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The Reluctant Duchess

Page 7

by Winchester, Catherine

  The candlelight reflected off the beading and added a warmth to her complexion that she didn’t normally see. Carol had also furiously pinched her cheeks to raise a blush and whilst it had hurt, Annabelle could appreciate the look now that the pain had passed.

  Once Carol had finished fitting her into the gown, there came a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” she called.

  The door opened to reveal Richard standing there, looking quite astonished as he took her figure in.

  “You look like a princess,” he said, stepping towards her.

  Annabelle thanked Carol then dismissed her. She didn’t answer him until Carol had left the room.

  “Well, I did borrow it from a princess,” she teased.

  “Indeed, and I have the finishing touch.” He brought out a velvet purse and emptied the contents onto her bed, arranging them so that she could see the beautiful sapphire and diamond necklace, matching earrings, bracelet and brooch.

  Annabelle’s hand went to her neck and she clasped her sapphire pendant.

  “They remind me of your eyes,” Richard said picking up the necklace.

  “Are you sure you want me to wear them?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have brought them if I didn’t.”

  It had been years since Annabelle had taken her pendant off, and in fact she had bought a longer and more robust chain for it, so that she was less likely to break it and the stone would be hidden in her cleavage. It often wasn’t a very clever idea to advertise anything of value in a city like London, but it meant so much to her that she wanted to keep it close

  Nevertheless, she wasn’t replacing the pendant, just swapping it for a night. She reached behind her neck and unclasped it but Richard grasped her hand before she could place it on her night table.

  “May I?” he asked.

  Annabelle nodded and opened her hand.

  “I often wondered what lay at the end of this chain,” he said as he took the chain and held the sapphire up. “It’s beautiful.” He handed it back to her.

  “It was a gift from my mother when I was 14,” she said blushing. She felt like a poor relation when he held a necklace that was probably worth tens of thousands. Well, she thought with a wry smile, in truth she was the poor relation, she just wasn’t actually related to him.

  She turned her back so that he could fasten the necklace and as he leaned in close, to better see what he was doing in the candle light, his warm breath on her neck sent shivers down her spine. His hands then rested on her shoulders and she closed her eyes as she felt his lips on her neck, giving her a gentle kiss.

  “We should go down,” he said softly, although he made no attempt to move.

  “Yes,” she agreed, although she too seemed quite content to stay where she was.

  Suddenly, from outside in the hallway, came a laugh and running feet, which finally shook them out of their stupor.

  Richard spotted the rest of the jewels on the bed and handed them to her.

  “I’ll wait for you in the hall,” he said, backing away from her so that he could watch her for as long as possible.

  Annabelle fastened the earrings, which were the heaviest that she could ever recall wearing; she fastened the brooch near the top of her bodice and placed the ring on the middle finger of her right hand. She took one final look in the mirror and then strode out into the hall before she could change her mind.

  Richard offered her his elbow and she noticed that although he too had changed, he had again dressed in britches.

  “What are you smiling at?” he asked as they descended the stairs.

  “I was just thinking how much I like britches, which is odd because until today, they never held any particular fascination for me.”

  Richard smiled as he realised that she was flirting with him. “I would be very happy to further your education.”

  Annabelle turned to him at the bottom of the stairs, before they merged with the other guests and would be overheard.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she assured him.

  The evening format was quite informal, dinner was in the form of a buffet that people could help themselves to and the guests were spread out across many rooms, depending on which activities they wanted to engage in.

  Inthe Long Gallery, the furniture had been pushed aside and couples were dancing, to the accompaniment of a young lady at the piano. The drawing room had become the card and gambling room, since it offered so many ornamental tables that people could use to play different games at. The rear parlour seemed to be reserved for gentlemen, although most preferred mixed company so the room was relatively empty. The dining room housed the buffet and seemed reserved for mixed conversation, whilst the game room housed a billiard table, a backgammon table and just through the French doors, while it was still light, there was a croquet court.

  Richard and Annabelle looked into each room, then stepped into the dining room for a glass of wine, before spotting Lavinia in the game room, playing billiards. Although she was bending over the table to line up a shot, Lavinia rose when she spotted them and came around the table to greet them.

  “Annabelle, darling, you look divine.” She kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you,” she blushed.

  “And what about your only son?” Richard teased.

  “You could look good in a hessian sack,” she answered but stretched up to kiss his cheek also. “I’m just beating Lord Waltham at billiards, come and watch.”

  They stepped further into the room and watched as Lavinia potted two balls, missing her third. Lord Waltham stepped up to take his shot.

  “Do you play?” Lavinia asked Annabelle.

  “Oh no, my mother considered it unladylike.”

  “My late husband taught me and I must say, it is a very enjoyable game. Richard will teach you, won’t you, darling?”

  “If Annabelle would like to learn, of course.”

  “Good, then you can play next. You and Richard, against the winner of this match.”

  “Perhaps another time,” Annabelle suggested. “It isn’t fair to hold up real players with a beginner like me.”

  Thankfully Lavinia didn’t pressure her. “If you insist.”

  Thy moved over to watch the game of backgammon that was being played but quickly tired of it and decided to try another room. Annabelle had finished her wine fairly quickly to give herself a little additional courage, so they headed back to the dining room, where Frederick was in conversation with a woman who was young enough to be his daughter but judging by her dress, poor enough to consider him a catch. His attention was focused on the girl at the moment, so Annabelle took the half glass of wine that Richard still hadn’t finished and drank it in two mouthfuls, handed it back to him (so that people didn’t think her a lush) and headed over to Frederick.

  She had spent a while deciding how to behave around him and had decided that, as much as it galled her, she would catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

  “Frederick, how are you?” she asked as she approached, a wide smile on her face. “I’m sorry about earlier, I’m afraid that all that rich food had taken its toll on me.”

  Frederick looked flabbergasted for a moment, and then evidently decided to play along.

  “Of course, Annabelle. Might I introduce Miss Louisa Birkenstock, the niece of the Bishop of Winchester.”

  “How do you do.” Annabelle curtseyed to the girl, who was taking in her grand appearance. Frederick also hadn’t missed her fine gown, nor her expensive jewellery.

  “Annabelle is my sister,” Frederick said with obvious pride. Evidently she was something worth acknowledging now, as she could be useful to him.

  It reminded Annabelle of being paraded in front of her father’s friends and she honestly wasn’t sure what to do now. When she had decided to be civil to Frederick, she hadn’t considered that he would be civil in reply. What would happen if he came around, asking for an introduction to Richard and Lavinia? If she said yes, she would be imposing t
his vile man on her friends but if she said no, he would surely seek revenge.

  “I didn’t see you yesterday, did you just come today?” Louisa asked.

  The wine gave her the courage to be truthful. “Oh no, I've been here since Thursday afternoon. I created the fine desserts that you have been enjoying, you see, so I couldn’t be spared until today.”

  “You… made the desserts?”

  “Cooking is one of Anna’s many talents,” Richard said coming up behind her. “Mother begged her to help this weekend. Oh I’m terribly sorry, we haven’t been introduced.”

  “Allow me,” Annabelle smiled. “Miss Louise Birkenstock, allow me to introduce His Grace, the Duke of Hampshire.”

  They bowed and curtseyed to each other.

  “Thank you for inviting me this weekend, Your Grace.”

  “I’m afraid it’s my mother you have to thank for that. I’ve been in the Army for many years, fighting the Portuguese civil war for the last few, so my contacts are a little out of date.”

  Frederick looked a little nonplussed by Richard’s appearance, not to mention the free admission that Annabelle had essentially acted as a servant this weekend.

  “So, how did you learn to cook?” Louise asked, seeming fascinated by the woman before her.

  “I’m afraid I had little choice after our father died. Frederick kicked my mother and me out of the house after initiating a particularly savage brawl with me. Only a handy candlestick and the loyalty of my servants saved my virtue. Virtually penniless, I had to do something to keep us, so bought a cookery book, taught myself to cook and opened a coffee house.”

  Frederick choked on his wine and began turning a rather delightful shade of puce as he coughed. Louise looked a little worried but Annabelle ignored him.

  “A particularly lovely coffee house,” Richard added, slipping his hand into hers for moral support and also ignoring Frederick.

  “Thank you.” She smiled at him.

  “What slanderous lies are you spreading, you evil witch!” Frederick recovered enough to snarl.

  “I’m not frightened of you any longer, Frederick, and I will no longer keep your dirty little secret, that you attempted to have knowledge of your sister. And if you try to take me to court for saying this, I shall simply remind you that I have five witnesses to that day’s events in my employ. I would further note, that I caused that disfiguring scar on your forehead whilst defending myself, and would challenge you to prove otherwise.”

  His puce face had turned purple and veins were sticking out of his forehead. Louise had subtly edged away from Frederick proving (to his mind at least) that Annabelle would be believed.

  “I’m not staying here to be insulted! You lying, traitorous, venomous, wench!”

  “I am a serving wench,” Annabelle agreed calmly, “but every word I have spoken has been God’s honest truth.”

  “Ready my carriage! I will not stay one more second in a house which allows such lies to be spread about a decent gentleman!”

  Richard felt Annabelle’s grip on his hand tighten in fear.

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible. The horses have been bedded in and the grooms given the night off. Unfortunately, you will have to remain here, unless you know how to set your own horses to their carriage,” Richard answered calmly.

  Apoplectic with rage, Frederick stormed from the room, causing a cheer and applause to erupt from the crowd, who until now, Annabelle had been unaware was watching. Lavinia began the cheer, and her guests happily followed her example.

  “Well done, Annabelle!” Lavinia said, coming forward and embracing her. Her public choosing of a side would go a long way in convincing people that Annabelle was right.

  Annabelle however, was not feeling nearly so clever.

  “I shouldn’t have done that.” She whispered to Lavinia as they embraced.

  “Yes you should. He needs to know that you aren’t frightened of him, and that you aren’t afraid of the truth coming out. You were very brave and I’m proud of you.”

  Annabelle managed a weak smile as they separated.

  “Richard, I have some things to attend to, please see to Annabelle for a moment.”

  “Come on.” Richard put his arm about Annabelle’s shoulder and guided her out of the room and into the library, which the butler swiftly unlocked for them. It was the only room that had been locked and was therefore off limit to the other revellers. Following an incident when some revellers had thought it a great idea to start a bonfire in the garden with some of the books, the library was always locked during the larger gatherings.

  “Could you get us two large brandies when you have a chance, Smithers?” Richard asked.

  The butler nodded and left them, closing the door behind him and Richard guided Annabelle to one of the sofas, before opening the box of Congreves matches and lighting a few candles over the mantelpiece, since there was no fire lit in here. The candles gave off a low but comforting light and were Annabelle not so distressed, he would almost call it romantic.

  “How do you feel?” he asked as he sat down beside her, even although he could see her trembling.

  “I don’t know. I felt good for a while there, strong and powerful but now? All I really feel is dread.”

  “You did the right thing, Anna. The only thing, in my opinion.”

  “The truth will out,” she said softly.

  “Indeed, but it came out on your terms, not his.”

  The butler returned then, carrying a tray with three brandies, one very large. Richard reached for the large one and one of the others.

  “I wouldn’t, sir.” Smithers said. “The Duchess asked me to serve that as a peace offering for Lord Wyatt, it has been prepared with a very healthy measure of laudanum in it.”

  “Good thinking,” Richard smiled and took the two smaller drinks. “Thank you, Smithers.”

  “No need to thank me, Sir. We have all heard how well Lady Wyatt treated the servants this weekend, even the kitchen maids, and given the shameful way that Lord Wyatt has behaved ever since he arrived, I think that I can safely say that we are on your side, mi’lady.”

  “Thank you, Smithers. You are too kind.”

  “Only where it’s deserved, Ma’am.”

  He left then and Richard offered Annabelle a brandy.

  “No, thank you. I think two glasses of wine is my limit.”

  “You have had two shocks today, a few sips won’t hurt.”

  She wondered if he had her best interests at heart, or if he wanted to loosen her up for what he had planned later. Recognising how unkind her thoughts were, she accepted the drink and dutifully took a small sip.

  “Thank you. You’ve been very good to me.”

  “You’re very easy to be good to.” He smiled.

  They sat in silence as Annabelle took a few more sips. Richard had got the second brandy for her also but she didn’t seem inclined to drink very much, so he sipped it.

  “I want to dance.” Annabelle suddenly announced.

  “You… I'm sorry?”

  “I want to dance. They were dancing earlier, and I can hear that the music has started up again. It’s been so long since I’ve danced. Please, Richard. I need this.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  “I am. I have a lot of nervous energy, so I might as well channel it to a more pleasurable occupation.”

  When she heard what she had said, she expected him to suggest an entirely different activity, but he didn’t.

  “What are your favourite dances?” he asked, standing up and offering her his hand.

  “The quadrilles, or the longer cotillions, I think. I always wanted to try the waltz but mother said it was too unladylike to embrace in public, on a dance floor.”

  “She is right, of course, but it is still very enjoyable. If you are ever able to overcome the shame, I should like to teach you.”

  Annabelle smiled as they left the library and crossed the hall to the drawing room.

  Over the
course of the evening, they spent most of their time dancing, aside from short breaks for food or water. Annabelle could tell that people were shocked that she hadn’t hidden herself away and that they were all gossiping about her. She was certain that Louise had repeated the whole conversation to many people by now.

  However, she did notice Lavinia chatting to Lord Bellingham and later, Lord Pierce, who were editors of the Review and the London Times respectively. Annabelle had little doubt that the story, when it was published, would be in her favour. She wasn’t foolish enough to think that with such a crowd for the confrontation, the story wouldn’t be printed but with Lavinia’s help, they would print the right story.

  By the time 11 o’clock rolled around, Annabelle was feeling fatigued. She had probably been up hours before these other revellers and her shock was wearing off now, leaving her lethargic. Richard, who hadn’t left her side all evening, escorted her up to her room. She paused outside the door and turned to face him. She wondered briefly if she was brave enough to do this but when she looked into his beautiful eyes, she knew that she was. She closed the space between them and stretched up on her toes, until her lips met his.

  The kiss was soft and tender but the undertones of passion and need were still there. She deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around him, running her hands across his back. When she pulled away, she felt slightly light headed, but the kiss had dissolved the last of her doubts.

  If she was going to do this, she was going to do so on her own terms.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?” she asked.

  “This door locks, Anna, he can’t hurt you.”

  “That’s not why I’m asking.”

  He looked down at her for a long time, his expression inscrutable.

  “I will,” he finally answered.

  Annabelle gave him a smile, which she hoped was alluring and taking his hand, she opened her door and led him inside.

  Richard helped her to disrobe until she was wearing only her chemise, then he sat her at her dressing table and slowly removed all the pins from her hair, until her curls hung around her shoulders once again. He picked up a curl and pulled it out to its maximum length, then let it spring back.


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