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A Thug's Wife (Full Length Novel)

Page 15

by Shan

  "Girl, Marco just came out of nowhere and tripped out on me and Hova. In a crowded fucking restaurant, this fool pulled a gun out and stuck it in my face. Talking about he was gonna kill me in front of Hova."

  "Marco? Why would Marco do that to you though or even Hova for that matter? What beef do they have?"

  "I don’t know, Ash. None of this shit is making sense to me. I know Hova and Marco ain’t boys, but they ain’t never had no problems with each other. Marco stayed out of Hova’s way when he was coming up, and that was that. I don’t know where it’s coming from, but supposedly behind some shit Hova have done.

  I guess it’s why he wanted us to go out to Carrolton to chill. He claimed it was because we hadn’t had any time together, but now I see he was only trying to duck whatever it is he’s done. I don’t know, but I can’t wait until he comes out of surgery so I can find out what’s really going on. Got the nerve to be asking me about kids, but he still on this gun play shit. Not having that."

  "So he’s okay? Thank God," Ashley sighed.

  "Yes, he is okay. The doctor said that the ambulance got him here just in time. He lost a lot of blood, but he will make it. They just took him to surgery to remove one of the bullets that ended up lodged in his back," Samantha told her. "Hova gotta give this life up. What if he had died today, Ash? How was I to handle that?"

  "I know, girl. It’s gonna be okay. Maybe he will see this as a wake-up call and leave the game alone. I know y’all can afford for him to walk away." Ashley rubbed Samantha on her back as Samantha held her head down in her hands. She pulled out her cell phone from her back pocket and then pulled up her text box between her and Marco: Aye, that nigga alive. And wifey know it was u. What’s up with that? Send.

  Seconds later a reply came through from Marco: Call me now!

  Ashley read the message and slid the phone back inside of her pocket. "Sam, you want me to get you something to drink. Some coffee or anything like that? I left my wallet in the seat tryna hurry up and run in here, but I’m a go out and get it and get us some snacks while we wait."

  "Just grab some coffee and a few sugars. Thanks Ash," Samantha said as she sat back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest.

  "Be right back," Ashley rushed out of the waiting area and headed towards the elevator. Soon as she was out of Samantha’s view, she dialed Marco’s number. "Hey."

  "What the fuck is all this shit you talking ‘bout?"

  "You know a bitch ain’t dull Marco. I know what you do and knew what the fuck to expect when I handed you that lil’ info. I’m just saying that, what the fuck is up with that? What if she finds out that I gave her and that nigga up?"

  "She ain’t gonna find out."

  "Well, how do I know that Marco? She damn sure knows that it was you who did that shit."

  "I wasn’t tryna hide my fuckin’ face! Fuck you mean? Like I give a fuck that she knows that it was me. I ain’t never been one to hide," Marco ranted, pissed that Ashley had the nerve to come at him like this.

  "I’m just saying. What if she goes to the police?"

  "Her man is in the game. She knows better than anyone. Anyway, where is she? What hospital they at?"

  "We’re at Baylor. He’s in surgery, and the doctors talkin’ like he gonna make a full fuckin’ recovery. Marco I don’t want my name-" Ashley paused and looked down at her phone. "I know this nigga did not hang up on me. I ain’t the one who fucked this shit up."

  Ashley began to pace the floor in front of the elevator. She was more than nervous now. She knew how Marco got down, so she never expected for Samantha and Hova to both be alive. Marco was slipping, and she hoped that when fingers got to pointing that she was left out of it. She was not trying to die for Marco’s attention.

  Chapter 19: Is This Your Shit?

  Marco pulled the door to the apartment open, running straight into Cherie, "Oh shit, damn I forgot that fast that I told you stop through."

  "Okay, and where are you off to moving so fast?" Cherie asked as she eyed him up and down. He was dressed casually in a pair of gray sweats, a wife beater, with some classic black forces on his feet. She bit down on her bottom lip staring at his defined muscles that poked out of the semi-tight muscle shirt.

  "I got some shit to handle like ASAP. Go inside and make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be right back," Marco told her as he ran his finger down the side of her face. He turned to open the door up for Cherie.

  "Is everything okay?"

  "Yea, I’m good. I’ll call you when I’m on my way back so I can see what you want me to bring you back to eat."

  Cherie got on the tips of her toes to kiss Marco, but he wasn’t having it. He shook his head and pushed Cherie towards the door. As he walked off, Cherie stared at his back and could see the print of the pistol sticking out his pants. She blew out a ragged breath and stepped inside of the apartment.

  Immediately, her face turned up in disgust and she shook her head and placed her hand over her stomach. She’d sent Marco a text after their last encounter at the hotel the other night and told him that it was the last time they would be meeting there. She wasn’t the one to be hiding out in rooms, sleeping on dirty used mattresses and using someone else’s sheets. That’s the kinda shit niggas did with their side bitches and as far as Cherie knew, she wasn’t no one’s sidepiece.

  Marco agreed that maybe the hotels had been a bit much and told her that the next time they could chill at his "spot". Now that she was here, she could see why he preferred the hotel. His place was fucked up, and she hated herself for even complaining. There was shit everywhere; old pizza boxes, cup with dried up, unknown, smelly ass residue, and dirty ass clothes just thrown about.

  Cherie wanted to walk out, but thought better of it. I mean; I guess this is what most bachelor’s places look like, right? Maybe, he just needs a woman to take care of this shit for him. The place ain’t that bad. Cherie thought as she frowned. She walked over to the couch and placed her purse down and then took one more look around. Breathing out a deeply, she headed towards the kitchen to get started. This nigga gonna have to start paying me immediately. Fuck a couple of weeks. This some bullshit. It fuckin’ stinks in here.


  Hours had gone by, and Cherie was sound asleep on the couch with her feet tucked comfortably underneath her. She’d cleaned the entire house from top to bottom and had the place smelling like Lysol and bleach. She was exhausted, but it looked good.

  "Girl, I’m sitting here staring at a bitch right now! She a’ight too. I gotta give her ass that. You know I ain’t the one to hate on the next bitch. She kinda cute!"

  Cherie’s eyes popped open, and she looked up at a female that she didn’t know standing over her. The girl had a cell phone attached to her ear and was staring down at her. Her hair was braided up in some micro-braids; her eyebrows were excessively drawn on; her lashes were faker than a three dollar bill, but surprisingly she was dressed pretty decently. She was wearing a pretty lavender crop top and some high waist jeans. She had a nice figure.

  "Yea this bitch woke now. Hold on Ri-Ri. Umm, excuse me! What the fuck are you doing in my man’s apartment?" she asked her as she leaned over staring into Cherie’s face.

  "Your man asked me to meet him her," Cherie said, slowly standing up off the couch in case this bitch wanted to do something.

  "Ri-Ri, this bitch talkin’ ‘bout he told her to meet him here! Wait until this nigga get up here. I’m a beat the fuck out of him! Got the nerve to bring me here after he already got a bitch up in here."

  "Who the fuck are you?"

  "I’m Ambria, bitch! Who the fuck are you?" Ambria took the phone away from her ear, dropped it into her purse and took two steps back. She then pulled her loop earrings from her ear and tossed them into her purse. "You talking ‘bout doing something? Let me know ‘cause, I’ll fight for mine. Hell you mean?"

  "Girl, I’m not about to fight you over Marco. I ain’t even been knowing his ass that damn long for this shit! Let me get
up out of here."

  "Marco?" Ambria questioned.

  "What the hell y’all up in here doing?" Rakwon asked as she stepped into the apartment followed by Ju Ju.

  "Rakwon, you need to start letting me know when your boys gonna be bringing company over here! Shit, you almost got ol’ girl fucked up!" Ambria woofed as she walked away.

  "Bitch, you ain’t paying no muthafuckin’ bills around here. Dumb ass!" Rakwon yelled after her. "What’s up Cherie?"

  "Hello," Cherie waved and placed her hands on her hip.

  "Damn, Marco did this?" Rakwon looked around nodding his head in approval. He knew Marco must have really liked Cherie to take the time out to clean up his place.

  "No, I cleaned up. I apologize. I was under the impression that this was Marco’s place. Hope I am not intruding."

  Rakwon and Ju Ju laughed.

  "Damn, I hope we ain’t fuck up no pussy for him," Rakwon chuckled. "Be easy, ma’, we all family here. Make yourself at home. Where Marco at anyway?"

  "I don’t know, but I’m about to call and find out."

  Cherie snatched her purse from the couch and stormed out of the apartment. She pulled her cell phone out of her purse and went to call Marco but decided she would just send him a text instead: Nigga I’m not about to play ur silly ass games. If ur ass don’t have a home then just say that. Don’t invite me to ur homeboy’s place and pretend it’s urs. I’m outta here! Send.

  She took off walking down the stairs and headed to the parking lot to her car. She was really beginning to feel like she was wasting her time with Marco. She really liked him. She liked him so much that he was all she thought about when she woke up in the morning, and he was the last thing on her mind when she fell asleep at night.

  But as much as she liked him; she didn’t have time to lie up and fall in love if it wasn’t going to benefit her. Cherie would never admit it aloud, but she was in competition with Zaria.

  Ever since Quasym started magically making all of this money, it was all Tammy ever talked about. She would constantly get on Cherie’s case about fucking things up with Kareem and how she needed to hurry up and find her replacement or do what she had to do to get back in with Kareem.

  Cherie had hoped that Marco would be the one that she could easily sway into taking care of her, but he didn’t seem to have the money that Quasym had and she hated that because she was really, really feeling him. It was time for her to put an end to their little love affair though. She had to get on the prowl for another baller and Marco was too much of a distraction. She wouldn’t totally dismiss him, but she couldn’t let him get in the way of her objective.

  Chapter 20: Cheaters Never Prosper

  "Hmmm!" Yessenia moaned as she dug her fingernails into Devon’s back. "Babyyyyy! I’m coming!"

  "Damn, you’re so fuckin’ wet. Shit." Devon grunted. Yessenia’s legs were resting on Devon’s shoulders, and he pounded his muscle into her pussy causing her to cry out with each stroke. He watched the many of emotions that displayed on his wife’s face, and it caused him to get harder and harder. Sweat dripped from his brow as he stroked her longer and harder each time.

  "Devon, oh, Devon!" she cried. She worked her hips, throwing her pussy back at Devon each time he went into her. She could feel her juices dripping down her butt as her canal contracted around Devon’s shaft. "Baby, this dick is so good!"

  "This pussy is so good! The fuckin’ best!"

  "I’m coming, baby! I’m coming!" Yessenia grasped her hands tightly around Devon’s arms as if she was holding on for dear life. Her eyes rolled backwards, and her mouth dropped open, allowing only short and deep breaths to escape her. Her entire body trembled each time Devon went in and out of her, ramming his hefty muscle into her spot.

  "Can I come now?" Devon asked.

  "Mmmuh!" Yessenia could only moan and nod her head. She was still riding on her wave of ecstasy. Devon grunted and groaned, making a few quick and long pumps before he fell into Yessenia, allowing her legs to fall.

  "Shit," Devon sighed and rolled off of Yessenia. He climbed out of the bed and headed straight for the bathroom. Pulling the toilet seat up, he dropped to his knees and vomited. He’d been feeling sick the entire day and had been throwing up on and off. After resting for the most of the day, he thought that he was doing better, and that’s when he and Yessenia started playing around. It led to them making love for over an hour. Unfortunately for him, the moment they were done, the nauseated feeling he’d been dealing with had quickly returned.

  "I hope you’re not planning on going to work," Yessenia said as she wet a wash cloth with cold water. She walked over to Devon and placed the towel over his head in attempt to cool his body down.

  "Yea, I’m going to work. It’s just a lil’ stomach bug," Devon told her as he spit into the toilet.

  "You’ve been walking around here doing that all day. No stomach bug nothing. You sweating and you feel extra warm. You need to stay at home and rest!"

  Yessenia was frustrated. She was more than appreciative for all that Devon had been doing for them lately, but she felt like he could at least relax for a day. He hasn’t had one single day off since he started working for UPS. She didn’t know anyone that worked seven days a week with no day off in between. Although she had to admit that all the time he was putting in was really paying off.

  They had just put a down payment down on their dream home a few days ago and filled out the necessary paperwork. Their agent informed them they would most likely be able to close on it in less than a month. Yessenia couldn’t have been more than happier. She was even going to leave the topic of having a baby alone for a while and enjoy her life in her new home with her husband for a while.

  "I just want you to rest baby. It’s not going to hurt us if you take one day off. Trust me we will be good," Yessenia told him. She didn’t want him to kill his self while trying to make a better life for them.

  "Nah, babe no can do. Go grab that Ginger Ale out the kitchen please and warm me up some of that soup." Devon stood up from the toilet and took the towel from his head to wipe his mouth with it. He tossed the towel onto the sink and followed Yessenia out of the bathroom. He didn’t give a damn how bad he was feeling. He wasn’t going to miss a day of getting money. As long as he had breath in his body, he was going to get it.

  Devon grabbed his cell phone from the dresser and went to let Quasym know that he was going to be running a little behind tonight. He shot Quasym a quick text message and grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of clean boxers from the drawer. Just as he was about to walk back into the bathroom, his phone beeped letting him know that he had a message. He grabbed his phone and read Quasym’s message: Climb ur ass out that pussy n let’s get it!!!! Don’t have time to be makin’ babies.

  Devon chuckled as he text back his reply: Nigga you know ain’t no babies comin no time soon. I gotta bust a nut first lol Send.

  Too much info bruh! I don’t need to know that shit. And u need to stop lying to Yessenia like that sis don’t deserve that and u know it. Quasym replied.

  I know bruh and she would kill me if she found out I haven’t came in her in over a year. Maybe I’m just scared to have kids. I don’t know. Send.

  Wow didn’t know it was that deep. Wtf you doing mane. U trippin for real. Quasym replied.

  I’ll tell her the truth soon. Anyway bout to wash my ass. Holla! Send. Devon tossed the phone on the dresser and walked towards the bathroom.

  "Here you go babe," Yessenia said holding out a cup of Ginger Ale she made for Devon. She sat the cup of soup down on the dresser and stared at him.

  "Just sit it down. Let me hop in the shower right quick, Devon walked into the shower and shut and locked the door behind him. He had to finish himself off. Every time he and Yessenia would have sex he would pretend to nut and quickly jump in the shower to jack his self-off until he actually came.

  He’d been doing so for a little over a year in order to prevent from getting Yessenia pregnant. Devon honestly didn
’t know what it was and why he just wasn’t ready to have kids. He didn’t want to bring a child in this world in the beginning knowing it would be a struggle to take care of it, but now that he had a little money and can provide for his seed, he still wasn’t ready.

  Yessenia sat the cup of Ginger Ale she prepared for Devon on the dresser next to his soup when she heard his phone ding. She was surprised that Devon didn’t have his phone glued to him like he normally did. Of course curiosity got the best of her, and she grabbed the phone and read the messages. Her heart dropped, and tears instantly leaked down her face.

  "What the fuck?" she said to herself. She couldn’t believe her eyes and what she was reading. This was devastating her, but it all made sense. This was why she hadn’t been able to get pregnant. All this time she thought that something was wrong with her and that she was failing as a woman. All this time and the stress she had gone through was all because Devon just didn’t want to have kids with her. Why would he lie to me like this? Why couldn’t just tell me the truth? Yessenia thought as Devon’s phone vibrated in her hand.

  She looked down at the name that popped up and shook her head as confusion took over her. The message that came through was from Latifah asking Devon where he was at and letting him know that she was waiting.

  Yessenia’s hand shook as she slammed the phone down on the dresser and walked to have a seat on the edge of the bed. She released a heavy breath and wiped her face with the back of her hand. She didn’t know what she had done wrong to Devon to deserve being treated this way. Where had she failed as a wife? Is it my weight? Am I nagging him too much? Is it the sex? I just don’t understand. Yessenia sighed.

  She was sick of Devon lying to her and only wanted the truth. If he no longer wanted to be in this marriage with her then, all he had to do was say so. It would be hard, but she would move on. She was young, beautiful with a great head on her shoulders. She could get another man even though she didn’t want another one. She wanted Devon and for them to be happy, but it obvious that he wasn’t feeling the same way. Why Lord, what have I done wrong to this man? I cook and clean every damn day even though I’m tired as hell some days. I put my all into our sex life. I know I’m a big girl, but I do my best. What is it?


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