A Tattered Love
Page 9
“Are you sure?” I looked at her and swayed from side to side watching the skirt flow in the breeze.
“Um, seriously? Yes, I freaking love it, Ry! You look terrific! Don’t you think?” She seemed annoyed that I was questioning this dress as we had already gone through countless dresses during our shopping excursion.
“Ok, ok, I love it! I really do love it! I am just a tough cookie to please when I know it’s something that’s making me really nervous. This gala is tearing my nerves up!” I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. I was so nervous. I felt like my stomach was burning from the inside out. I told myself to just breathe, and it would all be ok.
“Babe, you’ll look incredible, and screw his folks. He obviously wants you if he’s sticking around.” She smiled at me wickedly. “Oh, and guess what, Ry?”
I looked at her puzzled. “What’s up?” I gave her my full attention.
“You’re falling for him. You want him to be your boyfriend. I can tell.”
I looked at her confused. I don’t know where she is going with this but I’m curious as hell to find out.
“What do you mean? He practically is my boyfriend.” I asked quizzically.
“You told me a while back that you liked Dustin, but you didn’t know what you wanted in your life. Your work schedule is crazy and you weren’t sure you were ready for a relationship.” She paused. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’ve clearly made time for Dustin in your life and you are nervous to go to a gala for a guy that you didn’t see in your future? Come on girl, admit it, you’re falling in love with him already.”
I sat in the chair next to her feeling the texture of the dress in my fingers. It really did amaze me how much Dustin already meant to me.
“I am falling for him, badly. I never thought I could, after Mark—” I sat there realizing I had just let his name slip around Abby for the first time. Here it comes, the explanation she was going to want. I just wasn’t sure if I was ready to give it to her.
“Whose Mark?” she looked at me baffled.
“Just some guy I was with that stole my heart once.” I wanted to be as vague as possible. I just didn’t feel like going there right now. I got up out of the chair, heading into the dressing room to get out of this winning dress. I looked at the clock. It was getting late. I needed to head home to let Cooper out.
“Hey girl, I’m going to look for a necklace and earrings to go with your dress while you’re in there!” Abby yelled over the curtain to me in the dressing room.
“Ok!” I yelled back.
Well, that went better than expected. She actually dropped it, and she didn’t dig for more information. That’s unlike Abby, but I’m so glad I didn’t have to go into detail right now. When I was ready, she would know.
I checked out with my dress, necklace, earrings, and a pair of shoes. I think I had just spent my whole paycheck! Yikes! These gala preparations have been much more expensive than I thought they would be. Hopefully, it’ll pay off in the end, plus I was sure I could wear this somewhere else. I was excited to see what Dustin would be wearing.
Abby came back to the apartment with me. I really thought she’d go home but she ended up following me up the stairs.
“Evan’s out tonight with the guys, so do you mind if I hang out for a bit?”
I didn’t want to say no, so we indulged ourselves in a girl’s night. I hung my dress up in the closet, and cooked Abby and I some dinner. We watched a movie with Cooper, and just hung out and had some girl talk. It was nice to relax with Abby. Thankfully, she didn’t bring up Mark the rest of the night. I think she knew it was a sore subject for me and just dropped it. The night got late and we both ended up passing out on the couch. The next thing I knew, there was a knock at my door. I shook my head, sitting up as I brushed my hand through my hair trying to figure out if I had really heard the knock at the door, or if I had imagined it. I looked at Abby, and she was still sound asleep. I looked at the clock—quarter to twelve? Then I heard another knock. So I wasn’t going crazy!
I got up off the couch, and strolled over to the door, peeking through the small hole in the door. It was Evan.
“Hey, Evan.” I said as I opened the door, yawning and smirking at him.
“Hey, Riley, is Abs here with you? She’s not home, and I knew she was with you tonight dress shopping.” I could smell the beer on his breath. Yup, he had a guy’s night, all right!
“Yeah, she’s passed out on the couch. Actually, we both fell asleep watching Jaws.” I giggled.
Evan laughed. “Mind if I grab her and take her home? She’s pulling an all day shift tomorrow.”
I knew I needed a man’s advice, and I’m pretty sure now was the time to ask him. I closed the door gently behind me.
“Evan, I need to ask you something.”
“Shoot.” He replied.
“I know you’re close to Dustin, and I was just wondering if you think he is serious about me. I just don’t want to be some casual fuck of his. You know what I mean? I need to know I’m falling for a person who is equally in it for the same reasons.”
Evan pressed his hand on my shoulder and tapped it. “Riley, you’re a great girl. Dustin is my best friend; he’s a great guy. I wish nothing but happiness for both of you. Dustin has some issues, but nothing you can’t handle. Take it from me—I’m pretty sure he’s in it for the right reasons. He doesn’t shut up about you.”
I looked at Evan, and I almost wanted to cry. What he had just told me, even though it was pretty vague, made me the happiest I’ve felt in a long time. I trusted Evan’s advice because Abby and Evan were my best friends here. I knew Abby was a good, trustworthy person, and because she was with Evan, I knew he had to be, too!
“Thanks, Evan. I appreciate your honesty.”
“Anytime, Ry, I mean it.” He winked at me.
Evan swept Abby up off the couch, and she barely even moved to acknowledge him. She was seriously wiped out. She had a long day ahead of her. Evan was right about that. I was so thankful that she decided to cover my shift for me. I knew I owed her for that. I’m pretty sure she scouted her revenge though, by making me purchase all those things to go along with my dress that nearly broke my bank. I closed the door behind Evan and ran Coop out for a quick potty break, as I knew I had fallen asleep early, and he probably needed to relieve himself.
When we got back, I searched for my cell phone and discovered it buried at the bottom of my purse. It said I had two messages, and a missed call from Kate.
Dustin: ‘Hey baby, I miss you. I hope you had fun with Abby tonight. Sleep tight.’
Dustin: ‘Can’t wait to see you in your beautiful dress.’
I smiled reading Dustin’s messages. He was sweet. I wondered if he was a part of guy’s night and had been out with Evan. I know I need to get some rest because tomorrow could be one hell of a dreadful day. I quickly texted Dustin back just so he would know I was ok, and that I would call him in the morning.
Cooper was already snuggled on my bed waiting for me, and I climbed in and passed out right away.
I took my dress out of my closet to see just how gorgeous it was again. I knew I made the right choice by picking this one. I texted Abby right quick
To Abby: ‘Thanks again for covering my shift, hope you have a fantastic day! <3 you’
I went back to getting all my accessories together. My phone rang, and I thought it would be Abby, but it was Dustin calling.
“Hey,” I answered.
“Hey, beautiful.” He caught me off guard with his sweet voice.
“What’s up?”
I’m hoping that he was about to tell me the gala had been cancelled or that we didn’t have to go to the gala, after all. That would have made my day since I wasn’t ready to stand in front of his family. Somehow, though, I was pretty sure we were still going.
“Just wanted to call and see how my beautiful lady was doing. Are you excited for tonight?”
I could have c
hoked him through the phone if he thought there was really anything to be excited about attending the gala. “Dustin, I’m nervous as hell about tonight. I’m excited to be with you , but not for the reasons we’ll be together.” I admitted in full honesty.
“Don’t be nervous. I’ll be by your side the entire time. I’ll pick you up in a couple of hours.”
How could I not be nervous? His own mother approached me at my work place, and told me I needed to reconsider going. Then, told me I needed to let him down easy, and not even have a place in his life. Here I am getting ready to go to this gala as not only Dustin’s date, but also his girlfriend. I’m supposed to be calm about this?
“Ok, I’ll see you in a few.”
“Bye, beautiful.”
I ended the call before I could say anything more that I might not have really wanted to say. I was still confused why I had even said I’d go to this stupid thing. Probably because I wanted to be with Dustin, and deep down I wanted to see him stick up for me, and show his family he was proud to have me.
I just hoped his mother keeps her mouth shut, or there may be an escalating situation that no one wanted to see.
** CHAPTER 10 **
The knock at my door startled me, and I knew it had to be him. I knew he was here to pick me up, and in only a matter of time, I would be making my entrance at this stupid gala. Cooper barked at the knock, and I quickly hushed him, as I knew it had to be Dustin. I clanked my heels over the hardwood floors to the door and opened it slowly, slightly revealing myself to Dustin.
“Wow, baby, you look gorgeous. Let me get a better look at you.” He took my hand and pulled me out in the sunlight.
I was wearing a deep red dress with a tight bodice that let out at the waist into a flowing pattern of sparkles and tulle. The dress reached down right before my knees showing off my sexy legs. The panty hose led down to my feet, which were in a pair of shiny black stilettos. How I would manage to walk in these all evening, I wasn’t quite sure. My hair was pinned up in a formal up-do that I had an older lady in our complex, do for me. My hair was curled to perfection, and tucked away in a messy curly bun that had a few loose curled strands hanging down around my face. I looked elegant, and nothing like I had ever looked before. I had on some lovely make up that shaped my face, and brought out my beautiful eyes. I had on the three-stoned vertical row diamond pendant and matching earrings, that Abby had picked out. I think I looked like a damn model.
“Thanks, you look quite stunning yourself.” I smirked at him eyeing him up and down. His dazzling body dressed in a sleek black suit with a white undershirt and black tie made him look absolutely amazing, too. I really wanted to just pull his clothes off, walk back into my apartment, and forget the gala, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen.
Dustin let Cooper out for me before we left. My nerves were coursing through my body with shock waves everywhere. I almost felt numb I was so nervous. My hands were getting fidgety, and I was in a daze the whole ride to his parents. Usually, when I rode in the Mustang, I got excited but this time was different. I imagined myself being at home relaxing on the couch hoping my nerves would subside. Unfortunately, they didn’t and the closer we got the more nervous I became, and my stomach was in knots.
Dustin held my hand, and he noticed how sweaty it was. He looked over at me in the car. “Baby, relax, everything is going to be fine.” He reassured me. I didn’t respond to him because I still carried the bad vibe with me on just how this evening was going to go. I didn’t want to say anything to him because I didn’t want him feeling nervous, too. This was his event, and his time to shine for making such a generous donation to what he truly believed in. I know, in a sense, he didn’t want to be here because it was at his parents’ house, but at the same time, he knew how to act and for that, I was grateful—because I was certainly not used to these types of events.
We pulled in the driveway with the large amount of cars that rolled in front of us. Not just your typical cars—I was pretty sure Dustin’s Mustang was the least expensive car in the driveway. I’ve never been around so much money in my life. Dustin tried to ease the tension by revving his motor, making me laugh as the high-class, rich folks sent dirty looks our way. He parked the car himself so as not to let the valet touch his vehicle. He got out, and ran to the other side to open my door. I looked up at him, and I swear all the color must have drained from my face.
“What’s the matter, baby?” Dustin asked looking worried. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”
I swallowed and felt the huge lump in my throat. Here it was. It was about to happen. I looked at Dustin as he smiled at me, and then I looked beyond him at his mother staring at him with a most grim look on her face. She cleared her throat catching Dustin’s attention. There were a ton of people around, and I felt as though there would certainly be a scene.
“Well, I’m so glad you decided to make it, darling.” She shot a glare at me that could have killed me with one look, if I had let her. “Looks like you brought an uninvited guest this evening.”
Dustin’s fists clenched tight as I could tell he was getting angrier at each word she said. I took his hand and rubbed it, trying to calm him down because I knew he had to be even more petrified than me right then.
“She’s my girlfriend, and with that being said, she’s an invited guest if I’m present.” He snapped back at her gritting his words through his teeth. He was surely aggravated, but was still trying to be as polite as possible since we had just arrived. Hell, I was still sitting in the damn car!
His mother turned, and stormed off in the direction of the house. She was not happy, and that was quite evident. Dustin shrugged his shoulders, and helped me out of the car pulling me close to him. Hmm… I could smell the wonderful scent of his body wash.
“Everything is going to be all right. Ok? I promise.” He kissed my lips sweetly, and rubbed my back easing my nerves just a tad.
“Dustin, she just made it clear, again, I’m uninvited. You’re still going to walk in there with me?” I chuckled slightly as it seemed absurd.
He wrapped his arms around me. “Hell, yes, I’m walking in there with you. Screw them! I’m allowed a guest of my choice, not theirs.”
I smiled at the thought of him already sticking up for me, and we hadn’t even made it inside yet. We walked casually up to the front, and we were already getting looks as if we didn’t belong. I wasn’t exactly sure why since I was certain everyone there knew Dustin was the son of the family. We walked into an array of tall white tents that had white lights strung on lines everywhere making it look very elegant. Beautiful white and ivory roses were spread everywhere with baby’s breath for accents. It looked incredible, and I had to give the decorator props because you felt like you were just where you were supposed to be. Dustin introduced me to a few people that were very kind and nice, and didn’t seem to mind that I was there.
We headed to our table to take our seats, as dinner would be served very soon. I saw a girl walking our way with the biggest grin. She wore a very pretty beige dress that looked like it must have cost a fortune. She had brown hair that was curled and left to hang in her bob-like haircut.
“Well, well, well, you made it. I’m glad you came.” She hugged Dustin tightly and didn’t seem to want to let him go. Who the heck was this chick?
Dustin pulled back, and then glared at Carla. “Riley, this is my sister, Carla. Carla, this is Riley—my girlfriend.”
I extended my hand. “Nice to meet you, Carla.” I smiled my best hoping she would accept my warmness.
“Great to meet you too, Riley.” She grinned warmly back at me.
“So, Dustin, Mom knows you brought her here?” She focused her attention back on Dustin as I overheard what she said—I started to rethink the kindness I had thought she had just shown me.
“Carla, back the fuck off. Yeah, she knows. We had a pleasant welcome chat with one another.” He turned, and sat down next to me at the table. A few
other people started to sit around us, and mingle in small talk. I thought I’d just keep quiet, because I wasn’t sure what to say to these types of people, anyway. I thought I should make sure I didn’t say anything wrong. I decided to locate the nearest restroom to make sure I didn’t look as horrible as I felt. I no longer wanted to be there because of how thick the tension was here at this gala.
“I’m going to find the restroom.” I kissed him on the cheek.
“Ok, hurry back, because dinner will be served any minute.” He rubbed my hand as I walked away. He continued to exchange words with Carla as she had continued talking up a storm.
I made my way into the house and found a large bathroom that was about the size of my bedroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, I looked nervous and that was something that I certainly had wanted to avoid. I fanned myself a little bit in front of the mirror, because I didn’t want to pour water on my face and ruin my makeup. Then again, at this point, I didn’t really care. I blotted the sweat that had built up around my neck and forehead with toilet paper. I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. After using the restroom, and freshening up, I picked up my purse from the console table outside the bathroom door. I made my way outside onto the deck. I was about to walk down the stairs when I heard a familiar voice which caused me to stop dead in my tracks.
“You’re a criminal! Leave immediately before I call the police!” A woman yelled as I turned around, and saw Mrs. Boyd running toward me.
“Excuse me?” I looked at her confused as her posse surrounded me.
“My grandmother’s butterfly pin is missing, and I know you have it.”
I couldn’t have been more confused by her accusation. What pin? I didn’t have a pin that belonged to her. Why is she accusing me of having it? This is where it was going to start, and it wasn’t going to go over very well.