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A Thug's Wife (Full Length Novel)

Page 17

by Shan

  Tianna pushed out a deep breath once she heard a light tap at her door. She strutted over to it, hurriedly undid the locks, and opened the door.

  "Hey," she said casually.

  Quasym’s eyes quickly shot over Tianna’s body, and suddenly he shook his head. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked Tianna in her face, "What’s up? Go get Quita."

  "Aren’t you gonna come in? She’s asleep."

  "Well go wake her up. You knew I was coming by so you shouldn’t have let her go to sleep."

  "Nigga, just come in! Damn! And she fell asleep while she was waiting. I wasn’t gonna make her stay awake if she was tired. Come in," Tianna watched as Quasym stubbornly placed his hands into the pockets of his True Religion jeans. He was adamant about staying on the outside, and she had to figure out a way to get him inside-inside of her. She reached out to him and pulled at his shirt, but he wouldn’t move. "I just want to talk to you for a minute."

  "Well go put some clothes on and we can talk."

  "Oh, please, you act like you ain’t never seen the goodies before. Just come inside, Sym," she pulled at him again and finally he walked in. Quickly she shut the door behind him, locked it, and walked over to him.

  She stood in front of him and without hesitation; she wrapped her arms around him and began kissing his lips, then sucked on his neck. Quasym tried to push her away, but Tianna wouldn’t allow it. She needed to feel him. She had to show him what he’d been missing-what he’d claimed to not even remember. All she wanted was to give a reminder on how good it felt to be inside of her.

  "Tianna, the fuck? Why you gotta do shit like this?"

  "Because you don’t know how bad I want to be with you, Sym. I wake up every day thinking about you and me being together, and I go to sleep with you on my mind. That night we shared together is all I ever think about."

  "How many times I gotta tell you that that night was a mistake, Tianna? I got a wife whom I love, and I don’t need this shit. This is exactly why she wants to be with me when I pick Quita up. I swear bitches ain’t shit! Get the fuck off of me!" Quasym pushed Tianna so hard that it caused her to stumble backwards. She lost her footing in her pumps and ended up falling to the floor.

  "Ahhhh!" Tianna screamed grabbing at her ankle. "Fuck! I think it’s broke!"

  Quasym grimaced. He didn’t mean to push her so hard, but he was frustrated, and he was pissed. Hova and Samantha was still alive, and Marco couldn’t get to either of them. All he could think about was the fact that he knew that the beef would only go back and forth between the two of them until one of them were dead. He didn’t want it to be him, or his wife, and the whole ordeal was just stressing him.

  Quasym didn’t have time for the tricks that Tianna had up her sleeves. He only wanted to pick his daughter up, take her to officially meet Zaria, and spend time with them. He was going back into the streets full force in a couple of days and knew that his time with the both of them would be limited.

  He walked over to Tianna and took a look at her ankle. It was swollen and red, but it didn’t look broken. He gently removed the heel from her foot and tossed it to the side. He refused to look up at Tianna in fear that he would feel something he didn’t want to feel for her-sympathy.

  "I think it’s broken," Tianna whined as Quasym examined her ankle.

  "It’s not broken, but it is sprained. You need to put some ice on it and wrap it up until the swelling goes down and then keep it wrapped up after that."

  "Can you do that for me?"

  Quasym blew out a short breath, "Yea, let me grab some ice and then I’ll help you up cause you gonna need to stay off of it too."

  Quasym stood up and went into the kitchen. He looked around until he found some sandwich bags to put ice in. After filling the bag with ice, he went back and scooped Tianna off the floor and took her to the bedroom where he placed her onto the bed. He placed the bag of ice on her bruised ankle and glanced around the room.

  It was nice, and it was the first time he’d been in Tianna’s room. She lived with her mom when they had sex before, and he made sure any time he visited her in her own place that every room besides Quita’s was prohibited.

  The room smelled like strawberries or some type of melon-all sweet like. He spotted a scarf sitting on her dresser and walked over and grabbed it. He looked at himself in the huge mirror, tugged at the hair on his chin, and then glanced at Tianna in the mirror. She was staring at her leg and didn’t notice how he checked out her ample breast and thick thighs.

  He bit down on his bottom lip as his member begun to rise in his pants. He knew it was wrong for him to be feeling this way-having thoughts about fucking Tianna when he had a pregnant wife at home who was recovering from being shot. He didn’t want to, but she was making it hard to not want to fuck her. Let me get this shit done so I can grab Quita and get the fuck out of here.

  Quasym went over to Tianna and wrapped the scarf tightly around her leg. Tianna winced at the pain and it caused tears to form in the corners of her eyes. She couldn’t believe that this was how her night had ended up. Her dreams of making slow and sensual love to Quasym had been ruined.

  She sat her head back against her headboard and stared at the side of Quasym’s face. He was so perfect to her. She sat forward and placed her hand on top of Quasym’s head, rubbing her fingers through his sea like waves. He didn’t flinch as she expected him to. He continued to secure the scarf around her ankle and she continued to play in his head.

  She removed her hand from his head and pushed her leg open, placing her fingers down her lace panties. She roamed her fingers over her clit and slid them down into her wet pussy. "Sym, look at me. I know you want to."

  He did. He looked at Tianna and then down between her legs. Everything in him told him to get up and go, but he wouldn’t listen. The fact that he hadn’t had sex since before Zaria was shot was killing him. Tianna was throwing the pussy at him and he was too damn horny to say no.


  "Hey pretty," Zaria said to Quita as she walked into the house with her hand tightly tucked into her father’s.

  "Sorry it took so long. I stopped by Rudy’s and grabbed some chicken. I hope it ain’t got too cold," Quasym told her. He handed her a bag of the greasy chicken and took a seat right beside her.

  "Thank you! I was wondering what took you so long to get back. Hey Quita"

  "Hey," Quita waved her hand and quickly looked away from Zaria.

  "Come sit down mama," Quasym told his daughter and patted the sofa in between him and Zaria. Quita slowly walked over and sat down between them. She looked up at Zaria and then up at Quasym. "Quita, this is Zaria. Z-Baby, this is my little Quita."

  Even though it wasn’t the first time Zaria had seen Quita, it was the first time they were actually meeting. The last time had been under tragic circumstances, and Zaria hoped that Quita didn’t remember it.

  "How old are you, Quita?"


  "Wow, you’re a big girl. Do you go to school?"


  Quasym laughed, "You don’t go to school."

  "I do go to school, daddy," Quita laughed and threw herself back into the couch.

  "You go to daycare, that’s not the same as school."

  "Uhh Huh," she laughed.

  Zaria smiled as she watched Quasym interact with his daughter. She thought that when she first got a chance to spend time with Quita that she would feel some type of way about the little girl, but she didn’t.

  She actually admired the bond that she could see that Quita and Quasym had and knew that once they child arrived that he would make a good father. She looked up at the side of Quasym’s face, and that’s when she noticed it. It was small, but it was in the shape of a strawberry. She knew that it wasn’t there before he left and immediately knew that something wasn’t right.

  "So you just went to pick Quita up, and you stopped to get this chicken and that’s it?" Zaria asked now suspicious due to the hickey on his neck. She didn�
�t even know that people still placed hickeys on one another. Her pulse raced as she anticipated Quasym’s answer, but he ignored her. He continued talking and playing with Quita as if she hadn’t said anything to him. "Did you hear me?"

  "I heard you, but I’m not finna talk to you about this shit right now. You see my daughter sitting right here," Quasym grimaced.

  He briefly glanced into Zaria’s direction and wondered how long he was going to have to go through this with her. Earlier when he was at Tianna’s house, he almost made a huge mistake, but he didn’t. He was so close to climbing in bed with Tianna and fucking the shit out of her, but he didn’t want to cause Zaria anymore pain.

  For a few minutes, he stared at Tianna as she played in her pussy and for a moment wanted to help her, but instead, he left the room, grabbed Quita, and left. He just wanted Zaria to trust him again and stop with all this insecure bullshit.

  He realized he fucked up when he slept with Tianna, but it wasn’t like he cheated on her then. They had broken up even it had been for a few hours. Zaria needed to stop acting like he had been out there sleeping around her when he hadn’t. Yea he kept the baby hidden, but that was only because he didn’t know how to tell her. He wasn’t guilty of shit else and he was sick of this shit.

  "You have a hickey on your neck, Sym. What the fuck you mean you not gonna talk about it?"

  Quasym shot a dagger at Zaria that was strong enough to blind her ass. One thing he didn’t do with Tianna was fight in front of Quita, so there was no way he was going to do so with Zaria. He stood up from the couch and stretched his arms out.

  "I gotta go meet with the boss man. I was gonna chill and watch a movie or something, but I don’t have time for this stupid shit. Maybe by time I get back you’ll have changed your fucking attitude and stop coming at me with this insecure bullshit.

  We ain’t been happy since days before we got married, and I’m getting tired of this shit! Instead of you tryna move on and fix it you want to sit in the past and dwell on what’s already over with and done. I’m a put it to you like this. I got plenty of bitches coming at me Zaria-plenty, and I ain’t gave any of them a second thought, but if you keep this shit up, I might snatch one up."

  "Really?" Zaria asked with a look of hurt on her face.

  "Really. Believe that," Quasym told her as he left the house. He rubbed his neck right where Tianna had kissed him earlier. Angry that she marked him up. He wanted to go back over there and beat her ass for that shit, but fuck her, he had boss moves to make.

  Chapter 22: Confrontation

  The following day, Yessenia stepped out of her car with her purse in hand. She looked around the neighborhood and frowned at the many people that were out and about during the middle of the day. She clutched her purse tightly in her hands and pressed down on the lock button on her keypad.

  She strutted across the street with her small heels crunching into the pavement. Her mind was on ten as she walked the sidewalk that led up to the small house. She cleared her throat and then knocked on the door.

  "Who the fuck is it?" someone yelled from the other side and pulled the door open without waiting for an answer. It was Ju Ju. He stared at Yessenia feeling as if he recognized her, but wasn’t quite sure from where. "Go to the back door."

  "Back door?" Yessenia rose a brow.

  "Yea, go to the muthafuckin’ back door!"

  "Okay…I’m looking for the petite dark skinned girl that lives here, Latifah. I met her at the gas station the other day, and she gave me her address. She told me to meet her here."

  "You lookin’ for Latifah?" Ju Ju asked as he looked her over. He examined her from top to bottom. She was wearing a red belted tunic top with a pair of black skinny jeans. Her feet were tucked into a pair of black Julienne boots. She didn’t look like a cop or someone that he had to be worried about.

  "Yea, Latifah. Is she here?" Yessenia shrugged and tried to look over his shoulder.

  "She just left to go pick something up with D-Money. They’ll be back in a minute. Shit, I guess you can come in."

  Yessenia walked into the house once Ju Ju stepped to the side. She winced her nose at the aroma in the air and then walked over to the couch to have a seat. Slyly she looked around wanting to know how the girl that Devon was fucking lived. Although, the outside didn’t look like much, the inside of Latifah’s home was actually nice. The furniture was decent, and she had a pretty big sized flat screen mounted on the wall. Not only that, the place was clean.

  Yessenia crossed her arms over her chest and allowed herself to melt into the leather cushion that was underneath her. She thought about her night with Rashad the other evening and a sleek smile appeared on her face. She felt like a new woman after sex with him.

  The sex was so great that she even snuck over to his house again before going to work this morning. In the beginning, she felt guilty for cheating on her husband, but she thought about Latifah and all his lies and the feeling immediately left her. It wasn’t like he wasn’t doing the same thing.

  She was only here to get the facts from Latifah so she could confront Devon with the truth, and hopefully they could move on. Each of them had done wrong, and she hoped that it would stop here. As much as she enjoyed the sex with Rashad, she loved her husband. She wasn’t ready to end their relationship and hoped that they could repair what had been broken.

  "How much longer do you think it will be before she gets back from with this D-Money?" Yessenia yelled out as she looked over her shoulder.

  "I don’t know mama. They said they’ll be right back. Maybe you should call her-"

  Before Ju Ju could get out the remainder of his sentence out, the door came flying off the hinges and a force of officers came pouring in with their guns drawn. Ju Ju took off running towards the back while Yessenia was surprised and snatched up from the couch. Her eyes were as big as saucers as her arms were tugged on, and she was thrown to the ground. She was so confused and was fighting because she hadn’t done anything wrong.

  "What are you doing? What have I done?"

  "Shut the fuck up! Shut up and put your hands behind your back!" one of the officers yelled giving Yessenia no explanation as he cuffed her.

  "All I’m asking you is what I’ve done. I haven’t done anything sir."

  Yessenia looked up to see them bringing a couple of guys from the back of the house that she had no idea was there. She began to sweat as she glanced around at all of the uniformed policemen. What the hell is going on? She thought to herself. Her eyes became swollen as she held back the tears that were threatening to fall. This couldn’t have been about what she and Devon had done years ago-this had to be some sort of mistake.

  "Stand up!" the officer yelled at Yessenia. He pulled her up from the ground and pushed her toward a crew of officers that were standing behind him. He grabbed her purse from the floor and emptied everything out onto the sofa.

  "What are you doing? Why are you going-"

  "Shut up!"

  "Caught this one going out the back door and this one trying to flush," a black officer said as he pulled Ju Ju and a younger guy through the living room.

  Yessenia was in shock. She had no idea that her visit to see Latifah would end up like this. It made her wonder just what kind of girl was Devon messing with. Who the hell is all these nigga she got up in here? This shit is crazy. I got to let them know that I was just coming to talk to Latifah. I don’t know anything about what the hell is going on up in here.

  "Sir, I just came here to talk to Latifah. I just got here five minutes ago!" Yessenia screamed, but when she saw everyone’s attention turn to the female officer coming toward them she knew that nothing she said would have matter.

  She watched as the officer held up a huge white looking loaf and almost shitted herself. Yessenia had lived in the hood all her life, but she always turned her back on things that she didn’t want any parts of and drugs had always been one of those things. That’s why she dealt with Devon’s lifestyle from a distance when he w
as in the game and made sure he promised to keep that shit away from them. Even then, she knew what a brick looked like. She watched enough movies to know that shit.

  "Get ‘em out of here!" the lead officer yelled.

  "Wait! Wait a minute, sir! Excuse me, but I don’t know anything about that! Sir!" Yessenia tried to plead with the police to hear her, but they didn’t care. She was there sitting in a house that was filled with drugs. She was going to jail, and there was no way around it.

  Chapter 23: Together Again

  Cherie sat inside of Starbucks coffee sipping on her White Mocha like it was water. She bobbed her leg back and forth and constantly sighed as she looked around the establishment. Her nerves were all over the place. She placed her drink down and pulled her hand sized mirror from her purse. She glanced in it and checked to see if her hair was in place and ensured that she didn’t have anything on her face. She was waiting for Kareem.

  She’d finally gotten in contact with him through email, and he agreed to sit down and talk with her. Funny thing was as she sat there waiting for him to show, she couldn’t get her mind off of Marco. He’d been trying to get in contact her ever since she left Rakwon’s and sent him that text message, but she ignored him. She wanted to be with him, but Tammy would try to kill her if she found out she was fooling with someone such as Marco. Her only and best option seemed to be Kareem, and here she was.

  "Okay, Kareem you said at three, and it’s already going on three-thirty," Cherie said as she took another sip of her White Mocha. She flipped her hair to the back and ran her fingers through her Chinese bangs. She grabbed her phone ready to leave when finally he walked through the door. "Thank God."

  Kareem walked over the counter and order his drink. He waited near the barista for about five minutes before he walked over to Cherie looking very delectable. He was dressed in a Charcoal gray suit with a dark blue tie tucked into the jacket. He pulled his Versace shades from his face and sat down across from Cherie.

  He slightly smiled at her before taking a sip of the Caramel Macchiato that he ordered. He missed Cherie. She had been a constant thought in his mind ever since the day the two of them parted. Often times he felt as if he’d made a mistake when he told her that it was over, but he knew that it was for the best. She was just too young and too immature.


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