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A Thug's Wife (Full Length Novel)

Page 7

by Shan

  "Fuck! I should have killed that nigga!" Quasym yelled as he punched the steering wheel.

  "What the hell is that nigga talkin’ ‘bout, Sym?" Devon asked once he got inside the car.

  "I don’t know. I’m not paying him no fucking hundred racks though. He can forget that shit. "

  "I’m talking ‘bout that nigga saying you killed Dan-D."

  Quasym looked over at his best friend unsure of what to say. He and Devon shared a lot of secrets between the two of them, but he wasn’t sure that this was one he wanted to share, as well. Devon had come to him after he’d gotten fired from his job at McDonald’s desperate for a way to get money and Quasym promised him that he would be sure to put the both of them on the map.

  Quasym hadn’t realized how much that statement would deem true at the time. All he knew was that the both of them were hungry. They were born hustlers, and they deserved to have a spot in the game, whether it had been by force or not. Quasym wouldn’t have any other hustler by his side if it wasn’t his boy Devon, but to trust him with a life altering secret was something he wouldn’t do.

  Money changes people and so did facing heavy prison sentences or looking down the barrel of a gun. At the end of the day, no matter how much Quasym trusted Devon some things were just better left unsaid. He didn’t want to put Devon in a position to betray him when if it ever came down to it.

  "I don’t know what the fuck he talking about. That nigga just looking for reasons to come after me for his loss. Fuck that and let’s get back to getting this paper," Quasym waved it off, cranked up his car, and backed out of the parking spot. He sped out of the lot of the Butter Beans and headed back to the money. He would deal with Hova later.


  Later that night, Quasym sat in Andres’ downstairs office waiting to speak with him. He wanted to inform him about the Hova situation and also find out if he had told someone about Dan-D even though he promised that he wouldn’t.

  Quasym didn’t know Hova all too well and had only seen him a few times in passing when he’d been ripping and running the streets. He didn’t know what Hova was capable of, but he knew that if Hova was able to get to his wife Zaria once then, it was possible for him to get to her again. He had to nip this shit in the bud, but first he wanted to run things by Andres. Maybe Andres knew something that he didn’t know and could easily fix things before they got out of hand.

  "Quasym, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit on this lovely Friday evening?" Andres said as he entered the office. He was dressed in a smoky gray suit with a pair of Louboutins lacing his feet. He removed his suit jacket and tossed it onto the chair that sat behind his desk. He grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and came around to the front of the desk as he waited for Quasym to state his business.

  "So, this cat named Hova ran up on my wife Zaria earlier today. He busted out the window to the brand new ride I just bought her and told her he needed to see me immediately. I went to see him, and he’s saying that I owe him a hundred thousand dollars."

  "Do you?" Andres asked, unsure where this conversation was going.

  "No, I don’t owe him shit. He says he gave the bread to Dan-D for some work he was supposed to deliver and that since I killed Dan-D he don’t have his money or his work; I owe him the money," Quasym sighed with frustration riddled all in his voice. He placed his hands on top of his head and began to pace the floor. He knew he should’ve just pulled the trigger on that fool and then killed that fine ass bitch that was there too. Fuck what the people outside would’ve said to the police. "How the fuck does he know about me killing Dan-D? I thought you said that it was going to stay between me and you."

  "I haven’t told anyone anything, Quasym. That is not how I operate. I wouldn’t have made it this far if I did. Maybe you should talk to whoever it is you told."

  "I haven’t told anyone shit. I don’t want anyone to know that I came up this way. That shit is embarrassing as fuck, and I had rather it stayed between me and you."

  "Why is it embarrassing Quasym? If you had not done it then, somebody else would have. There were many reasons behind my wanting of Dan-D dead, and when the time is right I will discuss those reasons with you. For now, tell me why you are here and what is it that you think I am going to do for you?"

  "Man, I don’t know. This dude ran up on my wife, and I know that it’s possible that he could do the shit again."

  "Do you not have men watching her? Why is she so accessible? You do know that at the rate you are going that you will receive so many death threats that you won’t be able to keep up with. Why do you only have a team of three when you are building an empire? When you come to my house the first thing you see upon entering my estate is armed guards.

  I have so many armed guards surrounding me that the minute someone looks as if they are going to try something out of line, they will be murdered before I even hear about it. If you expect to reach levels even close as to what I have, you need a team behind you. You and?"

  "Devon and Mo," Quasym told him.

  "You, Devon, and Mo isn’t enough. Get you a team of loyal workers and teach them everything that has been taught to you over the last few months, but only giving them what they need to know in order to complete the job. I am very proud of the work that you and Devon did over the last month or so, but Dan-D was doing a lot better, and that’s because he had a team behind him.

  And I guarantee you that when you showed up to meet him he wasn’t alone even if it appeared as if he was. Maybe someone was there that you didn’t see because I haven’t said anything and I never will."

  Quasym took in everything that Andres was saying to him and knew that he had been right. He didn’t want to bring anyone along just yet because he didn’t know whom he could trust, but all that had to change though if he wanted to get more money. He, Devon, and Mo had been working like slaves ever since they started pushing weight for Andres. They were practically doing everything themselves and the shit was wearing them thin.

  He had to do some recruiting and only hoped that he picked a crew of loyal thoroughbreds. He would be sure to leave out all them cats that was throwing him shade when he got. He couldn’t wait to see the looks on their face when he denied him.

  "Had you had a team behind you; Hova wouldn’t have even had a chance to get close to your wife. You have to realize that most people are cowardly and instead of coming after you, they will come after whatever is the most precious to you instead. No one should even know that you have a wife and being that people do, what are you going to do to protect her?

  She’s the wife of a thug as some would say, but for me, she’s the wife of what will be one of the most notorious bosses known to man. I know that for a fact Quasym, that you will be the most notorious because I picked you and I am hardly ever wrong."

  "You picked me?" Quasym asked.

  Andres only nodded. He wanted to tell Quasym the reason he had picked him, but felt that now was not the time. He didn’t want to scare Quasym away and felt that he would only continue to groom the young boy to be the best that he knew he could be. "That is your wife; you do what you have to do to protect her."

  Chapter 11: Dessert For Two

  "You stupid if you think that the nigga ain’t still fucking that damn girl, Zaria! I didn’t raise you to be no damn dummy, so I wish you would stop acting so dumb! Why haven’t you met his baby mama yet or even met his little girl?" Tammy shouted followed by a tug of her cigarette.

  "A’ight mama, I’m gone. I just came by so that I could see how you were doing. I’m not about to have this conversation with you," Zaria said as she gathered her belongings and prepared to leave.

  She had secretly come to her mother’s house so that Tammy could see how well Quasym was doing and finally cut him some slack, but Tammy had done everything short of that. It didn’t matter to her that Quasym now had money and was finally able to care for Zaria. To her he was still a broke bastard and always would be.

  Tammy figured that it
would only last so long anyway before Zaria was back taking care of him. Instead of Tammy giving credit where credit was due, she chose to demean his character by bringing up the fact that he’d had a baby on Zaria and most likely still sleeping around with Tianna. Why else hadn’t Zaria seen Quita or even met Tianna on a good note yet?

  "Why won't you answer the question, Zaria? You know like I know that you ain’t met the damn girl yet because he has something to hide. One time my ass. I bet you he still laying the pipe down every chance he gets. You saw how pretty and fine that heifer was."

  Zaria shook her head and headed toward the door. This was why she didn’t spend as much time with her mother as she had wanted to. As much as she loved Tammy, she couldn’t stand to be around her. It was as if no matter what she did or what Quasym did, she would never be happy or satisfied.

  She didn’t know why she had even tried to get her to see the man that Quasym was. Tammy would never like him, and that bothered her. Zaria didn’t have another parent to go to since her father was dead. She just wanted someone to be proud of her. She often wondered if he would be proud of the woman that she was today seeing as how her mother never would be.

  "Whatever I’m out! Tell Cherie I said to call me later. Bye!" Zaria stormed out of Tammy’s house damn near running to her car. She snatched the door open to her brand new BMW and rushed to get inside.

  Once behind closed doors she allowed the tears she had been holding back to freely fall. She had wondered about Quasym’s relationship with Tianna as well but would never admit that to her mother. She had been so inwardly insecure ever since she’d found about the child and even more so when Tianna popped up at the wedding. She wanted to believe that Quasym would never hurt her again, but as hard as she tried to, she just couldn’t. She hated that she didn’t trust him, but that wasn’t her fault. He’d fucked that up when he withheld information about his secret child.

  Zaria dried her face and then backed out of her mother’s driveway. She couldn’t wait until Sym got home this morning so that they could talk. She had been holding on to so much, and now it was time for her to release everything she had kept in. She didn’t care if it caused an argument either.

  As Zaria drove off down the street, she didn’t notice the black Honda that was trailing her. The Honda drove only a few hundred feet behind her, but had been following her every move ever since she left from getting her hair done at Yessenia’s shop. For now, they would only follow her, but that could change at any moment.


  Zaria pulled into the driveway of her home, placed the car in park, and got out. She pushed out a very ragged breath as she continued to think about her mama. She walked up the few steps that led to her front door and then placed the key inside the hole. Thoughts of being a mother suddenly consumed her. She wondered if she would know how to mother children whenever she’d decided to have some. All she knew was that, there was no way she would do her kids anything like her mama had done her and Cherie.

  Tammy wasn’t the worst mother in the world, but she was far from the best. Zaria couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard from Tammy that she loved her. She couldn’t remember the last time her mother had given her a hug and that hurt. She knew that when she brought her children into the world that she would show them more love and affection that they could probably handle.

  "What the hell?" Zaria said to herself as she entered her home.

  She looked around at the room at the lit up candles in the room; the rose petals spread across the floor and some that created a trail that led down the hallway of her home.

  She turned around and locked the door and then slowly followed the trail of the pretty red and white rose petals. Her cheeks began to ache at the huge smile that was spread across her face.

  She just knew that she was gonna have to wait until dawn to see Quasym being he normally didn’t make it home until then. After the day she’d just had, she’d needed him in every sense of the word and was glad that he was here for her.

  As she entered her bedroom, her heart instantly melted. Quasym was sitting in the middle of the bed without an article of clothing covering his body. Zaria inwardly laughed at his ashy peanut butter colored skin, but even then he still looked sexy as hell to her. His sideburns were growing into a perfect chin strap along with the little stubble that he had on his chin. His baby face was slowly turning to more of a manly look, not that he didn’t look like a man, but the extra facial hair showed growth on him.

  Quasym was mixed with something but had no idea what. Everyone assumed that he was Cuban and black or maybe even Puerto Rican and black, but no one really knew. Being Quasym had no idea who his father was, he wasn’t sure what he had in him. His mom told him that his dad was shot to death by a Venezuelan police officer when he was only nine, but even at a young age it sounded so farfetched to Quasym that he didn’t know what to believe.

  Through the years, he would question his mom for further info on his father and she would tell him the same thing. It got to the point to where he stopped questioning her and figured that maybe she just didn’t know or didn’t want him to know.

  Zaria brought her attention to the items that Quasym had surrounding him; a bowl of strawberries, a can of whip cream, and a bottle of massage oil. In his hands, Quasym held onto a bottle of wine and two glasses. He didn’t say a word to Zaria and only nodded for her to come to him.

  Without further hesitation, Zaria walked over to the bed, climbed on it, and crawled over to him. She wasted no time taking Quasym into her mouth and taking him by surprise. He had planned on doing all the pleasuring and was not expecting for her to do one single thing, but enjoy it. He pulled Zaria away, shook his head and instructed her to lie back on the bed. He got up on his knees, took one of the wine glasses, and poured her a glass of the white wine.

  Quasym knew that he hadn’t given Zaria the time she needed lately, and he wanted to make up for that. He also wanted to make up to her all the times he wasn’t there for her in the past and for today when she needed him most.

  He thought about everything that Andres had told him earlier today and knew that without a doubt that he had to protect his wife. She had made the choice to marry him and as her husband; it was his duty to make sure that he exuded in his responsibilities towards her.

  Everything that happened on this day and going back would soon be a distant memory. He would spend every waking moment to ensure that Zaria only thought about the present day and days to come.

  He handed Zaria her wine glass and then poured himself a little of the drink. Taking the wine all down in one gulp, he placed the glass down on the nightstand and then reached for Zaria’s pants.

  Gently, he unbuttoned them, unzipped them, and then pulled her pants away, followed by her lace thong. He eyed her hairless pussy and slowly licked his lips thinking about how good he knew she was going to taste. He waited for Zaria to take a few sips of the wine and placed the glass down before going in.

  The room heated at a rapid pace as Quasym spread Zaria’s legs, grabbed a can of whip cream, and then a few of the strawberries from the bowl. Watching in silence, Zaria passionately looked at Quasym’s creamy skin. She could feel her pussy pulsating as she anticipated the warmth of Quasym’s mouth. For the moment, all of their problems had gone out of the window, only leaving the two of them in the bedroom.

  Quasym sprayed a small amount of the whipped cream onto a strawberry and then placed the sweet fruit and Zaria’s opening. He covered her clit with his mouth and slowly flickered his tongue over it causing Zaria to drop her head back onto the pillow and release a light moan.

  He sucked her clitoris into his mouth and sucked on it with pure intensity. Zaria worked her hips in a circular motion and then practically screamed as she felt herself about to cum for the first time.

  Quasym released the hold he had around Zaria’s clit and moved to where he placed the strawberry and whip cream. He licked around it and then suddenly slurped the sweet fruit into his
mouth. He moved back to her clitoris, sucked on it for a few seconds and then released it.

  "What are you doing to me Sym? Oh my God!" Zaria grabbed the sides of Quasym’s head and pulled him as deep as she could between her legs. She began to breathe heavily as Quasym tickled her clit and lapped up every bit of the juices that spilled out of her. Her legs began to tremble, and just as she felt herself about to orgasm, Quasym pulled away from her and just stared at her.

  Zaria’s breathing was steady and bold as she watched him, hating that he had stopped right when she was about to have her moment. She watched as Quasym grabbed the whip cream can again and began to spray it all over her body. He then grabbed a handful of the strawberries and placed them in various places. He started from the bottom and worked his way up, slowly licking, and slurping the strawberries and cream away.

  With gentleness, he entered her sweet canal and lightly stroked Zaria as he covered her lips with his. She moaned and dug her fingers into his back, panting with each stroke he took. Zaria brought her legs up and wrapped them around Quasym’s waist, holding onto him for dear life.

  "Baby, it feels so good!’ Zaria cried. She was hurting in a good way. A single tear released from her eye, and she winded her hips in a circular motion matching Quasym with every stroke he made.

  Their session was intense, more intense than it had ever been. Topping the last time when she thought had been the best time. He surprised her damn near every time they made love.

  Zaria wanted Quasym to know that she was his forever, and Quasym wanted her to know the same. She didn’t care what anyone said about him-he was hers, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Quasym felt the same.

  "I’m gonna cum, this pussy is so wet! Can I come?" Quasym asked as he looked into his wife’s eyes.


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