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The Failsafe Prophecies

Page 4

by Samantha Lucas

  She twisted her fingers together and watched the firelight play on his features.

  He grabbed his long hair in his hand and pulled it behind him, twisted it, then let it fall over his left shoulder.

  “I don’t think this event is random. I think whoever is behind it has been waiting on the timing. I don’t know enough about the astrology, but I thought there may be clues we could exploit, find some way to know what they’re planning, or at least, what’s possible. Saturn is one hell of a big gate keeper and he just moved out of Scorpio, didn’t he?”

  “Yes. And the sun has been there once since.” She tried to recall anything Solomon may have said to her about this.

  “That feels resonant to me.” Rigo pushed earnestly.

  She blinked as she processed what he was saying.

  “I haven’t given this any thought in forever, but…”

  As she recalled Solomon’s lessons, she recalled how he’d found her battered and bruised, so lost and wishing for death. As she healed, he taught her of magic, of god, of astrology and the most fundamental rules of creation.

  “Algatha would be the best person I know of to ask, but she’s traveling. There may be books at her place, but for some unknown reason, she’s left the guard of her house to a mortal woman who holds no magic and knows nothing of us. Believe me, your brother is not happy.” She smiled, but caught the laughter before it slipped out.

  “A mortal in Elethiya?” Rigo was not so disciplined. He broke into loud laughter just as Luxe returned with a tray of food.

  “I feel I missed something.” He set the tray down and handed Rodrigo an amber bottle.

  “Only that my brother must be beside himself.” He laughed again as he drew a long sip from the bottle. “Ah, it’s probably good for him. It’ll keep him from wallowing.”

  Luxe handed Bala her tea.

  She kissed his cheek and he took a spot on the ottoman beside her.

  “I just feel like there is divine timing at play here, Bala, and you have knowledge of the heavens. Do you think you could look into this?”

  “So you want me to consult with the witches over soul skulls and then break into the astrologer’s home and find some knowledge about the gate keepers?” She rolled her eyes and laughed, feeling so much more like herself now than she had all day.

  He smiled big.

  “That about covers it.”

  She laughed.

  “Oh, so just another Tuesday?” Luxe smiled before taking a swallow from his ale.

  “No.” Rodrigo became serious. “Just another Tuesday in Elethiya.” He winked. “There’s a difference.”

  In that moment there was a sense of mutual camaraderie that was comforting.

  “I’ll do whatever I can, Rodrigo. You know that I will. How is Zhen doing?” Bala had been worrying about the girl all evening.

  “I don’t know to be honest. I haven’t seen her since I left her with the council. Why?”

  She rubbed a chill from her arms as she thought back on the energy she felt from Zhen this afternoon.

  “She seemed afraid. I can’t imagine what she’s been through, but there is something I don’t understand about what happened. Do you mind?” She didn’t want him to feel she was questioning his memory, but something wasn’t right and this may be her only chance to address it.

  “Of course not. Bala, we are all in new territory here. We have to pull our strengths and insights here. What is it?” Rigo sat back and drank more of the dark ale.

  She looked to Obsidian who was sitting on alert in his soft bed.

  “Where were the protectors of these women? Why were you and Hayden the only ones there? And for that matter, the others… I know details are still coming in, but Obsidian never leaves my side, and if I were in trouble, he’d fight. I know each of these women have something similar, and if the roahn-ami attacked… it makes no sense they were nowhere to be found.”

  It had been one small detail that had been bothering her all day long, and she was grateful to finally be able to give a voice to it.

  “Honestly, I hadn’t even considered it. It’s been such a whirlwind since this all happened. We’re still gathering information. But as Hayden and I were the only witnesses, and it wasn’t as if we were simply standing there watching, there were many details I’m sure we missed. Do you think Zhen has the answers to fill in the missing pieces?”

  She thought back to the young girl she’d been with earlier and shook her head.

  “She seemed… in shock still. She barely spoke. Her energy was so small. She’s with Briya, as far as I know. Maybe you should talk to her? After all, you rescued her and brought her here. I’m sure she trusts you.” Bala didn’t want to be bogging down the system with these tiny details, but this one simply wouldn’t stop nagging at her.

  He stood and took one last draw from the bottle before placing it back on the tray.

  “I will do that tomorrow. I have one more stop to make tonight, and that’s my brother. I love him dearly, and he’s a powerful soul, but his guilt is getting worse and worse. If we’re going to have any shot of avoiding the seven suns prophecy, we need a leader. He needs me to remind him of who he is.”

  Bala was hit with a hard wave of pain that originated out of Rodrigo’s heart. She stood and hugged him tight.

  “I’m so sorry, Rigo. Just be there. The journey back is his own, but I have faith in him.”

  She felt his pain ease and was pleased that her words had helped.

  She and Luxe both walked him to the door in the small turret-shaped entry.

  “Keep me informed on both things we discussed, Bala. I deeply appreciate it. I’ll be here for the foreseeable future, unless something pressing comes up.”

  “Of course. I just… don’t expect miracles. I’m really not sure I’m the person for either of these tasks.”

  He reached out and squeezed her hand.

  “Ah, but I have faith in you, Balaja, strong of heart and rich in faith.”

  She averted her gaze as she felt her cheeks heat.

  “As a team, all of us, serahn, nay-chi, royals, witches… even some of the mortals, we’ll save both realms.” Luxe spoke in that royal tone that did not accept argument or dissent.

  “Aye, Luxe. This is the time for which we were all created. We will defeat the oppression, bring the balance back to the light and dark, and reunite the realms. Faith, Bala. As you have always taught us, faith is our strength. We will fight back the night and we will win. Of that I have no doubt.”

  Chapter Four

  Wraithe’s heart was so heavy it was threatening to finally crush him. Even in the castle antechamber, a place he loved more than anything, there was no peace. It was midday. Below him were families, tourists, people here to see his creation. He ran his hand over the grey stone that outlined a small window showing the grand landscape of the park. Usually he loved watching from his secluded nook inside the main castle. But today, with so much at stake, he could barely breathe for the morose sadness bearing in on him.

  “I knew I’d find you here.”

  He recognized the voice of his brother before he turned from the small window to see him. The hero of the hour stormed through the small wooden door a lot like any hero would, exuberant and confident.

  “Well, there’s only three places on Earth I habitually habitate. How many did you try before you came here, because I think that’s the real tell of how well you know me.” It took more energy than he cared to admit to rise to the level of sarcasm.

  Rigo laughed and drew him into a bear hug.

  “Oh, brother, always putting up those walls.” Rigo took a step back and smiled sadly. “But you’ll never push me away. You may as well give up trying.”

  Wraithe chuckled and turned back to his castle window where he could stare out over his kingdom. “Never say never, brother dear.”

  “I heard that.” Rigo moved in close and stood beside him.

  Wraithe smiled slightly as the two stood side by side,
one dark, one light, no longer just in hair and coloring, but more and more, it described their disposition as well.

  In a moment of silent harmony they stared out over the world he created.

  “So… how’s business?” Rigo asked, as if running a business was really what he was doing.

  “Booming.” He answered drolly. “Maybe you’d like to go try out the new shooting gallery.”

  “Oh no. Last time I did that I made a little boy cry because I beat his score, and you booted me from the whole park.” Rigo chuckled.

  “You beat everyone’s score.” Wraithe looked at him dead on, attempting to look severe, even with the grin threatening to break through.

  “There isn’t any point in pretending I suck!”

  They laughed together, before silence fell again.

  “Business is good, as always.” Wraithe answered more seriously this time.

  “Just not as good as the kingdom up the street, aye?” He gave his brother a knowing grin.

  “It’s not a competition.” He defended himself.

  Rigo stepped away from the window and further into the small chamber where Wraithe stored some of his more personal artifacts. There was a fireplace to the left of the door into the next chamber, and on the mantle was the arrow he used to kill a woebegone that was trying to kill the then King of Babylonia. Beside that sat a rare purple crystal given him by the empress from the seventh realm when he when he rescued and returned her stolen child. An antique clock hung on the wall, softly ticking as its dragon-shaped pendulum swung back and forth. A desk sat in an alcove along the back wall, atop it the only public display of affection he ever allowed himself, a scant few photographs.

  “No, of course not. Because you refuse to compete with his legacy.” Rigo now stood beside the mantle and stared back across the room at his brother.

  Wraithe set his jaw firm, determined to defend himself. Everywhere he looked in this space was something that spoke of who he once was. It was like a mausoleum in some respects, and it had become his refuge.

  “That’s not even fair. I am nay-chi. I am not here to be a business mogul. I am here to protect the falls and the people of this planet. This…” He looked around at the fixtures of the castle and thought of the seven fantasy lands just outside, each representing one of the kingdoms of the Marrow, each hosting what this realm thought of as a fairy tale princess. Only he and his people knew the real kingdoms existed, and right now, they were each in great danger.

  “…This park is meant to protect Elethiya. Hiding the falls in plain sight was our best option after that nosey reporter had gotten too close to discovering the truth. Do you know the catastrophe that would befall this realm if they ever found out the truth about Elethiya? This park is not here to win awards, or compete with Disney World. As far as I’m concerned, the less visitors we have, the better. Walt built his Disneyland from love and devotion. I know, because I stood side by side with him when he did. I saw the love in his eyes every time he spoke of it. I heard the joy in his voice, witnessed the glee in his soul. I built this from obligation and a sense of duty. It’s nothing more than an outgrowth of the oath I took to protect these falls at all cost. The parks, the hotels, restaurants, marina … it’s nothing but a necessary divergence. And I’ve had this argument enough. I don’t need to have it with you, Rigo.” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “No, you don’t. Which is why I’m not arguing. Yes, Wraithe, we’re protectors. We know the monsters under the bed are real and we are devoted to making sure the humans never realize it. But this life is a long one, to be sure, and we are allowed our pleasures along the way. There is no shame in running this kingdom into an empire that competes with his legacy. In truth, I think he’d admire you all the more for it.”

  “You didn’t know him.” Wraithe grumbled.

  Rigo sighed and moved closer.

  “Brother, he was a great man, and I know you feel you let him down. But gods, it was decades ago and you cannot spend the next millennia like this. If you don’t wish to take this company global, fine, what about finding love? How’s Ivin these days?

  Wraithe choked.

  Rigo laughed.

  “Ivin and I have an… arrangement.” He was sure he felt his cheeks burn.

  “Aye, she fucks you and you dismiss her. Hell of an arrangement.” His tone was laced with disapproval.

  “It’s not like that.” Again, Wraithe defended himself.

  “She’s in love with you.” Rigo pressed.

  Wraithe’s jaw dropped open.

  “That’s not… That’s not possible.” He considered his brother’s words, but dismissed them.

  Rigo groaned, came close and put his arm around Wraithe’s shoulders.

  “You are so blind anymore. It doesn’t serve you.”

  Wraithe pulled away, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

  “Regardless of Ivin’s feelings for me, I’ve been very honest with her. I won’t ever love. Gods, brother, look at how losing the closest friend I ever had has destroyed me. Why would I fall in love? She would grow old, get sick and die, while I faithlessly watched, knowing all the while I could heal her. Fuck you for even suggesting it!”

  He threw his arm out across the mantel, sliding all the treasures from atop it to the floor where they crashed in an explosion of sound.

  “Wraithe…” Rigo visibly took a breath. “Many of our kind make love with the humans work. Some even have families.”

  “Oh yes, and it works so well for them. Yes, let’s all start families so we can watch generation after generation of those we love, those we created, wither and die. I’ll take my kingdom of plaster and glass, thank you very much.”

  A long silence stretched between them. Wraithe grew angrier and angrier, though he wasn’t sure why. Was it his brother’s suggestion, or was it having his own deepest longing exposed?

  “You’re hardly one to speak on this subject, Rigo. You’re drawn to the human women, and they to you. You fuck women all over the realm, but have you ever loved one?” He spoke from his anger and didn’t regret the pain he saw flare in his brother’s eyes.

  “I’d give my life to find great love.” He spoke solemnly.

  “Aye, but more likely it’d be her life you’d be giving, wouldn’t it?”

  The silence returned, only this time, with it there were walls of stone.

  “Never say never, aye?” Wraithe spat back his brother’s words from earlier, feeling as if he’d accomplished his objective. He simply wanted left alone. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his brother, but his friendship with Walt had shown him just how deeply he was capable of hurting someone. He never wanted to take that chance again.

  Rigo stepped in so close that Wraithe felt his breath on his face.

  “I will never abandon you, Wraithe. I don’t care what you think you’ve done, or how you think you’ve betrayed Walt. I am your brother and I will stand by you every day I draw breath. Period.”

  “Wraithe!” Ivin burst into the room, followed closely by Bala.

  The entrance of the two women shook the men from their standoff and each turned to face them.

  “Oh good, Rigo, you’re here too!” Ivin threw her arms around him in an easy manner, and he exchanged the hug warmly.

  Wraithe nodded a greeting at Bala as she stood twisting her fingers nervously.

  He refused to entertain the thought that Ivin could have fallen in love with him. They had a deep friendship, and she did allow him to ease his need when it grew too great. But that was all it was, all it could ever be.

  “What’s so urgent, ladies?” Rigo spoke as if nothing were wrong in the world.

  “Your soul skulls, Rigo.” Bala stepped forward.

  “His what?” Wraithe’s alarm ratcheted through the roof.

  “It’s nothing.” Rigo waved his arm dismissively, then turned back to Bala. “What did you find?”

  She looked nervously between the brothers, then focused on Ivin.

can tell you. She really figured it all out.”

  “Not hardly. Without your intuition, Bala, I never…”

  Wraithe cleared his throat loudly, drawing a stop to all conversation.

  “Whoever was to credit, perhaps you all could simply fill me in on what Rigo’s soul skulls hold.” He glared at his brother as he spoke kindly to the women.

  “Right.” Ivin pushed back lose strands of deep purple hair. “Well, two of them are empty. We burned them.”

  She looked nervously to Wraithe, then back at Rigo.

  “However, two seem to have souls inside. I think they may be two of the missing royals.”

  “Oh my god! I mean I had thought maybe, but…” Rigo clapped his hands, paced a few steps away then back. “Can you bring them out?”

  “Well, even if I could, I don’t have a body to put them in. But, that’s not really why we’re here.” She turned to Bala and motioned for her to come closer. “Bala…”

  Bala was constantly the epitome of a Queen. Her long brown hair was braided and wrapped with small flowers and gems that sparkled. Her gown was long and lush, today in the shade of yellow. The sign of her people, a small elaborate scroll with a gem, was imprinted into her forehead at the place they believed to be the third eye. Her dark skin set off her lavender eyes so that when she looked at you, you fell instantly into her trance.

  As she stepped forward, Wraithe watched her struggle and wondered how it was possible that she would be this rattled. As long as he’d known her, she’d been a woman of bravery, duty, dignity… the woman standing here was… off somehow.

  “While Ivin and I were casting the spell on the skulls, I had a vision.” She bit her lower lip.

  “Of what?” Rigo asked eagerly.

  She shook her head and paced to the fire, stopping when she noticed the pile of debris at its foot. She looked back at the brothers with alarm.


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