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The Reluctant Duchess

Page 12

by Winchester, Catherine

  Anna didn’t care about his money or his title. She didn’t care what he thought of who she was or what she was doing, and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she liked him for who he was, not what he was.

  That was one of the reasons he liked married women as his partners, because they didn’t care so much about impressing him. They already had their husbands, so any attraction that they felt for him was real.

  Only they weren’t enough anymore. He’d had a taste of genuine affection, love even, and that was a thousand times more fulfilling than what he had shared with any of his mistresses.

  If only the woman he loved didn’t have more trust issues than the Court of Chancery.

  Annabelle was sitting beside the fire in her study, feeling morose and regretting both her stubbornness and temper, which she felt had lost her the best friend she had ever had. She knew that she had been a fool to be so distrusting of him, always suspecting ulterior motives behind his every attempt to help her.

  She had been so hopeful as she headed to his house earlier and even when he wasn’t there, she still had hope. It had been her conversation with Lavinia that had dimmed her hope. It was nothing that the other woman had said, but rather a hesitance whenever she referred to Richard.

  Annabelle could only assume that he had told her everything, and her hesitance came from Richard’s reluctance to forgive her. She couldn’t blame him.

  As she thought back over her life, she felt that her reticence when it came to relationships was well founded but she had made one crucial mistake, she had tarred all men with the same brush and if there was ever a man who was undeserving of that reputation, it was Richard.

  He had gone out of his way to help her, to be there for her and sometimes, even just to make her smile. She remembered when she and his mother had laughed at his attempt to ice the offcuts of her torte; how he had seemed to enjoy their pleasure, rather than showing anger because he was the subject of their mirth.

  It was only now, when she feared losing him, that she finally admitted how much he had come to mean to her. She loved him.

  Although she thought it unlikely, if by some miracle he did forgive her, she vowed to try harder to appreciate him and to trust him.

  Although she’d already had her one brandy for today, she decided that just this once, she could have two and rose to pour a second measure.

  Someone knocked on the front door and Annabelle looked to the clock on the mantle, which said it was just past 8 o’clock. Hardly anyone called at the house and most people would be sitting down to dinner about now, so she was at a loss to think who was at the door. Of course she hoped that it was Richard, but she firmly damped those hopes down and went out into the hallway to answer the door.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she saw Richard standing there, looking a little surprised. The soft light from the gas lamps gave his features a warm glow.

  “No servants?” he asked, running a hand through his hair, which looked slightly more dishevelled than normal.

  “I eat early on a Sunday so they can have the evening off.” She had been so certain that it wouldn’t be him at the door and having not seen him for three weeks, she was feeling a little nonplussed by his appearance. “Um, please, come in.”

  She stood back so that he could enter, then closed the door behind him.

  “I was just about to have a brandy, would you like to join me?”


  He smiled and followed her into the study, taking a seat by the fire as she got a second glass and poured two measures from the decanter. She came to join him and handed him a glass.

  “Thank you.”

  Now that he was here, Annabelle was finding it difficult to find the right words to apologise.

  “I came to see you earlier,” she began.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

  “No, I’m the one who should be sorry. I know that I can be difficult,” she sighed, sounding defeated. “I’m sure you could list my faults better than I could, but I am very sorry. I should never have said those things, they were cruel and unkind and you didn’t deserve that.”

  “Thank you.” Richard smiled warmly.

  “So, what have you been up to?” she asked.

  Richard immediately thought of Ada but dismissed the thought before he could say something silly. “Not much,” he confessed. “I don’t think I’m cut out to be among the idle rich.”

  “Didn’t you tell me your friend was suggesting you get into politics?”

  “I did, and I’ve been considering it.”

  “Would you enter the Commons or the Lords?”

  “Lords would be easier, I could be appointed at any time but I’d have to wait for a general election to be appointed to the Commons.”

  “You sound like you prefer the Commons,” she stated.

  “I think I would,” he agreed. “I like reforms that the Whigs are making, they could be a real force for change in this country. You look surprised.”

  “I suppose I am. You are the King’s nephew, I would have thought you’d be a royalist.”

  “After the revolution in France, I don’t think that we can turn a blind eye to the unfairness of our system. Getting rid of the rotten boroughs and enfranchising property owners was a big step, but the House of Lords fought against it. Still, there’s a lot of turmoil at the moment. My uncle isn’t a big fan of Melbourne, there’s talk that he may dismiss him soon, in favour of Sir Robert Peel.”

  “I thought Robert Peel was away?”

  “He is, in Italy,” Richard smiled, seemingly impressed by her knowledge. “I think that’s the only reason that Melbourne is still Prime Minster.”

  “It sounds as if such a career would keep you busy.”

  “It would,” he said with a wry smile. “The problem is, I hate politics!”

  “But you just said that reform was good?”

  “And it is, but to get there you have to compromise on your principles; you scratch my back if I scratch yours, that type of thing. I have no time for that.”

  “Surely your estate gives you purpose? Although I realise that I am keeping you from it at the moment.”

  “You aren’t keeping me from anything,” he assured her with a smile, reaching over and taking her hand. “My father put good people into place and while he was ill, they basically took over. The few times I have tried to get involved, I feel surplus to requirements.”

  Annabelle noticed that he hadn’t let go of her hand, but she wasn’t complaining.

  “You must think me terribly pointless,” he said. “You work ten hours a day, sometimes more. My complaining must seem very petty to you.”

  “Actually, I think the fact that you don’t want to become one of the idle rich speaks very well for you.”

  Richard smiled, raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. Annabelle felt her pulse quicken.

  “You’re too kind,” he said, his voice deep with emotion.

  Suddenly the air around them seemed charged and Annabelle wanted desperately to run into his arms. Seemingly Richard’s thoughts were along similar lines.

  “I want to kiss you,” he said boldly.

  Annabelle smiled and got to her feet, pulling him up by the hand she still held. They fell into each other’s arms and kissed deeply; the wait since they had last seen each other increasing their desire exponentially.

  Annabelle’s arms slipped under his dress coat and around his back, feeling the planes of his back through his waistcoat but she needed more. One of Richard’s hands went around her waist, holding her to him, whilst his other hand slowly travelled up from her hip to her breast, feeling her through the material of her dress. He felt practically afire with need and began to undo the buttons on the front of her dress.

  Suddenly Annabelle pulled away and Richard worried that he had gone too far.

  “I’m sorry-“

  “Shh,” she smiled warmly at him and took his hand.

  Chapter Ten
r />   Equal parts eager and disbelieving, he allowed himself to be led from the room, up the stairs and into her bedroom. She closed the door, then reached around him to turn the key in the lock.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her. “We don’t have to do this.”

  She smiled, pleased that he cared. “I want to,” she assured him.

  Richard didn’t need telling twice. He leaned down to kiss her again whilst his hands went to her bodice, undoing the buttons there. In turn, she grabbed his lapels and slipped his frock coat from his shoulders, causing him to groan in frustration as it stopped his progress momentarily. Then she began unbuttoning his waistcoat and slipping that from his shoulders.

  “How many buttons does this thing have?” he complained as he had to stop once again for her to remove his waistcoat.

  Annabelle giggled, which he thought might be the sexiest sound that he had ever heard.

  She took hold of his cravat and began to walk backwards to the bed, pulling him along with her. He felt like a lion being led by a lamb. He had met sexually aggressive women before but that didn’t describe Annabelle, this was something different, something more.

  Finally he had finished with her infernal buttons and slipped the dress from her shoulders. She stepped out of it and turned around, allowing him to untie her petticoats, which also fell to the floor. He quickly undid the laces of her corset, until finally she was just in her chemise and stockings. She turned back around, looking hesitant.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured before kissing her again. He wanted to pull her chemise up and over her head and take her now, until he remembered his vow to take things slowly with her, to worship her. He stood still as she pulled his suspender off his shoulders and removed his shirt, then tentatively kissed his chest.

  He sat her on the edge of the bed and quickly removed his boots, trousers and undergarments. He saw her blush as she looked at his manhood for the first time, erect and ready for her. She quickly looked away, which he found amusing, since it had been pressed against her many times.

  He knelt before her, causing her to look up as he raised her chemise to mid-thigh, where her white stockings ended. He undid the small buckle on her blue garter, then very slowly, he pulled the stocking down her leg, kissing the skin that he exposed in his wake. She gasped with the first few kisses, which pleased him immensely. He went even slower with the next leg, savouring every moment and once the stocking was off, he worked his way back up her leg, causing her to fist her hands in her covers with frustration.

  He stopped when he reached her chemise again and smiled up at her. Her face was flushed with desire. He stood up and drew her to her feet, then slowly lifted her chemise up and over her head. Her flesh was goose bumped but not from cold. He leaned down and took one pert nipple in his mouth, savouring the taste of her. Her hands threaded themselves in his hair and her appreciative moans told him that he was having the desired effect on her. After a few moments, he turned to lavish attention on the other breast.

  “Richard!” she called, her voice weak with need.

  He left her breasts in peace for a moment, stooping lower to the waistband of her drawers, untying them and letting them slip to the floor.

  “Lay on the bed,” he whispered, and she did, climbing into the middle and laying back. Richard watched her for a few moments, until she began to feel self-conscious and tried to cover herself with her hands.

  “Don’t,” he admonished, crawling onto the bed beside her. “Don’t hide yourself from me.”

  She smiled tentatively and nodded. Slowly she reached out and touched his chest but when he moved to kiss her, she withdrew her hand, as if frightened. He stole the kiss he desired, then turned to lay on his back his hands behind his head.

  “Explore,” he told her, closing his eyes so that she could relax.

  She began tentatively, running her fingertips across his flesh, then her whole hands and finally she took his nipple into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. He moaned appreciatively when she did something he liked. As she leaned over to his other nipple, he cracked one eye to peek at her, and fell in love all over again as he saw the expression of wonder on her face. He closed his eyes again as her hands began to roam further afield, one hand going down to his stomach as the other traced his hip.

  He cracked an eye again and saw her bite down on her lip as she looked at his length, then she reached out and gently traced it with her fingertips, causing it to jump. Her hand withdrew as if she had been bitten.

  “Sorry, he does that when he’s excited,” Richard explained, unable to keep the mirth from his voice.

  She turned to look at him, so he opened his eyes.

  Emboldened, she reached out and grasped his length loosely in her fist. Richard groaned and closed his eyes again. Her other hand cupped his balls and he could stand the torture no longer, and brought one hand down to cover hers, gently pumping his length. She soon took up the rhythm and he removed his hand, but he was already excited that she quickly brought him close to climax, so he captured her hands and turned her onto her back.

  “You didn’t like it?” she asked, seemingly completely unaware of the effect that she had on him.

  “On the contrary, I liked it rather too much. Now it’s your turn.”

  His lips captured one nipple and his hand tweaked the other, before moving down to trace circles on her stomach, slowly making its way closer and closer to her loins. He ran his fingertips through her curls, causing her to cry out, then he spread her lips and ran his finger over her clit. She moaned in pleasure and she was already wet. He began circling her clit.

  “Oh, Richard, Oh!” It took all of his self-control not to take her then but he knew it would be painful for her. He built her to a sexual peak until she was begging him and mewling in pleasure, then he moved between her legs and positioned himself at her entrance. He continued to stimulate her until her orgasm crashed over her, then he thrust inside, hoping that the pain would be lost among the pleasure. Her tight sheath was clamping down on him as waves of pleasure rippled through her and he began to thrust into her, as his need consumed him.

  To his surprise, once she had recovered a little, she began to meet him, thrust for thrust. She closed her eyes and reached up to to kiss him but he pulled away.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  She lowered her head and looked up at him. The eye contact added an additional dimension to their intimacy, and Richard had never before felt anything like the intensity of the climax that finally crashed through him. He maintained eye contact until he collapsed onto her, feeling exhausted emotionally, as well as physically.

  Her hands, which had been demanding, now caressed him tenderly.

  “Kill me now,” he said, although his words were rather muffled by her shoulder. “Heaven cannot be any better than this.”

  Annabelle giggled again and raised a hand to run through his hair.

  Suddenly he raised himself up on his arms and looked down at her. “Are you all right?” he asked, looking worried.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him.

  “You aren’t sore?”

  “I don't think so. Maybe a little.”

  “And I didn’t hurt you?”

  She shook her head and cupped his face in her hands. “No.” she reached up and stole a kiss. “I enjoyed it. I didn’t know it could be that pleasurable.”

  Richard grinned, pleased with her praise.

  “That’s gone straight to your head hasn’t it?” she said, rolling her eyes, although she was unable to keep the smile from her lips.

  “Who’s head should it go to?” He teased.

  As his erection softened, he pulled out of her and turned onto his back, pulling her with him and nesting her into his side. She settled one of her legs between his and moved until her head rested on his chest.

  Although he knew that he shouldn’t, he felt so content at that moment that he couldn’t stop himself from drifting off to sleep.

Annabelle awoke to the odd sensation of her back being chilled but her front feeling warm and toasty. She opened her eyes to be confronted with a chest and she smiled as memories of last night came back to her.

  “Your eyelashes tickle.”

  Annabelle raised her head and turned to look at him, smiling. Richard’s eyes were cracked but he clearly didn’t want to wake up just yet, although the edges of his lips were turned up in a slight smile.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “Early,” he mumbled, closing his eyes. “Go back to sleep.”

  She looked to the fire which was low but not out, meaning that they had probably only been asleep for an hour or two.

  “But I’m cold,” she pouted.

  His smile widened. “And what did you want me to do about that?”

  She began to kiss his chest, trailing a path steadily north towards his lips, as her hand reached down and began to caress his thigh. Within moments, his length was swelling once again and he knew that there was no way he would get back to sleep now.

  As her lips reached his, her hand encased his length and gently began to caress him, causing him to moan through their kiss.

  “You wanton little minx,” he said as she pulled away.

  Annabelle bit her lip coyly, although she looked thoroughly pleased with herself at the same time.

  She began kissing his chest again, making her way to his left nipple, first flicking it with her tongue, then gently sucking, which he seemed to enjoy most. This time he felt free to caress her whilst she explored him and his hands roamed her hips, then her flat stomach, before cupping her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples until they stood erect.

  He had to remove her hand from his manhood again when she threatened to excite him too much, then he rolled them over until she was on her back and he between her legs. He began by kissing her neck, then slowly worked his way south, pausing to lavish attention on her breasts, before continuing. He felt her stiffen as he got to her navel but he had no intention of stopping and to his surprise, she didn’t try to stop him. He dipped his head lower and captured her bud between his lips, rubbing his tongue over the sensitive tip.


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