from her brother. It was nice having a conversation with him. She did not feel as uncomfortable now as when she first arrived home.

  Fighting fires, hospitals, victims were all subjects of common ground in the McKeller family. That would never change.

  Katie remembered the pride she felt today at the hospital as her brothers emerged doing their job to help the victims of the fire. From the house itself with Michael and Billy assisting, to Donny providing the medical attention, they were a family of public servants ready to deal with each situation head on and professionally. Her dad was sure to be proud of all of them.

  "So what was the cause of the fire?” Katie asked.

  "Faulty wiring work, done by the homeowner when he installed outside spotlights. The guy thought he knew what he was doing and unfortunately, he did not. The inspector believes that when the sensor for the light kicked on outside the house, the wires short-circuited. It more than likely caused a spark, which started the fire. He never added any flame retardant material or insulation around the wiring or proper seal that electricians use, which help prevent things like this from happening."

  "Oh, my God. So this all could have been prevented, if he had just hired a trained electrician?” Katie asked.

  "Exactly. But, believe me, that wasn't the only thing that this homeowner did wrong."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I don't want to get into everything, but they had numerous flammable materials around the home including gasoline filled containers near the furnace."

  "Oh my."

  Katie was surprised, considering how all community firehouses conducted yearly fire prevention seminars and events. They even sent reading material home with all school children. How much more could the fire departments do to prevent fires like this from happening?

  Michael watched his sister a moment, noting the way she rubbed her hip as she sat on the lounge chair. Donny was right, there was something there.

  Michael wanted to know but he did not want to force her. He decided to ask how she knew Ryan Masters instead.

  He did not want his
sister involved with him either. Ryan was not right for her. At least he hoped his sister was not into noncommittal relationships. Ryan was so suave with women and lived on the edge. He would only hurt her.

  "What's wrong?” Katie asked, feeling her brother's gaze. There was something on his mind.

  "I ... I'm not sure how to approach this. I thought about what it would be like to have you home, keep an eye on you and make sure the guys stayed at a distance. I just didn't expect it to bother me so much."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Today at the hospital. You didn't want Ryan to know we were brother and sister. Why?"

  Katie nibbled her bottom lip. She could probably find out more about Ryan even though she vowed to ignore her attraction to him. Getting romantically involved with another firefighter would kill her nerves, never mind she did not feel ready to date.

  "I met him on the beach, jogging. It's no big deal."

  "I could tell you guys had met before. You don't like him, do you?” Michael blurted out.

  "I hardly know him Michael. I told you we met on the beach when I was jogging. It's no big deal."

  "That doesn't answer my question. Do you like him?"

  "I don't know. Why are you so upset?"

  "Ryan's got a short fuse, he lives on the edge. He wouldn't be right for you."

  Katie smiled at Michael. He was concerned for her well-being. His brotherly protectiveness was nice. Even Donny was asking her questions about her and Ryan.

  Her and Ryan? That's funny, there was no her and Ryan, yet the thought appealed to her.

  No way! She was not ready, yet. Besides, firefighters who looked like Ryan were hung up on themselves, their muscles and the reaction from silly females. Katie did not want to be involved with anyone like that. She wanted to feel special. It did not matter anyway, she just was not ready yet.

  "He dates constantly if you can even call it that. A man like Ryan would mean no commitment. He doesn't see things through."

  Katie listened to what Michael was saying. She knew the type of guy Michael was talking about. A guy as sexy and physically fit as Ryan would surely have firefighter crazed women after him. Some women out there just pined over men like Ryan. Probably sent him love letters, staked out his home for a glimpse of him. She laughed at the thought.


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