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First One In Last One Out

Page 16

by Laura Marie Henion

  "You're right, which only makes our job harder and the need to capture Redding imperative. This sick bastard could be working on a hit list."

  "Before we jump to any more conclusions let's interview the witnesses and the surviving families from the first fire. Redding may have showed his face or tried other methods of contacting them.” Lou fingered through the folder and found the telephone number of the first victim.

  "This place is not too far from here. I'll give a call first then we'll both go."

  Kenny nodded, agreeing.

  "What about Katie? Should we call her, give her the heads up?"

  "Let's check this one out first then decide."

  Ryan slammed his fists into the narrow, red punching bag. A jab, a hook, a jab, a hook, the hits repeated along with the speed. He had Theo Walters on his mind and a vision of Theo with Katie. Katie was his and he was determined to make her see that he was not a player. It was all a game, an image he could hide behind so his fears, his failures would stay hidden.

  The sweat was pouring from his brow, burning his eyes as the drops of perspiration rolled off his cheeks and onto the floor, but he continued to give it all he had. The punching bag was Theo's face. Theo had taken away the championship, had beaten Ryan by the skin of his teeth. Theo was not going to win this year and he sure as hell was not going to get his hands on Katie McKeller.

  Ryan slugged the bag a few more times.

  "Whoa! Bull what the hell are you fired up about? You're gonna hurt yourself and then what?” William yelled as he walked closer to Ryan. They were in the gym and a few other fighters were working out and sparing in the large square ring.

  Robert's Gym was huge with a separate fighting arena and seating for more than one hundred fans. Tickets for the fight this September had sold out months ago.

  Ryan stopped hitting the bag to catch his breath.

  "You feel better? What's gotten into you?” William asked.

  "Nothing Chief. I'm fine."

  William could tell Ryan was lying. “There's obviously something bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?"

  Ryan walked towards the bench near the chief and took a slug of water from the large water bottle.

  "Something's got you fired up. Does this have to do with last night at The Pit?” The chief asked, then placed a toothpick slightly into his mouth holding it between his teeth. The chief continued to try to get Ryan to talk about what was bothering him. He had an idea where all the anger stemmed from.

  Ryan picked his head up, appearing annoyed by the chief's persistence but still refused to answer his questions.

  "You have to stay focused, Bull. You cannot let that short fuse of yours get in the way of your concentration. It's what made you lose the fight the last time."

  Ryan's hatred for Theo was obvious by his facial expression.

  "I know that! Just seeing him last night made my blood boil."

  The chief continued to chew on the toothpick while holding Ryan's gaze. He moved the thin piece of wood to the side of his mouth, between his teeth.

  "Just seeing Theo or seeing Theo with his hands on Katie McKeller?” The chief asked as he continued to chew and hold the gaze of the young fighter in front of him.

  It was obvious Ryan was interested in Katie. The chief wondered if Katie felt the same.

  Ryan jumped up from the bench and walked towards the bag again. He ignored the chief's comment and started hitting the bag.

  The chief leaned against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  "She's quite a lady, the whole package. Her and Theo were hitting it off."

  Ryan gave the bag a forearm then turned away from it. His hands were on his hips, his back away from the chief.

  "They went to high school together—

  Ryan abruptly turned around.

  "I don't give a shit if they knew each other since grade school. He's not gonna get her, that's it!” Ryan yelled and the chief smirked.

  His gut was right. The kid had a thing for Katie.

  The chief removed the toothpick from his mouth and deposited it into the trashcan beside the bench. He took a few steps towards Ryan.

  "Listen Bull, you've got to control that temper of yours. I have known Katie since she was born. She is strong and bullheaded just like her brothers and her mother. She will not take a liking to some testosterone infuriating man making demands and playing games.

  "Katie is a lady. She is to be respected and not taken for granted. I am surprised you are interested in her. I thought you were more of the ‘love em and leave em’ type of guy."

  "That's not true and you know it, Chief."

  "I know it and you know, it but it's not how you present yourself to others. If you're going to have a shot at someone as special as Katie McKeller then you'd better make her see the real you. Now focus on your training and control that temper of yours and maybe ... just maybe, we'll win us a championship.” The chief patted Ryan on the shoulders then walked away.

  Ryan thought about Katie. He was determined to show her who he really was. He had made an ass out of himself last night and his splitting headache this morning was a constant reminder.

  Ryan turned towards the red bag and began punching it again. This time his focus was on his form and the power behind each punch.

  * * * *

  Katie was crying, yelling for help. She could feel the force of heat against her face. There was an explosion that caused her to fall to the floor. Then she heard the screams and she tried to cover her ears. It was as if she were standing there watching the scene unfold instead of being in the fire itself.

  She looked on in anguish and pain as people did whatever they could to get away from the flames and to get out.

  She saw Bradley, then he disappeared for what seemed like minutes until suddenly she felt his hand, heard his voice.

  "I'm here, Katie!” he whispered. She felt his warm breath against her skin. Closing her eyes, she reached for him to hold on tighter but she couldn't feel his touch.

  Her body was shaking the heat increasing and she was losing her breath. Then she saw Bradley again, he smiled at her. “I love you. I'm never gonna let you go."

  Katie screamed as she felt the impact of Bradley shoving her away from him. She was descending towards the ocean of flames that swallowed up Bradley when suddenly her body made contact with the solid metal flooring. Katie landed on a half broken stairwell. Bradley fell two more floors to his death. The fire swallowed him up.

  "Bradley! Bradley!” Katie was screaming and crying, the pain in her hip was enormous, she could feel her ribs protruded through her flesh.

  Her heart ached, she could not breathe. She wanted to die, she wanted to reach for Bradley.

  Gasping for air, screaming out loud from the top of her lungs, “Bradley ... help!"

  She heard her mom's voice, felt her hand against her forehead caressing her softly. Katie continued to cry, feeling the pain in her hip begin to subside.

  She crunched her body up into the fetal position, holding her ribs, her hip as if the injuries were real and present.

  "Let me die. Please, let me die,” she pleaded in between sobs.

  "Katie honey, you're okay. Everything is gonna be okay.” Her mother's voice brought her back to the present and she slowly opened her eyes.

  Mom, Billy and Michael were kneeling beside her bed. Their facial expressions were grim and concerned.

  Katie took in her surroundings, she knew she was in her bedroom, the safety of her home but she wished she were dead. She wondered why she was alive. Katie closed her eyes and cried.

  "It's okay baby. You're not in the fire anymore. You're all right. You're safe,” her mother tried to convince her as Katie continued to shake and calm her breathing. Sobbing, her mom consoled her.

  She sat on her bed after taking a long hot shower. She was applying some lip gloss when her mom knocked on the bedroom door.

  "Can I come in?” Lea asked hesitantly.

Katie wasn't certain how to handle the situation. “Sure mom."

  "How are you feeling? Did the shower help?” Lea sat down on the edge of the bed.

  Katie placed the brush back down onto the dresser.

  "Kind of."

  Katie was silent a moment. She knew the family had questions.

  "I'm sorry that happened. I didn't mean to upset everyone.” Katie's eyes filled with tears all over again.

  "Oh baby, don't say that.” Lea moved closer to her daughter and embraced her. Katie laid her head against her mom's shoulder.

  "Were you in love with Bradley?” Her mom asked and Katie's head shot up in shock.

  "You called out his name. You were reaching out to him."

  The tears streamed down Katie's face the pain in her chest intensified.

  "He was my boyfriend. He died in the fire."

  "Oh God, Katie. Why didn't you say anything? You mean you saw it happen?"

  Katie wiped her eyes.

  "I should have died in that fire. I shouldn't be here right now,” Katie whispered her voice cracking.

  "No. Don't say that. Don't ever think that. Can't you see that it wasn't your time? God has plans for you. Look at the good you bring people and the hope."

  "Oh mom, please.” Katie pulled away, rubbing her eyes then crossing her arms in front of her chest.

  "Katie Marie McKeller, I've heard about what you do at the hospital, the way you help people, the way you helped that little boy. Do not underestimate your purpose here on Earth. Not everyone looks the Devil in the eye and lives. You are meant to do more. That is why you are still with us. Now what happened between you and Ryan?"

  Katie looked into her mom's eyes. How did she know about her and Ryan?

  "Ryan?” Katie whispered.

  "Yes. You've got your brothers in an uproar and Billy's not talking to Ryan."

  "This is between Ryan and me, not the boys."

  "What happened?” Lea asked and Katie told her mom everything.

  "Katie, this is something that Ryan needs to face and to handle. You should know how difficult it is to look at someone with burn scars and injuries."

  "Mom, Shelly is devastated, she looked up to Ryan. He's her hero and he couldn't put away his own selfishness and just go to see her, talk to her? No, Mom, if he can't do that then...” Katie looked away from her mom.

  "Then what?” Lea asked and Katie turned towards her.

  Katie pulled up her shirt with one hand and pulled down the elastic of her pants with the other hand.

  Lea looked closely at the scars against her daughter's skin.

  "Oh Katie.” Her mom stood up and embraced her. “Why didn't you tell us? What injuries did you sustain in that fire? I want to know everything.” Lea held her daughter in her arms.

  "So do we,” Donny stated from the doorway and the two women turned towards him.

  Billy, Michael, Donny, and Lea sat in chairs by the kitchen table. Katie leaned against the counter. They each had mugs of coffee in their hands and were waiting for Katie to begin.

  "You guys know my roommate, Terry. I met her brother Bradley and we started dating. He was a firefighter in Bolton Bay. We were close."

  Katie swallowed hard.

  "Bradley and I went to see this local band play at this club down by the beach. It was a huge place, four floors and crowded as hell. We were all just enjoying the music when there was an explosion in the basement. The place went up in flames in seconds. The rumble from the explosion separated Bradley and I. The club quickly filled with smoke."

  Katie took a breath and closed her eyes.

  "I was so scared, I couldn't see anything and then Bradley called out my name and took my hand.” The tears ran down Katie's face.

  "I would have died there if it weren't for Bradley. He took my hand and we crawled towards the door to the stairs, the smoke was thick and we headed for an exit. Suddenly, there was this horrific ‘swooshing’ sound, Bradley let go of my hand and he pushed me to the side and the floor just ... disappeared. We fell two floors below."

  "Oh my God, Katie!” Michael stood up and placed his arm around his sister's shoulders.

  "What happened next?” Billy asked, sitting forward in his chair.

  "I landed on the edge of a broken stairwell ... Bradley fell all the way to the basement ... into the fire and died.” Katie covered her mouth and cried. She tried to continue with the story and crying at the same time.

  "I reached out to him, but the fire ... the fire burned my hand. It was so hot! I wanted to die. I just wanted to lie there and die, but the heat was so intense. My hip was hurting so badly, my ribs—the blood.” Katie rubbed her hip and her side, the tears still flowing from her eyes.

  "I rolled to the side and hit the door. I couldn't reach the knob. The heat and smoke were so intense, I couldn't see my own hand in front of me. The smoke ... the smoke was covering me."

  Katie cried harder, closed her eyes and could not get a full breath. Michael tried to console her.

  "There were terrible sounds. The floors and walls were creaking and moaning, I thought it was going to collapse right on top of me."

  "I was coughing struggling for air. Breathing was becoming too difficult, and then I heard someone yelling. So many people were screaming for help, trapped, I should have died there."

  "What did you do, Katie? How did you get out?” Billy asked obviously full of concern and sitting on the edge of the chair.

  "Suddenly the door opened just as I rolled over onto my stomach coughing, my lungs burning."

  "Two firefighters were there reaching for me. My hip was so bad, my ribs, the burns..."

  "You were burned? What?” Donny began to ask and Katie continued.

  "I woke up in the hospital with Terry and her boyfriend at the time, Paul, by my bedside.

  I had a broken pelvis, broken ribs and third-degree burns on my hip and side. Never mind the smoke inhalation. My lungs and breathing were terrible."

  Michael held his sister close then Billy, Donny and Mom stood up from their chairs to hug Katie as well.

  "Why wouldn't you let us come to see you, Katie? Why did you minimize your injuries and the fire?” Lea asked between sobs.

  More tears rolled down Katie's cheeks.

  "You guys had gone through enough with Daddy. I didn't want to worry you or make you go through the pain again."

  "Oh Katie!” Lea grabbed her daughter and held her close.

  "I can't believe you went through all this on your own. Your hip, it's not fully healed.” Donny stated.

  "I pushed through the physical therapy quickly. I wanted to get well in case you guys made a surprise trip or something. I continue to push it. I guess I want it to go away so I can forget the fire."

  "Your other injuries, the burns, how bad are they?” Billy asked.

  Katie swallowed hard then looked at her mom while tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Her mom smiled then placed a reassuring hand on Katie's shoulder.

  The boys stared at Katie waiting, wondering, how badly their sister suffered.

  Katie slowly pulled up her shirt a little and pulled down the elastic to her shorts so her brothers could see.

  Donny moved closer.

  "You had surgery on this? Why didn't you call me?” Donny was upset. He immediately looked at her injuries from a medical standpoint.

  "I didn't want you to worry. The doctor at the burn center in Bolton Bay did a great job. It was so ugly, so intense looking. It still is,” she told him as she stared at the scars.

  "Honey they're not bad at all. The surgeon did an excellent job. My God, Katie.” Donny hugged her next.

  They all talked a little more. Katie told them about Bradley, Terry and Paul.

  "What was the cause of the fire?” Michael asked and everyone waited for Katie to explain.

  Katie nibbled on her bottom lip.

  "What is it Katie? What are you not telling us?” Billy asked.

  "The fire was set on purpose.” Ka
tie rubbed her temples and closed her eyes. She instantly saw Redding Jr.'s image in her mind.

  "Oh My God! You mean like some pyromaniac or something?” Lea asked shaking her head in disbelief.

  "I don't understand. Did they catch the person? How big was this fire?” Michael asked.

  The tears filled Katie's eyes again.

  She tried to take a deep breath, her hatred for Redding Jr. filled her to her core.

  "He's responsible for more than sixteen deaths. There could be more by now."

  "Oh Christ, what kind of a monster—

  "The worst monster, Mom. An unstoppable callous man who wants to set the world on fire.” Katie stated drying her eyes then placing her hands on her lap.

  "Are you sure they haven't caught this guy yet?” Billy asked.

  "Redding? No way. Lou or Kenny would have called me."

  "Who are Redding, Lou and Kenny? Is this the serial arsonist the news was reporting on recently?” Donny asked.

  "Redding is the monster. The serial arsonist the news has been reporting on. Kenny is the arson investigator in charge of the case and Lou Bachelli is the homicide detective working with him. They would call me right away if Redding was apprehended."

  "Why's that?” Billy asked.

  "Lou is Bradley's uncle. Besides that, I was one of the few people who survived being trapped in the fire."

  Michael took Katie's hand. Everyone was silent, at a loss for words and she knew there was nothing her family could say to her to heal her pain, make her forget or even minimize the loneliness she felt.

  "I love you, do you know that? I'm so glad you're home, Katie.” Michael hugged his sister.

  Those words, her brother's embrace and the deep emotion and sibling connection she felt in his arms were remarkable. Her family was exactly what she needed, what was missing in her life and to think she stayed away from them for so long, was so foolish.

  "I love you too, Michael. I love you all."

  Michael continued to hold Katie a little longer. When they parted, Michael caressed his sister's cheek and wiped the tears away from her eyes.


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